Level | Number | Subject |
NOTE | 20 | AR System server terminated when a signal/exception was received by the server. |
NOTE | 21 | AR System server terminated -- fatal error occurred in ARSERVER. |
ARERR | 22 | Failure during open/write to the filter/escalation log file, logging to the log file is suspended. |
NOTE | 23 | Open/write to the filter/escalation log file resumed successfully. |
ARERR | 24 | Failure while trying to run the filter/escalation process. |
ARERR | 25 | Fields in 'set fields' action do not exist in the target form. |
ARERR | 26 | Administrator operations are disabled on this server. |
NOTE | 27 | This COPY of the Action Request System(R) does not have its authorization key set, but is ready for use or evaluation. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative. |
ARERR | 28 | The demo license for this AR Server has expired. Please contact your distributor for license information. |
NOTE | 29 | The AR Server license is a Demo license that expires expirationDate. |
ARERR | 30 | You are already at the limit of the number of fixed user licenses of the following type licenseType. |
NOTE | 31 | The new user was issued a fixed license of the following type: licenseType. |
NOTE | 32 | AR System server terminated normally. |
ARERR | 33 | AR System failed to start a process. Make sure that your system is not low on resources. |
ARERR | 34 | Error while opening the AR System server lock file. |
ARERR | 35 | Another copy of the server is already running on the same RPC socket. |
ARERR | 36 | The database is not the expected version (may need to run upgrade program). |
ARERR | 37 | Error while accessing one of the debug trace files. Debug tracing to the file is disabled. |
ARERR | 38 | Filter/escalation 'set field' process returned an error. The current transaction is rejected. No update to the database occurred. |
ARERR | 39 | Filter/escalation 'set field' process timed out before completion. |
WARNING | 41 | Unrecognized command line argument -- ignoring command line and continuing. |
WARNING | 42 | Server not licensed to run with multiple-RPC sockets -- ignoring setting and continuing. |
ARERR | 43 | Unable to retrieve the menu for character field ''field name''. |
ARERR | 44 | You have exceeded the maximum number of forms allowed under the current server license. |
ARERR | 46 | Message action and Log action in else branch are not supported for escalations. |
WARNING | 47 | Email notification operation timed out before completion. |
ARERR | 48 | Insufficient space for the response to be returned (minimum of 4,096 bytes). |
ARERR | 49 | Internal error: The request ID is invalid. |
WARNING | 50 | You have no permission to this field. |
WARNING | 51 | Field ID specified does not exist in this form. |
WARNING | 52 | The field is a core system field and cannot be changed. |
WARNING | 53 | Administrator access required to get permission information. |
WARNING | 54 | No changes have been specified for the update operation. |
WARNING | 55 | The following item was not imported: item. |
WARNING | 56 | Entry does not exist on form. |
WARNING | 57 | One or more fields in the statistic operation had a NULL value. Those values are excluded from the statistics computation. |
WARNING | 59 | Your login failed, but connected as a guest user. |
WARNING | 60 | You do not have read access to field. |
WARNING | 61 | You do not have read access to this field on this record. |
WARNING | 62 | You do not have access to the requested record. |
WARNING | 63 | One or more values in the statistic operation cannot be retrieved due to permission restrictions. Those values are excluded from the statistics computation. |
WARNING | 64 | The filter/escalation action cannot write to the specified log file -- action created but not logged in the log file. |
WARNING | 65 | Multiple form links are not supported in new filter definition syntax. Only the first link is loaded. |
WARNING | 66 | The query matched more than the maximum number of entries specified for retrieval. |
WARNING | 67 | Not able to open the menu. |
WARNING | 68 | RPC environment variable is out of legal range (390600, 390603, 390619 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). NOTE: The value 390603 and the range 390619 - 390669 are specialty servers and may have restricted functionality. |
WARNING | 69 | Creation of one of the SQL views for the form failed within the SQL database. Form is created successfully, but the SQL view is not in place. |
WARNING | 70 | The character menu referenced by one or more fields in this form does not exist. |
WARNING | 71 | Only the Administrator has access to this active link. |
WARNING | 72 | The query matched more than the maximum number of entries specified by the server. |
WARNING | 73 | A change to the Submitter mode setting does not take effect until AR System is shut down and restarted. It is a pending change until the next restart. |
WARNING | 74 | A duplicate index has been specified -- duplicate was omitted. |
WARNING | 75 | No floating write license tokens are available. Currently accessing the system in read-only mode. License will upgrade when one is available. |
NOTE | 76 | A write token has become available and has been allocated to you -- access has been upgraded to write access. |
WARNING | 77 | No free floating full text license tokens are available. Currently accessing the system without full text search capability. License will upgrade when one is available. |
NOTE | 78 | A full text token has become available and has been allocated to you -- access has been upgraded to allow full text searching. |
WARNING | 79 | Request for unique setting on database index has been ignored for fields of this type. |
WARNING | 80 | Delete field failed -- field contents set to NULL and field renamed. |
WARNING | 81 | The field is a distributed server reserved field that can be updated only by the distributed server process. |
WARNING | 82 | A field with a length greater than 255 bytes cannot be in an index. To prevent an error, the field was removed from the index definition. |
WARNING | 83 | A field with a length greater than 255 bytes cannot be in a result list. To prevent an error, the field was removed from the result list. |
WARNING | 84 | A field with a length greater than 255 bytes cannot be in a sort list. To prevent an error, the field was removed from the sort list. |
WARNING | 85 | You cannot create indexes on a join form. To index a field, define the index on the base form. |
WARNING | 86 | No support for indexing in the flat file database -- index definition is stored but not implemented. |
WARNING | 87 | The flat file server is approaching the maximum file size limit (no submissions are allowed after the limit is reached). |
WARNING | 88 | No support for direct SQL commands in the flat file database. |
WARNING | 89 | No support for join form data calls in the flat file database -- join form definition is stored but cannot be used. |
ARERR | 90 | Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System server. |
ARERR | 91 | RPC call failed. |
ARERR | 92 | Timeout during database update -- the operation has been accepted by the server and will usually complete successfully. |
ARERR | 93 | Timeout during data retrieval due to busy server -- retry the operation. |
ARERR | 94 | Timeout during database query -- consider using more specific search criteria to narrow the results, and retry the operation. |
ARERR | 95 | RPC and sockets initialization failure. |
WARNING | 96 | Capability not supported by this AR System client. |
ARERR | 97 | You can connect to only one unlicensed server in a session -- Connection to the second server is denied. |
ARERR | 98 | The Administrator Commands feature is no longer supported. |
ARERR | 99 | The same AR System Server ID is found on two different servers -- neither will be accessible until one is shut down and tools restarted. |
ARERR | 100 | Required Entry ID is empty. |
ARERR | 101 | Entry ID parameter length is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 102 | Required name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is empty. |
ARERR | 103 | The length of the name parameter (or name field in a parameter) is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 104 | Required Field/Value list item is empty. |
ARERR | 105 | NULL pointer for result list. |
ARERR | 106 | No entry is specified for this statistical operation. |
ARERR | 107 | Type of statistical operation is not specified. |
ARERR | 108 | Field display definition is incorrect. |
ARERR | 109 | Filename is longer than maximum allowed filename. |
ARERR | 110 | Incorrect data type value for this parameter. |
ARERR | 111 | Incorrect data type value for this data type field. |
ARERR | 112 | Character menu definition is empty. |
ARERR | 113 | Name list parameter is empty. |
ARERR | 114 | One or more values in the names list is invalid. |
ARERR | 115 | Operation mask parameter is out of bounds. |
ARERR | 116 | Filter does not have an action defined. |
ARERR | 117 | Command string is empty or longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 118 | Unrecognized or inappropriate value for field option. |
ARERR | 119 | Unrecognized create mode. |
ARERR | 120 | Unsupported datatype in this client. |
ARERR | 121 | Invalid entry in the Entry ID list. |
ARERR | 122 | The value for the list of information to retrieve from the server is empty. |
ARERR | 123 | Unrecognized server information tag. |
ARERR | 124 | One of the items specified in the field or value list contains an error. |
ARERR | 125 | One of the entries specified in the statistics operation list is invalid. |
ARERR | 126 | One of the statistical operation codes is not recognized. |
ARERR | 127 | One of the items in the permission list is invalid. |
ARERR | 128 | One of the permission tags is not recognized. |
ARERR | 129 | Field limit definition is invalid. |
ARERR | 130 | One of the entries in the character menu is invalid. |
ARERR | 131 | One of the character menu type tags is not recognized. |
ARERR | 132 | The list parameter is an empty list. |
ARERR | 133 | The list parameter is an invalid list. |
ARERR | 134 | One of the items specified in the list is invalid. |
ARERR | 135 | One of the filter action codes was not recognized. |
ARERR | 136 | The code specified for the notify mechanism in one of the filter actions is invalid. |
ARERR | 137 | Invalid message type. |
ARERR | 138 | Filter/active link/escalation message number must be greater than 10000. |
ARERR | 139 | Option cannot be changed for a core or reserved field with a fixed options definition. |
ARERR | 140 | The Status field must have a default value. |
ARERR | 141 | The Qualify None option can only be used at the top level of a qualification. |
ARERR | 142 | The tag for one of the nodes in the qualify condition structure is invalid. |
ARERR | 143 | The value portion of a relational operator qualification structure is NULL. |
ARERR | 144 | The tag for the relational operation is invalid. |
ARERR | 145 | The value portion of an arithmetic operator qualification structure is NULL. |
ARERR | 146 | The tag specified for the arithmetic operation is invalid. |
ARERR | 147 | The value portion of a field, value, or arithmetic operation is empty. |
ARERR | 148 | The tag for the type of the field, value, or arithmetic operation is invalid. |
ARERR | 149 | A user name must be supplied in the control record. |
ARERR | 150 | A server name must be supplied in the control record. |
ARERR | 151 | Required form parameter is missing. |
ARERR | 152 | The value specified for the sort list parameter is invalid. |
ARERR | 153 | The specified sort method is invalid on one of the entries in the sort list. |
ARERR | 154 | The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space. |
ARERR | 155 | The buffer for holding the return value is not specified. |
ARERR | 156 | The buffer for holding the input value is not specified. |
ARERR | 157 | Field IDs below 100 are reserved for core fields. |
ARERR | 158 | Entry ID field cannot exceed 10 characters. |
ARERR | 159 | A server name is not supplied. |
ARERR | 160 | Data Decompression has failed. |
ARERR | 161 | The session identifier in the control record is invalid. |
ARERR | 162 | Notify Text is empty or too long. |
ARERR | 163 | The tag for the notify fields is invalid. |
ARERR | 165 | The numItems value for a parameter was not set. |
ARERR | 166 | The data type specified does not match the field's data type. |
ARERR | 167 | The limit specified for the field does not match the field's data type. |
ARERR | 168 | One of the field/value assignments in the set filter/active link/escalation definition is invalid. |
ARERR | 169 | Execution order value is out of range. |
ARERR | 170 | Status history tag is invalid. |
ARERR | 171 | The specified status field value is out of range. |
ARERR | 172 | The required service is not available. |
ARERR | 173 | Language specified in the control record not recognized -- using default on server. |
ARERR | 174 | Display type specified is incompatible for the data type. |
ARERR | 175 | The Number of Rows value of the display parameter is out of range. |
ARERR | 176 | Duplicate name in the selection list. |
ARERR | 177 | Change permission cannot be given to a view-only group. |
ARERR | 178 | Field ID cannot be empty, please provide an field id or enter 0 for the system to assign a value. |
ARERR | 179 | Pattern in a character limit is invalid. |
ARERR | 180 | Specified length for a character type is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 181 | The ID specified for this field is in the reserved field range. |
ARERR | 182 | Too many actions have been specified for this filter/active link/escalation. |
ARERR | 183 | Duplicate group ID was specified in permission list. |
ARERR | 184 | Quotation mark cannot be used in Entry ID field. |
ARERR | 185 | Cannot assign default value to system core or reserved fields (except Entry ID). |
ARERR | 186 | Cannot assign character menu to system core or reserved fields. |
ARERR | 187 | Execute mask parameter is out of bounds. |
ARERR | 188 | On Return or On Menu choice condition does not have a Field specified. |
ARERR | 189 | Active link does not have an action defined. |
ARERR | 190 | Unrecognized active link action type. |
ARERR | 191 | Unrecognized assign type. |
ARERR | 192 | Field/assignment list item is empty. |
ARERR | 193 | One or more fields, or assignment items in the field or assignment list, encountered an error. |
ARERR | 194 | The ARAssignFieldStruct tag for filter/active link/escalation is not recognized. |
ARERR | 195 | Filter/active link/escalation 'set field' definition is missing. |
ARERR | 196 | Macro branch of active link action must include both a name and macro text. |
ARERR | 197 | Unrecognized keyword. |
ARERR | 198 | Cannot use the $DEFAULT$ keyword as a default value or in a qualification. |
ARERR | 199 | Missing name for a macro parameter in the active link action. |
ARERR | 200 | Macro value string is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 201 | Unrecognized or misused tag for field/value definition. |
ARERR | 202 | The name specified for the user to be notified is too long. |
ARERR | 203 | Value list is empty. |
ARERR | 204 | Notify priority is out of range (0 to 10). |
ARERR | 206 | Unrecognized character menu type. |
ARERR | 207 | Unrecognized character menu refresh code. |
ARERR | 208 | Unrecognized character menu file location. |
ARERR | 209 | Filename for a character menu is empty, or too long. |
WARNING | 210 | Total length of all fields in an index is greater than the maximum length allowed. |
ARERR | 211 | Incorrect number of allowed fields is specified in a single index. |
ARERR | 212 | Display list is empty. |
ARERR | 213 | Qualifier parameter is empty -- must be a pointer to memory. |
ARERR | 214 | One of the items in the display list of field definitions is invalid. |
ARERR | 215 | The total length of the results list is greater than the maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 216 | ARServerInfoList is empty. |
ARERR | 217 | Update to Server information associated with this tag is not allowed. |
ARERR | 218 | Server information associated with this tag cannot be viewed. |
ARERR | 219 | Incorrect Server information data type. |
ARERR | 220 | Local variable number is out of range (must be 0 to 10). |
ARERR | 221 | Query value is empty. |
ARERR | 222 | Query contains an error. |
ARERR | 223 | The action tag for multiple match is invalid. |
ARERR | 224 | Cannot index a diary field, an unlimited length field, or a field with a maximum length over 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 225 | Set fields actions in a filter/escalation that reference entries in other forms can only reference forms on the same server. |
ARERR | 226 | Type of field, value, or arithmetic operation is not supported on the GetListEntry operation. |
ARERR | 227 | Unrecognized value for set focus characteristic. |
ARERR | 228 | Unrecognized value for set access option characteristic. |
ARERR | 229 | Function to be performed is not defined. |
ARERR | 230 | The specified function code is invalid. |
ARERR | 231 | Parameter list for a function is empty. |
ARERR | 232 | Incompatible value types in a value list. |
ARERR | 233 | Invalid parameter setting in function definition. |
ARERR | 234 | Value specified for the filter/escalation 'set fields' process timeout exceeds the range of 1 to 60 seconds. |
ARERR | 235 | Invalid user list type. |
ARERR | 236 | License timeout cannot be less than 1 hour. |
ARERR | 237 | Value specified for DDE service name or topic is missing or larger than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 238 | Value for DDE item is larger than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 239 | Invalid DDE action. |
ARERR | 240 | Fields that have lengths over 255 bytes (including diary fields, unlimited length character fields, and the Status History field) cannot be specified as sort fields. |
ARERR | 241 | Fields that have lengths over 255 bytes (including diary fields, unlimited length character fields, and the Status History field) cannot be specified as fields in the list returned by the Get List function. |
ARERR | 242 | The specified field, value, or arithmetic operation type is not supported outside of a filter qualification. |
ARERR | 243 | DDE definition is empty. |
ARERR | 244 | The path to the program field of the DDE active link action is missing or is too large. |
ARERR | 246 | Invalid day format. |
ARERR | 247 | Invalid interval time. |
ARERR | 248 | Invalid day selection. |
ARERR | 249 | Invalid hour format. |
ARERR | 250 | Invalid minute format. |
ARERR | 251 | Invalid value for enabling or disabling a filter/active link/escalation. |
ARERR | 252 | One or more groups in the list of groups for the Subadministrator is not a group defined on this |
WARNING | 253 | One or more groups in the list of groups granted Subadministrator access to a form does not exist. |
ARERR | 254 | Subject line is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 255 | Unrecognized submitter mode. |
ARERR | 256 | Unrecognized server statistics tag. |
ARERR | 257 | A display tag to identify the view is not unique. |
ARERR | 258 | The RPC socket number for the Distributed Server process is not one of the legal values (390600, 390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). |
ARERR | 259 | Unrecognized no match action. |
ARERR | 260 | Unrecognized multiple match action. |
ARERR | 261 | SQL command is empty. |
ARERR | 262 | Field having length over 255 bytes (including diary fields, unlimited length character fields, and the Status History field) cannot be used as fields to group by. |
ARERR | 263 | Unrecognized save login code. |
ARERR | 264 | Server name for a character menu is empty or too long. |
ARERR | 265 | Join or View form definition is empty. |
ARERR | 266 | Invalid join member form name. |
ARERR | 267 | Invalid join form qualification. |
ARERR | 268 | Invalid view form definition. |
ARERR | 269 | Invalid form type in join or view form definition. |
ARERR | 270 | Field mapping is empty. |
ARERR | 271 | A form field is tied to an invalid index. |
ARERR | 272 | The table name identified in the view form definition does not exist. |
ARERR | 273 | Invalid field mapping type. |
ARERR | 274 | After a form (base, join, or view) is created, you cannot change the form type. |
ARERR | 275 | Index not allowed on join form. |
ARERR | 276 | This form cannot be deleted because it is referenced by a join form as a base form with ''No Delete'' flag set. |
ARERR | 277 | The field is referenced by a join form as a base field with No Delete flag set. |
ARERR | 278 | This field is used in a join form qualification and with No Delete flag set. |
ARERR | 279 | Selection Value ID too large. |
ARERR | 280 | AR System entry calls to join forms are not supported in a Flat File database. |
ARERR | 281 | Multiple links cannot be mapped to the same button. |
ARERR | 282 | A default view for this form already exists. |
ARERR | 283 | The specified data type is not supported. |
ARERR | 284 | Escalation does not have an action defined. |
ARERR | 285 | A field referenced in the qualification is not a data field. |
ARERR | 286 | Display Only fields cannot be included in a query to the database. |
ARERR | 287 | Status field must be created before status history field can be created. |
ARERR | 288 | The requested operation is not supported on the server. |
ARERR | 289 | Nested outer join is not supported by Sybase /SQL database. |
ARERR | 290 | Cannot access the join form with this version of the client. |
ARERR | 291 | Message text is empty or too long. |
ARERR | 292 | Invalid item list for entry existence. |
ARERR | 293 | Expected column data missing from multiple entries. |
ARERR | 294 | Requested number of entries exceeds maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 295 | File pointer is NULL or invalid file pointer. |
ARERR | 296 | Invalid support file type. |
ARERR | 297 | Admin released license too recently. |
ARERR | 298 | Too many filters processed during this operation. |
ARERR | 299 | Too many levels in filter processing. |
ARERR | 300 | Insufficient server memory for running this process. |
ARERR | 301 | Error while writing to a file. |
ARERR | 302 | Entry does not exist in database. |
ARERR | 303 | Form does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 304 | Must have Administrative permissions to perform this operation. |
ARERR | 305 | Next available ID length exceeds the Entry ID field length -- contact the Administrator. |
ARERR | 306 | Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field. |
ARERR | 307 | Required field cannot be blank. |
ARERR | 308 | Duplicate field in the field list. |
ARERR | 309 | The entry you are working on was modified by another user after the last time you retrieved it. |
ARERR | 310 | Value has wrong data type for the field. |
ARERR | 311 | Field ID specified is not found on this form. |
ARERR | 312 | Incompatible data types for intended arithmetic operation. |
ARERR | 313 | Incompatible data types for intended relational operation. |
ARERR | 314 | Field does not exist on current form. |
ARERR | 315 | Form/field to delete contains data, please confirm the deletion. |
ARERR | 316 | Failed to create the temporary file. |
ARERR | 317 | Duplicate form name. |
ARERR | 318 | Group does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 319 | Specified field length exceeds the max limit. |
ARERR | 320 | Character menu does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 321 | Too many levels in character menu definition. |
ARERR | 322 | Invalid hierarchy in character menu definition. |
ARERR | 323 | Filter does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 324 | Administrator command does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 325 | Duplicate filter name. |
ARERR | 326 | Required field cannot be blank. |
ARERR | 327 | Incorrect data type for statistical operation. |
ARERR | 328 | Duplicate command name. |
ARERR | 329 | Invalid password or authentication string. |
ARERR | 330 | You do not have write access to this field. |
ARERR | 331 | You do not have write access to this record. |
ARERR | 332 | You do not have write access to the field before the record is saved. |
ARERR | 333 | You have no access to field. |
ARERR | 334 | An AR System reserved field definition cannot be modified. |
ARERR | 335 | Format for an AR System reserved field is invalid. |
ARERR | 336 | Cannot assign a user to the special Submitter (3), Assignee (4), Assignee Group (7), Dynamic, or Computed groups. |
ARERR | 337 | You have reached the maximum number of database entries permitted with this version of the Action Request System(R). To purchase the unrestricted version, contact your sales representative. |
ARERR | 338 | Duplicate Entry ID ''found'', and the current setting is ''Do Not Create New''. |
ARERR | 339 | Incorrect format for a diary field. |
ARERR | 340 | Incorrect format for the status history field. |
ARERR | 341 | Set Fields process failed. |
ARERR | 342 | The AR System directory file could not be opened. |
ARERR | 343 | Invalid filter definition. |
ARERR | 344 | Group type or category conflict between two groups with the same group ID. |
ARERR | 345 | Duplicate active link name. |
ARERR | 346 | Active link does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 347 | You have no access to active link. |
ARERR | 348 | Group definition is empty -- no access to database is possible. |
ARERR | 349 | Cannot delete a core field. |
ARERR | 350 | Attempt to divide by zero (0) in arithmetic operation. |
ARERR | 351 | Cannot specify qualification on password field. |
ARERR | 352 | Notification to special Submitter or Assignee group specified. Reference to the Submitter or Assignee group exists in the referenced Submitter or Assigned-to field. Notification canceled to prevent a potential infinite loop. |
ARERR | 353 | You have no access to form. |
ARERR | 354 | You have no access to administrator command. |
ARERR | 355 | Must be administrator to access the filter. |
ARERR | 356 | Duplicate character menu name. |
ARERR | 357 | Character menu contains too many items on one level (maximum 99). |
ARERR | 358 | Error while accessing a menu file on the server. |
ARERR | 359 | Set/Create/Delete operations to definition are only supported on RPC socket 390600. |
ARERR | 360 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
ARERR | 361 | An unqualified search was issued and the server has been configured to disallow unqualified searches. You must specify some search criteria to perform a search on this form. |
ARERR | 362 | The flat file server has hit the maximum file size limit. No more entries can be created. |
ARERR | 363 | Required field assigned $DEFAULT$ but there is no default value for the field. |
ARERR | 364 | Diary field cannot be set to a NULL value in a filter /escalation. |
ARERR | 366 | Escalation does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 367 | Duplicate escalation name. |
ARERR | 368 | Error in definition for an escalation. |
ARERR | 369 | Must be administrator to access the escalation. |
ARERR | 370 | No form ID for the form. |
ARERR | 371 | You cannot change the value of the Submitter field -- the 'Submitter Mode' of the system is configured to be locked. |
ARERR | 372 | Could not create alert event. |
ARERR | 373 | Must be administrator to access the distributed mapping. |
ARERR | 374 | Distributed mapping does not exist on server. |
ARERR | 375 | Duplicate distributed mapping name. |
ARERR | 376 | Cannot update this entry -- this distributed entry is not the master copy. |
ARERR | 377 | The distributed or application operation specified in the filter Run Process action contains mismatched quotes. |
ARERR | 378 | Must be Distributed Server to perform this operation. |
ARERR | 379 | Problem encountered during creation of one of the distributed forms. |
NOTE | 380 | No item matches filter conditions -- this operation has been defined so that ''No Match'' generates an error. |
NOTE | 381 | Multiple entries match filter conditions -- this operation has been defined so that ''Multiple Matches'' generate an error. |
ARERR | 382 | The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index that has been defined for this form. |
ARERR | 383 | File menu contains too many items on one level (maximum 1000). |
ARERR | 384 | The name specified contains an invalid character. Only printable characters are allowed. |
ARERR | 385 | The same ID was specified several times in a 'multiple' operation API call -- each ID specified for this call must be unique. |
ARERR | 386 | Exception occurred while handling previous exception. |
ARERR | 387 | Updating this entry will violate join condition. |
ARERR | 388 | VUI does not exist for the specified form. |
ARERR | 389 | Duplicate VUI for the form. |
ARERR | 390 | Cannot delete the default VUI for a form -- all forms require at least one VUI. |
ARERR | 391 | Creation of VUI failed. |
ARERR | 392 | Field/VUI name must be unique for the form -- there is already a field or VUI using this name. |
ARERR | 393 | Status-History field cannot be used as labelField or valueField in the query menu. |
ARERR | 394 | AR System is currently in Administrator Only mode. Please retry your operation later. |
ARERR | 395 | The system has timed out while waiting for a process to return a value. |
ARERR | 396 | Support file for the specified object cannot be found. |
ARERR | 397 | Reserved field GroupList exceeds the 4000 character limit. |
ARERR | 398 | Unable to obtain the memory for cache. |
ARERR | 399 | Error in definition for an active link. |
ARERR | 400 | The file specified for a form does not hold a form definition. |
ARERR | 401 | Form definition in the source file is invalid. |
ARERR | 402 | Incorrect format in the definition file. |
ARERR | 403 | The form definition file field count does not match number of fields in the file. |
ARERR | 404 | Field ID is in the core field range but is not a defined core field. |
ARERR | 405 | A core definition from the definition file is incorrect. |
ARERR | 406 | One of the core fields is missing from the form file definition. |
ARERR | 407 | Duplicate field/VUI ID in the form definition. |
ARERR | 408 | Selection data type requires a selection specification. |
ARERR | 409 | No definition is in the file. |
ARERR | 410 | The filter definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 411 | The command definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 412 | The import file is in an incorrect format. |
ARERR | 413 | The Active link definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 414 | The character menu definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 415 | The escalation definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 416 | The distributed mapping definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 417 | The group name is not a defined group. |
ARERR | 418 | Incomplete join form definition. |
ARERR | 419 | Incomplete view form definition. |
ARERR | 420 | Invalid field type. |
ARERR | 421 | Incomplete field mapping definition. |
ARERR | 422 | Unrecognized escalation action type. |
ARERR | 423 | The container definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 424 | Push fields actions that affect entries in other forms can only affect forms on the same server in a filter/escalation. |
ARERR | 429 | The VUI definition can not be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 430 | Field ID exceeds the maximum allowed value. |
ARERR | 431 | Field of this type cannot be included in a multi-column index. |
ARERR | 432 | Currency field has too many functional currencies to allow indexing. |
ARERR | 433 | Not a lock block definition. |
ARERR | 434 | An invalid or a corrupt lock block definition was skipped. |
ARERR | 435 | Administrative operations must be enabled before you can modify this server setting. |
ARERR | 436 | Invalid format for server information setting. |
ARERR | 437 | The form data definition cannot be found in the specified file. |
ARERR | 438 | Cache reload failure. |
ARERR | 439 | Error changing field column length; make sure no existing data in the field exceeds the requested length before retrying. |
ARERR | 441 | Invalid array index, out of range. |
ARERR | 442 | The required API input argument is empty. |
ARERR | 444 | Could not resolve the JNI class. |
ARERR | 445 | Could not resolve the JNI method. |
ARERR | 446 | Changing the field option of the field is not allowed. |
ARERR | 447 | Server information associated with this tag has an invalid value. |
ARERR | 448 | File size limit exceeded. |
WARNING | 450 | Cannot find the report definition file. The operation will continue without the file identified. |
WARNING | 451 | Report definition file failed to load into server. The operation will continue without this file. |
ARERR | 460 | Audit Configuration information cannot be found in the ar.conf/ar.cfg file. |
ARERR | 461 | The AR Server version does not match the Lite license AR Server version included with the licensed application. |
ARERR | 462 | The form is not a member of a Lite licensed application. |
ARERR | 463 | Cannot create a form in a Lite licensed AR Server. |
ARERR | 464 | Cannot change the form name in a Lite licensed AR Server. |
ARERR | 465 | Cannot change the form mapping criteria in a Lite licensed AR Server. |
ARERR | 466 | Invalid or pre 6.0 AR Server license file. |
ARERR | 467 | AR Server license import option can only be 0 or 1. |
ARERR | 468 | Error reading license cache table. |
WARNING | 469 | Warning, this key is not valid for this server. |
ARERR | 470 | User Cache utilities are disabled. |
WARNING | 474 | No licenses in supplied file. |
ARERR | 475 | Too few arguments specified for upgrade program. |
ARERR | 476 | Too many arguments specified for upgrade program. |
ARERR | 477 | Oracle 8.0 is no longer supported by upgrade. |
ARERR | 478 | This 6.3 Unicode database is not yet ready for upgrade. Please contact Customer Service for details on how to prepare your database before attempting an upgrade to a 7.0 Unicode database. |
WARNING | 479 | The temporary column control.unicode63handled, created for upgrading the 6.3 Unicode database to a 7.0 database, could not be deleted. Please delete this column manually. |
ARERR | 480 | Status History field is not supported on View forms. |
ARERR | 481 | Requested database table not found. Please check the spelling (table name is case-sensitive). |
ARERR | 482 | This View Form contains empty Request IDs. Make sure that the key field is set to a non-null, unique column to avoid data corruption. |
NOTE | 483 | Please restart the AR System Server for the changes to take effect. |
ARERR | 485 | The reservedIdOKList parameter in the ARCreateMultipleFields() API function is blank. This parameter must be either ''Yes'' or ''No'' or ''1'' or ''0''. |
ARERR | 486 | The list parameter does not have the same item count as in the Field ID list. |
ARERR | 487 | Set field status list cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 488 | Field creation error occurred at the indicated list position. |
ARERR | 489 | At least one set field failed in a multi-field operation. |
ARERR | 490 | Invalid preference server option, out of range. |
ARERR | 500 | Failure while trying to open the flat file database data file (check Server-directory setting). |
ARERR | 501 | The specified flat file database file is not a valid data file. |
ARERR | 502 | Flat file database format error. |
ARERR | 503 | Failure during write to flat file database data file. |
ARERR | 504 | Missing or invalid form definition file. |
ARERR | 505 | Error encountered with the flat file database form file (schema.ar). |
ARERR | 506 | Error encountered with the flat file database definition file (xxx.def). |
ARERR | 507 | Error encountered with the flat file database data file (xxx.db). |
ARERR | 508 | Error encountered with the flat file database filter file (filter.ar). |
ARERR | 510 | Error encountered with the flat file database user cache file (user.ar). |
ARERR | 511 | Error encountered with the flat file database group cache file (group.ar). |
ARERR | 512 | Error encountered with the flat file database active link file (actlink.ar). |
ARERR | 513 | Flat file database data record overflow. |
ARERR | 514 | Contents of the Status-History field in the flat file database are missing or invalid. |
ARERR | 515 | Error encountered with the flat file database character menu file (charmenu.ar). |
ARERR | 516 | Error encountered with the flat file database escalation file (escl.ar). |
ARERR | 517 | Error encountered with the flat file database support file (supfile.ar). |
ARERR | 518 | Error encountered with the flat file database support detail file. |
ARERR | 520 | Error encountered with the flat file database attachment BLOB file. |
ARERR | 521 | Error encountered with the flat file database attachment BLOB file index. |
ARERR | 522 | Error encountered with the flat file database alert user file (alertusr.ar). |
ARERR | 523 | Error encountered with the flat file database alert time file (alerttim.ar). |
ARERR | 524 | This operation encountered an error and the transaction has been rolled back. |
ARERR | 550 | Unable to connect to the SQL database. Please ensure the SQL database is running or contact the Database Administrator for help. |
ARERR | 551 | Unable to connect to the SQL database. |
ARERR | 552 | The SQL database operation failed. |
ARERR | 553 | Operation requested is too large for a single SQL command. |
ARERR | 554 | The Control record for the data dictionary in the database is missing. |
ARERR | 555 | One or more selection values are missing from the data dictionary in the database. |
ARERR | 556 | Missing data in the SQL database. |
ARERR | 557 | More data was found in the database than was expected. |
ARERR | 558 | Form or field definition is missing. |
ARERR | 559 | Character string exceeds maximum size allowed. |
ARERR | 560 | Multiple actions have the same internal index (likely data corruption). |
ARERR | 561 | The underlying database does not support qualifications on fields with a length over 4000 bytes for Oracle or 255 bytes for all other databases. |
ARERR | 562 | Help text or change diary definition is missing. |
ARERR | 563 | % cannot be used to search for entries in SQL database. |
ARERR | 564 | Field references on the right side of the LIKE operation is not supported by SQL database. |
ARERR | 565 | The requested value is beyond the number of values returned. |
ARERR | 566 | Requested record is locked by another user. Please retry. |
ARERR | 567 | Failed to connect to database after multiple attempts. |
ARERR | 569 | The number of database records affected by a SQL statement was not available from the database. |
ARERR | 570 | Incorrect format in the SQL command. |
NOTE | 590 | SQL database is not available -- will retry connection. |
NOTE | 591 | SQL database is still not available -- continuing to attempt connection. |
NOTE | 592 | SQL database is now available. |
ARERR | 600 | Error while opening/reading from AR System directory file. |
ARERR | 601 | Unrecognized command line option. |
ARERR | 602 | Cannot specify both -G and -U and cannot specify either more than once. |
ARERR | 603 | Must specify one or both of the options -u and/or -g. |
ARERR | 604 | Must specify the operation to be performed (-G or -U). |
ARERR | 605 | One or more of the command line options is not appropriate for operation. |
ARERR | 607 | An option required for the operation is missing. |
ARERR | 608 | A required value for the command line option is missing. |
ARERR | 609 | Invalid tag for Group or User operation. |
ARERR | 610 | Error while accessing server cache file (server.ar). |
ARERR | 611 | Dynamic group cannot be in a computed group definition. |
ARERR | 612 | No such user is registered with this server. |
ARERR | 613 | Group type can only be 1 (view) or 2 (change). |
ARERR | 614 | License type can only be 0 (none), 1 (fixed), or 2 (floating). |
ARERR | 615 | No such user exists. |
ARERR | 616 | The specified Group ID is invalid for this group type. |
ARERR | 617 | Computed group includes circular reference. |
ARERR | 618 | The syntax of the computed group qualification is incorrect. |
ARERR | 619 | Computed group list contains invalid information. |
ARERR | 620 | Two forms contain the same open license tag -- ignored for both forms. |
ARERR | 621 | Problem processing the license tag file -- license tag file ignored. |
ARERR | 622 | Problem while preparing open write licensing -- open write licensing may be incomplete. |
ARERR | 623 | Authentication failed. |
ARERR | 624 | User account locked out due to too many bad password attempts. |
WARNING | 625 | Date in the holiday list is invalid. |
WARNING | 626 | Time in the workday definition is invalid. |
ARERR | 635 | The reserved holiday fields exist on multiple forms. They are only allowed to exist on one form. |
ARERR | 636 | No Holiday form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 637 | No holiday definition exists with the specified tag. |
ARERR | 638 | Two forms contain all the reserved workday fields -- delete one to continue. |
ARERR | 639 | No Workday form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 640 | No workday definition exists with the specified tag. |
ARERR | 641 | Open hours must be included in the workday schedule definition. |
ARERR | 642 | The reserved Time Segment fields exist on multiple forms. They are only allowed to exist on one form. |
ARERR | 643 | No Time Segment form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 644 | The specified Time Segment does not exist in the Business Time Segment form. |
ARERR | 645 | The level specified has to be from 1 to 1000. |
ARERR | 646 | The reserved Segment-Entity Association fields exist on multiple forms. They are only allowed on one form. |
ARERR | 647 | No Business Time Segment-Entity Association form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 648 | Level 1 Time Segments must be 'Available' and Level 2 must be 'Unavailable.' |
ARERR | 649 | Recurrence Start Time must be less than Recurrence End Time. |
ARERR | 651 | ARFullTextInfoList structure is empty. |
ARERR | 652 | The Full text information data for this tag has an incompatible data type or the value is out of range. |
ARERR | 653 | Full text information data for this tag is invalid. |
ARERR | 654 | Unrecognized full text information tag. |
ARERR | 655 | ARFullTextInfoRequestList list is empty. |
ARERR | 656 | Unable to connect to the full text database. |
ARERR | 657 | Unable to complete the full text search operation. |
ARERR | 658 | Failed to read full text documents. |
ARERR | 659 | An error has occurred while opening the ''Ignore Word'' file. |
ARERR | 660 | An error occurred while updating the ''Ignore Word'' file. |
ARERR | 661 | Unable to change the full text index directory. |
ARERR | 662 | Operation requested is too large for a single full text search command. |
ARERR | 663 | Full text search cannot be done on a field that is not a character, diary, or attachment field. |
ARERR | 665 | This server does not have a Full Text Search license. |
ARERR | 666 | Full text operations are disabled -- turn on full text operations and retry your operation. |
ARERR | 667 | Full text operations are enabled -- turn off full text operations and retry your operation. |
ARERR | 668 | Invalid full text search query. |
ARERR | 669 | The Destination full text index directory already exists. |
WARNING | 670 | The full text search index on this field is being created but may take some time to finish. Default search is used for now. |
ARERR | 671 | The indexer for running the Full Text Search indexing cannot be found. |
ARERR | 672 | Status History field cannot be indexed for Full Text Search. |
WARNING | 673 | The query compares two fields that involve full text indexed fields. The full text search capability does not support comparing two fields. The comparison will be made using the functionality of the database. |
ARERR | 674 | The search query matched too many words in the FTS dictionary. |
ARERR | 675 | FTS home directory can only be set by the installer, and not by using arsetfulltextinfo API call. |
ARERR | 677 | License type can only be 0 (none), 1 (fixed), 2 (floating), or 3 (restricted read). |
ARERR | 678 | Full text indexing is disabled -- turn on full text indexing and retry your operation. |
ARERR | 679 | Form based search is not allowed without a full text license or while full text searching is disabled. |
ARERR | 680 | Full Text Search User Licenses are available but the Full Text Search engine is not installed or installed incorrectly. |
ARERR | 681 | Due to the field length change, the corresponding full text index is being rebuilt. |
WARNING | 682 | Full text search service not available; a database search was performed. |
WARNING | 683 | Full text search is disabled because it is not configured properly; a database search will be performed. |
WARNING | 685 | FTS Plugin is not available -- will retry connection. |
WARNING | 686 | A re-indexing will be performed for each full text indexed field on the form at the specified time(s) in place of an update scan due to the absence of a last modified time field (field ID 6) on the form. |
ARERR | 687 | Table field cannot be indexed for multi-form search because the qualification contains an external qualifier and/or display-only fields. |
ARERR | 688 | Only one form can contain the Multi-Form Search fields |
WARNING | 689 | At least one field in the forms being searched is in the process of being indexed which may effect the search results |
ARERR | 690 | No search term specified in the AR System Multi-Form Search form. |
ARERR | 691 | Either the Form List is empty or forms do not have any FTS fields in the AR System Multi-Form Search form. |
ARERR | 692 | Full text license is required for Multi-form search feature. |
ARERR | 693 | Update operation is not allowed on AR System Multi-Form Search form. |
ARERR | 694 | The AR System Multi-Form Search form cannot be used for the specified operation. |
ARERR | 695 | Full Text MFS Category Name property can only be specified for a Character field. |
ARERR | 696 | The field needs to have public permissions to be a full text Multi-Form Search Category or Title field. |
ARERR | 697 | You can only use the Full Text Indexed fields as the Weighted relevancy fields for Multi-Form Search on a form. |
ARERR | 698 | Full Text MFS Category Name must be unique on a form -- there is already a field using this name. |
ARERR | 699 | Full text search attributes cannot be specified for multi-form search system form |
ARERR | 700 | The system failed to connect to the network management platform. |
ARERR | 701 | The system failed to connect to the event dispatcher of the network management platform. |
ARERR | 702 | The system encountered an error during a call to allocate memory space. |
ARERR | 703 | Cannot open the configuration file. |
ARERR | 704 | Unable to confirm whether the configuration file was updated successfully. |
ARERR | 705 | The format of one or more lines in the configuration file is unrecognizable. |
ARERR | 706 | The configuration specified more fields than the maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 707 | Unrecognized command line option. |
ARERR | 708 | An expected value is missing from the command line option. |
ARERR | 709 | The arxxxd process lost connection to the trapd process for the network management platform. |
ARERR | 750 | Changes to your event/trap mappings will be lost if you exit. |
ARERR | 751 | The configuration file has been changed by another user since you retrieved it. |
ARERR | 752 | The specified user does not exist on this server. |
ARERR | 753 | The length of all data being mapped caused an overflow of the definition in the mapping file. |
ARERR | 754 | Changes on this screen will be lost if you continue. |
ARERR | 758 | You have not opened the file defined in this window -- the file will not be opened if you continue. |
ARERR | 759 | You have not saved your changes -- They will be lost if you exit. |
ARERR | 760 | Out of memory. |
ARERR | 761 | Cannot connect to any AR System server. |
ARERR | 763 | Cannot successfully connect to any server as special Network Management user. |
ARERR | 764 | Invalid password. |
ARERR | 765 | Cannot open the network management configuration file. |
ARERR | 766 | Cannot access the indicated file. |
ARERR | 767 | Must supply a target form for the mapping. |
ARERR | 768 | Failure while writing to the file. |
ARERR | 769 | Failure while building set fields screen. |
ARERR | 770 | You have entered a non-digit character for a numeric field. |
ARERR | 771 | You have entered an illegal real number for a real number field. |
ARERR | 772 | Specified selection value is not one of the legal selection values. Either specify a legal value or change the specified value to a legal value. |
ARERR | 775 | An error occurred while the system tried to map an SNMP varbind variable. Verify the syntax specified in the mapping, and correct it as needed. |
ARERR | 791 | Cannot open the SunNetª Manager configuration file. |
ARERR | 792 | Failure while writing to the definition file. |
ARERR | 793 | Failure while trying to create a backup file -- operation continuing. |
ARERR | 794 | Values are required for both the label and command. |
ARERR | 795 | Quotation mark cannot be used in the label due to SunNet Manager syntax. |
ARERR | 796 | Quotation mark cannot be used in the command line due to SunNet Manager syntax. |
ARERR | 797 | One of the mappings is wrong. |
NOTE | 800 | AR System TC server terminated by the server. |
NOTE | 801 | AR System TC server terminated -- fatal error encountered. |
NOTE | 802 | AR System server terminated unexpectedly -- restarting. |
NOTE | 803 | AR System server terminated unexpectedly -- restarting. |
NOTE | 804 | AR System TC server restarting. |
ARERR | 840 | Error while opening the AR System TC server lock file. |
ARERR | 841 | Another copy of the TC server is already running. |
ARERR | 842 | Not enough memory to process the call from the client. |
ARERR | 843 | Unable to launch the child process. |
ARERR | 844 | Unable to launch the child process. |
ARERR | 845 | Unable to start this server after 4 tries within 30 seconds -- abandoning attempt. |
ARERR | 846 | Exception occurred while handling previous exception. |
ARERR | 847 | A failure occurred while the system tried to wait for a status change. |
ARERR | 848 | Unable to start any servers -- TC server will be shut down. |
ARERR | 849 | Unable to create the pipe. |
ARERR | 850 | Unable to open the pipe. |
ARERR | 851 | Unable to read from the pipe. |
ARERR | 855 | Failed to lock arservftd process, it is held by another process. |
ARERR | 856 | Pending list lock file does not exist. |
ARERR | 857 | Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure of opening the pending list indexing file. |
ARERR | 858 | Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure of writing to the pending list indexing file. |
ARERR | 859 | Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure of locating the record associated with the updated field. |
ARERR | 860 | Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure to truncate the file holding the indexing pending list. |
ARERR | 861 | Failed to delete unneeded entries while reindexing the pending list. |
ARERR | 862 | Too few arguments for the full text indexer process. |
ARERR | 863 | Too many arguments for the full text indexer process. |
ARERR | 864 | Invalid action for full text index process. |
ARERR | 865 | Full text indexer process terminated by user or a system error. |
ARERR | 866 | Another instance of the full text indexer process is already running. |
ARERR | 867 | A form ID or name, a field ID, and a Request ID are all required for this operation. One or more of these values is missing. |
ARERR | 868 | Too many arguments specified for the ''optimize'' argument. |
ARERR | 869 | Too many arguments specified for the ''retry'' argument. |
ARERR | 874 | A required parameter is null or invalid. |
ARERR | 875 | FTS Service could not complete the requested operation. |
ARERR | 881 | Image definition is missing. |
ARERR | 882 | The specified image could not be found. |
ARERR | 883 | Duplicate image name. |
ARERR | 884 | No image specified. |
ARERR | 885 | No image type specified. |
ARERR | 897 | Maximum number of client transactions already in use. |
ARERR | 898 | Transaction handle supplied is invalid. |
ARERR | 899 | Can not begin transaction because a transaction is already open. |
NOTE | 950 | AR System error. |
ARERR | 951 | The submitted mail message did not contain a form name. |
ARERR | 952 | The submitted mail message did not contain a body providing details for the new entry. |
ARERR | 953 | The submitted mail message had a format that was not recognized. |
ARERR | 954 | The proper format for this command is: armaild [-f filename] [-n number-of-intervals] [-d]. |
ARERR | 955 | Missing value for command line parameter. |
ARERR | 956 | Failure while accessing mail configuration file. |
ARERR | 957 | The submitted mail message specified a form that does not match the required form. |
ARERR | 958 | The submitted mail message specified a server that does not match the required server. |
ARERR | 959 | The server specified for this message is not a recognized server -- access was attempted but no server was found. |
NOTE | 960 | AR System New Entry. |
NOTE | 961 | Your submission was accepted by the AR System. ID for the new entry is requestID. |
NOTE | 962 | AR System Query Response. |
NOTE | 963 | Your query request was accepted by the AR System. |
ARERR | 964 | ''armail'' failed when trying to log in to the mail system. |
ARERR | 965 | The ''armail'' address specified is a duplicate within the mail system. |
ARERR | 966 | ''armail'' could not read a mail message from the mail system. |
ARERR | 967 | ''armail'' could not log off from the mail system. |
ARERR | 968 | Invalid ''send to'' address. |
NOTE | 969 | --- AR Query Response ---. |
NOTE | 970 | There are number matches to your query request. |
WARNING | 971 | Your query matched more than the configured maximum: number. The maximum number of allowable matches are returned. |
WARNING | 972 | Your query has no matches. |
WARNING | 973 | You don't have permission to the data on the results list. |
ARERR | 980 | Required currency value not specified. |
ARERR | 981 | Required currency code not specified. |
ARERR | 982 | Bad currency value. |
ARERR | 983 | No common functional currency was found when currency constants were compared with functional currency data. |
ARERR | 984 | No Currency Code form exists. |
ARERR | 985 | No active Currency Code found on the Currency Code form. |
ARERR | 986 | Currency fields cannot be used for grouping. |
ARERR | 987 | Currency fields not allowed for grouping. |
ARERR | 988 | Currency part must be specified to use currency field in this context. |
ARERR | 989 | Cannot create or modify a currency field without specifying at least one functional currency. |
ARERR | 998 | Unable to free shared or exclusive lock on user cache hash list. |
ARERR | 999 | Unable to free shared or exclusive lock. |
ARERR | 1000 | You cannot allocate memory on startup. |
ARERR | 1001 | The -e and -i options require a macro name. |
ARERR | 1002 | The -p option requires a substitution parameter and a value. |
ARERR | 1003 | The format for the -p option is -p name = value. |
ARERR | 1004 | Unrecognized command line option. |
ARERR | 1005 | Parameters can be specified only if you specify a macro first. |
ARERR | 1006 | You cannot read the configuration file - ARHOME variable may be set incorrectly. |
ARERR | 1007 | You cannot connect to the X server. |
ARERR | 1008 | The macro name in a parameter is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 1009 | Two startup macros have been specified. |
ARERR | 1010 | No servers are defined for the AR System in the directory file. |
ARERR | 1011 | Two directories for startup macros have been specified. |
ARERR | 1012 | The -d option requires a directory name. |
ARERR | 1013 | The directory name in a parameter is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 1014 | A directory can be specified only if you specify a macro. |
ARERR | 1015 | The -x option requires a server name. |
ARERR | 1016 | The server name in a parameter is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 1017 | Server is not compatible with AR System Alert. |
ARERR | 1067 | The process terminated unexpectedly. |
NOTE | 1100 | Request requestID was successfully created. |
NOTE | 1101 | The preceding message occurred during the execution of active link activeLink -- action action. |
NOTE | 1102 | Additional errors were truncated. |
NOTE | 1103 | Attachments for the report are exported under directoryName. Include this directory in the export file if you choose to import the data. |
WARNING | 1200 | No matching requests (or no permission to requests) for qualification criteria. |
WARNING | 1201 | New text is longer than the maximum allowed length - truncating to fit. |
WARNING | 1202 | A recording operation is in progress -- your current recording will be lost if you exit. |
WARNING | 1203 | This record has been updated by another user since you retrieved it. Saving your changes will overwrite the changes made by that user. Do you want to save your changes? |
WARNING | 1204 | Partial selections will become full selections on playback. |
WARNING | 1205 | New fields added or made accessible by administrator - added as hidden fields to local view file. |
WARNING | 1207 | A recording operation is in progress -- current recording will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 1208 | You have not saved changes on this screen -- they will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 1209 | You have not saved changes on this screen -- they will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 1210 | You have not saved changes on the properties screen -- they will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 1211 | You have not saved changes on a diary or text edit window -- they will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 1212 | Query window is now connected to a different form -- continuing will change the current form. |
WARNING | 1213 | Multiple entries match qualification criteria -- Information pulled from first matching entry. |
WARNING | 1214 | Macro recording is active -- operation recorded but no database operation performed. |
WARNING | 1215 | Server cannot set to the client locale. Locale-sensitive operation done on the server may not conform to the client's locale convention. |
WARNING | 1216 | This operation will modify number entries. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 1217 | You have not saved changes on a diary or text edit window - the changes will not be included in the current save action if you continue. |
WARNING | 1219 | You have not saved changes on the exploded help window -- they will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 1220 | You have not saved changes on the exploded help window -- they will not be included in the current operation if you continue. |
WARNING | 1221 | The specified file already exists. |
WARNING | 1222 | Unable to find help for the specified field. |
WARNING | 1223 | Duplicate name for macro. Do you want to overwrite the existing macro? |
WARNING | 1224 | Duplicate name for custom report. Do you want to overwrite the existing custom report? |
WARNING | 1225 | Duplicate name for user command. Do you want to overwrite the existing user command? |
WARNING | 1226 | Exit User Tool? |
WARNING | 1227 | Failure trying to expand the character menu. |
WARNING | 1228 | The selected macro definition will be deleted. |
WARNING | 1229 | The selected custom report definition will be deleted. |
WARNING | 1230 | The selected user command definition will be deleted. |
WARNING | 1232 | Macro recording is active -- modifications will be made to the entry but will not be recorded in the macro. |
WARNING | 1233 | Your disk drive is almost full. Please remove unwanted files. |
WARNING | 1234 | Help text is too long; only first 32,000 characters are shown here. |
WARNING | 1235 | Text field is too long; only first 2,000,000 characters are shown here. If you change this request, it will damage the record. |
WARNING | 1236 | Your window resources are low; close unwanted windows or applications. |
WARNING | 1237 | File will be saved in Report File format. Default file extension is *.rep if none specified. |
WARNING | 1239 | Duplicate macro name. |
WARNING | 1240 | The customized view for this form has been updated to AR System 3.0 format. Because of version translation limitations, you may need to reposition some buttons by using the Customize View function. |
WARNING | 1241 | The administrator has updated this form on an AR System 2.1 server. Your customized view cannot be updated using this tool. If you continue, you may encounter some problems. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 1242 | You can continue with out-of-date customized view files, or they can be reloaded from the server. Do you want to reload the form from the server? If you click Continue, you will lose your customized view. |
WARNING | 1243 | You cannot translate the group name in the Group List or Assignee Group field. |
WARNING | 1244 | There was a problem expanding the EXTERNAL qualification. |
WARNING | 1300 | Error while processing selected entries. Continue processing, suppressing further errors or cancel the operation. |
ARERR | 1301 | No such form exists - make a selection from the list. |
ARERR | 1400 | The workflow logging file specified in the logging options dialog cannot be opened. |
ARERR | 1401 | You cannot open view file. |
ARERR | 1402 | You cannot open definition file. |
ARERR | 1404 | You cannot open default file. |
ARERR | 1405 | You cannot open configuration file. |
ARERR | 1406 | You cannot open the specified file. |
ARERR | 1407 | You cannot open a temporary file. |
ARERR | 1408 | You cannot read from the specified file. |
ARERR | 1409 | You cannot write to the specified file. |
ARERR | 1411 | You cannot write to the definition file. |
ARERR | 1412 | You cannot write to the view file. |
ARERR | 1413 | You cannot write to the default file. |
ARERR | 1414 | You cannot reset user view. |
ARERR | 1415 | You cannot restore previous view. |
ARERR | 1416 | You cannot make backup view. |
ARERR | 1417 | You cannot open support data or cache file. |
ARERR | 1418 | You cannot write to the specified support data or cache file. |
ARERR | 1450 | Fork operation failed. |
ARERR | 1451 | Failure occurred while trying to run a process to load a field value. |
ARERR | 1500 | Out of memory. |
ARERR | 1501 | You cannot record operation: operationType. |
ARERR | 1502 | Only integer data types can be displayed by using numeric text (defaulting to text field type). |
ARERR | 1503 | Only selection data types can be displayed using checkboxes (defaulting to text). |
ARERR | 1504 | Only selection data types can be displayed using exclusive choice boxes (defaulting to text). |
ARERR | 1505 | Unrecognized field type (defaulting to text). |
ARERR | 1506 | Cannot create new field. |
ARERR | 1507 | View file format error: invalid form name. |
ARERR | 1508 | View file format error: missing form name. |
ARERR | 1509 | View file format error: field clause. |
ARERR | 1510 | View file format error: field definition. |
ARERR | 1511 | View file format error: invalid form or active link end. |
ARERR | 1512 | View file format error: begin active link. |
ARERR | 1513 | View file format error: active link definition. |
ARERR | 1515 | Definition file format error: invalid form name. |
ARERR | 1516 | Definition file format error: missing form name. |
ARERR | 1517 | Definition file format error: field clause. |
ARERR | 1518 | Definition file format error: field definition. |
ARERR | 1519 | Definition file format error: character menus. |
ARERR | 1520 | Definition file format error: invalid form or active link end. |
ARERR | 1521 | Definition file format error: begin active link. |
ARERR | 1522 | Definition file format error: active link. |
ARERR | 1524 | Unrecognized selection value. |
ARERR | 1525 | Total number of lines between margins less than minimum of five. |
ARERR | 1526 | Total number of characters per line between margins less than minimum of 40. |
ARERR | 1527 | Total number of characters per line including margins is greater than maximum of 4096. |
ARERR | 1528 | Column headers will not fit within the space defined between top and bottom margins - total number of lines increased to the following value. |
ARERR | 1529 | Status field is not accessible - cannot display Status History. |
ARERR | 1530 | Update of custom operation failed. |
ARERR | 1531 | X, Y, or both, coordinates are out of range. |
ARERR | 1533 | Cannot format diary entry. |
ARERR | 1534 | Must specify a user name. |
ARERR | 1535 | Cannot query servers. |
ARERR | 1536 | Supply a name for your macro or custom report. |
ARERR | 1539 | You cannot specify a COUNT operation with a column layout without specifying a field name. |
ARERR | 1540 | Attempt to create macro or custom report failed - file system error. |
ARERR | 1541 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a date/time field. The format of the time value is not recognized. |
ARERR | 1543 | A field name is required for all operations except COUNT. |
ARERR | 1544 | Value specified for field name not numeric or not a field. |
ARERR | 1545 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. |
ARERR | 1546 | You entered a nondigit character for a numeric field. |
ARERR | 1547 | You entered a value for a numeric field that is either smaller than the minimum size allowed or larger than the maximum size allowed. |
ARERR | 1548 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a decimal field. |
ARERR | 1549 | Modify All operation failed during operation on request with ID number. |
ARERR | 1550 | No macros are defined. |
ARERR | 1553 | You cannot locate the selected command. |
ARERR | 1555 | Enter a command name. |
ARERR | 1557 | Enter a command string to execute. |
ARERR | 1558 | Cannot create user command - file system error. |
ARERR | 1559 | Error in macro or custom report. |
ARERR | 1562 | Second part of report operation missing or invalid. |
ARERR | 1563 | Enter a directory to store the command in. |
ARERR | 1565 | Second part of statistics operation missing or invalid. |
ARERR | 1566 | No custom report formats are defined. |
ARERR | 1567 | Unrecognized operation detected while loading a custom report format. |
ARERR | 1569 | Empty macro definition. |
ARERR | 1572 | You cannot create new item. |
ARERR | 1574 | Filename is longer than maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 1579 | You cannot use a selection value name in Status History - you do not have access to the Status field. |
ARERR | 1580 | Missing closing quotation mark on a character string or name. |
ARERR | 1581 | Unexpected character at this location in the search line. |
ARERR | 1582 | Logical operator expected at this position. |
ARERR | 1583 | Relational operator expected at this position. |
ARERR | 1584 | Field or value expected at this position. |
ARERR | 1585 | Too many nested levels of parentheses in command. |
ARERR | 1586 | Closing parenthesis expected at this position. |
ARERR | 1587 | Unknown field referenced in search line. |
ARERR | 1588 | Value specified for selection is not one of the defined values for this field. |
ARERR | 1589 | Format for status history reference is invalid. |
ARERR | 1590 | Format of date or time value is not recognized. |
ARERR | 1592 | You cannot translate the group name in the Group List or Assignee Group field. |
ARERR | 1593 | Must specify a filename. |
ARERR | 1594 | Unrecognized import file type. |
ARERR | 1595 | Format of contents of import file inconsistent with format type. |
ARERR | 1596 | Import operation terminated on data row. |
ARERR | 1597 | Import operation failed (but continuing) on data row. |
ARERR | 1598 | This application cannot customize the views of AR System forms created with versions prior to 3.0. Such views can be customized by using previous versions of this application. |
ARERR | 1600 | Overflow while expanding active link process (maximum expanded command is 4096 bytes). |
ARERR | 1601 | Overflow while expanding active link macro parameter (maximum expanded parameter is 4096 bytes). |
ARERR | 1602 | No item matches active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that no match generates an error. |
ARERR | 1603 | Set fields active link running a process failed. |
ARERR | 1604 | Active link attempting to set nonexistent menu - resetting to the default menu. |
ARERR | 1605 | Active link trying to set nonexistent field. |
ARERR | 1606 | No user commands are defined. |
ARERR | 1607 | No administrator commands are defined. |
ARERR | 1608 | Value exceeded report maximum length. |
ARERR | 1609 | The statistic operation is too complex - it references more than 50 distinct fields. |
ARERR | 1610 | You must set the environment variable ARHELP to point to the help directory. This is usually the directory named help under the AR System install directory. |
ARERR | 1611 | Found more entries than expected during workflow processing. |
ARERR | 1612 | Source used in Push Fields active link not allowed: PROCESS, DDE, or SQL. |
ARERR | 1613 | An internal error has occurred during workflow processing. |
ARERR | 1614 | Pick List was cancelled - Set Field active link has failed. |
ARERR | 1620 | Cannot find this macro name in macro list. |
ARERR | 1621 | Not all entries are displayed in the selection list. |
ARERR | 1622 | An error occurred while updating the server. View has not been saved. |
ARERR | 1623 | Unable to Export View. |
ARERR | 1624 | Cannot access the active link debug file. |
ARERR | 1625 | Reporting to an external report writer is supported on the Windows platform only. |
ARERR | 1626 | Cannot generate a report to file or to application when using an external report writer. |
ARERR | 1627 | The type of external report specified is not recognized. |
ARERR | 1628 | A filename is required when generating a report to an external report writer. |
ARERR | 1629 | Too many windows are open. Close some windows before opening another. |
ARERR | 1630 | Your window resources are low; close unwanted windows or applications. |
ARERR | 1650 | Servers with versions earlier than 3.0 are not supported by this client. |
ARERR | 1651 | Incorrect format in the definition file. |
ARERR | 1653 | Unable to read the recent search file. |
ARERR | 1654 | Unable to read the saved search file. |
ARERR | 1655 | Unable to write the recent search file. |
ARERR | 1656 | Unable to write the saved search file. |
ARERR | 1657 | AR System Report. |
ARERR | 1658 | Error occurred in generating report. |
ARERR | 1659 | No report or an incomplete report will be generated. |
ARERR | 1660 | Login macro action is not supported. |
ARERR | 1661 | One or more items match active link conditions -- this operation has been defined so that any match generates an error. |
WARNING | 1662 | Run Macro was not executed because the macro contains statements that are not supported. |
ARERR | 1800 | Internal error - unable to create form information. |
ARERR | 1801 | Unable to connect to any servers. |
ARERR | 1802 | You cannot create directory directoryName. |
ARERR | 1803 | Cannot open file fileName. |
ARERR | 1805 | System out of memory, executable file was corrupt, or relocation was invalid. |
ARERR | 1806 | Executable not found. |
ARERR | 1807 | Path not found. |
ARERR | 1808 | Insufficient memory to start application. |
ARERR | 1809 | Invalid executable file format. |
ARERR | 1810 | Incorrect version of Windows software. |
ARERR | 1811 | Sharing or network protection error. |
ARERR | 1812 | Application designed for different operating system. |
ARERR | 1813 | Application developed for older version of Windows software. |
ARERR | 1814 | Attempted to load second instance of application. |
ARERR | 1815 | Attempted to load compressed executable. |
ARERR | 1816 | Application designed for MS-DOS 4.0. |
ARERR | 1817 | Unknown executable format. |
ARERR | 1818 | Invalid dynamic-link library. |
ARERR | 1819 | Application requires Windows 32-bit extensions. |
ARERR | 1820 | Unknown error - error code = errorCode. |
ARERR | 1821 | WinExec failed for actionType. |
ARERR | 1823 | Failed to display all or some of the notification messages. |
ARERR | 1825 | Unable to load Submit form. |
ARERR | 1826 | Unable to load Query form. |
ARERR | 1827 | Unable to load Customize Default form. |
ARERR | 1828 | Unable to load Customize View form. |
ARERR | 1829 | Internal error - invalid window description. |
ARERR | 1830 | Internal error - invalid window description. |
ARERR | 1831 | Failed to create the dialog box. |
ARERR | 1832 | Memory failure - cannot initialize the current statistics information. |
ARERR | 1833 | Invalid field name - attempt the operation again. |
ARERR | 1834 | Failed to create the AR System home directory directoryName. |
ARERR | 1835 | Internal error (1). |
ARERR | 1836 | Internal error (2). |
ARERR | 1837 | Failed to create memory. |
ARERR | 1838 | Internal Error - unable to initialize user information. |
ARERR | 1839 | Internal Error - unable to create form information. |
ARERR | 1840 | The X location and width of the symbol is greater than 1500. |
ARERR | 1841 | The Y location and height of the symbol is greater than 3000. |
ARERR | 1842 | Failed to display the report. |
ARERR | 1843 | Failed to get printer information. |
ARERR | 1844 | Report to file failed. Ensure that you have enough disk space. |
ARERR | 1847 | Failed to create the user home directory directoryName. |
ARERR | 1848 | The user home directory in the ARuser section of the win.ini file cannot be located. |
ARERR | 1849 | Not enough memory to initialize font. |
ARERR | 1850 | Not enough memory to initialize all fonts. |
ARERR | 1852 | Action Request System requires Windows enhanced mode. |
ARERR | 1853 | The working directory should be the same as the program path in File -> Properties. |
ARERR | 1854 | Failed to initialize the system globals. |
ARERR | 1855 | Failed to initialize the user information. |
ARERR | 1856 | Unable to register window class. |
ARERR | 1857 | Unable to register submit window class. |
ARERR | 1858 | Unable to register query window class. |
ARERR | 1859 | Unable to register child window class. |
ARERR | 1860 | Unable to register queryList window class. |
ARERR | 1861 | Unable to register report window class. |
ARERR | 1862 | Unable to register custom windows class. |
ARERR | 1863 | Unable to register customize view class. |
ARERR | 1864 | Unable to register customize default class. |
ARERR | 1865 | Unable to register text viewer window class. |
ARERR | 1866 | Unable to register text view class. |
ARERR | 1867 | Unable to register Dialog2 class. |
ARERR | 1868 | Unable to create frame. |
ARERR | 1869 | Unable to initialize APIs. |
ARERR | 1870 | Unable to load the menu accelerators. |
ARERR | 1871 | Failed to initialize DDE. |
ARERR | 1875 | Internal Error - unable to create form information. |
ARERR | 1876 | Internal Error - LoadIniFile. |
ARERR | 1877 | Unable to load Submit form: formName. |
ARERR | 1878 | Unable to load Query form: formName. |
ARERR | 1879 | Failed to connect to application DDEApplicationName using specifiedDDEPath path. |
ARERR | 1880 | Invalid DDE action specified. |
ARERR | 1881 | Set Fields active link running a process through DDE failed. |
ARERR | 1882 | The DDE application name is not defined in dde.ini file. |
ARERR | 1883 | The format for the application section in dde.ini is invalid - you can specify only CSV or TAB for format. |
ARERR | 1884 | The item item is missing from application section section in dde.ini. |
ARERR | 1885 | Memory allocation failure during DDE process. |
ARERR | 1886 | Error in reading the GetDetails Information for list item number item. |
ARERR | 1887 | Grid width and height must be between 2 and 128. |
ARERR | 1888 | Blanks and spaces are invalid in a view name. |
ARERR | 1889 | Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/1970 - 01/19/2038 (GMT) for Windows client. |
ARERR | 1890 | Currently running MISCDLL.DLL version oldVersionNumber is an old version. Version currentVersionNumber of MISCDLL.DLL is required. |
ARERR | 1891 | Time is out of allowed range of number and number. |
ARERR | 1892 | Date and time are out of allowed range of number through number. |
ARERR | 1893 | Cannot perform this operation in the current mode of the form. |
ARERR | 1894 | The system is out of memory or resources. |
ARERR | 1895 | JavaScript functionality is not supported on this platform. |
ARERR | 1896 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a currency field. |
ARERR | 1897 | Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/4713 B.C. - 01/01/9999 A.D. |
WARNING | 1898 | There is no Home Page form available. Please verify your user preferences or check with your administrator. |
ARERR | 1899 | Cannot retrieve starting active link: activeLinkName. |
ARERR | 1900 | Error generating application list field content. |
ARERR | 1901 | entryPoint is not a valid entry point. |
ARERR | 1902 | You have entered an invalid currency type. |
ARERR | 1903 | Function error in active link. Please verify number of function arguments and data types. |
ARERR | 1904 | An error occurred while generating the Crystal report: CrystalReportsError. |
ARERR | 1905 | numberString - ODBC data source: source. |
ARERR | 1906 | errorNumber - CrystalReportsError. |
ARERR | 1907 | Error generating navigation bar field content. |
ARERR | 1908 | Report to file failed. Ensure the directory does exist. |
ARERR | 1909 | Required field (without a default) not specified. |
ARERR | 1925 | Failed to create the window. |
ARERR | 1926 | Unable to initialize frame. |
ARERR | 1930 | Login aborted. You cannot close all windows. |
ARERR | 1950 | Error loading menu. |
ARERR | 1951 | Failure trying to expand character menu. |
ARERR | 1952 | Unable to load menu. |
ARERR | 1953 | Error getting group information. |
ARERR | 1954 | Failure loading group information. |
ARERR | 1955 | Error creating a menu - menu too large. |
ARERR | 1957 | Unable to write to file fileName. |
ARERR | 1958 | Unable to read file fileName. |
ARERR | 1959 | Unable to create work buffer for file fileName. |
ARERR | 1960 | Can not write file fileName to disk. |
ARERR | 1961 | You are trying to access a menu with more than numberOfEntries entries - the menu will be truncated. |
ARERR | 1962 | Error creating menu - out of resources. |
ARERR | 1963 | Unable to load help. |
ARERR | 1964 | Unable to commit changes. |
ARERR | 1965 | Functions MAX and MIN are not supported in Push Fields actions. |
ARERR | 1966 | Failed to initialize MAPI mail. |
ARERR | 1967 | Send Mail failed. The message was not sent. |
WARNING | 1968 | Due to the length limit of the SQL command by Crystal Reporting Engine, only the first number entries are reported. |
ARERR | 1969 | The Crystal report contains an invalid SQL statement. |
WARNING | 1970 | The report format is reset to Record. |
ARERR | 1971 | Too many columns (fields). Ensure that all column titles fit into one report line. |
ARERR | 1972 | The specified directory is not valid. |
ARERR | 1973 | Failed to save file fileName. |
NOTE | 1974 | One or more active links failed when closing the form. Do you still want to exit the application? |
ARERR | 1975 | Report will not be displayed in specified external program because of the following error: errorType. |
WARNING | 1976 | The given directory does not exist. Create the new directory? |
ARERR | 1977 | The directory cannot be created. |
WARNING | 1978 | The given directory does not exist in the search path. Add the new directory? |
ARERR | 1979 | A printer error occurred. Verify the printer setup on your system. |
ARERR | 1980 | A printer error occurred. The default page setup is used. |
ARERR | 1986 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a currency field. |
ARERR | 2001 | Cannot allocate memory. |
ARERR | 2002 | Cannot read the configuration file -- ARHOME environment variable may be set incorrectly. |
ARERR | 2003 | Cannot connect to the X server. |
ARERR | 2004 | Cannot initialize the AR System. |
ARERR | 2005 | No servers are currently accessible. |
ARERR | 2006 | Failure while retrieving entries from the server directory file. |
ARERR | 2009 | No servers are specified on the command line or in the AR System directory file. |
ARERR | 2100 | You have specified a field ID within the reserved range. |
ARERR | 2101 | Your filter definition and all associated actions will be deleted. |
ARERR | 2102 | No structures are in the import file. |
ARERR | 2103 | Incorrect parameter specification -- check field name spelling. |
ARERR | 2104 | You have not saved changes on this screen -- they will be lost if you continue. |
ARERR | 2105 | Your administrator command definition will be deleted. |
ARERR | 2106 | This server serverName is not licensed from BMC and has limited capabilities. For unlimited capabilities, contact your BMC sales representative or visit http://www.bmc.com. |
ARERR | 2107 | Your form definition and all associated data will be deleted. |
ARERR | 2109 | Your active link definition and all associated actions will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2112 | Language defined by LANG environment variable not recognized -- using default on server. |
WARNING | 2114 | The following field labels are duplicated in your form. |
WARNING | 2115 | Changes on the following screens will be lost if you continue. |
WARNING | 2117 | Your menu definition will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2119 | The following fields (including data) and/or active links will be deleted. |
NOTE | 2120 | Additional errors were truncated. |
WARNING | 2121 | Your filter action will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2122 | Your active link action will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2123 | Your form view will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2124 | Your form view name is not unique. |
WARNING | 2125 | Exit Administrator Tool? |
WARNING | 2126 | You currently have an escalation time specified. |
WARNING | 2127 | This operation (FTS Re-index) could take a long time. |
WARNING | 2128 | Your escalation action will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2129 | Your escalation definition and all associated actions will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2130 | You are logged in as a subadministrator -- access to some structures and functions has been disabled. |
WARNING | 2131 | Incompatible data types in qualification line. |
WARNING | 2132 | Full text index operations will be started. |
WARNING | 2133 | Full text index operations will be shut down. |
WARNING | 2134 | You must be a member of the Administrator or Subadministrator group with a fixed license to use this tool. |
ARERR | 2135 | The selected distributed mapping will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2136 | The selected pending mappings will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2137 | Changes on the mapping fields screen will be lost if you continue. |
ARERR | 2138 | You are attempting to delete a Distributed Server form or field. Do you wish to continue? |
WARNING | 2139 | Changes in Current view will be Saved -- if You Continue! |
ARERR | 2140 | Other forms depend on current form. Deleting this form will cause forms that depend on it to be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue? |
WARNING | 2141 | The following field names/ids have blank labels in your form. |
WARNING | 2142 | Your guide will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2143 | Your application will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2144 | Your packing list will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2145 | Your web service will be deleted. |
WARNING | 2146 | This view contains one or more intersecting FORM declarations. Any FORM tags inserted by the user must not overlap on the open and close service tags. |
WARNING | 2148 | System does not ensure consistency if global elements/complex types in use are changed. Please choose 'embedded' option if you are not sure. |
WARNING | 2149 | 'Public' access is not specified. This will force users to login before accessing wsdl. |
ARERR | 2200 | Cannot allocate memory. |
ARERR | 2202 | Only integer type can use numeric text type. |
ARERR | 2203 | Only selection type can use radio buttons |
ARERR | 2205 | Unrecognized field type. |
ARERR | 2206 | Set Up Search Database command failed during Import. |
ARERR | 2207 | You can not perform Synchronization of Search databases for same or different servers at the same time from the same instance of the BMC Remedy Administrator. |
ARERR | 2208 | Could not load the definition file from the resource. |
ARERR | 2209 | Field fieldName has a duplicate name. Please select a unique name for this field before saving the form. All other changes are not saved. |
ARERR | 2214 | Cannot open export file. |
ARERR | 2219 | Form definition problem: invalid field specification. |
ARERR | 2220 | Button field is missing an Active Link assignment. |
NOTE | 2223 | Exporting . . . |
NOTE | 2224 | Export complete. |
NOTE | 2227 | Export complete for selected range. |
ARERR | 2228 | Cannot open configuration file. |
ARERR | 2230 | Update of custom operation failed -- duplicate name? |
ARERR | 2231 | X and/or Y coordinates are out of range. |
ARERR | 2232 | Enter a form name. |
ARERR | 2234 | Enter a user name. |
ARERR | 2236 | Problem querying servers. |
ARERR | 2241 | No selection made -- one is required. |
ARERR | 2243 | Cannot open the specified file. |
ARERR | 2255 | Enter a command name. |
ARERR | 2257 | Enter a command string to execute. |
ARERR | 2269 | Select an item. |
ARERR | 2279 | Problem deleting selected item from list during cut operation. |
ARERR | 2281 | No data entered at selected menu level. |
ARERR | 2283 | You must enter a label before selecting Insert or Modify. |
ARERR | 2284 | No data entered at previous menu level. |
ARERR | 2285 | Enter a filter name. |
ARERR | 2286 | The message number is invalid. |
ARERR | 2287 | You must select a form. |
ARERR | 2288 | You must select at least one operation. |
ARERR | 2290 | Missing close quote on a character string/name. |
ARERR | 2291 | Unexpected character. |
ARERR | 2292 | Expected a conditional operation at this point. |
ARERR | 2293 | Expected a relational operation at this point. |
ARERR | 2294 | Expected a field or value at this point. |
ARERR | 2295 | Too many nested levels of parentheses in command. |
ARERR | 2296 | Expected a closing parenthesis at this point. |
ARERR | 2297 | Unknown field reference. |
ARERR | 2298 | Value specified for selection not one of defined values for this field. |
ARERR | 2299 | You have entered too many parameters in a function assignment. |
ARERR | 2300 | Format of time value is not recognized. |
ARERR | 2301 | Specify a directory and filename. |
ARERR | 2304 | Enter data. |
ARERR | 2305 | Selection fields require one or more values. |
ARERR | 2306 | Error during character menu delete operation. |
ARERR | 2308 | You have created the maximum number of filter actions allowed. |
ARERR | 2309 | Resulting filename is longer than maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 2310 | Error encountered writing to file. |
ARERR | 2311 | You have created the maximum number of active link actions allowed. |
ARERR | 2312 | You must select a form. |
ARERR | 2313 | Enter an active link name. |
ARERR | 2314 | Select a field for your 'Execute On' condition. |
ARERR | 2315 | Select an execution condition for your active link. |
ARERR | 2317 | Unrecognized group in group list or group list longer than maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 2319 | Assign line error at position location. |
ARERR | 2320 | Qualification line error at position location. |
ARERR | 2321 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. |
ARERR | 2322 | You have entered a non-digit character for a numeric field. |
ARERR | 2323 | Unrecognized arithmetic operation. |
ARERR | 2324 | The internal field length cannot be less than zero. |
ARERR | 2325 | Field IDs below 100 are reserved for core fields. |
ARERR | 2326 | You have specified a field ID already in use. |
ARERR | 2328 | You do not have a known server specified in your configuration file -- the tool will default to the first server specified in your directory file. |
ARERR | 2329 | No administrator macros are defined. |
ARERR | 2331 | An error has occurred while formatting your diary text. |
ARERR | 2332 | One of the field names is invalid. |
ARERR | 2334 | You must select a form. |
ARERR | 2335 | Total width of your fields exceeds the maximum. |
ARERR | 2336 | There are no If actions defined. Please create at least one If action. |
ARERR | 2337 | The field ID is too big. |
ARERR | 2338 | You cannot change type of an existing action. |
ARERR | 2339 | Delete failed. |
ARERR | 2340 | Too many levels in nested macro. |
ARERR | 2341 | Invalid parameter specification in the DDE assign line. |
ARERR | 2342 | Invalid macro definition file format. |
ARERR | 2343 | Selection values must be unique. |
ARERR | 2344 | Export errors. |
ARERR | 2345 | Cannot expand menu menuName for field fieldName. |
ARERR | 2346 | Query menu not expanded. |
ARERR | 2347 | Missing button data. |
ARERR | 2348 | Field data type and assignment data type are not compatible. |
ARERR | 2349 | You have entered a value in an integer field which is outside of the valid range for integers. |
ARERR | 2350 | Duplicate mapping name -- rename your distributed mapping. |
ARERR | 2351 | Invalid mapping definition -- respecify your custom mapping. |
ARERR | 2352 | One of your mapping servers is not available or does not exist. |
ARERR | 2353 | You do not have permission to perform Distributed Server operations. |
ARERR | 2354 | You have not entered data for any of your fields -- enter data for at least one field before pressing the Apply button. |
ARERR | 2355 | There is already an Active Link in this form with this name: activeLinkName. |
ARERR | 2356 | You have entered a value in an real number field which is outside of the valid range for real numbers. |
ARERR | 2357 | Get Failed. |
ARERR | 2358 | Set Failed. |
ARERR | 2359 | DateTime range error - client only. |
ARERR | 2360 | DateTime illegal string error - client only. |
ARERR | 2361 | DateTime format error - client only. |
ARERR | 2362 | Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/1970 to 01/19/2038 (GMT) for Windows Client. |
ARERR | 2365 | The table field tableFieldName definition is corrupt. If you Save the form, you will delete this field. |
ARERR | 2366 | Table field tableFieldName has no columns. Add at least one column before you create or modify this table field. |
ARERR | 2369 | The listed columns for the tableFieldName table field do not have corresponding data fields. |
ARERR | 2370 | Form formName on table field tableFieldName does not exist on server serverName. |
ARERR | 2371 | Enter an application name. |
ARERR | 2372 | Unable to save an image for the application. |
ARERR | 2373 | Server serverName for table field tableFieldName is not accessible at this time. |
ARERR | 2374 | Duplicate distributed mapping name. |
ARERR | 2380 | Page or Page Holder field cannot be set to a NULL Field ID. |
ARERR | 2381 | Error getting active links list. |
ARERR | 2382 | Error getting filter list. |
ARERR | 2383 | Error getting escalation list. |
ARERR | 2392 | The application state system form could not be found on the queried server. |
ARERR | 2393 | The application roles system form could not be found on the queried server. |
ARERR | 2394 | The application roles system form did not contain any state fields. |
ARERR | 2395 | An entry in the state table could not be found for this application. |
ARERR | 2396 | Could not query the application state table. |
ARERR | 2401 | Unknown error code errorNumber encountered. |
ARERR | 2403 | Unable to initialize user information. |
ARERR | 2404 | Unable to connect to any servers. |
ARERR | 2405 | Failed to initialize the system globals. |
ARERR | 2408 | The user home directory is missing from the ARuser section in the win.ini file. |
ARERR | 2412 | Currently running MISCDLL.DLL version oldVersionNumber is an old version. Version currentVersionNumber of MISCDLL.DLL is required. |
ARERR | 2416 | Failed to create memory. |
ARERR | 2417 | Failed to create the AR System home directory. |
ARERR | 2418 | User Name is missing. |
ARERR | 2419 | AR System home directory is missing. |
ARERR | 2420 | At least one field must have a value in a Set Fields action. |
ARERR | 2421 | You cannot delete an object that you are currently editing. |
ARERR | 2422 | Failed to load the selected image file. |
ARERR | 2423 | You must specify a menu or button field for active links that execute on a menu or button. |
ARERR | 2426 | Server serverName not found in server list. |
ARERR | 2427 | The following fields do not have valid values set: |
ARERR | 2428 | Specify an SQL command. |
ARERR | 2431 | Could not remove all the specified pending operations. |
ARERR | 2432 | Supply a label index (greater than 0). |
ARERR | 2433 | Supply a value index (greater than 0). |
ARERR | 2434 | Supply an SQL command. |
ARERR | 2435 | Button field is missing an active link assignment. |
ARERR | 2437 | Cannot read forms for server. |
ARERR | 2438 | You have selected more fields than will fit in the clipboard. Select fewer fields, and try again. |
ARERR | 2439 | The following field cannot be displayed in this view because it contains invalid properties. Remove it from this view by using the Fields In View dialog box. |
ARERR | 2440 | Insufficient resources to create the palette. |
ARERR | 2441 | Another view already exists with that name. |
ARERR | 2442 | You must specify the hours or minutes (or both) to retry a distributed operation. |
ARERR | 2443 | Get list of fields operation failed. |
ARERR | 2444 | value is not a valid value for field fieldName. Values set to newValue. |
ARERR | 2445 | Note that value is outside the range for field fieldName. |
ARERR | 2446 | You must enter a distributed mapping name. |
ARERR | 2447 | You must enter an escalation name. |
ARERR | 2448 | The current custom mapping is not valid. Unable to display unmapped fields. |
ARERR | 2449 | A value must be entered for the following fields: Request ID, Form, and Server. |
ARERR | 2450 | The field can contain double quotation marks (') or single quotation marks ('), but it cannot contain both kinds of quotation marks. |
ARERR | 2454 | A maximum of 1985 items can be exported at once. Select a fewer number of items, and try the operation again. |
ARERR | 2455 | The width of a results list field and its separator combined is limited to 128 characters. |
ARERR | 2458 | You must have at least one field with a value in a push field action. |
ARERR | 2459 | This is a special object parameter in which you can only add another method which returns the same object. |
ARERR | 2460 | This is a special parameter in which you can only add another method which returns this object type. |
ARERR | 2461 | Please select a matching function. Looks like the return type of the method selected and the method to be added are incompatible. |
ARERR | 2462 | Please select a matching function. |
ARERR | 2463 | The two pointer types do not match. Please select another one. |
ARERR | 2464 | You cannot call another method on the parent method. The Parent return type is not an Object. |
ARERR | 2465 | Please select a method that returns a pointer. |
ARERR | 2466 | You cannot add a method here. Type incompatible. |
ARERR | 2467 | Cannot add the method. Incompatible objects. Try again. |
ARERR | 2468 | The Constants and properties are for display only. Cannot be inserted by clicking the Add Method button. |
ARERR | 2469 | The Parameter or Return value is of wrong type. Please type in a proper value. |
ARERR | 2470 | Please select a method to delete. |
ARERR | 2471 | Can delete only methods at the root level. |
ARERR | 2472 | You can't add methods to a return value. |
ARERR | 2473 | A label must be unique and consist of one or more characters. |
ARERR | 2474 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a decimal field. |
ARERR | 2475 | Please enter a server name. |
ARERR | 2476 | Cannot edit return value. Right-click to select a Field. |
ARERR | 2477 | You cannot have duplicate named predefined searches. Please give the entry a unique name. |
ARERR | 2478 | Enter a packing list name. |
ARERR | 2479 | No work space has been selected. |
ARERR | 2480 | There is already another view with the same label, platform, and locale combination. |
ARERR | 2481 | Please enter a non-empty string in label and name fields. |
ARERR | 2482 | An unspecified error occurred. |
ARERR | 2483 | The file fileName could not be located. |
ARERR | 2484 | Bad Path: directoryPath. |
ARERR | 2485 | The permitted number of open files was exceeded. |
ARERR | 2486 | You do not have the proper permissions to access the file fileName. |
ARERR | 2487 | There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle. |
ARERR | 2488 | The current working directory cannot be removed. |
ARERR | 2489 | The number of directory entries for directory directoryPath has been exceeded. |
ARERR | 2490 | There was an error trying to set the file pointer. |
ARERR | 2491 | There was a hardware error. |
ARERR | 2492 | Attempted access to file fileName produced a sharing violation. |
ARERR | 2493 | There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked. |
ARERR | 2494 | The disk is full. |
ARERR | 2495 | The end of file was reached. |
WARNING | 2501 | Other forms depend on form formName. If you delete this form, all other forms that depend on this form will be deleted. Do you want to continue? |
ARERR | 2502 | Warning: If you change the form, existing actions might be made invalid. Verify your existing actions. |
WARNING | 2503 | The following fields were not pasted, because they are already in this view. |
WARNING | 2504 | You are removing these data fields from their only view: fieldNames. These fields do not exist on any other views. All display information, including label text and location, will be lost. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 2505 | No integer or selection fields exist to cross-reference against. |
ARERR | 2506 | Unable to open more windows, because Windows resources are low. User Heap: percentage% free. GDI Heap: percentage% free. Close some windows or running applications to gain more space. |
ARERR | 2507 | The value being deleted is the same as the default value. If you continue, the default value will also be deleted. Do you want to continue? |
ARERR | 2508 | The status field must have a default value. If you continue the default value will be changed to the first entry. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 2509 | Confirm that you want to save the form; the following fields will be deleted: fieldNames. |
ARERR | 2510 | You cannot add or modify the Default Login name. Changes are lost. |
ARERR | 2513 | Login aborted. You cannot close all windows. |
ARERR | 2514 | Character menus cannot exceed 14 levels. |
ARERR | 2515 | Failed to read field for form. |
ARERR | 2516 | The minimum and maximum values are the same. |
ARERR | 2517 | Save the form before renaming it. |
ARERR | 2518 | The minimum value is out of range. The range is -2147483647 to 2147483647. |
ARERR | 2519 | The maximum value is out of range. The range is -2147483647 to 2147483647. |
ARERR | 2520 | The default value is out of range. The range is -2147483647 to 2147483647. |
ARERR | 2521 | The minimum value is out of range. The range is number to number. |
ARERR | 2522 | The maximum value is out of range. The range is number to number. |
ARERR | 2523 | The default value is out of range. The range is number to number. |
ARERR | 2524 | The precision is out of bounds. Valid range is 0 to 30. |
ARERR | 2525 | This change will move the field out of bounds. |
ARERR | 2526 | This change will cause the field to be out of bounds. |
WARNING | 2527 | The following restored fields are no longer in this view: |
WARNING | 2528 | Multiple views may be affected by this operation. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 2531 | Active link activeLinkName is already used by controlFieldName. Are you sure you want to move it to controlFieldName? |
WARNING | 2532 | You are removing these trim or control (or both) fields from their only view: viewName. These fields will be deleted from the database. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 2533 | A time-out occurred while copying form formName to formName. The operation most likely succeeded but the server is still busy. |
WARNING | 2534 | The layering of some fields in this view was not valid. The problem has now been corrected, and the changes will take effect when you save the form. |
WARNING | 2535 | Copy and Paste of join fields is not supported; the selected join fields will not be copied. |
WARNING | 2536 | There are no toolbar items on any of the menu items. |
WARNING | 2537 | At least one trim, button, or menu item field will be deleted because you are deleting its only view. |
WARNING | 2538 | Active link activeLinkName is already used by buttonName. It can not be added to buttonName. |
WARNING | 2539 | You have specified an ID within the reserved range. Do you want to save this field anyway? |
WARNING | 2540 | None of the requested field deletions occurred on the server. Please close and reopen the form after the save operation has completed. |
WARNING | 2541 | This form contains a non-standard set of Distributed Fields. Select none, basic, full, or advanced to return to a standard set of fields. |
WARNING | 2542 | Distributed Fields will be deleted. Are you sure you want to have numberOfFields Distributed Fields instead of numberOfFields? |
WARNING | 2543 | This form contains a Distributed Field of the wrong data type. To delete Distributed Fields, select None in the Distributed Fields dialog, and press OK. |
WARNING | 2544 | Distributed Fields will be deleted. Are you sure you want to have numberOfFields Distributed Fields? |
WARNING | 2545 | Selecting this option could cause an infinite loop in the system. Do you want to continue with overriding loop detection? |
WARNING | 2546 | One/more fields have been deleted from the form which will affect Setfield list. Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem. |
WARNING | 2548 | Please enter a form prefix. |
WARNING | 2549 | Please add at least one form to the selected form list. |
WARNING | 2550 | A maximum of numberOfForms forms can be selected. Please remove some forms from the selected form list. |
WARNING | 2551 | Warning: All the subsequent calls will be deleted. |
ARERR | 2552 | The minimum value has a bad value. |
ARERR | 2553 | The maximum value has a bad value. |
WARNING | 2554 | No image conversion will take place. Save anyway? |
ARERR | 2555 | The precision is out of bounds. Valid range is 0 to 28. |
WARNING | 2556 | A duplicate server was detected in the server list for user userName. Server Name in list: serverName Short Name of detected server: serverShortName Long Name of detected server: serverLongName. |
WARNING | 2557 | Warning: Form formName not available in server serverName. |
WARNING | 2558 | To improve this view so that it looks the same on all clients, BMC Remedy Administrator will upgrade the layout information for this view when you save this form. |
WARNING | 2559 | The field type selected is not valid for global fields. |
WARNING | 2560 | A maximum of number forms can be selected. |
WARNING | 2561 | A global field has just been set to a regular field. The entry mode selection will be set to default. |
WARNING | 2562 | Field ID 706 and 1020 are reserved for Alert and Results List respectively. Please choose another Field ID for field -- fieldType. |
WARNING | 2563 | Field IDs from 711 to 718 are reserved for columns of Alert List. Please choose another Field ID for field -- fieldType. |
WARNING | 2564 | Some fields that are mapped will not be relevant for this form. |
WARNING | 2565 | No field mappings have been defined for Open and Close dialog states. |
WARNING | 2566 | No field mappings have been defined. |
WARNING | 2567 | Exporting extension objects in XML is not supported. Selected extension objects will not be exported. |
WARNING | 2569 | Entry point guide does not have a starting active link. The guide will not be executed. |
WARNING | 2570 | Deleting this object, objectName, will delete all objects in the same lock group. If there are any forms in this lock group, then those form definitions and all the associated data will be removed. Are you sure you want to continue? |
WARNING | 2571 | The form, formName, appears to have dependant workflow that is part of a lock group. Deleting this form will trigger the deletion of one or more lock groups, would you like to proceed? |
WARNING | 2572 | One/more fields have been deleted from the form which will affect the Open Window action field mappings. Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem. |
WARNING | 2573 | IDs must be in ascending order. Choose a different ID or renumber other entries first. |
WARNING | 2574 | Any existing custom IDs will be replaced with a linear sequence. However, these will not be saved until you save the form, and existing data will never be affected. Continue? |
WARNING | 2575 | Only positive integers, 0 to 2147483648, may be set. |
WARNING | 2576 | No field mappings have been defined for Input and Output modes. |
WARNING | 2577 | This option is deprecated from BMC Remedy Administrator. Go to BMC Remedy User and open the corresponding option in the AR System Administration Console. |
WARNING | 2578 | One/more fields have been deleted from the form which will affect the Service Window action field mappings. Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem. |
WARNING | 2579 | This option is partially deprecated from BMC Remedy Administrator. For complete functionality go to BMC Remedy User and open the corresponding option in the AR System Administration Console. |
ARERR | 2706 | Unable to realloc memory. |
ARERR | 2707 | Unable to malloc memory. |
ARERR | 2709 | The maximum number of fields that can be specified in one index is numberOfFields. |
ARERR | 2710 | You have reached the maximum limit of the fields in an index. |
ARERR | 2711 | One or more indexes does not have any fields specified. |
ARERR | 2713 | Unable to realloc memory. |
ARERR | 2714 | Unable to malloc memory. |
ARERR | 2716 | Please supply a menu name. |
ARERR | 2717 | Please select a menu type. |
ARERR | 2718 | Please select a refresh code. |
ARERR | 2719 | Please supply a server name. |
ARERR | 2720 | Please supply a form name. |
ARERR | 2721 | Please supply a label field. |
ARERR | 2722 | Please supply a value field. |
ARERR | 2723 | Please select a file location. |
ARERR | 2724 | Please supply a file name. |
ARERR | 2725 | Menu definition is empty. |
ARERR | 2726 | You cannot delete the following core field(s): |
ARERR | 2727 | Must be greater than 9999 and less than 2147483647. |
ARERR | 2728 | Missing message text. |
ARERR | 2729 | Missing field name. |
ARERR | 2730 | DDE 'Service Name' is missing. |
ARERR | 2731 | DDE 'Topic' is missing. |
ARERR | 2732 | DDE 'Item' is missing. |
ARERR | 2733 | DDE 'Path' is missing. |
ARERR | 2734 | DDE 'Command' is missing. |
ARERR | 2735 | The minimum value is greater than the maximum value. |
ARERR | 2736 | The Default value is out of range with the minimum and/or maximum value. The default value: |
ARERR | 2737 | The search database has been synchronized successfully. |
ARERR | 2738 | Synchronization of the Search Database Failed. Try again. |
ARERR | 2739 | Server object objectName cannot be opened from here. Please open it from the Server Window. |
ARERR | 2740 | Macro name is missing. |
ARERR | 2741 | The named menu is not defined at this time, do you wish to continue? |
ARERR | 2742 | Unable to Save/Update Form. |
ARERR | 2743 | The Default value is out of range with the minimum and/or maximum value. The minimum value minimumValue and the maximum value maximumValue. |
ARERR | 2744 | The Default value is out of range with the minimum and/or maximum value. The minimum value minimumValue and the maximum value maximumValue. |
ARERR | 2745 | Do you wish to close the field property dialog before correcting the errors? |
ARERR | 2746 | The field length must be between 0 and 4294967295. |
ARERR | 2747 | Invalid View Name. You must select a defined name. |
ARERR | 2748 | Alert text is missing. |
ARERR | 2749 | User text is missing. |
ARERR | 2750 | Reference Field is missing. |
ARERR | 2751 | Sorry, unable to locate your default browser. Feel free to visit our website for the latest information about BMC Remedy products and services at http://www.bmc.com. |
ARERR | 2753 | Unable to log on to any server as administrator or sub-administrator. |
ARERR | 2754 | Please enter Qualification query for this action. |
ARERR | 2755 | Qualification line error at position number. |
ARERR | 2757 | Error Getting Font Data. |
ARERR | 2759 | Error getting form list on server serverName. |
ARERR | 2760 | Error getting active links list on form formName. |
ARERR | 2761 | Error getting filter list. |
ARERR | 2762 | Error getting escalation list. |
ARERR | 2765 | Server serverName not found in list of servers. |
ARERR | 2766 | Form formName not found in list of forms. |
ARERR | 2768 | Warning: Some fields that are mapped will not be relevant for this form. |
ARERR | 2770 | Error: No server has been selected. |
ARERR | 2771 | Error: No form has been selected. |
ARERR | 2772 | Warning: No field mappings have been defined for Open and Close dialog states. |
ARERR | 2773 | Assign line error at position number. |
ARERR | 2776 | You will lose your existing guideName assignments by changing the form. Do you want to continue? |
ARERR | 2777 | Error in export! Export aborted. |
ARERR | 2778 | Error: No guide selected for CallGuide action. |
ARERR | 2779 | Error: Addition of guide guideName addition to tree failed. |
ARERR | 2781 | Error: No Active Link specified for guide to go to. |
ARERR | 2782 | The Default value has a bad value. |
ARERR | 2783 | Error getting field list on form formName. |
ARERR | 2784 | Failed to analyze field fieldName in form formName. |
ARERR | 2785 | Failed to analyze escalation escalationName in form formName. |
ARERR | 2786 | Failed to analyze filter filterName in form formName. |
ARERR | 2787 | Error opening file fileName. |
ARERR | 2788 | Could not detect image type of imageType. |
ARERR | 2789 | Errors were found. Please check the tab order to make sure that all shared fields are in the same order relative to each other. |
ARERR | 2791 | Unable to open file. |
ARERR | 2793 | Error getting application list. |
ARERR | 2794 | User userName does not have admin or subadmin privileges on server serverName. Connecting as a guest user. |
WARNING | 2795 | Some Fields could not be saved in this form. |
WARNING | 2796 | Failed to load serverObject for form formName from server serverName. |
ARERR | 2797 | Failed to get related items. Export file will not be generated. |
ARERR | 2805 | Unable to refresh field detail for field fieldName in form formName on server serverName. Any further operation on this form can cause unpredictable behavior. |
ARERR | 2807 | Error: The Active Link activeLinkName could not find the View viewName in Form formName. The View will return to default. |
ARERR | 2808 | Please select a Source Control Provider. |
ARERR | 2809 | Please select a Source Control Project. |
ARERR | 2810 | Object already exists in Source Control. |
ARERR | 2811 | Error getting definition file for object. |
ARERR | 2812 | Object does not exist in Source Control. |
ARERR | 2813 | Are you sure you want to remove the selected objects from Source Control, as you will lose history data along with them? |
ARERR | 2814 | Object is checked out by userName. |
ARERR | 2815 | Error writing Registry values. |
ARERR | 2816 | You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because it does not exist in Source Control. |
ARERR | 2817 | You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because it is already checked out to another user. |
ARERR | 2818 | You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because you did not check it out first. |
ARERR | 2819 | You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object. The server is configured for Source Control but you have not integrated it on your client. |
ARERR | 2820 | You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Your Integration is not initialized, so modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work. |
ARERR | 2821 | You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work because it does not exist in Source Control. |
ARERR | 2822 | You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work because it is already checked out to another user. |
ARERR | 2823 | You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work because you did not check it out first. |
ARERR | 2824 | Please enter a definition file name. |
ARERR | 2825 | Please relogin to this server for the changes made to Source Control Integration to take effect. |
ARERR | 2826 | Source Control operations can not be performed on Groups. |
ARERR | 2827 | Source Control operations can not be performed on Distributed Mappings. |
ARERR | 2828 | Error opening Source Control project. |
ARERR | 2829 | You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot import this object because it is already checked out to another user. |
ARERR | 2830 | Error updating Source Control database. |
ARERR | 2831 | Error getting file from Source Control database. |
ARERR | 2832 | The object you are importing has been checked out to someone else. Import to server anyway? |
ARERR | 2833 | Error importing some objects. |
ARERR | 2834 | Object is not checked out. |
ARERR | 2835 | Do you wish to continue? |
ARERR | 2836 | You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify the selected objects. The server is configured for Source Control but you have not integrated it on your client. |
ARERR | 2839 | Min value should be less than Max value. |
ARERR | 2840 | Min and Max value should be greater than 0. |
ARERR | 2842 | The Form name has not changed. Please specify a new name. |
ARERR | 2843 | The specified file does not exist. Do you want to create it? |
ARERR | 2844 | Error creating the file. |
ARERR | 2845 | The specified file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? |
ARERR | 2846 | Invalid refresh state returned. |
WARNING | 2847 | Failed to load serverObjects from server serverName. |
ARERR | 2848 | The number of rows exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 230. |
ARERR | 2849 | Please enter a comment. Developer comments are required for this operation. |
ARERR | 2850 | No matches found in the database for the given query. |
ARERR | 2851 | Please select a source code control provider. |
ARERR | 2861 | Duplicate distributed pool name. |
ARERR | 2862 | Source Control operations cannot be performed on Distributed Pools. |
ARERR | 2863 | Missing target location text. |
ARERR | 2864 | Error: No sample server has been selected. |
ARERR | 2865 | Error: No sample form has been selected. |
ARERR | 2866 | Error: No view has been selected. |
ARERR | 2867 | Some items failed to import. |
ARERR | 2868 | Warning: No field mappings have been defined. |
ARERR | 2871 | File already exists in the current directory. |
ARERR | 2872 | Cannot delete root element. |
ARERR | 2873 | Please select an item before creating the directory. |
ARERR | 2874 | Cannot add file. Directory depth exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
ARERR | 2876 | Could not create the directory. |
NOTE | 2877 | This version of the Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit http://www.bmc.com. |
ARERR | 2878 | Alias values must be unique. |
ARERR | 2879 | Modifying Packing List may result in loss of data. |
ARERR | 2880 | Web view is created but not initialized! Please initialize the web view by opening and saving the web view. |
ARERR | 2881 | Error in converting to Open Window action. |
ARERR | 2882 | Error in converting to Run Process (Preferences) action. |
ARERR | 2883 | Error in converting a macro command. |
ARERR | 2884 | Error in converting to Run Process action. |
ARERR | 2885 | Error in converting modify to Push Fields action. |
ARERR | 2886 | Number of resultant actions exceeded the maximum; the active link will not be saved. To enable successful conversion, please decompose the active link into multiple active links and try again. |
ARERR | 2887 | New Action cannot be inserted. |
ARERR | 2888 | Succeeded. |
ARERR | 2889 | Server is referred by a keyword or field ID. Server name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. |
ARERR | 2890 | Could not connect to QBE referred server. Server name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. |
ARERR | 2891 | Could not load the form specified by QBE. Form name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. |
ARERR | 2892 | Failed to convert QBE into equivalent qualifier structure. |
ARERR | 2894 | At least one macro command is not supported. |
ARERR | 2895 | Conversion Complete. |
ARERR | 2896 | Alias should start with an English alphabet. |
ARERR | 2897 | Alias must contain alphanumeric characters only. |
ARERR | 2898 | There is already another view with the same alias, platform, and locale combination. |
ARERR | 2899 | You must first specify a server. |
ARERR | 2901 | No key field specified. Please specify a key field for this form. |
ARERR | 2902 | No table name specified. Please specify a table name for this form. |
ARERR | 2903 | No vendor name specified. Please specify a vendor name for this form. |
ARERR | 2904 | Please enter field type. |
ARERR | 2906 | Please select object type. |
ARERR | 2907 | Please specify web alias. |
WARNING | 2910 | Some web views do not have WebAlias property. This may result in invalid .jsp file names after deployment. |
WARNING | 2911 | Form and some web views do not have WebAlias property. This may result in invalid .jsp file names after deployment. |
ARERR | 2913 | Please install Internet Explorer 5.5 or later version to proceed further. You have attempted an action which requires this component. |
WARNING | 2914 | The selected extensions will be deleted. |
ARERR | 2915 | You cannot create the following core fields in view or vendor forms. |
ARERR | 2916 | Directory directoryName creation failed. |
ARERR | 2917 | The file fileName does not exist. |
ARERR | 2918 | Internet Explorer 5.5 or later cannot be found. Portions of the BMC Remedy Administrator will not be available until it is installed. |
WARNING | 2919 | Internet Explorer 5.5 or later cannot be found. This functionality will not be available until it is installed. |
WARNING | 2920 | Form must have web alias to generate valid .jsp file name for its web views. |
ARERR | 2921 | Administrator operations are disabled for this server. Cannot create new objects. |
ARERR | 2922 | Active link could not be converted successfully. Original Active Link is restored. |
ARERR | 2923 | Error in saving active link. |
ARERR | 2924 | CCSSchema could not be loaded. |
ARERR | 2925 | Field specified in assignment structure is missing in the schema. |
ARERR | 2926 | Value assigned to field cannot be converted to equivalent AR structure. |
ARERR | 2927 | The following description lists active links and indicates nature of failure or success under each RunMacro action. In case of failure, original active link will be restored. Users can see the FAQ for resolutions and try again. |
ARERR | 2928 | Error in converting AR System Report's keyword. |
ARERR | 2929 | Error in finding report's end. |
ARERR | 2930 | Error in creating or opening of temporary AR System Report file. |
ARERR | 2931 | Field with ID IDNumber is not present in this form. Looks like a corrupt field. Would you like to delete this field? |
ARERR | 2932 | Source Control operations cannot be performed on Extension Objects. |
ARERR | 2933 | Cannot find server serverName. Possible server alias name problem. |
ARERR | 2934 | Could not open file: fileName. |
ARERR | 2936 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Initialize failed. |
ARERR | 2937 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Unknown project. |
ARERR | 2938 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Could not create project. |
ARERR | 2939 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Not checked out. |
ARERR | 2940 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Already checked out. |
ARERR | 2941 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File is locked. |
ARERR | 2942 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File out exclusive. |
ARERR | 2943 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Access failure. |
ARERR | 2944 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Check in conflict. |
ARERR | 2945 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File already exists. |
ARERR | 2946 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File not controlled. |
ARERR | 2947 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File is checked out. |
ARERR | 2948 | Error from Source Control Provider -- No specified version. |
ARERR | 2949 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Requested operation not supported. |
ARERR | 2950 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Non-specific error. |
ARERR | 2951 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Requested operation not performed. |
ARERR | 2952 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Type not supported. |
ARERR | 2953 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Verify merge. |
ARERR | 2954 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Fix merge. |
ARERR | 2955 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Shell Failure. |
ARERR | 2956 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Invalid user. |
ARERR | 2957 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Project already open. |
ARERR | 2958 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Project syntax error. |
ARERR | 2959 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Invalid file path. |
ARERR | 2960 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Project not open. |
ARERR | 2961 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Not authorized. |
ARERR | 2962 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File syntax error. |
ARERR | 2963 | Error from Source Control Provider -- File does not exist. |
ARERR | 2964 | Error from Source Control Provider -- Connection failure. |
ARERR | 2965 | Rename operation failed on the Source Control Provider. |
ARERR | 2966 | Format of date value is not recognized. |
ARERR | 2967 | Cannot create or modify a Currency Field without at least one selected Functional Currency. Please select at least one Functional Currency. |
ARERR | 2968 | Incorrect precision. Please enter a single digit numeric precision. |
ARERR | 2969 | Incorrect currency code. Please enter a valid 3 digit Currency Code. |
ARERR | 2970 | Duplicate Operation Name. Please enter a unique name for operation. |
ARERR | 2971 | Duplicate Operation Name. The name will not be modified. |
ARERR | 2972 | One or both of the objects have already been mapped. Unmap and continue. |
ARERR | 2973 | Form should be mapped before the fields. |
ARERR | 2974 | Mapping cannot be defined. |
ARERR | 2975 | Objects are not mapped. |
ARERR | 2976 | Objects selected do not have the same map. |
ARERR | 2977 | Name should start with an English alphabet. |
ARERR | 2978 | Name must contain alpha numeric characters only. |
ARERR | 2979 | WebService Handler is using an insecure (http) protocol. If username and password are mapped, they will be sent in plain-text. |
ARERR | 2984 | Web service cannot be saved without any operations. |
ARERR | 2985 | This mapping object is corrupted. Please delete the current operation and continue. |
ARERR | 2986 | The XML element selected has maxoccurs greater than 1. This mapping is not supported. |
ARERR | 2987 | This mapping is not supported. |
ARERR | 2988 | Cannot create or modify a data field without specifying a corresponding DB column name. Please specify a valid DB column name. |
ARERR | 2989 | Cannot create or modify a display-only field which has a valid DB column name. Please specify a valid entry mode. |
ARERR | 2992 | The Database Name for a Flashboard field must not be NULL. |
WARNING | 2993 | At least one choice is not mapped in the mapping object. All the choice nodes have to be mapped for the web service to work properly. |
ARERR | 2994 | Primary key is mapped. The primary key should not be mapped. |
ARERR | 2995 | Primary key is not mapped. If field ID is not 1, the primary key should be mapped. |
ARERR | 2996 | Distinguishing key(s) is not mapped. Map and continue. |
ARERR | 2997 | Foreign Key(s) is mapped. Unmap and continue. |
ARERR | 2998 | Form mapping under a choice node or a complex element of type all is not supported. |
ARERR | 2999 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Character can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string, integer, nonPositiveInteger, negativeInteger, nonNegativeInteger, or positiveInteger. |
NOTE | 3000 | If signal is 15: ''AR System Distributed Server terminated by user or accidentally.'' |
NOTE | 3001 | AR System Distributed Server terminated -- fatal error encountered. |
NOTE | 3002 | Entry pending transfer or update has been pending for longer than the specified retry timeout. |
NOTE | 3003 | Pending distributed operation canceled due to error. |
NOTE | 3004 | AR System Server is not currently available -- will retry connection. |
NOTE | 3005 | AR System Server is now available. |
ARERR | 3100 | This AR System is not licensed for the Distributed Server Option. |
ARERR | 3101 | Failed to open the Distributed Server lock file ar.lck.390601. |
ARERR | 3102 | An instance of the Distributed Server is already running. |
ARERR | 3103 | Memory allocation for the DSO process failed. |
ARERR | 3106 | The server being accessed is not licensed for the Distributed Server Option. |
ARERR | 3107 | No Distributed Mapping form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3108 | Two forms contain all the reserved distributed mapping fields -- delete one to continue. |
ARERR | 3109 | No Distributed Pending form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3110 | Two forms contain all the reserved distributed pending fields -- delete one to continue. |
ARERR | 3111 | The ''From'' form in mapping definition must be the source form in the attempted mapping. |
ARERR | 3112 | The ''From'' server in mapping definition must be the source server in the attempted mapping. |
ARERR | 3113 | The ''To'' form in mapping definition must be the target form in the attempted mapping. |
ARERR | 3114 | The ''To'' server in mapping definition must be the target server in the attempted mapping. |
ARERR | 3115 | Unrecognized pending request type. |
ARERR | 3116 | Only the master copy of an entry can be transferred. |
ARERR | 3117 | Update unsuccessful -- ''From'' form or ''From'' Server field has no value. |
ARERR | 3118 | Failed to record a distributed command. |
ARERR | 3119 | The transfer or update cannot be performed because transfer mapping is currently disabled. |
ARERR | 3120 | The distributed operation failed because the additional information about the item to be deleted is missing. |
ARERR | 3121 | Duplicate entry IDs are encountered during transfer for specified action ''Create New'' - target form is missing the required field -- ''From Request ID''. |
ARERR | 3122 | The target record for a distributed process (Distributed-Transfer, Distributed-Update, Distributed-Return) no longer exists. |
ARERR | 3123 | Must map the Entry ID field to the target Entry ID field, or the From Entry ID field must be present on the target form. |
ARERR | 3124 | Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain Master Flag field. |
ARERR | 3125 | Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain ''From form'' field. |
ARERR | 3126 | Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain ''From server'' field. |
ARERR | 3127 | Master Flag field is required on source form for transfer with ownership. |
ARERR | 3128 | The reserved distributed pool fields can only exist on one form - delete duplicate to continue. |
ARERR | 3129 | No Distributed Pool form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3130 | No Pending Errors form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3131 | The reserved distributed pending errors fields can only exist on one form -- delete duplicate to continue. |
ARERR | 3132 | Two forms contain all the reserved distributed logical mapping fields -- delete one to continue. |
ARERR | 3133 | No Distributed Logical Mapping form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3134 | Logical name %s is not found in logical mapping form. |
ARERR | 3194 | Illegal value specified for -m option -- legal values are 0 (not master) and 1 (master). |
ARERR | 3195 | Must specify the -e entryID option. |
ARERR | 3196 | Must specify the -s formName option. |
ARERR | 3197 | Must specify the -x serverName option. |
ARERR | 3198 | A value is missing for one of the arguments for the command line option. |
ARERR | 3199 | Unrecognized command line argument. |
ARERR | 3200 | Invalid dynamic permission inheritance object property format. |
ARERR | 3201 | Object does not have a dynamic permission inheritance property. |
ARERR | 3202 | Field defined in dynamic permission inheritance property not found. |
ARERR | 3203 | Error parsing field pairs from dynamic permission inheritance property. |
ARERR | 3225 | Form does not allow non-admin to delete. |
ARERR | 3300 | No Alert Events form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3301 | The reserved alert event fields exist on multiple forms. They are only allowed to exist on one form. |
ARERR | 3302 | Problem encountered during creation of the Alert Events form. |
ARERR | 3303 | Must be AR_NOTIFIER user to perform this operation. |
ARERR | 3314 | Failed to connect with alert client. |
ARERR | 3315 | Attempt to communicate with alert client timed out. |
ARERR | 3316 | Failed to load the alert cleanup escalation. |
ARERR | 3317 | Invalid alert message format. |
ARERR | 3318 | Attempt to communicate with alert client failed because the required port is in use by another process. |
ARERR | 3319 | Unable to connect with alert client. |
ARERR | 3320 | The reserved server group fields can only exist on one form-- delete duplicates on other forms to continue. |
ARERR | 3321 | No server group operation ranking form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 3322 | Unrecognized server group operation encountered in the ranking form. |
ARERR | 3323 | Creation of the server group operation ranking form failed. |
ARERR | 3324 | This configuration setting is not allowed when the server is a member of a server group. |
ARERR | 3325 | Unable to send a server group related signal to another server. |
ARERR | 3326 | Unable to find a server group entry for this server. |
WARNING | 3327 | Check interval cannot be less than 30 seconds. A 30-second value is set by the system. |
ARERR | 3328 | Unable to launch an agent process to communicate with an external program. |
ARERR | 3329 | A floating license without server group tag cannot be used in a server group. This floating license is ignored. |
ARERR | 3330 | A floating license with server group tag cannot be used on a stand-alone server. This floating license is ignored. |
ARERR | 3331 | A floating license with a different server group tag cannot be used on this server group. This floating license is ignored. |
WARNING | 3332 | The change of this setting will only take effect after AR System server restart. |
ARERR | 3333 | Invalid or missing server group operation definition. Contact your AR System administrator. |
ARERR | 3334 | Invalid or missing server group license entry. Contact your AR System administrator. |
WARNING | 3335 | The Check Interval setting change will only take effect after all servers in the group are restarted. |
WARNING | 3336 | Duplicate server group ranking value encountered in the ranking form -- ordering cannot be guaranteed. |
ARERR | 3340 | Unable to start the arsignald process. |
ARERR | 3341 | Not enough memory to create arsignald start up info |
ARERR | 3342 | Unable to write to arsignal daemon. |
ARERR | 3350 | Unable to locate Report form. |
ARERR | 3351 | Unable to get temporary file name for report definition file. |
ARERR | 3352 | Unable to create temporary file for report definition file. |
ARERR | 3353 | Illegal field encountered in the field list. |
ARERR | 3354 | Illegal field encountered in the sort list. |
ARERR | 3355 | Illegal field encountered in the qualifier. |
ARERR | 3356 | Invalid report definition encountered. |
ARERR | 3357 | Required report field is missing. |
ARERR | 3375 | Cannot connect to the directory service. |
ARERR | 3376 | The specified LDAP URL is not formatted correctly. |
ARERR | 3377 | The LDAP operation has failed. |
ARERR | 3378 | At least one field on the form must reference the Distinguished Name attribute. |
ARERR | 3379 | To create objects, the distinguished name must have a value. |
ARERR | 3380 | The DN Entry for this request has timed out. Re-enter Search request. |
ARERR | 3400 | Unable to access server configuration file. |
ARERR | 3401 | External authentication endpoint URL not configured. |
ARERR | 3402 | Unable to initialize web service interface. |
ARERR | 3403 | Unable to terminate web service interface. |
ARERR | 3501 | Please provide a name for the alarm. |
ARERR | 3502 | The variable associated with this alarm has been deleted. A variable should be associated for this alarm to work. |
ARERR | 3503 | There are no variables in this server. Please create a variable before creating an alarm. |
ARERR | 3504 | Please select a variable. An alarm cannot be saved without selecting a variable. |
ARERR | 3505 | You must enter a user name and message. Please enter them. |
ARERR | 3506 | Provide a name for the data source. |
ARERR | 3507 | You must add at least one variable to save a data source. |
ARERR | 3508 | Group access is not defined -- only the administrator has access to this data source. |
ARERR | 3509 | Please provide a name for the flashboard. |
ARERR | 3510 | You must associate a data source name with the flashboard. Select one from Configuration tab. |
ARERR | 3511 | The data source you selected does not contain any variables. Select a data source with variables. |
ARERR | 3512 | No data source has been defined. At least one data source is required to define a valid flashboard. |
ARERR | 3513 | End Date and Time should be greater than Start Date and Time. |
ARERR | 3514 | One of more variables have been deleted from the selected datasource since this flashboard was saved. |
ARERR | 3515 | Maximum custom range can not be less than the minimum custom range. |
ARERR | 3516 | You cannot select the start time greater than/same as end time. |
ARERR | 3517 | You will have only one data collection in the specified interval. |
ARERR | 3518 | You cannot select the end time less than/same as start time. |
ARERR | 3519 | Please select form before proceeding. |
ARERR | 3520 | Please provide a name for the Variable. |
ARERR | 3521 | You must type an expression for this operation. |
ARERR | 3522 | Invalid schedule interval. |
ARERR | 3523 | Pie charts cannot be selected for History/Summary display type. |
ARERR | 3524 | Group access is not defined -- only the administrator has access to this Flashboard. |
ARERR | 3525 | Group access is not defined -- only the administrator has access to this Variable. |
ARERR | 3600 | Internal error. |
ARERR | 3601 | Flashboard flashboard not found on server serverName. |
ARERR | 3602 | No forms found containing Flashboards field ID: fieldID |
ARERR | 3603 | Multiple forms contain Flashboards field ID: fieldID |
ARERR | 3604 | No forms found with the name: formName. |
ARERR | 3605 | Invalid Flashboard Data Source: Statistic and History Variables should not be mixed together. |
ARERR | 3606 | Invalid Flashboard type. |
ARERR | 3607 | The following parameter(s) needed to display the chart are missing: parameters. You may need to relogin to view the chart. |
ARERR | 3608 | You have exceeded the allowed usage of Flashboards. Please obtain a license if you wish to continue using Flashboards. |
ARERR | 3609 | Error encoding image: imageName. |
ARERR | 3610 | Error sending image: imageName. |
ARERR | 3611 | General exception creating Flashboard. |
ARERR | 3612 | User has no access permission to Flashboards data source: dataSource. |
ARERR | 3613 | There was no valid Datasource for this Flashboard. |
ARERR | 3614 | There was no valid Variable for this Flashboard. |
ARERR | 3615 | Invalid chart type, valid numbers for a chart are from 0 to 5. |
ARERR | 3616 | Internal error. |
ARERR | 3617 | Internal error. Form meta data is invalid. |
ARERR | 3618 | No history data was found in the AR System server to display this Flashboard. |
ARERR | 3619 | History data can not be displayed on a pie chart. |
ARERR | 3620 | No user-customizable parameters have been defined. |
ARERR | 3621 | No summary data was found in the AR System server to display this Flashboard. |
ARERR | 3622 | There is no data available to display this chart. |
ARERR | 3623 | Summary data can not be displayed on a pie chart. |
ARERR | 3624 | The flashboards mid tier system cannot login to the AR System server. |
ARERR | 3625 | The number of data points to be plotted on the flashboard exceeds the limit. |
NOTE | 4000 | Import completed successfully -- number records imported. |
NOTE | 4001 | Import of importFileName started. |
WARNING | 4002 | The specified import file has only one field -- ensure that you specified the import file correctly. |
WARNING | 4003 | You have not added or saved your changes to the current fallback mapping -- if you continue, those changes will be lost. |
WARNING | 4004 | You have not saved or imported data with the current mappings -- if you continue, the mappings will be lost. |
WARNING | 4005 | You have not added or saved your changes to the current mapping -- if you continue, those changes will be lost. |
WARNING | 4006 | You have not saved your changes to the current mapping -- if you continue, those changes will not be used for this import. |
WARNING | 4007 | Are you sure you want to delete all mappings? |
WARNING | 4008 | Record number: Field fieldName truncated to number characters. |
WARNING | 4009 | Are you sure you want to start importing? |
WARNING | 4010 | Mapping mappingName not loaded. |
WARNING | 4011 | Duplicate name for mapping. Do you want to overwrite the existing mapping? |
WARNING | 4012 | Exit Import Tool? |
WARNING | 4013 | Did not find any matching fields to add as new mappings. |
WARNING | 4014 | Copy unprocessed import records to the log file? |
WARNING | 4015 | You have not saved your changes to the current fallback mappings. If you continue, your changes will not be used for this import. |
WARNING | 4016 | You made but did not save changes to the Save Mapping window. If you continue, your changes will be lost. |
WARNING | 4017 | This file contains duplicate or empty field titles. A number has been appended to those titles. |
WARNING | 4018 | This file contains duplicate or empty field titles. Those titles have been replaced by their field ids. |
WARNING | 4019 | This form contains duplicate or empty field labels. Those labels have been replaced by their field ids. |
NOTE | 4100 | %s\nUsage: %s [-x server] [-m mapping-name] [-d startup-directory] [-b] |
ARERR | 4102 | Invalid AR Export format file: importFileName. |
ARERR | 4104 | Import completed with errors: number records were imported; number records were not. |
ARERR | 4105 | The import operation was terminated by user. |
NOTE | 4106 | Copying remaining records of importFileName to log file. |
ARERR | 4108 | The message broadcast was stopped. |
ARERR | 4110 | The record starting at the specified offset cannot be read. |
ARERR | 4112 | No mapping selected to delete. |
ARERR | 4114 | No saved mappings specified in batch mode. |
ARERR | 4116 | Cannot get children widgets, or widget not a child. |
ARERR | 4118 | Cannot login to any AR Server. |
ARERR | 4120 | Two mappings have been specified on the command line. Only one mapping is allowed. |
ARERR | 4122 | The -m option requires a mapping name. |
ARERR | 4124 | The mapping name is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 4126 | A directory may be specified only if you specify a mapping. |
ARERR | 4128 | fieldName is not a Form Field. |
ARERR | 4130 | fieldName is not an import field name, id, or keyword. |
ARERR | 4132 | Cannot get the status of or cannot open log file. |
ARERR | 4134 | A log file name is required. |
ARERR | 4135 | Log file pathName is not a valid filename. |
ARERR | 4136 | Import log file name is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 4137 | Log file fileName is not a regular text file. |
ARERR | 4138 | Cannot write to log file. |
ARERR | 4140 | Cannot initialize the server API. |
ARERR | 4142 | Cannot open the main import window. |
ARERR | 4144 | Bad parameters. |
ARERR | 4146 | Bad global variables. |
ARERR | 4148 | Cannot add to mapping list. |
ARERR | 4150 | Cannot set mapping list item. |
ARERR | 4152 | No tokens for a Direct Mapping. |
ARERR | 4153 | Cannot open mapping file for specified mapping. |
ARERR | 4154 | Cannot find specified mapping. |
ARERR | 4155 | Cannot read mapping file for specified mapping. |
ARERR | 4156 | The import option value is invalid. |
ARERR | 4158 | The mapping file has a syntax error. |
ARERR | 4160 | Bad Mapping or Compound mapping within Compound mapping. |
ARERR | 4162 | Bad internal list. |
ARERR | 4164 | Import fields' titles-list is invalid. |
ARERR | 4166 | Bad Mapping list. |
ARERR | 4168 | Bad Fallback Mapping list. |
ARERR | 4170 | Bad Form Information UI Fields list. |
ARERR | 4172 | Record number: Cannot parse record in import file. |
ARERR | 4174 | Cannot parse import field titles in import file. |
ARERR | 4175 | Specified import file does not exist. |
ARERR | 4176 | Syntax error in the mapping string. |
ARERR | 4177 | Specified import file is a directory. |
ARERR | 4178 | Specified import file is not a regular text file. |
ARERR | 4179 | Cannot get the status of import file. |
ARERR | 4180 | Specified import file is empty. |
ARERR | 4182 | Specified import file has no data. |
ARERR | 4184 | An import file name is required. |
ARERR | 4186 | Import file name is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 4188 | The import field separator string is longer than the maximum allowed length. |
ARERR | 4190 | A field separator string is required. |
ARERR | 4192 | Cannot open specified import file. |
ARERR | 4194 | Cannot seek in import file. |
ARERR | 4196 | AR Export file's Field ID string does not contain a number. |
ARERR | 4198 | Record number: Unrecognized tag in AR Export file: fileName. |
ARERR | 4200 | Import file fileName is of an unknown type. |
ARERR | 4202 | Cannot find form field with saved index. |
ARERR | 4204 | The specified import file contains an improperly formatted record. |
ARERR | 4206 | Record number: value is not a valid value for field fieldName. |
ARERR | 4208 | Record number: Too many fields; found numberFound, expected numberExpected. |
ARERR | 4210 | Record number: Not enough fields; found numberFound, expected numberExpected. |
NOTE | 4212 | Import completed successfully: numberImported records imported; numberTruncated records were truncated. |
NOTE | 4214 | End of numberOfCopiedRecords records. |
ARERR | 4216 | Import completed with errors: numberImported records were imported; numberNotImported records were not; numberTruncated records were truncated. |
ARERR | 4218 | Only one -d argument is allowed on the command line. |
ARERR | 4220 | The mapping file could not be created. |
ARERR | 4222 | No mappings are defined. |
ARERR | 4224 | The receiving window was not able to handle the message broadcasted. |
ARERR | 4226 | Record number: a field exceeds the maximum size allowed. |
ARERR | 4227 | Cannot open the default import log file. |
WARNING | 4499 | User stopped import after numberProcessed records were processed, of which numberImported were imported. |
NOTE | 4500 | AR System Application server terminated when a signal/exception was received by the server. |
NOTE | 4501 | AR System Application server terminated -- fatal error encountered. |
NOTE | 4502 | Operation cancelled due to error. |
NOTE | 4503 | AR System Approval Server restarting. |
WARNING | 4510 | Two or more roles have the same name. |
WARNING | 4511 | No Approval Administration form was found. |
WARNING | 4512 | No Approval Notification form was found. |
WARNING | 4513 | No Approval Form form was found. |
ARERR | 4549 | Confirming password is not valid for the current user. |
ARERR | 4550 | Problem encountered during creation of one of the application forms. |
ARERR | 4551 | Must be Application Server user to perform this operation. |
ARERR | 4552 | Two forms containing all the reserved application pending fields encountered -- delete one to continue. |
ARERR | 4553 | No Application Pending form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 4554 | Failure during an attempt to perform an application command. |
ARERR | 4555 | Command requires a form name be specified. |
ARERR | 4556 | Form name specified on command is not valid. |
ARERR | 4557 | Parse set fields command requires two forms be specified. |
ARERR | 4558 | Qualification line error. |
ARERR | 4559 | Assign line error. |
ARERR | 4560 | No Approval Details form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 4561 | Command requires a field name be specified. |
ARERR | 4562 | Field name specified on command is not valid. |
ARERR | 4563 | Command requires a entry ID be specified. |
ARERR | 4564 | Entry ID specified on command is not valid. |
ARERR | 4565 | No Approval Signature form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 4566 | No Approval Detail-Signature join form could be found on the server. |
ARERR | 4567 | Command requires appropriate parameters. |
ARERR | 4568 | The start or end time provided for the command is not valid. |
ARERR | 4577 | No Approval Server license -- cannot run the approval engine. |
ARERR | 4578 | There are two forms with the same license tag. |
ARERR | 4579 | Limited licensing for Approvals and no form was found linked to any license. |
ARERR | 4580 | Form is not licensed to work with the approval engine. |
ARERR | 4581 | Malloc failed in Approval Server. |
ARERR | 4582 | Another copy of the Approval Server is already running or the Application Dispatcher is in use. |
ARERR | 4583 | Error while opening the Approval Server lock file. |
ARERR | 4584 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Detail form. |
ARERR | 4585 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Signature Line form. |
ARERR | 4586 | No Approval Signature Line form was found. |
ARERR | 4587 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Process Definition form. |
ARERR | 4588 | No Approval Process Definition form was found. |
ARERR | 4589 | Command requires form and entry ID be specified. |
ARERR | 4590 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Rule Definition form. |
ARERR | 4591 | No Approval Rule Definition form was found. |
ARERR | 4592 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Alternate form. |
ARERR | 4593 | No Approval Alternate form was found. |
ARERR | 4594 | There are two forms identified as the Approval More Information form. |
ARERR | 4595 | No Approval More Information form was found. |
ARERR | 4596 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Process Administrator form. |
ARERR | 4597 | No Approval Process Administrator form was found. |
ARERR | 4598 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Role form. |
ARERR | 4599 | No Approval Role form was found. |
ARERR | 4600 | Cannot create new approval detail as is already an active detail entry. |
ARERR | 4601 | Multiple rows matched next approver condition and configured to error. |
ARERR | 4602 | AR System server does not support Remedy Application Service user. |
ARERR | 4603 | Field specified for first approver is not defined on the form. |
ARERR | 4604 | Sig-xxx command requires form to be the approval signature line form. |
ARERR | 4605 | Sig-xxx command requires process to match details if process is specified. |
ARERR | 4606 | No process specified but are two or more for form so cannot continue. |
ARERR | 4607 | Process allows only one 'next approver' but two or more were specified. |
ARERR | 4608 | MoreInfo-xxx command requires form to be the More Information form. |
ARERR | 4609 | A process was specified but no process by that name exists. |
ARERR | 4610 | No active process is associated with this form. |
ARERR | 4611 | No join is defined between the form and the approval detail form. |
ARERR | 4612 | No join is defined between the form and the approval detail signature form. |
ARERR | 4613 | Update-Config command requires tag. |
ARERR | 4614 | Failure trying to map names to IDs in a string. |
ARERR | 4615 | Failure trying to retrieve join of a form with Detail-Signature. |
ARERR | 4616 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Administration form. |
ARERR | 4617 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Notification form. |
ARERR | 4618 | There are two forms identified as the Approval Form form. |
ARERR | 4619 | Duplicate Approval Preview Signature Line form found. Only one is allowed. |
ARERR | 4620 | No Approval Preview Signature Line form was found. |
ARERR | 4650 | The Completion field is required on Detail form but is not present. |
ARERR | 4651 | The Form field is required on Detail form but is not present. |
ARERR | 4652 | The Entry ID field is required on Detail form but is not present. |
ARERR | 4653 | The Next Approver field is required on Sig Line form but is not present. |
ARERR | 4654 | The Process field is required on Detail form but is not present. |
WARNING | 4810 | Duplicate category names found. |
ARERR | 4820 | Insufficient memory for Set Up and Move server. |
ARERR | 4821 | TGP specified in data, but no group form. |
ARERR | 4830 | Same tag is associated with more than one form. This is not allowed. |
ARERR | 4831 | The tag is not associated with any form. |
ARERR | 4836 | Entry ID (0 is top level) or category tag is required for this command. |
ARERR | 4837 | Catalog command requires form to be the parts form. |
ARERR | 4838 | Malloc failed in Purchase Request server. |
ARERR | 4839 | The part record does not have a parent category. |
ARERR | 4840 | A category was specified that does not exist. |
ARERR | 4841 | Error while attempting to open a parts catalog file. |
ARERR | 4842 | Part type value is unrecognized. |
ARERR | 4843 | Row count on part is inconsistent with definition of part. |
ARERR | 4844 | Line Item Map command requires form to be the purchase request form. |
ARERR | 4846 | A value for Supplier for each line is required to split line items. |
ARERR | 4847 | Line Item Mapback command requires form to be the line item form. |
ARERR | 4848 | No line number field or field contains a bad value for line item. |
ARERR | 4849 | No purchase request ID field or field contains a bad value for line item. |
ARERR | 4850 | Pending ID is required when run in one command mode. |
ARERR | 4851 | Failure while splitting line items from the purchase requisition. |
ARERR | 4852 | Failure while updating a line item in the purchase requisition. |
ARERR | 4853 | Command requires entry ID. |
ARERR | 4854 | Command requires entry ID, tag, and other. |
ARERR | 4855 | Command requires form and entry ID be specified. |
ARERR | 4856 | Could not find the Purchase Requisition-Line Item form. |
ARERR | 4857 | Line item index out of bounds for this Purchase Requisition. |
ARERR | 4900 | Invalid Value. |
ARERR | 4901 | An attempt was made to initialize a mail box that was already initialized. |
ARERR | 4902 | One of the fields is empty. |
ARERR | 4903 | A '':'' is missing between the field label and the value in your input. |
ARERR | 4904 | Missing Field Label in field value. |
ARERR | 4906 | Missing XML <> tag in the email message. |
ARERR | 4907 | Missing name value tag in HTML email message. |
ARERR | 4908 | Invalid field value. |
ARERR | 4909 | Missing the action Instruction. |
ARERR | 4910 | Unable to create the outgoing mail message. |
ARERR | 4911 | Unable to locate the specified User Instruction. |
ARERR | 4912 | Command Line Parameter already defined. |
ARERR | 4913 | Command Line Parameter not defined. |
ARERR | 4914 | Command Line Parameter Value is missing. |
ARERR | 4915 | Command Line Parameter is not valid. |
ARERR | 4916 | Invalid Email configuration values in the EmailDaemon.properties file. |
ARERR | 4918 | A required action parameter, such as a form name or a request ID, is missing in the incoming email message. Please enter the parameter and continue. |
ARERR | 4919 | The supplied data type does not match the data type required for the field. |
ARERR | 4920 | An expected attachment was missing while processing an incoming email message. Please provide the expected attachment. |
ARERR | 4922 | The security key provided in the incoming email message is disabled. |
ARERR | 4923 | The security key provided in the incoming email message has expired. |
ARERR | 4924 | An invalid security key was entered. Verify that the security key entered is present on the AR System Email Security Form. If the problem still occurs, contact your AR System administrator. |
ARERR | 4925 | The security key does not match the originating email address. Verify that you specified the correct security key for the email address used. |
ARERR | 4927 | No login information was specified or the specified login information is invalid. |
ARERR | 4928 | The specified instruction cannot be found in the AR System Email User Instruction Templates form. |
ARERR | 4929 | The specified template cannot be found in the AR System Email Templates form. |
ARERR | 4930 | Unable to encrypt the modify key. Contact Customer Support. |
ARERR | 4931 | Unable to decrypt the modify key. Contact Customer Support. |
ARERR | 4932 | The modify key contains an invalid entry ID. Make sure that the modify key was not modified and that the original outgoing email message was not deleted. |
ARERR | 4933 | The modify key contains an invalid AR System server name. |
ARERR | 4934 | The modify key in the incoming modify action email message is invalid. Make sure that the modify key was not modified. |
ARERR | 4935 | The modify key is missing from the incoming modify action email message, unable to execute Instructions. |
ARERR | 4936 | Modifications are disabled on this mailbox. Contact your AR System administrator. |
ARERR | 4937 | The email message with the modify action is missing a security key. Provide the security key. |
ARERR | 4938 | Invalid Date/Time format for specified date field. The correct format is format. |
ARERR | 4939 | An unknown system error occurred. Contact Customer Support. |
ARERR | 4940 | No email address is specified for the email message. |
ARERR | 4941 | No matching entries found for the qualification. Verify your qualification or contact your AR System administrator. |
ARERR | 4942 | Problem with the connection to the AR System server. Wait for the email engine to reconnect to the server and complete all pending actions. If the connection is not reestablished, then check the AR System server and then check network connectivity. |
ARERR | 4943 | Form is missing. Will retry to verify existence of form in numberMinutes minutes. |
ARERR | 4944 | The supplied value for an option (radio button) or a drop-down list item is invalid. Verify that you provided the correct value. |
ARERR | 4945 | Sender address not found in originating email. |
ARERR | 4946 | No field values were specified for submit or modify operation. Specify values for the action. |
ARERR | 4947 | Missing currency code for the currency value specified. |
ARERR | 4948 | Attachment file size exceeds the limit set in emaildaemon.properties. |
ARERR | 4949 | Email address contains invalid characters. |
ARERR | 4950 | Variable replacement with a qualification requires a form and a server. |
ARERR | 4951 | None of the recipients have access to form: formName. |
ARERR | 4952 | Incoming Message's From Or Reply-To is same as Incoming MailBox's User configured in AR System Email Mailbox Configuration form which may cause circular mails. |
ARERR | 4953 | Message will be deleted without logging in email messages form because there is an error on submit. |
ARERR | 5000 | Cannot connect to serverName. |
ARERR | 5001 | The cache could not be updated for an object. For more information, see the log file. |
ARERR | 5002 | Unable to retrieve field list for form formName. |
ARERR | 5003 | Invalid store for objectName. |
ARERR | 5004 | No field limit information available for field fieldName type type. |
ARERR | 5005 | No metadata available for limit limit for field fieldName. |
ARERR | 5006 | Object is not editable. |
ARERR | 5007 | The property property for field fieldName is invalid expect value, got value. |
ARERR | 5008 | Unable to set the value for the property ID ID of field fieldName. |
ARERR | 5009 | Property property of field FieldName not described in metadata. |
ARERR | 5010 | The property property of field fieldName has an unexpected enum value value. |
ARERR | 5011 | Unable to update the enum value value of field fieldName. |
ARERR | 5012 | The current object reservation setting requires Subadministrators to have permission for accessing the form formName. |
ARERR | 5013 | Unable to open the binary file fileName. |
WARNING | 5025 | No field mappings have been defined. |
WARNING | 5026 | The field label label is duplicated on this form. |
ARERR | 5027 | The form cannot be saved. A dynamic field value in tableFieldType tableFieldName contains an invalid field or keyword reference. Provide a correct dynamic value. |
ARERR | 5028 | Unable to add a menu item because there are too many levels in the character menu. Character menus cannot exceed 15 levels. |
WARNING | 5029 | The entry point guide will not be executed because it does not have a starting active link. |
ARERR | 5030 | The error handler does not exist to validate the property. |
ARERR | 5031 | Object is already owned by another application : objectName : applicationName. |
ARERR | 5032 | You cannot create or modify a view form data field without specifying a corresponding database column name. Specify a valid database column name for field. fieldName. |
WARNING | 5033 | The field on this form with the name or ID of name|ID needs a label. |
WARNING | 5034 | All subsequent calls will be deleted. |
ARERR | 5035 | You can't call another method on the parent method because parent return type is not an object. |
ARERR | 5036 | The return type of the method selected and method to be added appear to be incompatible. Select a matching function. |
ARERR | 5037 | Empty COM method list. Add at least one COM method. |
ARERR | 5038 | The OLE method called has an incompatible return type. |
ARERR | 5039 | The parameter or return value is incompatible. Enter a value with compatible type. |
ARERR | 5040 | A network connection cannot be established to AR System server: serverName. errrorMessage/Reason. |
ARERR | 5041 | propertyName cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 5042 | The field length for fieldName cannot exceed number characters. |
ARERR | 5043 | The value for fieldName must be in the range between value and value. |
ARERR | 5044 | The referenced field fieldName does not exist. |
ARERR | 5045 | Field fieldName is not found on form formName. |
ARERR | 5046 | The value of field fieldName cannot be less than fieldValue. |
ARERR | 5047 | The value of field fieldName cannot be greater than fieldValue. |
ARERR | 5048 | Unable to load the primary form formName. |
ARERR | 5049 | Notify field can only have Integer or Selection. |
ARERR | 5050 | The notification action cannot be saved. |
ARERR | 5051 | Dynamic values for the sampleForm/sampleServer must contain valid field/keyword references. |
ARERR | 5052 | The specified color string is not a valid RGB color. |
ARERR | 5053 | Property propertyName of field fieldName is not described in metadata. |
ARERR | 5054 | The specified enum value for property propertyname of field fieldName is not a valid value. |
ARERR | 5055 | The value specified is not a valid value for the enum property of the field. |
ARERR | 5056 | The enum value for string cannot be blank. |
ARERR | 5057 | The dynamic value for {0} has an invalid field or keyword reference: {1}. |
ARERR | 5058 | Invalid qualification: problemDescription. |
ARERR | 5059 | Invalid webServiceName : userSpecifiedName. The name must start with an alphabetical character or '_' and can have alphabetical characters, digits, '_', '.', or '-' only. Enter a valid name. |
ARERR | 5060 | Login failed for AR System server serverName. serverName errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5061 | The value for field fieldName cannot be more than number digits. |
WARNING | 5062 | Hidden locked object cannot be edited: objectName. |
WARNING | 5063 | objectName is locked as read-only. Adding associated forms and modifying permissions (if applicable) are the only changes allowed. Any other changes will result in an error when the object is saved. |
WARNING | 5064 | objectName is locked as read-only. Any changes will result in an error when the object is saved. |
ARERR | 5065 | The objectType objectName has an open editor. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be renamed. |
ARERR | 5066 | Cannot release the reserved objects due to an AR System server error. Open the Reserved Objects working list to view and release reservations. |
ARERR | 5067 | Cannot import applicationName because it is reserved by another user. |
ARERR | 5068 | Cannot add the following forms to the application as they are either not reserved for you or reserved by other users. Only forms reserved by you can be added to deployable applications. |
ARERR | 5069 | Cannot export to a file because creation of directory directoryName failed. |
ARERR | 5070 | The selected file does not exist or does not contain applications. |
ARERR | 5071 | The file does not exist or does not contain any object definitions. |
ARERR | 5072 | Cannot import because all the objects are reserved by other users. |
ARERR | 5073 | Cannot import because all the forms are reserved by other users. |
ARERR | 5074 | The file does not contain any view definitions. |
ARERR | 5075 | Invalid file. Errors encountered while parsing the file: fileName. |
ARERR | 5076 | Cannot export to file fileName. The file type must be in either def or xml format. |
ARERR | 5077 | Cannot export to file. The file type must be arm format. |
ARERR | 5078 | Unable to export mail template. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5079 | Selected objects cannot be deleted. objectNames. |
ARERR | 5080 | All of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 5081 | Some of the objects you want to edit are not reserved by you. Reserve them to edit. |
ARERR | 5082 | Cannot export to file fileName. The file is read-only. Specify a writable file. |
ARERR | 5083 | Some of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be released. |
ARERR | 5084 | Some of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be reserved. |
ARERR | 5085 | The following objects could not be reserved: objectNames. Refresh the object list to see if any of these objects are reserved by others. |
ARERR | 5086 | Unable to retrieve the object from the AR System server. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5087 | Unable to retrieve objectListType lists from serverName. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5088 | Unable to retrieve application from serverName. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5089 | Unable to populate the list information. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5090 | Some of the selected working lists are open. Working lists that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 5091 | The selected packing list has an object list open. Packing lists that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 5092 | The selected application has an object list open. Applications that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 5093 | You must select one primary form for adding new action. |
ARERR | 5094 | Unable to add new action. There are already 25 actions, which is the maximum number of allowed actions. |
ARERR | 5095 | Errors encountered while determining related objects. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5096 | No user name entered to log on. Enter a user name. |
ARERR | 5097 | No AR System servers selected to log on. Add at least one AR System server name. |
ARERR | 5098 | Error connecting to preference server. serverName. |
ARERR | 5099 | Error connecting to preference server. AR System User Preference form not found on the server. |
ARERR | 5100 | Error connecting to preference server. The AR System server might be down. errorMessage. |
ARERR | 5101 | There are no forms included in the application. To define statistics, you must add forms to the application. |
ARERR | 5102 | The navigation fields you deleted had associated items. Use the Form > Edit Menu Bar command to access these orphaned items. |
ARERR | 5103 | fieldType fieldName reference a field that does not exist. Update the fieldType field to reference a valid field before you save. |
ARERR | 5104 | The form cannot be saved. {0} {1} has no cell fields. Add a cell field. |
ARERR | 5105 | The database name will be used as the label. |
ARERR | 5106 | fieldType Field fieldName has missing layout information. Modify its layout to display it. |
ARERR | 5107 | Only one reservedFieldType field is allowed per form. |
ARERR | 5108 | resultsListField field is not allowed in a display-only form. |
WARNING | 5109 | Save successful with warnings. |
ARERR | 5110 | Currency field fieldName has no functional currency values. Add at least one functional currency value before you save. |
ARERR | 5111 | dataType Field fieldName has a minimum value equal to the maximum value. |
ARERR | 5112 | dataType Field fieldName has a minimum value greater than the maximum value. |
ARERR | 5113 | dataType Field fieldName has a default value less than the minimum value. |
ARERR | 5114 | dataType Field fieldName has a default value greater than the maximum value. |
ARERR | 5115 | {0} is linked to a missing field. Link the cell field to a valid field before you save. |
ARERR | 5116 | panel Field fieldName has a minimum size less than 25. Enter a value that is equal to or greater than 25. |
WARNING | 5117 | panel Field panelName has a minimum size equal to the maximum size. |
ARERR | 5118 | panel Field panelName has a minimum size greater than the maximum size. |
ARERR | 5119 | panel Field fieldName has an initial size greater than the maximum size. Maximum size has been increased to equal initial size. |
ARERR | 5120 | panel Field panelName has an initial size less than the minimum size. Initial size has been increased to equal minimum size. |
ARERR | 5121 | Table field fieldName must have at least one column. |
ARERR | 5122 | Table field fieldName must have at least one cell. |
ARERR | 5123 | The following indexes are empty and will be ignored: indexNames. |
ARERR | 5124 | Unable to add this form to application applicationName. |
WARNING | 5125 | This form has Web - Legacy as the default view, which is not supported in this version of Developer Studio.getInstance(). Switching to another supported view type. |
ARERR | 5126 | Internal error. |
ARERR | 5127 | This view cannot be deleted because a form must have at least one view. |
WARNING | 5128 | This form contains a non-standard set of distributed fields. Select None, Basic, Full, or Advanced to return to a standard set of fields. |
ARERR | 5129 | This form contains a distributed field of the wrong datatype. To delete distributed fields, select None in the Distributed Fields dialog box and click OK. |
ARERR | 5130 | Cannot export to file fileName. The specified directory does not exist. |
ARERR | 5131 | Specify an export destination file name. |
ARERR | 5132 | Cannot export to file fileName. The specified directory contains invalid characters. |
ARERR | 5133 | Cannot export to file fileName. The specified file name contains invalid characters. |
ARERR | 5134 | Cannot export to file fileName. The specified file name does not contain the proper extension of either .DEF or .XML. |
ARERR | 5135 | Cannot export to file fileName. A file name must be supplied. |
ARERR | 5136 | Display order cannot be empty or 0. |
ARERR | 5137 | The start active link is not allowed unless an application display order is also specified. |
ARERR | 5138 | Start active link activeLinkName does not exist. |
ARERR | 5139 | At least one field type must be selected for fieldType. |
ARERR | 5140 | The character menu is empty and cannot be saved. |
ARERR | 5141 | labelName cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 5142 | labelIndexList cannot have more than 5 labelIndex values defined. |
ARERR | 5143 | valueIndex cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 5144 | valueIndex must be greater than 0 and less then a 10 digit number. |
ARERR | 5145 | Mappings are not in the Mapping table in the Operations panel. |
ARERR | 5146 | WSDL expected at least one operation element. Provide at least one operation node. |
ARERR | 5147 | Unknown error: errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5148 | Unable to locate or load the specified file fileName. |
ARERR | 5149 | Form name cannot be found on the AR System server. |
ARERR | 5150 | {0} is not in the correct format. |
ARERR | 5151 | {0} must have a minimum value of number. |
ARERR | 5152 | {0} can only have a maximum value of number. |
ARERR | 5153 | Load of model object objectName failed. |
ARERR | 5154 | mappingName cannot be empty. |
WARNING | 5155 | mappingName cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 5156 | item does not contain a valid selection. |
ARERR | 5157 | The field ID or field name is invalid. Verify the spelling of the name to make sure you specified a legal field. |
ARERR | 5158 | value is not a valid selection for propertyName. |
ARERR | 5159 | Form does not exist on supplied AR System server serverName. |
ARERR | 5160 | The menu or a menu item has an empty label and cannot be saved. Supply the required label. |
ARERR | 5161 | The specified name in executeONCondition is not a valid field name for the current form. |
ARERR | 5162 | You must select a valid option for the selected Execute Options field. |
ARERR | 5163 | The field field in the Execute Option Panel of the active link contains an invalid field selection. |
ARERR | 5164 | Undefined XML mapping item name. |
ARERR | 5165 | Table fields must have at least one column. |
ARERR | 5166 | The following fields already exist on the view. viewName. |
ARERR | 5167 | Only administrators can edit objectName on serverName. |
ARERR | 5168 | Only administrators can edit deployable applications on serverName. |
ARERR | 5169 | A menu parent cannot be added as a child to a horizontal navigation field. |
ARERR | 5170 | A menu parent cannot be added as a child to a horizontal navigation field. Field: fieldName is not added. |
ARERR | 5171 | Panel cannot be created without a name. Enter a panel name. |
ARERR | 5172 | serverName is not a recognized AR System server name. Either the server is down or the AR System server version is less than 4.0. |
WARNING | 5173 | All objects are selected, and no additional objects are available for adding to the selection. |
ARERR | 5174 | The specified Message Number was greater than the maximum value allowed for this field and is reset to 2147483647. |
ARERR | 5175 | The specified Entry Point Application List Display Order is greater than the maximum value allowed for this field and is reset to 2147483647. |
ARERR | 5176 | The objectType is reserved by user userName. Your changes cannot be saved. Use Save As to save a copy of your changes. |
ARERR | 5177 | objectType cannot be reserved due to error: errorNumber. Use Save As to save a copy of your changes. |
ARERR | 5178 | No groups selected. Select at least one group. |
ARERR | 5179 | Buttons must have labels. Provide a label. |
ARERR | 5180 | Buttons must have values. Provide a value. |
ARERR | 5181 | Unable to Export Custom Button Configuration. errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5182 | Unable to export column preferences. errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5183 | Select a method to delete. |
ARERR | 5184 | You can only delete methods. |
ARERR | 5185 | Connection to server serverName is denied You can connect to only one unlicensed server in a session. |
ARERR | 5186 | The selected image cannot be loaded because it could not be accessed, or is corrupted, or is too large. |
ARERR | 5188 | At least one port must be added to this web service. WSDLPortsNumber. |
ARERR | 5189 | BMC Remedy Developer Studio failed to connect the specified AR System server. |
ARERR | 5190 | Failed to export to the file. errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5191 | Failed to import objects from file. errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5192 | AR System server name is empty in a workflow action. |
ARERR | 5193 | AR System Server name serverName is invalid. |
ARERR | 5194 | A connection could not be established to serverName. |
ARERR | 5195 | serverName is not valid. |
ARERR | 5196 | propertyName is not in the correct format. |
ARERR | 5197 | propertyName must have a minimum length of minimumSize. |
ARERR | 5198 | propertyName can only have a maximum length of maximumSize. |
ARERR | 5199 | Unable to transform propertyName due to an API error errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5200 | string is not a valid qualification. |
ARERR | 5201 | The label guideLabel is already being used in the guide. The label must be unique. |
ARERR | 5202 | No primary field is defined for form formName. |
ARERR | 5203 | Specified primary field ID does not exist on the form formName. |
ARERR | 5204 | Unable to locate form formName. |
ARERR | 5205 | Unable to locate field fieldName on form formName. |
ARERR | 5206 | The parent form is missing from the web services field map for fieldName. |
ARERR | 5207 | The Change Field menu menuName is empty or invalid. |
ARERR | 5208 | Minutes value must be between 0-59. |
ARERR | 5209 | Missing hour information. Hours must be specified. |
ARERR | 5210 | Missing weekday information. A weekday or day in the month must be specified. |
ARERR | 5211 | The escalation time interval cannot be 0. |
ARERR | 5212 | With the Escalation Time Execution option, Run By = Time, and Time is not entered. |
ARERR | 5213 | The Cross-Reference Action in the Notify filter must have a reference field specified. |
ARERR | 5214 | The Selected Fields option must have a field specified. |
ARERR | 5215 | SQL Set Fields action must have a SQL command specified. |
ARERR | 5216 | Unable to convert the operations XML document. |
ARERR | 5217 | Unable to convert the input mapping XML document. |
ARERR | 5218 | Unable to convert the output mapping XML document. |
ARERR | 5219 | Unable to parse the XML document. errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5220 | Workflow must have at least one IF action. |
ARERR | 5221 | fieldType Field fieldName has a minimum width greater than the maximum width. |
ARERR | 5222 | fieldType Field fieldName has a minimum height greater than the maximum height. |
NOTE | 5223 | BMC Remedy Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit www.bmc.com. Server: serverName. |
ARERR | 5224 | Forms cannot be moved from serverNameA to serverNameB. |
ARERR | 5225 | Form already exists on applicationName application. |
ARERR | 5226 | The field type fieldType of Field fieldName does not match the field type of the base field. |
ARERR | 5227 | Creating field is not allowed in Tab Order Increment on Click mode. |
ARERR | 5228 | fieldType fieldType contains an invalid form name. Provide a correct remote form name. |
ARERR | 5229 | fieldType fieldName is linked to an unreachable AR System server serverName. |
WARNING | 5230 | Selecting the override loop option could cause an infinite loop in the system. |
WARNING | 5231 | filePath does not exist. The Log to File action will create the file. |
WARNING | 5232 | Z order for fieldType field fieldName has been modified to fix duplicate Z order. |
ARERR | 5233 | Core fields: fieldNames can not be deleted. |
ARERR | 5234 | You cannot move a panel to its current parent. |
ARERR | 5235 | Data fields cannot be added to audit forms. |
WARNING | 5236 | Z order for fieldType field fieldName has been modified to make it consecutive with other fields. |
ARERR | 5237 | {0} with this name {1} already exists. Choose a new name. |
ARERR | 5238 | target field fieldName cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 5239 | Port not defined for operation: operationName. |
ARERR | 5240 | Operation names must be unique. There is a duplicate operation: operationName in the Operations List. |
ARERR | 5241 | Invalid operation name operationName conflicts with output top level parent name for operation: operationName. |
ARERR | 5242 | Label label cannot be empty. Specify a label name. |
ARERR | 5243 | Duplicate file names were found in the current directory. The duplicate files were not added. |
ARERR | 5244 | Vendor form table tableName does not have any available columns. |
ARERR | 5245 | The web service Publishing Location must end with the web service name. |
ARERR | 5246 | The web service Publishing Location must be a non-empty string. |
NOTE | 5247 | Invalid Web Services Publishing Location has been updated with correct name. |
ARERR | 5248 | Following Column fields for tableFieldType tableFieldName do not have referenced fields columnFieldNames on the current form. Press OK to delete. |
ARERR | 5249 | The view viewName specified in the active link activeLinkName does not exist on Form formName. |
ARERR | 5250 | Exporting flashboard objects in XML is not supported. Selected flashboard objects will not be exported. |
ARERR | 5251 | Your changes cannot be saved because objectName is reserved by user userName. |
ARERR | 5252 | Unable to display image. It does not appear to be a supported image format. |
ARERR | 5253 | Unable to display background image. It does not appear to be a supported image format. |
WARNING | 5254 | Changing the form might make existing actions invalid. Check existing actions. |
ARERR | 5255 | Cannot add a submenu because a menu in a character menu cannot have more than 99 submenus. |
NOTE | 5256 | No allowable currency type has been specified. All currency types are now allowed. |
ARERR | 5257 | Cannot connect to server: serverName because its version is version. Only servers that are 7.0 or later versions are supported. |
WARNING | 5258 | Search was aborted by the user. The results list might not be complete. |
WARNING | 5259 | Search did not match any objects. |
ARERR | 5260 | Web Services Publishing location contains 'public' within the URL, but permissions have not been set to public for webServiceName. |
ARERR | 5261 | A panel or a page cannot be moved to its child page holder. |
ARERR | 5262 | Error connecting to BMC Atrium Orchestrator server. Reason: errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5263 | Closing current editor due to resource error. errorNumber. |
ARERR | 5264 | You cannot add a method here. The type is incompatible. |
ARERR | 5265 | A valid Web Services Port has not been selected. |
ARERR | 5266 | A valid Web Services Operation has not been selected. |
ARERR | 5267 | A valid Operation has not been selected. |
ARERR | 5268 | A valid Configuration Name has not been selected. |
ARERR | 5269 | A valid Process has not been selected. |
ARERR | 5270 | A valid Web Services File has not been selected. |
ARERR | 5271 | Column columnName used by Field fieldName is already referenced by another field. |
ARERR | 5272 | Unable to add an active link without primary form. Select a primary form. |
WARNING | 5273 | Layout style for panel panelLabel is changed from XY to Fill. |
ARERR | 5274 | An integer field is needed on the primary form for this operation. |
ARERR | 5275 | The configuration name name does not exist in the AR System Orchestrator Configuration form. |
ARERR | 5276 | fieldType Field fieldName cannot see Column databaseColumnName of type databaseColumnType. |
ARERR | 5277 | The named menu menuName referenced by fieldName is not found. |
ARERR | 5278 | Output Mapping to a static value is not allowed for mapping item value. |
ARERR | 5279 | Errors were encountered while accessing the file: fileName. |
ARERR | 5280 | Cannot create new object because application applicationName is reserved by another user user. |
ARERR | 5281 | You cannot create an Attachment Pool field in a view form. |
ARERR | 5282 | Filter cannot be added without a primary form. Select one primary form. |
ARERR | 5283 | Some Columns do not have matching Data Field in the Form: formName. They will be deleted. Press OK to delete. |
ARERR | 5284 | The file fileName has an unsupported file extension. The supported extensions are .ARX, .CSV, .REP or .XML. |
ARERR | 5285 | Number of selection values listed in this dialog box does not match the number of selection values in field ID fieldID on form ID formID. Make sure the number of images and alternative texts correspond to the correct selection values. |
ARERR | 5286 | Image imageName is missing from the server. Select a different image in column columnName. |
ARERR | 5287 | Image imageName in column columnName exceeds the maximum recommended size (32 x 32 pixels). |
ARERR | 5288 | Images in column columnName are different sizes. To make the table more readable, select images that are the same size. |
ARERR | 5289 | Please enter a valid Label Name. |
ARERR | 5290 | The field fieldName referred in Table Field fieldName cannot be found on the base form formName. Save this form to fix this issue. |
ARERR | 5291 | No Mid Tier information is provided for AR System server : serverName. Enter Mid Tier Information in the Preferences. |
ARERR | 5292 | Error displaying preview for form : formName. |
ARERR | 5293 | Right-aligned field has negative X value: fieldName. |
ARERR | 5294 | Cannot create label labelName. |
ARERR | 5295 | Cannot edit label labelName. |
WARNING | 5296 | Label labelName created successfully. number objects labeled. Any objects that do not have a baseline were not labeled. |
ARERR | 5297 | Error in retrieving objects for label labelName. |
ARERR | 5298 | Because fieldName Field fieldID uses the advanced rich text property, the field must contain at least 10 rows. |
ARERR | 5299 | Because fieldName Field fieldID uses the advanced rich text property, the field must have at least 500 pt width. |
WARNING | 5300 | Label name cannot be blank. |
ARERR | 5301 | Task name cannot be blank. |
ARERR | 5302 | File name already exists. Choose a new name. |
ARERR | 5303 | No definition (.def) files for the specified objects are attached to the object modification log. In the Version Control tab on the AR System Administration: Server Information form, verify that the Save Definition Files option is selected. |
ARERR | 5304 | There are no Attachment Pool Fields available for selection. Create a new one. |
ARERR | 5305 | Attachment pool field fieldName for the Rich Text field fieldName was deleted. |
ARERR | 5306 | Attachment pool field fieldName for the Rich Text field fieldName should not be visible. |
NOTE | 5307 | Objects exported successfully. |
ARERR | 5308 | The object is not reserved or is reserved by another user. Save As with same name is not allowed. |
WARNING | 5309 | Group having ID: groupID does not exist on the server. This group has been removed from the permission list. |
ARERR | 5310 | Application applicationName, specified for Integration Workflow property, does not exists. |
NOTE | 5311 | Z order for fieldName field fieldID has been modified to set it within acceptable limits. |
ARERR | 5312 | nameOfOperation operation not allowed on specified object. reasonOperationIsNotAllowed. |
ARERR | 5317 | nameOfOperation operation not allowed on specified object. reasonOperationIsNotAllowed. |
ARERR | 5318 | Fields on View nameOfView has invalid Z order. Overlay of View required to modify it. |
ARERR | 5319 | Field nameOfField has missing layout information. Overlay of View required to modify it. |
ARERR | 5321 | View nameOfView has no label. Overlay of View required to modify it. |
ARERR | 5322 | Can not use Form nameOfForm as remote form because it does not contain fields referred by columns or cell fields in the overlaid form. |
ARERR | 5323 | Creating new object is not allowed in Best Practice Customization Mode since AR System Server version is less than 7.6.04. Please use Base Development Mode to create new objects. |
ARERR | 5324 | Creating objectType is not allowed in Best Practice Customization Mode. Please use Full Development Mode to create new objectType. |
ARERR | 5327 | Only custom fields can be added from a base form to an Overlay join form. |
ARERR | 5328 | The objectType 'objectName' has an open editor. Overlay cannot be created for objects that are currently opened in editor. |
ARERR | 5375 | The duration for keeping data for a Flashboard variable before it expires must be an Integer. |
ARERR | 5376 | Pie charts cannot be selected for History or Summary display type. |
ARERR | 5377 | Group access is not defined -- only an administrator has access to this flashboard. |
ARERR | 5378 | Group access is not defined -- only an administrator has access to this variable. |
ARERR | 5379 | The threshold value must be greater than zero. |
ARERR | 5380 | The threshold value must be a non-negative integer. |
ARERR | 5381 | Specified alarm variable does not exist on the AR System for the alarm to monitor. |
ARERR | 5382 | Specified alarm name does not exist on the AR System for the alarm to monitor. |
ARERR | 5383 | Invalid alarm variable. A variable with the given name does not exist. |
ARERR | 5384 | The alarm cannot be saved. Correct the following errors. |
ARERR | 5385 | The alarm variable was not specified, or the specified variable name is invalid. |
ARERR | 5386 | Alarm variable variableName does not exist. |
ARERR | 5387 | Alarm variable variableName is invalid and might not exist. |
ARERR | 5388 | Alarm variable variableName is invalid. It might not exist or the server might not be able to retrieve it. See the following messages. |
ARERR | 5389 | The specified alarm trigger cannot be found. |
ARERR | 5390 | A user and a message must be specified for the alarm notification. |
ARERR | 5391 | Variable variableName does not exist. It will be removed from Variables in next save. |
NOTE | 5400 | This version of BMC Remedy Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key. For unlimited capabilities, contact your sales representative or visit www.bmc.com. Server: serverName. |
ARERR | 5401 | Login failed for server serverName. error. |
ARERR | 5402 | User name is required for login. |
ARERR | 5403 | No servers are selected to login. Select at least one server name. |
ARERR | 5404 | Error connecting to preference server. serverName. |
ARERR | 5405 | Error connecting to preference server. AR System User Preference form not found on the server. |
ARERR | 5406 | Error connecting to preference server. Server may be down. serverName. |
ARERR | 5407 | Form is not selected. Select a form. |
ARERR | 5408 | Data file is not selected. Select a data file. |
ARERR | 5409 | The fieldName field's length exceeded number characters. |
ARERR | 5410 | Saving to .arm file is not supported. Use Save As and save file fileName to .armx file format. |
ARERR | 5411 | Import failed. |
ARERR | 5412 | No mappings found to import. Create a mapping before doing the import. |
ARERR | 5413 | Source form name is empty. Select a valid source data file. |
ARERR | 5414 | Target form is not selected. Select a target form name. |
WARNING | 5415 | Switching target form will clear all the existing mappings. |
ARERR | 5416 | No field is selected. Select a field. |
ARERR | 5417 | No fallback value is entered. Enter a value or select a keyword. |
ARERR | 5418 | No mapping value was entered. Enter a value or select a field or a keyword. |
ARERR | 5419 | The specified file is not found. Reason: reason. |
ARERR | 5420 | The specified file has unsupported encoding and cannot be read. Reason: reason. |
ARERR | 5421 | Import engine encountered an error. Reason: reason. |
ARERR | 5422 | The specified file cannot be read. Reason: reason. |
ARERR | 5423 | The specified file cannot be parsed. Reason: reason. |
ARERR | 5424 | The Mapping editor cannot be loaded. |
ARERR | 5425 | Cannot save to the specified file. fileName. |
ARERR | 5426 | Import failed. Reason: reason. |
ARERR | 5427 | This capability is only supported on AR System server version 7.0 or later. The current AR System server version is version. |
ARERR | 5525 | Unknown error: exception. |
ARERR | 5526 | Empty search text. Please enter text in Search Text. |
ARERR | 5527 | Invalid locations specified. |
ARERR | 5528 | Invalid search locations specified. For every selected object type, at least one location must be selected. |
ARERR | 5529 | Invalid field ID specified. If Treat as Field ID is selected, a numeric value must be entered in Search Text. |
ARERR | 5530 | Treat as Field ID is selected, but none of the selected locations match any fields. |
ARERR | 5531 | The following locations string cannot be matched exactly or at the beginning: locationNames. They will be matched with Match Anywhere in the Target Text option. |
ARERR | 5532 | The search cannot be performed on the selected AR System server because the Record Object Relationships setting is not enabled. |
WARNING | 5533 | Searching for a string in all locations is a time consuming task. Select this option only when you are sure that the entered search text will not match many objects. |
ARERR | 5534 | No objects were selected. If Only in Selected Objects is chosen then at least one object must be selected. |
ARERR | 5535 | Another search is already running in background. Only one search can be performed at a time. |
ARERR | 5536 | No match found for this string constant in the selected locations. Your current setting is ''Match only String Constants''. |
ARERR | 5537 | A working list with same name already exists. Please choose some other name. |
ARERR | 5538 | Working List Name is empty. Please specify a name for the Working List. |
ARERR | 5539 | Label search cannot be performed on {0}. The server is not configured to support version control labels. |
ARERR | 5540 | Task search cannot be performed on {0}. The server is not configured to support tasks. |
ARERR | 5541 | Label search cannot be performed on {0}. The server does not support version control labels. |
ARERR | 5542 | Search cannot be performed on {0}. Modified Date format should be MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa. Example: 06/25/2000 01:35:02 PM. |
ARERR | 5543 | No object types were selected in Search In. Please select at least one object type. |
ARERR | 5544 | No match was found for the specified keywords. The current setting is ''Match Only Keywords''. |
ARERR | 5545 | Specified Search Text cannot be found at locationName: {1}. |
ARERR | 5546 | Some of the selected locations are not supported on server serverName. They will be removed from Only these Locations. |
ARERR | 5547 | {0} must have a value of either Enable or Disable. |
ARERR | 5548 | No Menu Type was specified for Menu. At least one Menu Type must be selected. |
NOTE | 5550 | Analysis completed successfully. |
ARERR | 5551 | Related Objects cannot be added. Record Object Relationships configuration is not set. |
ARERR | 5575 | Unknown error: {0}. |
ARERR | 5576 | Error loading Event Navigator View. Form formName does not exist on server serverName. |
ARERR | 5577 | Record Object Relationships is not enabled. |
ARERR | 5578 | Event Navigator View is currently loading events of form {0}. Only one form can be loaded at a time. |
ARERR | 5579 | Operation was aborted by user! |
ARERR | 5580 | Some objects were modified while initializing! |
ARERR | 5600 | Store is not connected to serverName. |
ARERR | 5601 | Unable to update item itemName in L10nItemStore. |
ARERR | 5602 | Undefined location type: locationType. |
ARERR | 5603 | Undefined translation state: translationState. |
ARERR | 5604 | Error parsing definition file. |
ARERR | 5605 | Unsupported target locale: targetLocale. |
ARERR | 5606 | Error creating homograph for: {0}. |
ARERR | 5607 | Error fetching definitions from root folder folderName. |
ARERR | 5608 | Error saving {0} to file fileName. Error while writing to file. |
ARERR | 5610 | Unable to update location for item itemName. |
ARERR | 5611 | Location locationName was not found in item itemName. |
ARERR | 5612 | Invalid definition location. locationName. |
ARERR | 5613 | Invalid database location. locationName. |
ARERR | 5614 | Error deleting {0}. Access was denied. |
ARERR | 5615 | Duplicate package name: packageName. |
WARNING | 5617 | Form formName was skipped as it is ineligible for data localization. |
WARNING | 5618 | Field fieldID on form formName was skipped as the length of translation exceeds the field ' + ' limit. |
ARERR | 5625 | L10N UI Preferences|Empty value specified. Please select an existing directory. |
ARERR | 5626 | L10N UI Preferences|Invalid value specified. Please select an existing directory. |
ARERR | 5627 | L10N UI Preferences|You do not have read access to the specified directory. |
ARERR | 5628 | L10N UI Preferences|You do not have write access to the specified directory. |
ARERR | 5629 | Packages cannot be created or deleted while the localization process is running. |
ARERR | 5630 | Invalid package name. |
ARERR | 5631 | At least one deployable application or one form must be specified for localization. |
ARERR | 5632 | Invalid deployable applications list. |
ARERR | 5633 | Only deployable applications will be localized. |
ARERR | 5634 | Invalid independent forms list. |
ARERR | 5635 | Invalid locales. |
ARERR | 5636 | Error opening definition. See error log for more details. |
ARERR | 5637 | Root Folder preference value cannot be changed when a Package Definition is being edited. |
ARERR | 5638 | Invalid view id range values. |
ARERR | 5639 | All of the selected package definitions have editors open. Package definitions that are currently being edited cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 5640 | Delete completed with some warnings. |
ARERR | 5641 | Invalid XLIFF (.xlf) file. |
ARERR | 5642 | The selected AR System server must be set up so that the localization toolkit can use it. Click the Set Up Database button. |
ARERR | 7001 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Integer can only be mapped to XML Datatype - int, boolean, short, byte, unsigned Int, unsigned Short, or unsigned Byte. |
ARERR | 7002 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Decimal can only be mapped to XML Datatype - decimal, long, or unsigned Long. |
ARERR | 7003 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - View or Display can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string. |
ARERR | 7004 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - DateTime can only be mapped to XML Datatype - dateTime. |
ARERR | 7005 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Date can only be mapped to XML Datatype - date, gYearMonth, gYear, gMonthDay, gDay, or gMonth. |
ARERR | 7006 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - TimeOfDay can only be mapped to XML Datatype - time. |
ARERR | 7007 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Real can only be mapped to XML Datatype - double or float. |
ARERR | 7008 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Diary can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string. |
ARERR | 7009 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Enum can only be mapped to XML Datatype - string. |
ARERR | 7010 | Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. AR Datatype - Attachment can only be mapped to XML Datatype - hexBinary or base64Binary. |
ARERR | 7011 | A few warnings occurred while loading the xml schema. |
ARERR | 7012 | Failed to create internal mapping from wsdl. |
ARERR | 7013 | Failed to generate wsdl from internal mapping. |
ARERR | 7014 | Failed to resolve existing mappings with the specified schema. |
ARERR | 7015 | Failed to get top level elements from xml schema. Specified schema could not be imported. |
ARERR | 7016 | Failed to create initial mapping from the specified top level element/type. |
ARERR | 7017 | Failed to initialize JRE and internal java module. |
ARERR | 7018 | Failed to load WSUtil70.dll (related to webservices). Please verify your installation procedure. |
ARERR | 7034 | Please enter statistics logging interval for form. |
ARERR | 7035 | Auto Layout Style Property must be available at application level or view level. Turning off the Auto Layout mode. |
ARERR | 7036 | There are no properties in the style sheet. |
ARERR | 7037 | Can not switch to restricted list as selected form(s) do not belong to the application. |
ARERR | 7038 | The entry point order must be between 1 and 2147483647. Please enter a new order. |
ARERR | 7041 | The dynamic field values must contain valid field / keyword references. |
ARERR | 7042 | Please enter statistics logging interval for application. |
ARERR | 7043 | Application Statistics Configuration form not found on the server. |
ARERR | 7045 | The set field list did not contain a reference to a dynamic assignment. |
ARERR | 7046 | XML export of locked objects is not supported in this version. The objects will be exported in def file format. |
ARERR | 7047 | Navigation area is greater than VUI area. |
ARERR | 7048 | Left margin/Level Indent in the navigation properties is greater than the Navigation Area. |
WARNING | 7049 | This operation may delete some fields, resulting in a loss of data and/or broken workflow. Do you wish to Continue? |
WARNING | 7050 | Permissions should be supplied to the owning application object. |
WARNING | 7051 | Moving a form into a deployable application will strip away all non-implicit groups from the form and its related workflow objects. You must assign roles to these objects for proper access control. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 7052 | Moving a packing list into a deployable application will strip away all non-implicit groups from the packing list. You must assign roles to the packing list for proper access control. Do you want to continue? |
WARNING | 7053 | All the Data associated with the forms selected for Import will be deleted. Do you wish to Continue? |
WARNING | 7054 | Once you have licensed an application, you cannot unlicense it. |
WARNING | 7055 | Licensing an application is not a reversible process. Do you wish to continue? |
ARERR | 7056 | Can not delete an application which is open in an Application Window. |
WARNING | 7058 | This is an archive form. Are you sure you want to delete it? |
WARNING | 7059 | Some forms had archive forms associated with them. These archive forms have been automatically licensed. |
ARERR | 7060 | Unable to Save/Update Form due to an HTML processing error: systemErrorCode. |
ARERR | 7061 | Unable to Import web page due to an HTML processing error: systemErrorCode. |
ARERR | 7062 | Unable to merge template due to an HTML processing error: systemErrorCode. |
ARERR | 7064 | Please provide valid target directory for the following object type(s): objectType. |
ARERR | 7065 | Form does not have Web Alias. This may result in invalid .jsp file names after deployment. Do you wish to continue saving? |
ARERR | 7069 | Since you retrieved this object from the server, it has been modified by userName. Do you want to overwrite userName's changes with your changes? |
ARERR | 7070 | Can not add Menu types to Horizontal Navigation fields. |
ARERR | 7071 | Please enter a non-empty string in NULL Values field. |
ARERR | 7072 | The default view of this form is Web - Legacy (Relative), which is not supported in version 7.0. To view this form in version 7.0, open it in a previous version of Remedy Administrator. Then, change the default view to Standard. |
ARERR | 7076 | The specified application does not exist: applicationName. |
ARERR | 7077 | Please enter Qualification query for this search. |
ARERR | 7078 | 0 is not a valid value for statistics logging interval. |
WARNING | 7079 | Tables may not be audited. Their audit status will not be changed. |
ARERR | 7080 | Please enter a Name for this search. |
WARNING | 7081 | Trailing spaces are not allowed in the form name. The trailing spaces will be trimmed. |
WARNING | 7082 | You must designate another field as key field before saving. |
WARNING | 7083 | Audit Log Key key is already in use. |
ARERR | 7084 | The sub-administrator cannot create deployable applications. |
ARERR | 7085 | The next request ID block size must be between 1 and 1000. Please enter a new size. |
ARERR | 7107 | If you are working with a Unicode server, only the current view is modified and saved. Click Display to display the view, and click Save to save your changes. |
ARERR | 7117 | The current view has been modified. Contents will be lost if you switch the view without saving. Do you wish to continue? Click yes to continue to switch and click No to remain in view. |
ARERR | 8000 | The error handler cannot be found on this server. |
ARERR | 8001 | The error handler name cannot exceed 254 characters. |
ARERR | 8002 | Filter error handlers exceeded the maximum number of levels. |
ARERR | 8003 | Could not locate error handler in schema workflow list. |
ARERR | 8004 | An error handler cannot use itself as its own error handler. |
ARERR | 8005 | The context for the called filter is missing. |
ARERR | 8029 | One or more entries matched filter conditions -- your current setting considered any match as an error. |
WARNING | 8031 | Some of the fields and/or workflow in this form are not supported in this version of the client. |
WARNING | 8032 | An owned container cannot have a list of subadministrator groups. The list is disregarded. |
WARNING | 8033 | Floating License Timeout change will only take effect after server restart. |
WARNING | 8034 | Full Text floating license timeout change will only take effect after server restart. |
WARNING | 8035 | Referenced character menu cannot be found. |
WARNING | 8036 | The system cannot recognize some characters. Unrecognized characters are ignored. |
WARNING | 8037 | Index length longer than 255 bytes may not work on all databases. |
WARNING | 8038 | Request to not fire filter workflow on merge was ignored because user is not an administrator. |
ARERR | 8201 | The RPC socket number specified is not one of the legal values (0, 390600, 390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). |
ARERR | 8202 | The RPC port specified is not one of the legal values (0, 1 - 65535). |
ARERR | 8203 | The server's RPC version is not supported. |
WARNING | 8204 | RPC control failed to set non-blocking I/O mode. Continuing in blocked I/O mode. |
WARNING | 8205 | Port is busy -- check with netstat to view ports in use. |
ARERR | 8301 | The Server Version Control Reservation fields can only exist on one form. |
ARERR | 8302 | The data entered is invalid. The Server Version Control Reservation mode can only be 0 for disabled mode or 10 for enabled mode. |
ARERR | 8303 | The requested object is reserved by another user. |
ARERR | 8304 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the form. |
ARERR | 8305 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the filter. |
ARERR | 8306 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the active link. |
ARERR | 8307 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the character menu. |
ARERR | 8308 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the escalation. |
ARERR | 8309 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the container. |
ARERR | 8310 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the application. |
ARERR | 8311 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the image. |
ARERR | 8312 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the dependent join form. |
ARERR | 8313 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the related filter. |
ARERR | 8314 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the related active link. |
ARERR | 8315 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the related escalation. |
ARERR | 8316 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the related container. |
ARERR | 8317 | The operation failed because another user has reserved the related application. |
ARERR | 8318 | The object cannot be reserved because it does not exist on the server. You must save an object on the server before you can reserve it. |
ARERR | 8351 | Version control object modification log mode must be either 0 for disabled mode or 10 for enabled mode. |
ARERR | 8352 | The Server Version Control Task fields can only exist on one form. |
ARERR | 8353 | The Server Version Control Object Modification Log fields can only exist on one form. |
ARERR | 8354 | The operation succeeded, but all or some of the corresponding log entries were not added to the AR System Version Control: Object Modification Log form. |
ARERR | 8355 | The Defintion Files option on the Version control tab must be either 0 for save and 10 for not save. |
ARERR | 8356 | The Server Version Control Label fields can only exist on one form. |
ARERR | 8357 | The Server Version Control Labeled Object fields can only exist on one form. |
WARNING | 8358 | The operation succeeded, but label was not created to the AR System Version Control: Label form. |
WARNING | 8359 | The operation succeeded, but all or some of the corresponding labeled object entries were not added to the AR System Version Control: Labeled Object form. |
ARERR | 8360 | The operation failed because the form object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8361 | The operation failed because the filter object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8362 | The operation failed because the active link object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8363 | The operation failed because the character menu object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8364 | The operation failed because the escalation object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8365 | The operation failed because the container object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8366 | The operation failed because the application object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8367 | The operation failed because the image object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8368 | The operation failed because the dependent join form object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8369 | The operation failed because the related filter object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8370 | The operation failed because the related active link object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8371 | The operation failed because the related escalation object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8372 | The operation failed because the related container object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8373 | The operation failed because the related application object is already reserved. |
ARERR | 8400 | Task not found. |
ARERR | 8401 | Duplicate task. |
ARERR | 8402 | Checkpoint not found. |
ARERR | 8403 | Duplicate checkpoint. |
ARERR | 8404 | Task creation failed. |
ARERR | 8405 | Checkpoint creation failed. |
ARERR | 8406 | Cannot delete open task. |
ARERR | 8407 | Permission denied because the user is not the task owner. |
ARERR | 8459 | The number of rows exceeded the maximum allowed limit of 999. |
ARERR | 8469 | Please select a source code control provider application. |
ARERR | 8700 | Attachment locator types can only be filename or the buffer. Use only these types. |
ARERR | 8701 | Bad attachment locator buffer size. |
ARERR | 8702 | Bad attachment locator buffer pointer. |
ARERR | 8703 | Bad attachment size. |
ARERR | 8704 | OLE Automation active link action cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 8705 | OLE Automation active link action method list cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 8706 | Bad ARCOMValueStruct variable value. |
ARERR | 8707 | Bad OLE server or parameter name. |
ARERR | 8708 | Bad OLE class ID or method ID, or interface of an OLE automation active link. |
ARERR | 8709 | Bad OLE Automation active link action Method. |
ARERR | 8710 | Bad OLE Automation active link action Method name. |
ARERR | 8711 | Empty OLE Automation active link action Method. |
ARERR | 8712 | Empty OLE Automation active link action Parameter List. |
ARERR | 8713 | Empty OLE Automation active link action Parameter. |
ARERR | 8714 | Bad OLE Automation active link action Parameter. |
ARERR | 8715 | Bad automation string in the OLE Automation active link action. |
ARERR | 8716 | The RPC socket number for the Approval Server process is not one of the legal values (390600, 390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). |
ARERR | 8717 | The value for the Application check interval is not within the legal range of 0 to 3600 seconds. |
WARNING | 8718 | The signal %d is not valid and is ignored. |
ARERR | 8720 | Open dialog value is empty. |
ARERR | 8721 | Call guide ID is empty. |
ARERR | 8722 | Guide name missing. |
ARERR | 8723 | Goto active link action label empty or too long. |
ARERR | 8724 | Goto action tag must be a field or value. |
ARERR | 8725 | Continuation button title is empty or too long. |
ARERR | 8726 | Guide calling itself is not allowed. |
ARERR | 8727 | Invalid external table name in a vendor field mapping definition. |
ARERR | 8728 | Invalid vendor form definition. |
ARERR | 8729 | Vendor forms not allowed in join forms. |
ARERR | 8730 | Changing the field mapping is not allowed for join fields. |
ARERR | 8731 | Changing the type in the field mapping structure is not allowed. |
ARERR | 8732 | Client type must be a non-negative integer. |
ARERR | 8733 | Unrecognized currency part tag. |
ARERR | 8734 | Invalid currency code string length. |
ARERR | 8735 | Bad decimal value. |
ARERR | 8736 | An arithmetic error was encountered in a decimal calculation. |
ARERR | 8737 | Notify header name cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8738 | Notify footer name cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8739 | Notify content name cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8740 | Unable to create a server thread. |
ARERR | 8741 | Unable to create a mutex. |
ARERR | 8742 | Unable to create a semaphore. |
ARERR | 8743 | Unable to lock a mutex. |
ARERR | 8744 | Unable to perform semaphore operation. |
ARERR | 8745 | Unable to create a queue to process RPC requests. |
ARERR | 8746 | Unable to allocate thread local storage. |
ARERR | 8747 | Unable to access thread local storage. |
ARERR | 8748 | Semaphore operation timed out. |
ARERR | 8749 | Approaching physical stack limit. |
ARERR | 8750 | Create entry operations are not supported for this form. |
ARERR | 8751 | Set entry operations are not supported for this form. |
ARERR | 8752 | Delete entry operations are not supported for this form. |
ARERR | 8753 | Error in plugin. |
ARERR | 8754 | Retrieving attachment data is not supported for this form. |
ARERR | 8755 | The specified plug-in does not exist. |
ARERR | 8756 | An error has occurred while loading a plug-in. |
ARERR | 8758 | The plug-in name is empty, contains invalid characters, or is a reserved name. The plug-in will not load. |
ARERR | 8759 | The plug-in does not implement ARPluginIdentify(). The plug-in will not load. |
ARERR | 8760 | Cannot establish a network connection to the AR System Plug-In server. |
ARERR | 8761 | An invalid password has been used for access to the plug-in server. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. |
ARERR | 8762 | The specified plug-in failed to initialize properly. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. |
ARERR | 8763 | The specified plug-in failed to set properties. |
ARERR | 8764 | Error while loading the native plugin hosting library arpluginjni. |
ARERR | 8765 | Error while initializing the JNI type manager for native plugins. |
ARERR | 8766 | Error encountered while invoking a Native plugin host call. |
ARERR | 8767 | Error while loading Java wrapper for native plugin. |
ARERR | 8768 | Could not load/Save the plugin server configuration file. |
ARERR | 8769 | Invalid configuration for a plugin. One of the required values was not provided. |
ARERR | 8770 | The RPC socket number for plug-in loopback is not one of the legal values (390621 - 390634, 390636 - 390669, 390680 - 390694). |
ARERR | 8771 | Duplicate name detected for plugin. Skipping duplicate entry. |
ARERR | 8780 | Duplicate User. |
ARERR | 8781 | Invalid Command line arguments. Usage: java ARPluginServerMain -x hostname -t portnum i workingfolder. |
ARERR | 8782 | Invalid port number. Usage: java ARPluginServerMain -x hostname -t portnum i workingfolder. |
ARERR | 8783 | Unknown host. Usage: java ARPluginServerMain -x hostname -t portnum -i workingfolder. |
ARERR | 8784 | Data encryption error encountered. |
ARERR | 8785 | Data decryption error encountered. |
ARERR | 8786 | Error while setting up public/private key pair. |
ARERR | 8787 | Error fetching private key. |
ARERR | 8788 | Error fetching public key. |
ARERR | 8789 | Error encountered while encoding string to bytes. |
ARERR | 8790 | Unknown system error. |
NOTE | 8791 | AR System Plugin Server Version 7.1.0. Started up. |
ARERR | 8792 | Exception occurred while loading the native plugin host library. |
ARERR | 8793 | AR Plugin Server Startup Error. |
ARERR | 8794 | Plugin Termination Error. |
ARERR | 8795 | Plugin Create Instance Error. |
ARERR | 8796 | Plugin Delete Instance Error. |
ARERR | 8797 | Error encountered while encoding bytes to string string. |
ARERR | 8800 | The specified container owner name is incorrect. |
ARERR | 8801 | The value of the specified reference is empty. |
ARERR | 8802 | The label of the specified reference is empty. |
ARERR | 8803 | The description of the specified reference is empty. |
ARERR | 8804 | The specified container does not exist. |
ARERR | 8805 | You do not have access to the specified container. |
ARERR | 8806 | The specified container is missing. |
ARERR | 8807 | Unable to open the specified container. |
ARERR | 8808 | The specified flat file database file is not a valid container file. |
ARERR | 8809 | Illegal container type. |
ARERR | 8810 | The specified container already exists. |
ARERR | 8811 | No name was specified for the owning object. |
ARERR | 8812 | Container cannot be owned by this type of object. |
ARERR | 8813 | Error encountered with the flat file database container file (contain.ar). |
ARERR | 8814 | No container ID for the container. |
ARERR | 8815 | Missing or invalid container definition file. |
ARERR | 8816 | Illegal reference type. |
ARERR | 8817 | The value of the external reference has an invalid format. |
ARERR | 8818 | The container is not supported by the server. |
ARERR | 8819 | Application owner does not match what's defined in the schema. |
NOTE | 8830 | Object cannot be locked. |
WARNING | 8831 | Locking level cannot be decreased. |
ARERR | 8832 | Unknown object lock level specified. |
WARNING | 8833 | Lock key cannot be changed, so the existing key will be kept. |
ARERR | 8834 | Lock information mismatch. |
ARERR | 8835 | Unable to load object lock information into cache. |
ARERR | 8836 | Specified lock block cannot be found. |
NOTE | 8837 | End of file reached. |
WARNING | 8838 | No information is returned for the hidden locked object. |
ARERR | 8839 | Cannot delete a locked object -- must override to delete. |
WARNING | 8840 | Attempt to modify a locked object -- inappropriate changes are discarded. |
ARERR | 8841 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted form. |
ARERR | 8842 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted container. |
ARERR | 8843 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted active link. |
ARERR | 8844 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted filter. |
ARERR | 8845 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted escalation. |
ARERR | 8846 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted menu. |
ARERR | 8847 | Field creation not allowed on a locked form. |
ARERR | 8848 | Field deletion not allowed on a locked form. |
WARNING | 8849 | Setting object lock information is disallowed at this time. |
ARERR | 8850 | A lock block must be exported entirely in xml or entirely in def format. |
WARNING | 8851 | Setting BSM tag disallowed. |
ARERR | 8852 | Server setting out of range. |
ARERR | 8853 | Invalid locale info supplied. |
WARNING | 8854 | Child entries are not processed. |
ARERR | 8855 | Safeguard mismatch - potentially corrupted image. |
ARERR | 8856 | An overlay and its corresponding overlaid object cannot belong to the same overlay group. |
ARERR | 8857 | Creating overlay is not supported for the type of object specified. |
ARERR | 8858 | __C and __O are system reserved suffix and cannot be added manually. |
ARERR | 8859 | Invalid operation on overlay or overlaid object. |
ARERR | 8860 | The Group ID for Overlay and custom objects can only be 0 (does not belong to an overlay group) or 1 (belongs to the overlay group). |
ARERR | 8861 | Base and overlay object should be of same type. |
ARERR | 8863 | Before creating an overlay of a field or a form view, you must create an overlay of the object's associated form. |
ARERR | 8864 | Invalid value for overlay property. |
ARERR | 8865 | Field/View overlay and the associated base form overlay must be in the same overlay group. |
ARERR | 8866 | Audit/Archive form overlay and the associated base form overlay must be in the same overlay group. |
ARERR | 8867 | Unable to find overlay for specified overlaid object. |
ARERR | 8868 | Field overlay and the associated view overlay must be in the same overlay group. |
ARERR | 8869 | To convert custom field to overlay, field ID of custom and base must be the same. |
ARERR | 8870 | To convert custom field to overlay, custom form name and the base form name must be the same. |
ARERR | 8871 | Field must be of custom type on given form. |
ARERR | 8872 | Unable to find the overlaid object. |
ARERR | 8873 | Renaming of overlay object is not allowed. |
ARERR | 8874 | Object is not a valid custom object, hence cannot be converted to base. |
ARERR | 8875 | Audit or archive form must be custom for the specified overlay form. |
ARERR | 8876 | The object is either custom or overlay object and converting it to custom or overlay in same overlay group is not allowed. |
ARERR | 8879 | Base object and custom object names are same. Conversion of custom to overlay is not allowed. |
ARERR | 8900 | The GetListFields operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. |
WARNING | 8901 | The GetListFields operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. |
ARERR | 8902 | The Sort List operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. |
WARNING | 8903 | The Sort List operation cannot be performed on a dialog form. |
ARERR | 8904 | Filters are not allowed on a dialog form. |
ARERR | 8905 | Escalations are not allowed on a dialog form. |
ARERR | 8906 | Dialog form cannot have core fields. |
ARERR | 8907 | Dialog form can only have display-only fields. |
ARERR | 8908 | Windows Logon fails. |
ARERR | 8909 | Dialog forms are not allowed in join forms. |
ARERR | 8910 | Field referenced in the qualifier of a table field cannot be deleted. |
WARNING | 8911 | Some of the fields have been truncated from the results list because the total length of the fields and separators is greater than the maximum allowed. |
ARERR | 8912 | The ARGetListEntryWithFields call is not supported by the pre-4.0 AR System server. |
ARERR | 8913 | A server could not get or lock a semaphore. Make sure that your computer is correctly configured for shared memory and semaphores. If it is, run arsystem stop, and then run arsystem start. |
NOTE | 8914 | Workflow logging activated. |
WARNING | 8915 | Insufficient disk space for logging to requested file. Free up disk space before continue. |
ARERR | 8916 | Unable to update next available field ID. |
ARERR | 8917 | Unable to get next available field ID. |
ARERR | 8918 | Unable to update next available VUI ID. |
ARERR | 8919 | Unable to get next available VUI ID. |
ARERR | 8920 | Must specify a form for the workflow to create an active link, filter, or escalation. |
ARERR | 8921 | The form list for the workflow contains no forms. |
ARERR | 8922 | The authentication service is not responding. Cannot connect to the system at this time. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. |
ARERR | 8923 | Unrecognized or misused tag for workflow connection structure. |
ARERR | 8924 | Two or more forms in the workflow form list have duplicate form names. |
ARERR | 8925 | The legal value for the RPC socket number for the External Authentication process is 390695. |
NOTE | 8926 | The appended text is a message from the external authentication server: note. |
ARERR | 8927 | The appended text is a message from the external authentication server: error. |
ARERR | 8928 | Error opening the application audit file (<ar>/db/appl.aud). |
ARERR | 8929 | Error opening the application violation file (<ar>/db/appl.vio). |
ARERR | 8930 | The form was not found in the cache. |
ARERR | 8931 | Error in semaphore name. |
ARERR | 8932 | You do not have write license. |
WARNING | 8933 | No views were imported. |
ARERR | 8934 | The proxy fork process could not write information to its log file. |
ARERR | 8935 | Upgrade of the server internal forms failed. Only a valid internal form definition can be upgraded. |
ARERR | 8936 | Compression of file failed. |
ARERR | 8937 | You do not have permission to the client operation: operationName. |
ARERR | 8938 | Error during Xerces-c Initialization. |
ARERR | 8939 | The AR System Plug-In server is not responding. Cannot connect to the system at this time. Contact your AR System Administrator for assistance. |
ARERR | 8940 | Error during XML definition parsing. |
ARERR | 8941 | XML Parsing error. Invalid element tag. |
ARERR | 8942 | XML Parsing error. Invalid attribute tag. |
ARERR | 8943 | XML Parsing error. Invalid enumeration value. |
ARERR | 8944 | XML Parsing error. Invalid character data. |
ARERR | 8945 | No such object in the parsed XML object list. |
ARERR | 8946 | EXTERNAL qualification contains a circular reference. |
ARERR | 8947 | Invalid license key. Please provide a valid license key. |
ARERR | 8948 | Invalid session configuration option. |
ARERR | 8949 | Invalid enumerated value style. |
ARERR | 8950 | Custom style enumerated value must be unique for each choice. The specified value is a duplicate. |
ARERR | 8951 | The Status field cannot be a query style enumerated value. |
ARERR | 8952 | An invalid XML document type was specified. |
ARERR | 8953 | Unable to load the arxmlutil library. |
ARERR | 8954 | A failure occurred while trying to open the file. |
ARERR | 8955 | XML import and export is not supported. |
ARERR | 8956 | This operation does not support the specified date part. |
ARERR | 8957 | The date format is invalid. |
ARERR | 8958 | The date value is invalid. |
ARERR | 8959 | The XML data type being converted is not supported by AR System. |
ARERR | 8960 | Server information data is in an incorrect format. |
ARERR | 8961 | A required element is missing from the XML input document. |
ARERR | 8962 | Unexpected element encountered in the input XML document. |
ARERR | 8963 | The number of entries exceeds the XML element's maxOccurs value. |
ARERR | 8964 | The number of entries is less than XML element's minOccurs value. |
ARERR | 8965 | The default notification mailbox is not specified. |
ARERR | 8966 | Required XML element is missing from the XML mapping. |
ARERR | 8967 | Required XML attribute is missing from the XML mapping. |
ARERR | 8968 | Invalid process definition. |
ARERR | 8969 | A required attribute is missing from the XML input document. |
ARERR | 8970 | The key for this entry must be unique in the XML input document. |
ARERR | 8971 | The reserved centralized user preference field can only exist on one form -- delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 8972 | The reserved centralized administrator preference field can only exist on one form -- delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 8973 | The reserved centralized file preference field can only exist on one form -- delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 8974 | The 'from information' of the email notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8975 | The 'reply to' information of the email notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8976 | The CC list of the email notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8977 | The BCC list of the email notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes |
ARERR | 8978 | The organization list of the email notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8979 | The mailbox name information of the email notification message cannot exceed 255 bytes. |
ARERR | 8980 | Failed to open a system form definition file: fileName. |
WARNING | 8981 | Setting application owner is disallowed. |
ARERR | 8982 | Object is already owned by another application. |
ARERR | 8983 | Changing the data type of the field is not allowed. |
WARNING | 8984 | Group permissions have been removed from the object because the object is in a deployable application. |
WARNING | 8985 | Roles permissions have been removed from the object because the object is not in a deployable application. |
WARNING | 8986 | The alias for this object is not unique. It will be set to empty string. |
ARERR | 8987 | Change field action can only be: 1 to indicate a field or 0 to indicate a value. |
ARERR | 8988 | Archive or Audit information could not be set for this form. |
ARERR | 8989 | Cannot delete data fields from Archive or Audit form. |
WARNING | 8990 | Cannot modify Limit Info or Permission for a data field in an Archive or Audit form. These values will be made NULL before setting. |
ARERR | 8991 | Cannot create this field in Archive or Audit Form. If this is a main form, then a field with that ID exists in the Archive/Audit form and archive or audit will be disabled. If this is an Archive/Audit form then fields of this type cannot be created. |
WARNING | 8992 | An archive or audit form cannot be created for a source form because of a lack of memory or a database error. Archive/Audit for this form has been disabled. |
ARERR | 8993 | If any of the Copy options are chosen, form name must be present. |
ARERR | 8994 | Both the Source form and the Archive or Audit form must belong to the same Application. |
ARERR | 8995 | Archive Type does not match the remaining archive information passed in. |
ARERR | 8996 | Archive not possible on Dialog or Archive forms. For Vendor forms, only 'Copy to Archive' option is available. |
ARERR | 8997 | Turn off the archive or audit to this form to delete this form. |
ARERR | 8998 | Cannot modify or create entries in an Archive or Audit form. |
ARERR | 8999 | The Archive or Audit form is invalid. Archive or Audit form should be of proper type, proper permissions as the source form. Please check the manual for requirements for a valid Archive or Audit form. |
ARERR | 9000 | Encryption is disallowed by the AR System server. |
ARERR | 9001 | Encryption is required by the AR System server. |
ARERR | 9002 | Data encryption key exchange failed. |
ARERR | 9003 | Error during public key data decryption. |
ARERR | 9004 | Error during symmetric key data decryption. |
ARERR | 9005 | An error occurred in the encryption library. |
ARERR | 9006 | The specified public key encryption algorithm is not supported by the encryption library. |
ARERR | 9007 | The specified data key encryption algorithm is not supported by the encryption library. |
ARERR | 9008 | The size of the memory buffer used in XDR (external data representation) is invalid. |
ARERR | 9009 | XDR xres error during XDR encoding. |
ARERR | 9010 | The encryption library was not found and cannot be loaded. |
ARERR | 9011 | Loading of encryption library failed. |
ARERR | 9012 | Encryption is not licensed on the AR System server. |
ARERR | 9013 | The encryption license does not match the encryption library. |
ARERR | 9014 | The encrypted string is greater than the maximum length allowed. |
ARERR | 9015 | To encrypt/decrypt a null string is not allowed. |
ARERR | 9016 | An error occurred with the decryption because the CRC is invalid. |
ARERR | 9017 | FIPS encryption failed. |
ARERR | 9018 | Client cannot connect to this FIPS-compliant server because the client is connected to a server that does not enforce FIPS. |
ARERR | 9019 | Client cannot connect to this FIPS-noncompliant server because the client is connected to a server that enforces FIPS. |
ARERR | 9020 | FIPS mode requires the security policy to be 'encryption required'. |
ARERR | 9050 | Localization has been turned on but no Message Catalog exists. |
ARERR | 9051 | Multiple Message Catalogs exist. There must only be one Message Catalog. |
ARERR | 9052 | The VUI is not unique for the form. The label, locale, and platform properties of this VUI must be unique to the form. |
WARNING | 9053 | The default VUI specified in the schema import file was not found. The default VUI was redefined to a pre-existing VUI from the form. |
WARNING | 9054 | The specified field does not exist in the form. |
ARERR | 9055 | The VUI import file is in an incorrect format. |
ARERR | 9056 | The server is not localized. |
ARERR | 9057 | Recursion of localized queries are not allowed. |
ARERR | 9058 | Update of Localized Active Link or Menu failed. |
ARERR | 9059 | The join form contains a circular reference. |
ARERR | 9060 | A system error prevented the Unicode converter from being opened. |
ARERR | 9061 | Failed to convert the Character data to Unicode format. |
ARERR | 9062 | Failed to convert from Unicode format to character data. |
ARERR | 9063 | Server allows only Unicode clients (except Administrator and Alert tools). |
ARERR | 9075 | Problem encountered during creation of one of the server system forms. |
ARERR | 9076 | Cannot find the Server Events form. |
ARERR | 9077 | Server Events fields can only exist on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9078 | Cannot find the Server Statistics form. |
ARERR | 9079 | Server Statistics fields can only exist on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9080 | Application Statistics fields can only exist on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9081 | Cannot find the Application Statistics form. |
ARERR | 9082 | Application Statistics fields can only exist on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9083 | Cannot find the Application Statistics Configuration form. |
ARERR | 9084 | User is currently connected from another machine. |
ARERR | 9085 | Host IP address not found. |
ARERR | 9088 | The import file does not hold an application definition. |
ARERR | 9089 | User data is corrupted. |
ARERR | 9090 | Cannot change license type of a user to Fixed more than 3 times in 1 week. |
ARERR | 9091 | User data is corrupted. License deleted. |
ARERR | 9092 | The pending file is corrupt. |
ARERR | 9093 | User is currently connected from another machine. |
WARNING | 9094 | Subadministrator group permissions have been removed from the object because the object is in a deployable application. |
WARNING | 9095 | Subadministrator roles permissions have been removed from the object because the object is not in a deployable application. |
ARERR | 9096 | Value specified for the Authentication Chaining Mode is outside the valid range of 0 - 4. |
ARERR | 9097 | Cannot find the Server License form. |
ARERR | 9098 | Server License fields can only exist on one form. Delete the duplicate form formName. |
ARERR | 9100 | The command does not occur on the local server. |
ARERR | 9101 | The direct SQL and run process commands are valid only as server-side processes, not as client-side. |
ARERR | 9102 | Invalid Run Process or Direct SQL command. |
ARERR | 9110 | Server does not have a valid host id. Please correct this error to enable licensing for this server. |
ARERR | 9130 | Error encountered while executing a Web Service. |
ARERR | 9131 | XML Output mapping cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 9132 | The output default value of element does not match the input value. |
ARERR | 9141 | Conversion of timestamp to a string failed. |
ARERR | 9142 | Conversion of time value to a string failed. |
ARERR | 9143 | Conversion of a datetime string to timestamp failed. |
ARERR | 9144 | Upgrade of system form failed because the definition file is not the required version. |
ARERR | 9145 | Upgrade of system form failed because the definition file is missing an expected field. |
ARERR | 9150 | Error while opening the armonitor lock file. |
ARERR | 9200 | You have has no access permission to objectName. Check with your administrator. |
ARERR | 9201 | Session is invalid or has timed out. Please reload page to log in again. |
ARERR | 9202 | There are no available attachment fields. |
ARERR | 9203 | The form action request failed. |
ARERR | 9204 | Please select an attachment file first. |
ARERR | 9205 | No help available. |
ARERR | 9206 | Cannot get the Help text. |
ARERR | 9207 | Illegal request parameter. |
ARERR | 9208 | Failed to get config property. |
ARERR | 9209 | Cannot find an empty attachment field large enough to hold this attachment. |
ARERR | 9210 | The size of the attachment is too large. Maximum size of available slot is number bytes. |
ARERR | 9211 | You have to specify a file to upload. |
ARERR | 9212 | Failed to add attachment. |
ARERR | 9213 | Failed to load the attachment because the request has no incorrect setting. |
ARERR | 9214 | The file does not exist or is empty. |
ARERR | 9215 | Internal error. |
ARERR | 9216 | Display or save attachment failed. Invalid request parameters. |
ARERR | 9217 | File not found. Either the file requested is not present or the URL supplied is bad. |
ARERR | 9218 | Unable to retrieve the file for viewing. |
ARERR | 9219 | There is no attachment file to delete. |
ARERR | 9220 | There is no attachment file to display. |
ARERR | 9221 | There is no attachment file to save. |
ARERR | 9222 | The attachment to be downloaded cannot be found. |
ARERR | 9223 | Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query due to incorrect NULL value usage. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9224 | Crystal Report does not allow '}' in fieldname. Remove this character from the fieldname. |
ARERR | 9225 | Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: character value in QualifierInfo object is NULL. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9226 | Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: bad enum field type. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9227 | Query conversion failure unknown: queryName. Try again or rewrite your AR System query in another way. |
ARERR | 9228 | Unsupported syntax in query conversion. Try to rewrite your AR System query in another way. |
ARERR | 9229 | Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: invalid data type for enum value. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9230 | The report file location is not specified. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9231 | Invalid AR System report definition. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. |
ARERR | 9233 | AR System report definition does not have the field list. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. |
ARERR | 9234 | Cannot display AR System report reportName. Please try again or see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9235 | An invalid operation was specified for an AR System report. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9236 | Cannot open AR System report file fileName. Please try again or see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9237 | Invalid AR System report definition: no 'Report: ' string found. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. |
ARERR | 9238 | Invalid AR System report definition. Re-attach the definition and try again or create a new report. |
ARERR | 9240 | Cannot decode URL. The URL supplied is invalid. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9241 | Cannot create report directory directoryName. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9242 | Bad data type for report attachment field. Please try again or see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9243 | No attachment info for report attachment. Please try again or see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9244 | No filename for report attachment. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9245 | No report directory specified for reporting. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9246 | Cannot find report reportName of type reportType for form formName on server serverName. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9247 | Cannot find report type reportType. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9248 | Internal error: Bad data type for query class field. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9249 | Cannot load query converter class classType. Please try again or see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9250 | Invalid report operation. This operation is no longer supported. |
ARERR | 9251 | Bad data type for report operation command field. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9252 | Report operation command is empty. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9253 | Form with ID IDNumber cannot be found on ARServer serverName. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9254 | Mid Tier does not have permission to create directory directoryName: directoryName. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9255 | Cannot start query converter class className. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9256 | Unable to start query conversion: stringContents. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9257 | Problem opening output stream: stringContents Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9259 | Object(s) cannot be found on AR System server. |
ARERR | 9260 | Report location is missing from report settings configuration page. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 9261 | Error generating Status History information. |
ARERR | 9262 | Submit failed. |
ARERR | 9263 | Modify failed. |
ARERR | 9264 | You have no access permission to the form formName. |
ARERR | 9265 | You have no access permission to the field fieldName. |
ARERR | 9266 | Please select an entry first. |
ARERR | 9267 | Required parameter(s) missing for form view creation: parameterName. |
ARERR | 9268 | Unable to generate the JSP page. |
ARERR | 9269 | Unable to perform query because results list field not found. Please inform your AR System administrator. |
ARERR | 9270 | Entry with ID IDNumber does not exist in database. |
ARERR | 9271 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for the field. |
ARERR | 9272 | Value does not fall within the limits specified for the field. |
ARERR | 9273 | This is a display-only field. |
ARERR | 9275 | Status History operation valid only in modify mode. |
ARERR | 9276 | There is no valid web view for this form. |
ARERR | 9277 | Found more entries than expected during workflow processing. |
ARERR | 9278 | No item matches active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that no match generates an error. |
ARERR | 9279 | Not a valid license for web tier to access the server: serverName. |
ARERR | 9280 | A failure occurred because the name of the server serverName is not in the list of valid mid tier servers - serverName. |
ARERR | 9281 | A failure occurred in the process used by the Set Fields action. |
ARERR | 9282 | Failed to create the following menu: menuName. |
ARERR | 9283 | An internal error has occurred during workflow processing: errorMessageString. |
ARERR | 9289 | Invalid AR System Server Name. |
ARERR | 9291 | Not a valid administrator password on the server - serverName. Please add/modify the password for the server in configuration page. |
ARERR | 9292 | Not a valid administrator user on the server - serverName. |
ARERR | 9293 | Cannot convert AR System query into a Crystal query: you cannot use operatorInQuery to evaluate null. Please rewrite your query. |
ARERR | 9294 | Your query has returned too many results. Narrow your query criteria, specify a smaller maximum number of queries to return, or ask your administrator to specify a smaller chunk size for the table or results list. |
ARERR | 9295 | Incorrect login parameters. Web page, user, and/or server name(s) must be provided. |
ARERR | 9296 | No matches were found for your qualification. |
ARERR | 9297 | The query is too complex for the report engine. |
ARERR | 9298 | Unable to convert. Your query is too complex. The default results list query will be used. |
WARNING | 9299 | This record has been updated by another user since you retrieved it. Saving your changes will overwrite the changes made by that user. Do you want to save your changes? |
ARERR | 9300 | The Run Process specified in the active link action failed because this Run Process command is not supported. |
ARERR | 9301 | The report file cannot be retrieved from the server to the mid tier: fileName. |
ARERR | 9302 | Throw Error - 9302. |
ARERR | 9303 | Unable to retrieve a user from the user pool on this old version of AR System. |
ARERR | 9304 | Unable to retrieve the report file. |
WARNING | 9305 | Unable to translate the group names in the Group List or Assignee Group Field into group IDs. |
ARERR | 9306 | Attempt to divide by zero (0) in arithmetic operation. |
ARERR | 9307 | Date is out of allowed range of 1970 to 2037 for web client. |
ARERR | 9308 | Page has been updated. Please Refresh to get the updated page. |
ARERR | 9309 | Show Status History action ignored. Status History field does not exist in form. |
ARERR | 9310 | Invalid time format. Please enter time in this format: |
ARERR | 9325 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a currency field. |
ARERR | 9326 | You have entered an invalid currency type. |
ARERR | 9327 | You have entered an invalid currency code for a currency field. Using previous valid code. |
ARERR | 9329 | The location does not have the required parameter server or webService. |
ARERR | 9330 | No Web Service named webServiceName exists in server serverName. |
ARERR | 9331 | No operation named operationName exists in web service webServiceName. |
ARERR | 9332 | Invalid operation type operationType specified on web service container. |
ARERR | 9334 | The XPATH expression xpathExpression is not found in input mapping. |
ARERR | 9335 | Invalid Date Time Value: dateTimeString. |
ARERR | 9336 | Invalid URL for accessing WSDL: requested_URL. |
ARERR | 9337 | No web service definition found: webServiceName. |
ARERR | 9338 | No authentication information found: serverName. |
ARERR | 9339 | Data types of the two operands do not match. |
ARERR | 9341 | No Preference server or Home Page Server specified. Home Page needs a server. |
ARERR | 9342 | No servers configured in Mid Tier Configuration. Home Page needs a configured server. |
ARERR | 9343 | No Preference form or ServerSetting Home Page form specified. Home Page needs a form. |
ARERR | 9344 | Cannot connect to server serverName to access Home Page. |
ARERR | 9345 | Your user name or password was not accepted by any AR System server configured in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool. |
ARERR | 9346 | Failed to deploy. Make sure the form - formName and the view - viewName have an alias name. |
ARERR | 9350 | Network protocol/data error when performing data operation. Please contact administrator. |
ARERR | 9351 | Unable to setup data connection, which is preventing the application from working correctly. |
ARERR | 9352 | A form definition has been changed, so unable to retrieve data. Please contact administrator. |
ARERR | 9353 | The operation cannot be completed because you have logged out. |
ARERR | 9354 | No compatible (standard or web fixed) view for the requested form can be found - unable to display form. |
ARERR | 9355 | The requested form formName cannot be found. |
ARERR | 9356 | Unsupported locale locale. |
ARERR | 9357 | Unsupported timezone timeZone. |
ARERR | 9358 | Application does not exist on server - serverName. |
ARERR | 9359 | Server and form names are required in the URL. |
ARERR | 9360 | The size of the current global fields exceeded the allowable 3.5 KB size. |
ARERR | 9361 | A current session exists for a different user - userName. Log off the existing session and try again. |
ARERR | 9362 | Aliases are not supported by the AR System 6.3 and later. Use form, view, or app parameters instead. |
ARERR | 9363 | The action failed because the mid tier is unavailable or could not be contacted. |
ARERR | 9364 | One or more items match active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that any match generates an error. |
ARERR | 9365 | No rows have been selected for ModifyAll. |
ARERR | 9366 | The Run Process active link action failed because this Run Process command was used incorrectly. |
ARERR | 9367 | Data types are not appropriate for relational operation. |
ARERR | 9368 | Invalid data type in active link. |
ARERR | 9369 | Function not supported. |
ARERR | 9370 | The guide guideName is invalid or not owned by any form. |
ARERR | 9371 | The definition for the guide guideName cannot be found and might be missing from the AR System server. |
ARERR | 9372 | The specified menu is invalid. |
ARERR | 9373 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a real field. |
ARERR | 9374 | You have entered an improperly formatted value for a decimal field. |
ARERR | 9375 | You entered a nondigit character for a numeric field. |
ARERR | 9376 | Format of date or time value is not recognized. |
ARERR | 9377 | Time is out of allowed range of number and number. |
WARNING | 9378 | The query matched more than the maximum number of entries specified for retrieval. |
WARNING | 9379 | The time entered is invalid. Therefore, the popup will be initialized to the current time. |
WARNING | 9380 | The date entered is invalid. Therefore, the popup will be initialized to the current date. |
ARERR | 9381 | No such user exists. |
ARERR | 9382 | Authentication failed. |
ARERR | 9383 | No forms found containing field ID: IDNumber. |
ARERR | 9384 | Multiple forms contain field ID: IDNumber. |
ARERR | 9385 | Unable to contact the web server to the complete action. |
ARERR | 9386 | Security Exception!! Possible insecure call issued. Please try opening the report again. |
ARERR | 9387 | Request timeout. Please try opening the report again. |
ARERR | 9388 | Authentication failed. |
ARERR | 9389 | The length of server name or form name exceeds the allowed length. |
ARERR | 9390 | There is either no definition or the user user does not have permission for keys keys for the module module in the server serverName. |
ARERR | 9391 | The requested plug-in moduleName does not exist in the list of Data Visualization Module Server(s) in the BMC Remedy Mid Tier Configuration Tool. |
ARERR | 9392 | Could not create the required directory directoryName to download module module from server serverName. |
ARERR | 9393 | There is no jar file for the module module in the server serverName. |
ARERR | 9394 | Could not download the module jar file for module module from the server serverName. Please see the log file for further details. |
ARERR | 9395 | Unable to find the module module in the mid-tier plug-ins directory. |
ARERR | 9396 | Unable to find the properties file fileName in the mid-tier plug-ins directory. |
ARERR | 9397 | Unable to find the JAR file fileName in the mid-tier plug-ins directory. |
ARERR | 9398 | The module class class does not match the module module from server serverName. |
ARERR | 9399 | The module class class for the module module from server serverName is not found in the jar file. |
ARERR | 9400 | The module class class for the module module from server serverName does not have the required no arg constructor. |
ARERR | 9401 | The module class class for the module module from server serverName made an illegal access and cannot be instantiated. |
ARERR | 9402 | The server serverName is not localized or not contactable. |
ARERR | 9403 | The module module from the server serverName does not have the privileges to perform the call. |
ARERR | 9421 | Unable to reach Mid-Tier. If you are on SSO, please re-login to SSO service. |
ARERR | 9422 | You have exceeded the maximum allowable number of saved searches for this form. You need to delete number searches using Manage My Searches dialog before you can save new search. |
ARERR | 9423 | Cross Site Scripting not allowed. |
ARERR | 9424 | Required field (without a default) not specified. |
ARERR | 9425 | The administrator has set access for administrator users only. Please retry your operation later. |
ARERR | 9426 | An error had occurred. Please see your administrator. |
WARNING | 9500 | Nothing got deployed since the deployed Application is up-to-date. Nothing is updated. |
WARNING | 9501 | The starting active link activeLinkName is missing from the Entry Point Guide on server serverName. |
WARNING | 9502 | The form contains no fields: formName. |
WARNING | 9503 | Every view that needs to be deployed should have an alias. |
NOTE | 9504 | Request requestID was successfully created. |
ARERR | 9701 | The Currency form does not contain the correct number of required currency fields. |
ARERR | 9710 | Bulk entry transaction already in progress. |
ARERR | 9711 | No bulk entry transaction is in progress. |
ARERR | 9712 | Invalid action type for end of bulk entry transaction. |
ARERR | 9713 | The attempted bulk entry transaction failed due to an error in one of the individual operations. |
ARERR | 9720 | The updating of object relationship data through the AR System Object Relationships form is not allowed. |
ARERR | 9730 | The updating of metadata through the Metadata view forms is not allowed. |
ARERR | 9735 | Invalid full text scan information in form object properties. |
ARERR | 9750 | Error encountered while loading the shared library. |
ARERR | 9751 | The shared library identification is invalid or duplicate. |
ARERR | 9752 | The shared library does not provide an Identification routine implementation. |
ARERR | 9753 | The shared library is not loaded because it violates one of the prerequisites. |
ARERR | 9754 | The shared library has an invalid RPC program number. |
ARERR | 9755 | Error encountered while initializing (Initialization routine) the shared library. |
ARERR | 9756 | This version of internal API is not supported by the server. |
ARERR | 9757 | Invalid call made from within filter context. |
ARERR | 9758 | Invalid filter processing call made outside of filter context. |
ARERR | 9759 | Extension library called with no filter context. |
ARERR | 9760 | Workflow API function called from improper filter phase. |
ARERR | 9761 | Unrecognized internal workflow API function. |
ARERR | 9781 | Role name was not found. Verify that the role name is valid. |
ARERR | 9782 | Invalid role format: %s. |
ARERR | 9800 | The reserved fields already exist on this email form. |
ARERR | 9801 | Couldn't locate the Email form. |
ARERR | 9802 | Email attachment mapping is invalid. |
ARERR | 9803 | Cannot locate mailbox. |
ARERR | 9804 | A required form for Email is missing. Server will attempt to import the form in place. Please verify the form gets imported or import it manually to ensure the Email Engine will work properly. formName. |
ARERR | 9820 | Error opening license audit file. |
ARERR | 9821 | Error reading license audit file. |
ARERR | 9822 | Error writing license audit file. |
ARERR | 9823 | Corrupted license audit file. |
ARERR | 9824 | Unable to initialize license audit mutex. |
ARERR | 9850 | You do not have application write license. |
ARERR | 9851 | No additional application fixed license for this type of license is available: licenseType. |
WARNING | 9852 | An Application fixed license of this type has been assigned to more users than the number of valid licenses you have: licenseType. |
NOTE | 9853 | The following application fixed licenses have been returned to the system: licenseType. |
NOTE | 9854 | The following application fixed licenses have been granted: licenseType. |
NOTE | 9855 | The following write application token has become available and has been allocated to you -- access has been upgraded to write access. |
ARERR | 9856 | There is no such application user fixed license on the system: licenseType. |
ARERR | 9857 | Application or Form already Licensable. Cannot modify or unlicense the Application or Form. |
ARERR | 9858 | The application is not licensed. |
ARERR | 9859 | The license information provided for this form does not match that in owning application. |
ARERR | 9860 | The application license format is not valid. |
ARERR | 9861 | The form is missing application licensing information. |
WARNING | 9862 | No free application user floating write license are available. Currently accessing the application form in read-only mode. License will upgrade when one is available. |
WARNING | 9863 | No license property can be set while creating a form. |
ARERR | 9864 | The Application or the Form cannot be made licensable. Only deployable applications can be made licensable. Also, Forms have to belong to deployable applications to be made licensable. |
ARERR | 9870 | Escalations must be disabled. |
ARERR | 9871 | Execution terminated by workflow debugger. |
ARERR | 9872 | Error in field value list (bad ID or datatype). |
ARERR | 9873 | Command not valid at this time. |
ARERR | 9874 | Invalid Breakpoint ID. |
NOTE | 9900 | External Logging Note. |
ARERR | 9901 | External Logging Error. |
ARERR | 9902 | External Logging Not Handled. |
ARERR | 9905 | Internal API call failed. |
ARERR | 9906 | Size of memory allocation for result exceeded configured limit on the server. |
ARERR | 9907 | Illegal command line parameter. |
ARERR | 9908 | Illegal operation for placeholder schema. |
WARNING | 9910 | Admin operations are suspended because the number of open caches is at the configured limit. |
ARERR | 9911 | Admin operations are suspended because the number of open caches is at the configured limit. |
ARERR | 9922 | Audit not possible on Dialog or Audit forms. |
ARERR | 9923 | Join form Audit cannot be enabled unless the base forms have audit enabled. |
ARERR | 9924 | The same Log Key cannot be applied to more than one field in a schema. |
ARERR | 9925 | There are incorrect number of reserved fields in the Archive or Audit form. |
ARERR | 9926 | The Archive or Audit form is already in use by another form. |
ARERR | 9927 | The number of data fields in the main form should be less than or equal to the data fields in the Archive or Audit form. |
ARERR | 9928 | The data types of the data fields in the Source and Archive/Audit form do not match. |
ARERR | 9929 | Field is missing from the Archive/Audit form. |
WARNING | 9930 | Cannot import only Audit form. Either the Main form by itself or both Main and Audit can be imported. |
ARERR | 9931 | Qualification cannot contain EXTERNAL references. |
WARNING | 9932 | Archive or Audit form not found. Archive or Audit will be disabled. |
ARERR | 9933 | You cannot disable the audit on this form until you disable the audit on dependent form. |
ARERR | 9934 | You cannot enable the audit on this form until you enable the audit on base forms. |
ARERR | 9935 | Fields in the range 5000 to 5999 are reserved for Audit use. |
ARERR | 9940 | Time-out during plug-in call -- the request has been accepted by the plug-in server, but the plugin has not yet responded. |
ARERR | 9950 | The input provided for calculating the next recurrence is bad. |
ARERR | 9951 | The date calculated is invalid or a bad date format. Please make sure the date format is in the ARServer's date format and separator. |
ARERR | 9952 | Type of recurrence requested is invalid. |
ARERR | 9953 | Month of year selected is invalid. |
ARERR | 9954 | Week of Month selected is invalid. |
ARERR | 9955 | Day of Month selected is invalid. |
ARERR | 9956 | Hours of day selected is invalid. |
ARERR | 9957 | Day of the week selected is invalid. |
ARERR | 9958 | The date is out of range of the 1970 - 2038 allowed by the OS. |
WARNING | 9959 | The recurrence date is not valid for this month. Skipping to next recurrence. |
ARERR | 9960 | Recurrence of type Specific Dates has no dates. |
ARERR | 9971 | Cannot find respective System Log Form. |
ARERR | 9972 | The fields reserved for respective System Log Forms can exist only on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9973 | The Application_Properties fields can exist only on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9974 | The Application_Interface fields can exist only on one form. Delete the duplicate. |
ARERR | 9975 | There is no recursion qualifier specified in the Recursive Query. |
ARERR | 9976 | Wrong schema type specified for a query form list item in the Recursive Query. |
ARERR | 9977 | Can not specify more than one Recursive Query. |
ARERR | 9979 | Can specify fields from only one schema in the Recursive Query fields list. |
ARERR | 9980 | Wrong recursive schema specified in the Recursive Query. |
ARERR | 9981 | Wrong or missing join type. |
ARERR | 9982 | Wrong query type specified for an item in the query form list. |
ARERR | 9983 | Schema alias associated with the field is not valid. |
ARERR | 9984 | RegularQuery parameter cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 9985 | The list of query sources cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 9986 | Join qualifier is specified but join source is not valid. |
ARERR | 9987 | Field definition not valid. |
ARERR | 9988 | Recursive query cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 9989 | The list of the query fields must contain at least one regular field you have permission to. |
ARERR | 9990 | The ValueSetQuery property can only have one field. |
ARERR | 9991 | Invalid join qualifier for this join form. |
ARERR | 9992 | Dialog forms not allowed in a dynamic query. |
ARERR | 9993 | Join qualifier not allowed for the first query source in the list. |
ARERR | 9994 | Diary field or long char field not allowed in join criterion. |
NOTE | 10000 | Since the Log File Name field is not specified, the default file location and file name will be used for logging. |
WARNING | 10001 | You have modified your preferences using AR System User Preferences form. You need to log in again for these changes to take effect. |
WARNING | 10002 | You have modified the preferences of $2$. |
ARERR | 10009 | One or more of the sort fields specified references the Status History field. You cannot sort by the Status History field or any subset of that field. Correct the sort criteria to remove reference to this field and Save again. |
ARERR | 10010 | Must specify a field to operate on. Select a field from the Field menu and perform the operation. |
ARERR | 10011 | The field specified was not found on the form $17120$. Select a field from the Field menu and perform the operation. |
ARERR | 10012 | Must specify a field to operate on. Select a field from the Field to Add Before/After menu and perform the operation. |
ARERR | 10013 | The field to add before/after specified was not found on the form $17120$. Select a field from the Field to Add Before/After menu and perform the operation. |
ARERR | 11001 | The 'Force For Mailbox' has been enabled but no Mailbox has been supplied |
ARERR | 11002 | The 'Expires' has been enabled but no Expiration Date has been supplied |
ARERR | 11003 | The 'Force From Email Addresses' has been enabled but no Email Addresses have been supplied |
ARERR | 11004 | Mailbox Name is missing and no default Mailbox has been configured |
WARNING | 11005 | You are removing the default mailbox. Please specify a new default mailbox. |
NOTE | 11006 | You are deleting a record that has an associated mailbox. This means that you will no longer be able to send email notifications and/or reply to emails |
ARERR | 11007 | You must specify an Outgoing Mailbox for this mailbox if you set Email Action to Parse. |
ARERR | 11010 | Outgoing Mailbox configuration does not contain a Server Name |
ARERR | 11011 | Incoming Mailbox configuration does not contain a User Name or Server Name. |
ARERR | 11012 | You can have only one $18049$ MAPI mailbox |
ARERR | 13001 | There is no free Attribute anymore. Please ise the Advanced Search Bar |
ARERR | 13002 | Qualification for the Where clause not defined |
ARERR | 13003 | Qualification for the search operation not defined |
ARERR | 13010 | Search Name not defined |
ARERR | 13012 | You are not allowed to open this view |
ARERR | 13013 | You must be a CMDB Administrator to save this Search |
ARERR | 13014 | You are not allowed to access Private Searches from another user or Public Searches |
ARERR | 13015 | Auditing not enabled for any class |
WARNING | 13020 | Auditing is not enabled for any class |
WARNING | 13202 | A saved search with the specified name already exists |
WARNING | 13203 | A Public saved search with the specified name already exists |
ARERR | 15282 | Nothing selected. |
WARNING | 18939 | $-43$ |
ARERR | 20000 | You haven't selected any option from the "Conflict Resolution Options". It is required to perform the import. |
ARERR | 20060 | You must select a schema to pull data from before filling out the qualification. |
NOTE | 20115 | Search button gain focus. |
ARERR | 20152 | Close operation cancelled. No changes were saved. |
ARERR | 20163 | No entry found in SHARE:AssociationType with associationTypeId = '$500000041$'. |
ARERR | 20279 | The relationship '$490005100$' between $490021100$ and $490021101$ is defined as 1 to 1, and there is already an association of type '$490005100$' between this $490021101$ and another $490021100$, or between this $490021100$ and another $490021101$. |
ARERR | 20280 | The relationship '$490005100$' between $490021100$ and $490021101$ is defined as '1 to Many', and there is already an association of type '$490005100$' between this $490021101$ and another $490021100$. |
ARERR | 20281 | The relationship '$490005100$' between $490021100$ and $490021101$ is defined as 'Many to 1', and there is already an association of type '$490005100$' between this $490021100$ and another $490021101$. |
ARERR | 20366 | No entry found in SHARE:MenuItem_LT with Developer Name = $300132000$. Please contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 20369 | No entry found in SHARE:Object with Form Name = $-5$. Contact your system administrator. |
ARERR | 20550 | There is no Subcategory selected. |
ARERR | 23555 | Status transition not allowed from: "$301608900$" to: "$7$" |
NOTE | 27005 | Start cannot be opened, this option is available to link to a successor to indicate explicit start(s) in the flow. |
ARERR | 27117 | The Variable Name is not valid, select a valid Variable-Template from the menu. |
ARERR | 27118 | All expected data is not valid to create an input variable mapping. Reselect Variable Name and To Field menus and try the Add button again. |
ARERR | 27126 | A similar Predecessor and Successor with the same Instance ID is not permitted. |
ARERR | 27127 | The proposed flow is not permitted as it would cause a loop. |
ARERR | 27137 | Fill in fields (Task Group or Task, From Field and Result Field) for the expression(s) in use on the Operations page. |
ARERR | 27146 | The Variable Name is not valid, select a valid Variable-Template from the menu. |
ARERR | 27147 | The Variable Name is not valid, select a valid Variable-Template from the menu. |
ARERR | 27148 | All expected data is not valid to create an input variable mapping. Reselect Variable Name and To Field menus and try the Add button again. |
ARERR | 27149 | All expected data is not valid to create an input variable mapping. Reselect Variable Name and To Field menus and try the Add button again. |
ARERR | 27162 | Specify a Reason for Escalation since this entry is marked Escalated. Either unescalate or enter a reason to continue. |
ARERR | 27163 | The Incident ID specified is not a valid incident. Specify a valid incident. |
ARERR | 27164 | The Incident Name specified is not a valid incident. Specify a valid incident. |
ARERR | 27600 | The Start record is required for configuration and cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 27630 | The specified Task Group Template does not exist. |
ARERR | 27631 | Cannot change the status of a task group or task that is in a Completed status. Create a new instance rather than reopening this one. |
ARERR | 27633 | Fill in fields (Task Group or Task, From Field and Result Field) for the expression(s) in use on the Operations page. |
ARERR | 27640 | Task Group Type cannot be modified after creation. |
ARERR | 27671 | Cannot change the Request Mode of an object once it has been established. |
ARERR | 27672 | $10000000$ does not exist or is not correctly configured. You must attach to a valid request. |
ARERR | 27673 | $10000001$ ($10000000$) exists but is in a completed state. You cannot associate new $-23$ objects with a completed request. |
ARERR | 27675 | This task must be assigned before it can be set to Work In Progress. |
ARERR | 27676 | Specified Task Template does not exist. |
ARERR | 27677 | Specify an Automatic Command for task template definitions of type Automatic. |
ARERR | 27681 | This mapping is a duplicate mapping that is targetting the same field ($10007556$ -- $10007555$) as another variable. |
ARERR | 27682 | This mapping is a duplicate mapping that is targetting the same variable ($8$) as another field. |
ARERR | 27683 | Cannot change Variable Type. |
ARERR | 27684 | Invalid zTmpInternalCommand has been received and will not be processed. |
ARERR | 27686 | Invalid zTmpInternalCommand has been received and will not be processed. |
WARNING | 30031 | Please select Assignee form |
ARERR | 30033 | To delete a form, please select a form from the table. |
ARERR | 30034 | This form could not be deleted from the server. Please remove associated Process/Rule first. |
ARERR | 30035 | Please select a form from the Forms table |
ARERR | 30036 | To delete a process, please select a process from the table. |
ARERR | 30037 | Please select a process from the Process table |
ARERR | 30038 | To delete a rule, please select a rule from the table. |
ARERR | 30039 | This rule can not be deleted!! One or more Process might be using it on the server |
ARERR | 30040 | Please select a Rule in the Rules Table |
ARERR | 30041 | Please select a Status for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30042 | Please Enter Assignee Unique Id for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30043 | Close operation cancelled. No changes were saved. |
ARERR | 30044 | Close operation cancelled. No changes were saved. |
WARNING | 30045 | The Process does not have any Rule associated to it. |
ARERR | 30046 | Please Enter a Process Name |
ARERR | 30047 | Process Name: $500067200$ already exists. Please enter a different name. |
ARERR | 30048 | Please enter the Request Form name |
ARERR | 30049 | The Process $500089100$ is currently using this Rule. So change of Request form is not possible. |
WARNING | 30050 | Form Information entry for form: $500000600$ should be updated to include necessary fields for the $500003900$ method. |
WARNING | 30051 | Form Information entry for form: $500000600$ should be updated to include necessary fields for the $500003900$ method. |
WARNING | 30052 | Form Information entry for form: $500000600$ should be updated to include necessary fields for the $500003900$ method. |
ARERR | 30053 | Assignment Process $400064700$ must contain at least one Rule/Qualification with Status = Active |
ARERR | 30054 | Process $400064700$ must contain at least one Rule with Status = Active |
ARERR | 30055 | Close operation cancelled. No changes were saved. |
ARERR | 30056 | Please select a name for your Assignment Rule Qualification |
ARERR | 30057 | Please select a unique name for your Assignment Rule |
ARERR | 30058 | Please select a Assignment Method for your Assignment Rule Qualification |
ARERR | 30059 | Please select a Assignee Selection Form for your Assignment Rule Qualification |
ARERR | 30060 | Please select a Request Form for your Assignment Rule Qualification |
ARERR | 30061 | Please select a Qualification String for your Assignment Rule Qualification |
ARERR | 30062 | $301086300$ already exists!! Please enter unique Rule Name |
NOTE | 30063 | Duplicate field name used in mapping |
ARERR | 30064 | Please Select a Form Name for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30065 | Please Enter Display Name for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30066 | Please select Form Type for your Assignment Form |
WARNING | 30067 | You have not set "Capacity Rating Field" This form will not be able to use for "Load Balance by Capacity" method during Assignment of the rules. |
WARNING | 30068 | You have not set "Last Assigned Time Field" This form will not be able to use for "Round Robin" method during Assignment of the rules. |
WARNING | 30069 | You have not set "Number Assigned Field" This form will not be able to use for "Load Balance by Number" method during Assignment of the rules. |
ARERR | 30070 | $301086300$ already exists!! Please enter unique Display Name |
ARERR | 30071 | $301086200$ already exists!! Please enter unique Form Name |
ARERR | 30072 | Specify a search criteria. Unrestricted searches are not permitted on this search dialog. |
ARERR | 30073 | Please specify a Search In value. |
ARERR | 30074 | No entry found in ASE:LocalizedStrings_MenuItems with Developer Name = $300132000$. Contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 30075 | Please Enter a Process Name |
ARERR | 30076 | Process Name: $500067200$ already exists. Please enter a different name. |
ARERR | 30077 | Please enter the Request Form name |
WARNING | 30078 | The Process does not have any Rule associated to it. |
ARERR | 30079 | The Process "$500089100$" is currently using the Rule "$500067200$". So change of Request form is not possible. |
NOTE | 30080 | The $500000600$ form does not have the necessary fields to use the $500003900$ method,the Assignment Engine will not function properly if the rule "$500067200$" is used |
NOTE | 30081 | The $500000600$ form does not have the necessary fields to use the $500003900$ method,the Assignment Engine will not function properly if this rule is used |
NOTE | 30082 | The $500000600$ form does not have the necessary fields to use the $500003900$ method,the Assignment Engine will not function properly if this rule is used |
ARERR | 30083 | Rule "$500067200$" has Status "Inactive". Assignment Process "$400064700$" must contain at least one Rule/Qualification with Status = Active. |
ARERR | 30084 | Please select a Assignee Selection Form for your Assignment Rule |
ARERR | 30085 | Please select a Assignment Method for your Assignment Rule |
ARERR | 30086 | Please select a Qualification String for your Assignment Rule |
ARERR | 30087 | Please select a Request Form for your Assignment Rule |
ARERR | 30088 | Please select a name for your Assignment Rule Name |
ARERR | 30089 | Please select a unique name for your Assignment Rule |
WARNING | 30090 | Duplicate field name used in mapping for form: $301086300$. |
WARNING | 30091 | You have not set "Capacity Rating Field" This form will not be able to use for "Load Balance by Capacity" method during Assignment of the rules. |
WARNING | 30092 | You have not set "Last Assigned Time Field" This form will not be able to use for "Round Robin" method during Assignment of the rules. |
WARNING | 30093 | You have not set "Number Assigned Field" This form will not be able to use for "Load Balance by Number" method during Assignment of the rules. |
ARERR | 30094 | $301086300$ already exists!! Please enter unique Display Name |
ARERR | 30095 | $301086200$ already exists!! Please enter unique Form Name |
ARERR | 30096 | Please Enter Assignee Unique Id for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30097 | Please Select a Display Name for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30098 | Please Select a Form Name for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30099 | Please Select a Form Type for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30100 | Please select a Status for your Assignment Form |
ARERR | 30336 | Work Order Templates can only be used while the Status is in the Assigned state. |
ARERR | 40000 | This record already exists. Please verify or reselect your field entries and try again. |
NOTE | 40010 | This is a join record used by the Remedy Application. Do not delete or modify this record. |
ARERR | 40011 | Fill in all fields. |
NOTE | 40012 | Added settings. |
ARERR | 40013 | Fill in all fields. |
NOTE | 40014 | Modified settings. |
NOTE | 40015 | There are currently no application settings. Fill in the fields, and then click Add Settings. |
ARERR | 40018 | You must first select an asset. |
ARERR | 40020 | $250000019$ is already associated to asset $200000020$. |
NOTE | 40021 | $1000000017$ is associated to asset $301277800$. |
ARERR | 40024 | To submit or modify assets, you must be an AR Administrator or in the Asset User or Asset Admin |
ARERR | 40033 | Please enter the New Template Name |
ARERR | 40037 | To delete an asset, you must be in the Asset User or Asset Admin group. |
ARERR | 40044 | Cannot find the asset people relationship record. |
NOTE | 40045 | $250000049$ is no longer associated to asset $200000020$. |
ARERR | 40053 | No CI and People record exists for this selection. |
ARERR | 40055 | In the CI Type field, enter the CI type to create. |
ARERR | 40056 | Select an exisitng CI record, and then click Create. |
ARERR | 40057 | In the Record Type field, enter the application type record to search. |
ARERR | 40058 | $300714900$ $200000020$ has no related records. |
ARERR | 40059 | Error retrieving keyword from SHR:SchemaName. |
NOTE | 40060 | $300714900$ ( $200000020$ ) automatically related to $230000008$. Refresh the table field to show the related service, or reselect the Show Menu. |
NOTE | 40062 | Assets $300707700$ have been unrelated. |
NOTE | 40099 | There are no assets marked for deletion. |
NOTE | 40100 | This list shows you assets that have been marked with Delete status, you can safely delete them by clicking the Delete button. |
ARERR | 40115 | The status setting of $7$ is incorrect for the current state setting of $260000003$. Select a different status. |
ARERR | 40121 | Open an existing asset record, and then click Create. |
ARERR | 40122 | Select the contract type for the new record. |
ARERR | 40133 | Select a return receipt. |
ARERR | 40134 | Select a return receipt. |
ARERR | 40142 | Select a schedule type. |
ARERR | 40149 | This CI must be reconclied before adding any cost records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 40151 | A valid purchase requisition for this asset is required. |
WARNING | 40152 | A configuration is already associated to this asset. If you select another configuration to relate to this asset, the current association will be lost. |
ARERR | 40154 | Select an asset in the table. |
ARERR | 40155 | There are no contracts for this asset. |
ARERR | 40156 | Contract form does not exist in the SHR:SchemaNames. |
ARERR | 40157 | There are no contracts related to $250000046$. |
NOTE | 40158 | $200000020$ and $300857500$ have been unrelated. |
NOTE | 40159 | Asset $210000000$ ( $200000020$ ) automatically related to $230000008$. Refresh the table field to show the related asset, or you can reselect the Show Menu. |
NOTE | 40160 | Asset $210000000$ ( $200000020$ ) automatically related to $250000105$. |
ARERR | 40161 | Cannot find the record entry ID. |
ARERR | 40162 | The purchase cost and salvage value must have the same currency type. |
ARERR | 40163 | The method, purchase cost, useful life, and depreciation start date are required to calculate depreciation. |
ARERR | 40164 | The salvage value cannot equal the purchase cost. |
ARERR | 40165 | The purchase cost must be greater than the salvage value. |
NOTE | 40166 | Depreciation records created for asset $210000000$. The Create Asset Depreciation dialog will close automatically. Click View to view the depreciation schedule. |
WARNING | 40167 | Update the Total Purchase Cost field. |
NOTE | 40168 | The new depreciation start date is in the past; it is earlier than the current start date. If you proceed with the recalculation, the current schedulewill be cancelled and a new schedule will be calculated. |
ARERR | 40169 | The useful life of the asset cannot be reduced to a value less than the number of past depreciation periods. |
NOTE | 40170 | Depreciation records re-created for asset. Click View Depreciation to view the updated depreciation schedule. |
NOTE | 40171 | It is not necessary to recalculate the depreciation. The month and year are the same, and there is no change in other values. |
WARNING | 40173 | Update the Total Purchase Cost field. |
NOTE | 40179 | The notification group is not valid. Select a notification group by clearing the field and pressing ENTER. |
ARERR | 40181 | There are no contacts for this supplier. |
ARERR | 40182 | Cannot create payment if contract ID is empty. Enter the contract ID. |
ARERR | 40183 | Select an entry in the Payments table. |
ARERR | 40225 | Select an asset to view its details. |
ARERR | 40228 | The new license amount is less than licenses used. |
WARNING | 40229 | The number of used licenses exceeds the licenses available. Contact contract management. |
ARERR | 40230 | Open an existing software contract, then choose to create. |
ARERR | 40231 | Contract ID+ is a required field. Enter a value. |
WARNING | 40232 | Contract ID+ $260000000$ is in use. Enter a different ID. |
NOTE | 40233 | A valid supplier name is required to view supplier details. |
ARERR | 40235 | To print the report enter a valid contract ID. |
ARERR | 40236 | Submit contract before printing a summary report. |
ARERR | 40237 | To create or display reminders, switch to Modify mode. |
ARERR | 40238 | You must be in the Asset User or Asset Admin group to unrelate items. |
ARERR | 40239 | Enter the Type of Item to create in the CI Type field. |
ARERR | 40240 | You must open an existing $300714900$ Contract first, then choose to Create. |
ARERR | 40241 | Enter the Type of Item to search in the CI Type field. |
NOTE | 40243 | $300714900$ ($260000000$ $8$) automatically related to $230000008$. |
ARERR | 40246 | There are no items related to $250000046$. |
NOTE | 40248 | $8$ and $300860400$ have been unrelated. |
ARERR | 40249 | Contract $260000000$ has no items related to it. |
ARERR | 40250 | Software Contract $260000000$ has no Keys and Versions related to it. |
ARERR | 40289 | You must select either one asset or one person. Many to many relationships are not allowed. |
ARERR | 40290 | You cannot submit, modify, or query data in this record. |
ARERR | 40291 | Select a role. |
ARERR | 40294 | Select the records to relate. |
NOTE | 40295 | The selected records have been related. |
ARERR | 40313 | Set the item classification to Asset, Component, or Bulk. |
WARNING | 40314 | The new relationship you are creating will replace any previously existing relationship between the CI and the Configuration. |
ARERR | 40315 | A configuration with ID $400016400$ exists. Enter a unique ID. |
ARERR | 40316 | Enter the ID, description, effective date, status and approval status. |
ARERR | 40319 | An item with ID $400016400$ exists. Enter a different ID. |
NOTE | 40321 | Item $400016400$ is saved. |
ARERR | 40322 | This configuration must go through the approval process. Set the approval status to Pending Approval to begin the approval process. |
ARERR | 40323 | This configuration is submitted for approval and cannot be set to Not Submitted. |
ARERR | 40324 | This configuration must go through the approval process. Set the approval status to Pending Approval to begin the approval process. |
ARERR | 40325 | This configuration has not been approved. Only approved configurations can have a status of Active. |
ARERR | 40326 | This configuration cannot be set to Active until it has reached its effective date. |
ARERR | 40327 | The status of inactive configurations cannot be set to Active. |
ARERR | 40328 | Configurations that are active or inactive cannot have a status of Proposed. |
ARERR | 40329 | This configuration has not been approved. Only active and approved configurations can have a status of Inactive. |
WARNING | 40330 | This item is no longer in use and will be deleted when you save the record. |
WARNING | 40331 | This item is currently associated to active configurations and cannot be set to Obsolete. |
WARNING | 40332 | This configuration is no longer in use and will be deleted when you save the record. |
WARNING | 40333 | This configuration has associated assets and cannot be set to Obsolete. |
NOTE | 40334 | A configuration must be approved and active to have a related schedule. |
ARERR | 40335 | Enter a notification contact or group. |
NOTE | 40336 | Settings added. |
NOTE | 40340 | Settings modified. |
NOTE | 40341 | There are currently no settings. Enter the fields and click Add. |
WARNING | 40342 | There are no inventory details for this item. |
ARERR | 40343 | There is no configuration associated to the selected asset. Relate a configuration to the asset to view the differences between the asset and its configuration. |
WARNING | 40344 | Select a configuration. |
ARERR | 40346 | Select a configuration from the table. |
ARERR | 40347 | You can only create new versions of active configurations. |
ARERR | 40348 | A new version of configuration $300415100$ exists. |
WARNING | 40349 | Select a configuration from the table. |
NOTE | 40404 | The line item is successfully modified. |
ARERR | 40405 | Enter information in the following fields: Part Number, Description, CI Type, and Required Qty. |
NOTE | 40407 | The purchase order is cancelled. |
ARERR | 40408 | Enter information in the Shipping tab. |
ARERR | 40409 | You must create a purchase requisition before creating purchase orders. |
ARERR | 40411 | Enter an email address before sending this message. |
NOTE | 40413 | Your purchase order is now on order. |
ARERR | 40414 | This option requires both an application and a request number. |
ARERR | 40416 | This purchase requisition cannot be submitted for approval, because the grand total is zero. |
ARERR | 40417 | Enter Date Required, Requested For, Requested By, Description, Justification and Ship To Address data on the Shipping tab. |
NOTE | 40419 | This purchase requisition will be routed to purchasing for assistance. |
NOTE | 40420 | This purchase requisition will be routed to purchasing, because at least one of the line items has no estimated price or supplier name. |
NOTE | 40421 | This purchase requisition is submitted for approval. |
NOTE | 40436 | Select the schedule type. |
ARERR | 40437 | Enter the following information before you add a CI or Configuration: Schedule Name, Schedule Description, Schedule Type, Frequency, CI Type and Notification Group or Notification Contact. |
NOTE | 40438 | The operation has completed successfully. |
NOTE | 40439 | The schedule is modified. |
ARERR | 40444 | You can select only one schedule for $300421900$. |
WARNING | 40445 | Select a Change Type from the list to generate a change request after the purchase requisition is received. |
ARERR | 40446 | You can enter one entry into the AST:AppSetting form. Click Modify Settings to modify this entry. |
ARERR | 40465 | You must have a return receipt associated to an asset that is set to Return to Vendor status. |
NOTE | 40467 | The modified total purchase cost is not reflected in the existing depreciation schedule until you do a manual update. |
WARNING | 40468 | One or more schedules created for this CI are no longer valid for the given Product Categorization, and Location inforamtion. |
ARERR | 40470 | To calculate depreciation, enter the purchase cost, useful life, and depreciation start date. |
ARERR | 40472 | A child contract can only go three levels deep. |
ARERR | 40473 | The expiration date must be equal to or less than the expiration date of the parent contract. Enter a different expiration date. |
ARERR | 40474 | You cannot create a child contract without the parent contract information. |
ARERR | 40475 | Cannot create child contract. The child contract level is incorrect. |
ARERR | 40476 | Cannot create child contract. Child contract has invalid parent information. |
WARNING | 40477 | The expiration date is changed. Reenter the expiration date for child contracts. |
ARERR | 40491 | The notification group you entered is not valid. |
ARERR | 40492 | The notification contact you entered is not valid. For help, press ENTER. |
NOTE | 40516 | $260100010$ has been notified of asset changes. |
WARNING | 40518 | The notification date you entered is later than the expiration date. Enter a notification date that is earlier than the expiration date. |
ARERR | 40520 | The expiration date must be later than the start date of the software contract. |
ARERR | 40521 | The expiration date you entered is in the past. Set the status of this software contract to Historical. |
ARERR | 40522 | Based on the start date and expiration date, the Status field should not be Historical. Verify the dates. |
ARERR | 40523 | $300714900$ $260000000$ already exists. Enter a different ID. |
NOTE | 40524 | $240001013$ will be notified of the expiration of $300714900$ $260000000$ on $240001015$. |
NOTE | 40525 | $240001013$ will be notified of the expiration of $300714900$ contract $260000000$ on $240001015$. |
WARNING | 40526 | The notification date you entered is before the current date and time. |
ARERR | 40527 | Enter the contact or group to notify on $240001015$ when this contract expires. |
NOTE | 40528 | $260142102$ will be notified of the expiration of $300714900$ $260000000$ on $240001015$. |
ARERR | 40529 | The notification group you entered is not valid. Press ENTER to view options. |
ARERR | 40530 | The notification contact you entered is not valid. Choose from the menu. |
WARNING | 40531 | $240001013$ will not be notified that this $300714900$ is going to expire on $240001000$ until you enter the contact person in the CTM:People form. |
WARNING | 40532 | $260142102$ will not be notified that this $300714900$ contract is going to expire on $240001000$ until you enter the notification method in the CTM:Support Group form. |
WARNING | 40533 | $240001013$ will not be notified that this $300714900$ contract has expired the person exists in the CTM:People form. |
WARNING | 40534 | $260142102$ will not be notified that this $300714900$ contract has expired until you enter the notification method in the CTM:Support Group form. |
ARERR | 40536 | Cannot find the supplier name " $1000000396$ " in the CTM:Company form. |
ARERR | 40579 | You cannot enter a negative value for the licenses. |
ARERR | 40582 | Enter a valid approval status for this configuration. |
ARERR | 40584 | Enter an effective date for this configuration. |
ARERR | 40585 | Enter a valid status for this configuration. |
ARERR | 40586 | Enter a valid status for this configuration. |
ARERR | 40587 | This configuration cannot be set to active until the effective date. |
ARERR | 40589 | Contract ID is required. Payment must be attached to a contract. Open a contract and add payment. |
NOTE | 40592 | $250000009$ has been notified of the item reaching the reorder level. |
ARERR | 40598 | The end date must be later than the start date. |
ARERR | 40599 | Cannot receive line items before you place the order. |
ARERR | 40600 | You cannot change the status to $7$. |
ARERR | 40601 | The quantity ordered must be equal to or greater than the received quantity. |
ARERR | 40602 | You cannot increase the quantity ordered. |
ARERR | 40603 | Cannot set the status to $7$ from $400023800$. |
ARERR | 40604 | This status change is not allowed. |
ARERR | 40605 | You cannot change the purchase line item after it is cancelled. |
ARERR | 40606 | The date required must be equal to or greater than the current date. |
ARERR | 40607 | The date to receive must be equal to or greater than the date required. |
ARERR | 40608 | You cannot change the status to $7$. |
ARERR | 40609 | You cannot change the purchase order after it is cancelled. |
ARERR | 40610 | This status change is not allowed. |
ARERR | 40612 | This status change is not allowed, because the purchase requisition is already closed. |
ARERR | 40613 | This status change is not allowed. |
ARERR | 40614 | You must enter a valid person in the Requested By Full Name field. |
ARERR | 40615 | The date required must be equal to or greater than the current date. |
ARERR | 40616 | You cannot return more items than you have recieved. |
ARERR | 40617 | You cannot return more than the quantity remaining to be received. |
ARERR | 40618 | You cannot receive more on this receipt than you returned. |
ARERR | 40619 | Enter the contact or group to notify about the $300421900$. |
ARERR | 40620 | The notification date is later than the current date and time. |
ARERR | 40621 | Enter the contact or group to notify. |
ARERR | 40624 | The next scheduled maintenance date you entered is in the past. |
ARERR | 40673 | $300714900$ $200000020$ has no related records. |
ARERR | 40674 | Unit price and sales tax must be greater than zero. |
ARERR | 40675 | The purchase cost must be greater than zero. |
ARERR | 40676 | The salvage value must be greater than zero. |
WARNING | 40680 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40681 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40682 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40683 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40684 | No Currency Ratio is defined for the value input, the Shipping and Handling value will be reset to its default value. |
WARNING | 40685 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40686 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40687 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
ARERR | 40688 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40689 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
ARERR | 40690 | To see the details, select a record. |
ARERR | 40691 | You must specify a Unit Price on the Asset record to create a depreciation schedule for the asset. |
ARERR | 40694 | Required Qty has to be greater than zero. |
ARERR | 40695 | Specify a Manager to whom this purchase requisition can be routed for approval. |
ARERR | 40696 | You cannot return/replace more than you have left to receive. |
ARERR | 40697 | You must enter the Return Type, Quantity to Return and Reason for Return. |
ARERR | 40704 | Please select a record to see the details. |
ARERR | 40707 | You can only check inventory for Active configurations. |
WARNING | 40708 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40711 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
WARNING | 40712 | No currency conversion ratio exists for the requested conversion. |
ARERR | 40713 | The purchase cost and salvage value must have the same currency type. |
WARNING | 40746 | If you are turning on sandbox mode, then the action after submit needs to be set to None. This is being set automatically for you. |
ARERR | 40800 | Period start date, period end date, cost center code and related cost are required. |
ARERR | 40805 | Enter the time period type. |
ARERR | 40806 | Enter the period start date and period end date. |
ARERR | 40809 | Select a Generate option from the list. |
NOTE | 40810 | The current time period is closed and a new one has been generated. |
NOTE | 40811 | The current time period is not closed. |
ARERR | 40812 | There is no current period to close. |
ARERR | 40813 | Invalid start and end dates. |
NOTE | 40814 | $300553400$ |
ARERR | 40823 | Select a report in the Report field list. |
ARERR | 40825 | Select an entry in the process table. |
ARERR | 40826 | Cannot generate the costing entries unless the current period has ended. |
ARERR | 40827 | Select a change-back entry in the table. |
WARNING | 40828 | Select a valid cost category in the list. |
ARERR | 40829 | There is no current time period selected. Contact your IT administrator. |
NOTE | 40830 | $300553400$ |
ARERR | 40831 | $300553400$ |
NOTE | 40832 | $300553400$ |
ARERR | 40833 | Select a charge-back entry in the table. |
ARERR | 40834 | Enter the period start date and the period end date. |
ARERR | 40835 | Enter the period start date, period end date, cost center code, and related cost. |
WARNING | 40836 | The period start date is not the same as the current period start date. The correct period start date will be set before modifying. |
ARERR | 40837 | The period end date is invalid. Enter a different period end date. |
NOTE | 41151 | Enter the sequence in which the related change requests should occur. |
NOTE | 41166 | You must submit a change request before adding costs. |
ARERR | 41168 | Enter both an application and a request number. |
WARNING | 41417 | Before you can begin working on this change, you must complete all related change requests with lower sequence numbers. |
ARERR | 41418 | Cannot start another dependent change request until all lower requests have been completed. |
ARERR | 42304 | Select a survey. |
ARERR | 42321 | Enter the number of items you want to receive in the Received Quantity column. Then select the rows you have edited and click Receive. |
ARERR | 42322 | Select the line items to receive. |
ARERR | 42323 | Select a line item to return. |
ARERR | 42324 | Select a line item to view its details. |
ARERR | 42358 | $300469300$ is an invalid cost center for the specified company $1000000001$. Please use the search button to select a valid cost center. |
ARERR | 42359 | You must enter a cost center to view. |
ARERR | 42361 | The report selected is invalid. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 43100 | Select a cost center entry in the table. |
ARERR | 43101 | Select at least one target cost center to delete. |
ARERR | 43102 | Cannot find the source cost center for the target cost center. |
ARERR | 43130 | You cannot remove the primary cost center while you have secondary cost centers. |
ARERR | 43184 | Select a schema to pull data from before selecting fields from that schema. |
ARERR | 43186 | Select a schema to pull data from before filling out the qualification. |
ARERR | 43191 | Please fill in the Reminder Message field. |
ARERR | 43192 | Please fill in the Individual/Group to Remind in the Recipient+ field. |
ARERR | 43193 | Remind time is prior to current time. |
NOTE | 43194 | Reminder - $250000100$ has been deleted. |
NOTE | 43195 | Reminder - $250000100$ has been deleted. |
NOTE | 43196 | Reminder - $250000100$ has been deleted. |
NOTE | 43197 | There are no reminders to be deleted. |
ARERR | 43198 | You do not have permissions to delete this reminder. You need to belong to the Administrator Group or you should have submitted this reminder. |
ARERR | 43199 | You do not have permissions to delete this reminder. You need to belong to the Administrator Group or you should have submitted this reminder. |
ARERR | 43200 | You do not have permissions to delete this reminder. You need to belong to the Administrator Group or you should have submitted this reminder. |
NOTE | 43206 | This reminder will be sent to $240000001$ on $300759800$. |
ARERR | 43207 | There are no reminders to display. |
ARERR | 43208 | There are no reminders to display. |
ARERR | 43209 | There are no reminders to display. |
ARERR | 43212 | You do not have permissions to modify this reminder. You need to belong to the Administrator Group or you should have submitted this reminder. |
ARERR | 43213 | The reminder has already been sent. You may create a new reminder. |
ARERR | 43214 | Required fields cannot be reset to null. |
NOTE | 43218 | The reminder $260000004$ has been modified |
ARERR | 43221 | Select a search to delete. |
NOTE | 43222 | Saved qualification $300577600$ has been deleted. |
ARERR | 43223 | Select a search to return. |
ARERR | 43224 | Enter a search name. |
ARERR | 43225 | You must define a qualification. |
NOTE | 43226 | Search $300056600$ has been saved. |
ARERR | 43227 | Select a report. |
ARERR | 43229 | Select a report. |
ARERR | 43230 | Select a report, and then select fields. |
ARERR | 43232 | Select a report. |
ARERR | 43233 | Your selected report is not available in the Report form. |
ARERR | 43234 | Select the destination type. |
ARERR | 43235 | Select the report type. |
WARNING | 43236 | Failed to lookup information for a field in the Field Name schema. Entries in the schema SHR:FieldNames may be incorrect or out of date. You will be able to run the report, but not qualify it. Contact your application administrator for assistance. |
WARNING | 43237 | Failed to lookup information for a field in the Field Name schema. Entries in the schema SHR:FieldNames may be incorrect or out of date. You will be able to run the report, but not qualify it. Contact your application administrator for assistance. |
WARNING | 43238 | Failed to lookup information for a field in the Field Name schema. Entries in the schema SHR:FieldNames may be incorrect or out of date. You will be able to run the report, but not qualify it. Contact your application administrator for assistance. |
WARNING | 43239 | Failed to lookup information for a field in the Field Name schema. Entries in the schema SHR:FieldNames may be incorrect or out of date. You will be able to run the report, but not qualify it. Contact your application administrator for assistance. |
WARNING | 43240 | Failed to lookup information for a field in the Field Name schema. Entries in the schema SHR:FieldNames may be incorrect or out of date. You will be able to run the report, but not qualify it. Contact your application administrator for assistance. |
ARERR | 43241 | Select a relationship type. |
ARERR | 43242 | Select at least one cost center. |
ARERR | 43243 | You can only return one cost center. |
ARERR | 43244 | Select an entry in the table to view the cost center. |
NOTE | 43246 | Select a user from the Search Results. |
ARERR | 43325 | Cannot delete the default cost center. |
ARERR | 43326 | You can only delete a cost center with the status of Proposed. |
ARERR | 43327 | You cannot modify a cost center with the status of Obsolete. |
ARERR | 43328 | The distribution percentage value is too large. Either reduce the percentage or change the distribution percentage of the other target cost centers. |
ARERR | 43329 | Cannot change the status of Obsolete to any other status value. |
ARERR | 43330 | Cannot change the status value back to Proposed. |
ARERR | 43331 | At least one target cost center is required if the allocation method is Equal Distribution or User-Defined Percentage. Click Add to add a target cost center. |
WARNING | 43332 | At least one target cost center is required if the source cost center allocation method is Equal Distribution or User-Defined Percentage. The target cost center will be unrelated and the allocation method for the source cost center will be set to None. |
ARERR | 43337 | You cannot remove a primary cost center that has related secondary cost centers. |
ARERR | 43339 | The cost center code is invalid. |
ARERR | 43600 | Enter a Start From date. |
ARERR | 43601 | Enter a Start Thru date. |
ARERR | 43602 | The Start Thru date must be greater than or equal to the Start From date. |
ARERR | 43603 | Enter an Expiration From date. |
ARERR | 43604 | Enter an Expiration Thru date. |
ARERR | 43605 | The Expiration Thru date must be greater than or equal to the Expiration From date. |
ARERR | 43606 | Search For+ invalid value:$260000003$. Select a value in the list. |
ARERR | 43607 | You must have an item to relate to. If you used Edit >Clear All, close this form, and then reselect the Relate option. |
ARERR | 43608 | Either Search For+ is empty, or you did not select an item in the table. Select a value for Search For+, or select an item in the table. |
NOTE | 43609 | $230000008$ is related to contract(s): $300707700$. |
NOTE | 43610 | $230000005$ will be related to the new $250100006$ when you save. You can only relate one record before saving. After saving, you can relate more records to $250100006$. |
NOTE | 43611 | Could not create relationship. The selected item is already related. |
ARERR | 43612 | Enter the type of contract to search for in the Search For+ field. |
ARERR | 43613 | Select a contract in the table to view its details. |
ARERR | 43651 | Select an item to search for from Search For dropdown list. |
NOTE | 43652 | $260000019$ is already related to $230000008$. |
ARERR | 43653 | There are no $301189500$ which match the requested query. |
NOTE | 43654 | $230000005$ is related to $230000008$ |
NOTE | 43656 | $230000005$ will be related to the new $300827300$ when you save. Only one record can be related prior to saving. After saving, more records can be related to this $300827300$. |
ARERR | 43701 | Before adding a notification, you must enter the CI Status, CI Type and Who to Notify fields. |
ARERR | 43702 | You already have a notification set up for $260000000$ to $1000000208$ |
NOTE | 43703 | Notification added. |
WARNING | 43704 | This notification could not be deleted because it did not exist. You can select the notification to delete by clicking Select Notifications. |
NOTE | 43705 | Notification deleted. |
ARERR | 43706 | You must select an existing reocord to modify it. Use the Select Notifications... button to select an entry. |
ARERR | 43707 | Before you can modify a record, you must specify the Asset Status and Who to Notify fields. |
ARERR | 43708 | An entry with the same Asset Status, Category, Type, Item and Who to Notify information already exists. |
NOTE | 43709 | Notification modified. |
NOTE | 43710 | Asset Down Status is added. |
ARERR | 43711 | Asset Status and Outage Definition are Required Fields. Please Fill in the Required Fields |
ARERR | 43712 | You must select an existing record before you can delete it. |
NOTE | 43713 | Asset Down Status criteria has been deleted. |
NOTE | 43714 | Asset Down Status criteria is modified. |
ARERR | 43715 | You must specify Category, Type and Item fields. |
ARERR | 43716 | A record with this same Category, Type, and Item already exists. |
NOTE | 43717 | Configuration information for Bulk Assets with Category/Type/Item of ($200000003$/$200000004$/$200000005$) added. |
ARERR | 43718 | The record could not be deleted because it does not exist. You can select an existing record to delete by pressing the Select Existing... button. |
NOTE | 43719 | Record deleted. |
ARERR | 43720 | You must select an existing reocord in order to modify it. Use the Select Existing... button to select an entry. |
ARERR | 43721 | Before you can modify a record, you must fill in the Category, Type and Item fields. |
NOTE | 43723 | Record modified. |
NOTE | 43766 | Asset depreciation criteria is added. |
ARERR | 43768 | Enter the required fields: CI Type, Method of Depreciation, Usefule Life and Status. |
ARERR | 43769 | You must select an existing depreciation criteria before you can delete it. |
NOTE | 43770 | Asset depreciation criteria is deleted. |
NOTE | 43771 | Asset depreciation criteria is modified. |
ARERR | 43974 | This status already exists. Select a different status. |
NOTE | 43975 | The cost rate record has been deleted. |
ARERR | 43978 | Asset Status and Outage Definition are Required Fields. Please Fill in the Required Fields |
ARERR | 44000 | Online Help has not been installed. To install the online Help, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. |
ARERR | 44501 | An entry with the same Company, Cost Category and Cost Type combination already exists. |
ARERR | 44502 | Please fill in the required fields: Company, Cost Category, Cost Type, Cost Type Key, Status and Cost Description. Cost Class is also required for Asset. |
WARNING | 44509 | Purchase Price is not updated in the Asset. Remember to update the Purchase Price field in the Asset. Note: Updating the Purchase Price in the relevant Asset form will also update the Purchase Price entry in this cost table. |
WARNING | 44510 | Purchase Price is not updated on the Component form. Remember to update the Purchase Price field on the Component form. Note: Updating the Purchase Price on the Component form will also update the Purchase Price entry in this cost table. |
WARNING | 44511 | Sales Tax is not updated in the Asset. Remember to update the Sales Tax field in the Asset. Note: Updating the Sales Tax on the relevant Asset form will also update the Sales Tax entry in this cost table. |
WARNING | 44512 | Sales Tax is not updated on the Component form. Remember to update the Sales Tax field on the Component form. Note: Updating the Sales Tax on the Component form will also update the Sales Tax entry in this cost table. |
ARERR | 44513 | Cost Center Code, Cost Category, Cost Classification, and Related Cost must be completed before submitting an entry. |
WARNING | 44514 | Purchase Price is not updated on the Asset form. Remember to update the Purchase Price field on the Asset form. Note: Updating the Purchase Price on the Asset form will also update the Purchase Price entry in this cost table. |
WARNING | 44515 | Sales Tax is not updated on the Asset form. Remember to update the Sales Tax field on the Asset form. Note: Updating the Sales Tax on the Asset formwill also update the Sales Tax entry in this cost table. |
ARERR | 44516 | Required currency value not specified : : Related Cost* |
WARNING | 44517 | Purchase Price is not updated on the Component form. Remember to update the Purchase Price field on the Component form. Note: Updating the PurchasePrice on the Component form will also update the Purchase Price entry in this cost table. |
WARNING | 44518 | Sales Tax is not updated on the Component form. Remember to update the Sales Tax field on the Component form. Note: Updating the Sales Tax on the Component form will also update the Sales Tax entry in this cost table. |
ARERR | 44519 | The allocated costs do not equal total costs. Finish the cost allocation. |
WARNING | 44520 | This cost record will not be saved. |
WARNING | 44521 | This cost record will not be saved. |
ARERR | 44522 | There are no CIs. Close this dialog and relate CIs to the record prior to allocating. |
ARERR | 44523 | You must specify whether the cost must be related to assets. |
ARERR | 44524 | You must specify a cost rate. |
ARERR | 44525 | You must specify the number of units. |
ARERR | 44526 | You must specify a cost description. |
ARERR | 44527 | You must specify a cost center code. |
WARNING | 44528 | The cost you are adding: ($250402242$), is greater than the amount available to allocate ($250402042$). |
WARNING | 44529 | Click a row on the related asset table to choose an asset. |
ARERR | 44530 | You must enter an amount to allocate. |
WARNING | 44532 | A cost type must be defined. |
WARNING | 44535 | Changes made on this form will not be reflected in previously allocated costs. |
ARERR | 44567 | Supplier $240001008$ is not a valid supplier. |
WARNING | 44571 | To generate a change request after the purchase requisition is received, make sure the Install Needed field is set to Yes. This is required when a Change Type is selected. |
ARERR | 44584 | Request needs to be at least in the "Implmentation In Progress" Status to be rolled-back |
WARNING | 44585 | Does the Task for this Rollback action exist? If not then you may want to create one. |
WARNING | 44588 | Specify at least one search criteria. Unrestricted searches are not permitted on this search dialog. |
WARNING | 44589 | Please select a record from the table. |
NOTE | 44592 | You need to select the Parent/Child type to relate the assets. |
ARERR | 44593 | You need to Select the CI Type field |
NOTE | 44594 | Please select a record to be related from the table. |
NOTE | 44595 | Please select the relationship type. |
ARERR | 44596 | Specify at least one search criteria. Unrestricted searches are not permitted on this search dialog. |
NOTE | 44597 | Please select a record from the table to view. |
WARNING | 44598 | Please check the quantity allocated per location. The totals do not add up to the "Received Quantity" |
NOTE | 44599 | The status has changed to In Inventory. Please select the storage information. |
NOTE | 44600 | The selected $301161500$ record(s) have been related to the $301161600$ record. |
WARNING | 44601 | Please select a $301161500$ from the table. |
WARNING | 44602 | The quantity to be relocated cannot be greater than the quantity available in the source location |
WARNING | 44603 | Please select a storage location from the table. |
ARERR | 44604 | The status has changed to $7$. Please select the inventory location information. |
ARERR | 44605 | Cannot delete the default location. |
ARERR | 44606 | Please enter the quantity received. |
ARERR | 44609 | Please specify Type. |
ARERR | 44610 | Please specify Type. |
NOTE | 44617 | The time spent on this case is $260000129$. Save your change. |
ARERR | 44618 | To start the clock, set the time spent to zero. Use Start/Stop clock to automatically track the time spent on this case. |
ARERR | 44630 | Select the contract type to search for. |
ARERR | 44654 | Request is in Pending Approval stage. Needs to be approved first and work started before it could be rolled-back |
ARERR | 44655 | Please enter search criteria in at least one field or click the Advanced Qualification button. |
ARERR | 44656 | Enter People Search Criteria in at least one field. |
ARERR | 44657 | The bulk inventory asset is related to a location and cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 44659 | Enter an exact or partial leading contract ID. |
ARERR | 44662 | Select the CI Type. |
ARERR | 44663 | Enter an exact or partial leading CI ID. |
NOTE | 44664 | You need to select the Parent/Child type to relate the assets. |
ARERR | 44665 | Next Scheduled Maintenance cannot be set to a past date. |
ARERR | 44667 | The first three tiers of the Product Categorization are required fields. |
ARERR | 44668 | There are assets related to this inventory location. Please relocate the assets to another location before you delete the location. |
NOTE | 44669 | The assets have been successfully relocated. |
NOTE | 44670 | Quantity to relocate cannot be greater than the quantity available in the location. |
NOTE | 44671 | Please select an asset from the table field to relocate. |
NOTE | 44672 | Transaction Quantity cannot be greater than quantity in stock. |
NOTE | 44673 | Transaction Quantity cannot be null or 0. |
NOTE | 44676 | The manufacturer does not exist in the Company form. |
ARERR | 44677 | This Notification Mapping entry already exists for the Purchasing Notification Event, Purchasing Requisition Service Support Module, and Organization Contact Company. |
ARERR | 44678 | No support group is configured in CFG:Assignment for the Purchasing Requisition. |
ARERR | 44682 | Contact Type is required. Please select a Contact Type from the menu are re-apply. |
ARERR | 44683 | A Contact cannot be modified in this way. To modify a Contact, select the entry in the Contact table, then click Modify. |
ARERR | 44686 | 'Full Name' must contain a value in order to search for a contact. Enter the complete Full Name or partial leading Full Name of the individual and press the <Enter> key. |
ARERR | 44687 | There are no people found using the current search criteria |
ARERR | 44688 | This record no longer exists. |
ARERR | 44689 | The form code you entered is already in use. Enter a different form code. |
ARERR | 44690 | You have already created a $230000000$ entry for the form lookup class. |
ARERR | 44691 | This combination of Schema Name, Form Code, and User Defined Prefix values already exists. The combination of these values must be unique when the Form Lookup field is selected. Reenter these values so they form a unique combination. |
ARERR | 44692 | Form lookup or keyword lookup, or both, must be checked when creating a new entry. |
ARERR | 44693 | Schema name and form code are required when saving a record with form lookup checked. |
ARERR | 44694 | The UserDefinedPrefix you entered is already in use. Enter a different prefix. |
ARERR | 44695 | You can only add alternate approvers to your own profile. |
NOTE | 44697 | Hourly Rate calculation has been applied to Cost record. Total Cost: $270002018$ |
ARERR | 44699 | There were no Groups found using Automated Routing. You must manually select a group. |
NOTE | 44700 | Select an approver before you click the delete button. |
ARERR | 44701 | The selected user cannot be found or has a profile status that is something other than enabled. |
ARERR | 44702 | The 'Max Approval Level ' field is required when the 'Approval Process Type' is "Parent-Child" |
ARERR | 44703 | The selected login ID cannot be added, you have reached the maximum allowed number of approvers. |
ARERR | 44704 | The selected login ID cannot be added, you have reached the maximum allowed number of approvers. |
ARERR | 44705 | A support group cannot be added. You have reached the maximum allowed number of approvers. |
ARERR | 44710 | There are no People that match the search criteria entered. |
ARERR | 44711 | There is another time period entry with the same company. Please update that entry or choose another company. |
ARERR | 44712 | A valid Inherent Group is required for a Functional Role. |
ARERR | 44716 | Can only do First name search with Company Name or Last Name. |
ARERR | 44717 | Unable to search for Individual based on given Company, First Name, and Last Name. |
ARERR | 44718 | You must specify a value greater than 0.00 for Unit Rate or Percentage Overhead to save this record. |
ARERR | 44719 | You must select categorization information to save this record |
ARERR | 44720 | You must specify a Support Company, Support Organization and Region information. |
ARERR | 44721 | There is another record that exists for these values. Please edit that record or change the categorization, group information on this entry. |
ARERR | 44723 | Either the Change Template or Change Timing, Impact, and Urgency must be defined. |
NOTE | 44724 | Infrastructure change request $1000000288$ is created. |
NOTE | 44725 | The infrastructure change ticket, $301356600$, is created. |
ARERR | 44726 | You cannot delete or modify an association of type "Asset Configuration" |
ARERR | 44727 | Cannot perform requested modifications on the Global Record. |
ARERR | 44728 | A record already exist in a Pending state. |
ARERR | 44729 | The Navigation Tiers entered for the Company are not unique. Re-enter a different set of values for that Navigation Tier menu and re-apply. |
ARERR | 44730 | Only records with Pending status may be deleted. |
WARNING | 44731 | Selected Company has an Change Template referring to a Location Company you do not have access to. |
NOTE | 44732 | Selected Company has an Approval Process Change Template with incomplete values. The Change will be based on values from the Global Approval Process. |
ARERR | 44733 | An Ad Hoc notification record can only be added in an active Approval Phase. |
ARERR | 44738 | This record has been locked. It cannot be modified or deleted. |
ARERR | 44739 | This record was generated automatically through the parent record. Any changes to this cost record must be made from the parent record. |
ARERR | 44746 | You cannot relate an asset configuration from this form. You must use the asset configuration form to relate a change request. |
ARERR | 44747 | The 'Work Info Type', 'View Access', 'Locked' and 'Summary' fields are required in order to add a Work Info entry. Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Summary and press the [Add to Activity History] button again. |
ARERR | 44748 | The incident number is required for this function to work. You can generate an incident number by selecting a contact for this incident. |
ARERR | 44749 | The Change ID is required for this function to work. You can generate an Change ID by entering a summary. |
ARERR | 44750 | For this function to work, a problem investigation ID is required. You can generate one by entering a summary or by going to the Problem InvestigationID field and pressing ENTER. |
ARERR | 44752 | This function requires a known error ID. You can generate one by entering a summary or by going to the Known Error ID field and pressing ENTER. |
ARERR | 44755 | There is no matching Cost Rate for this record. No cost entry generated. |
ARERR | 44756 | You must specify Unit Type, when a Unit Rate is specified, to save this record. |
ARERR | 44757 | The Line Item with Part Number $262000003$ contains a Product Categorization that is not valid. You will be unable to use theLine Item from this Configuration. |
NOTE | 44760 | The CI Location information (Region, Site Group and Site) fields have been blanked out because they are not related to the selected Company. |
ARERR | 44761 | Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Summary fields are required to add a Work Info entry. |
ARERR | 44762 | To view the details for an Work Info entry, select the corresponding entry in the Work Info History table, then click View. |
ARERR | 44764 | Select a Product, Product Model Version or Patch entry to View. |
WARNING | 44765 | Select a Software Library Item entry to view. |
ARERR | 44769 | Product Dictionary entry is already a suite member. |
ARERR | 44771 | Select a Software Library Item to delete. |
ARERR | 44772 | Select a Product to delete from the Suite. |
ARERR | 44773 | Product is not a suite. |
ARERR | 44774 | Select a File to Delete |
WARNING | 44776 | Select a File to view. |
ARERR | 44777 | Select a Suite or Product to view. |
WARNING | 44778 | Select a Suite Product entry to view. |
WARNING | 44814 | Select an Attachment to view. |
ARERR | 44817 | Secondary Cost Centers can only be added after this record is saved. |
ARERR | 44819 | Form Name and Field Id are required for this action. |
NOTE | 44822 | Cost rate calculation has been applied to Cost record. Total Cost: $270002018$ |
NOTE | 44823 | Cost with flat rate has been applied to Cost record. Total Cost: $270002018$ |
ARERR | 44825 | There are no Products that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 44827 | The Contract must be saved before adding licensable products. |
ARERR | 44828 | Select a Product Dictionary item from the list above before clicking Select. |
ARERR | 44829 | The parent application has disallowed saving budget as cost classification. Please select another classification. |
NOTE | 44830 | The selected Product Dictonary item have been related. |
ARERR | 44831 | The start date must be earlier than the end date. Please choose another end date. |
ARERR | 44832 | This cost center is already set as secondary. A cost center cannot be both. Please remove from secondary first. |
ARERR | 44833 | The selected cost center code is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost center code. |
ARERR | 44834 | The selected cost type is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost type. |
ARERR | 44835 | Set a value for all required fields prior to manual asset allocation. |
ARERR | 44837 | Select a Product Model Version Patch to associate to the Software Library Item. |
ARERR | 44838 | You must select at least Tier 1 from the menu before searching. |
ARERR | 44839 | The scheduled dates are required when the change is moved past the planning in progress state. You must provide the scheduled dates to proceed. |
ARERR | 44840 | The actual start date, actual end date, and performance rating are required when completing or closing a change. Provide the actual dates and performance rating before you proceed. |
ARERR | 44843 | Summary, Change Type, Change Timing, Impact, Urgency and Risk Level are required when submitting a new change request. |
ARERR | 44845 | The Approve functionality is not available under your current access permission of the change request. |
ARERR | 44846 | The Reject functionality is not available under your current access permission of the change ticket. |
NOTE | 44847 | You are not allow to cancel the current Infrastructure Change. |
NOTE | 44848 | You are not allow to submit or modify the currently request to Pending status. |
ARERR | 44852 | File Name and File Size are required fields. |
ARERR | 44853 | The File Name and File Size already exist. Please enter unique values. |
ARERR | 44854 | Product Name, Model/Version, Manufacturer, Type and Location are required fields. |
ARERR | 44855 | The Software Library Item already exists. Please enter a unique value for Location. |
ARERR | 44856 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 44857 | Third Party entries may not be deleted. |
ARERR | 44858 | This Product Model Version is associated to a Software Library Item and can not be deleted. |
ARERR | 44859 | This Patch Last Build ID already exists. Please enter a different value. |
ARERR | 44862 | A Model/Version is required when creating a Patch, please create one from the model/version tab. |
ARERR | 44864 | This functionality is not available when the problem type is set to all. |
ARERR | 44865 | Provide a 1-5 rating for this change request in the Performance Rating field |
WARNING | 44866 | You must belong to the 'Asset Admin' permission group in order to be able to create Configuration Items. The form will be closed. You can access it again in either Search or Modify modes. |
ARERR | 44867 | You already have a record for the selected Company and DatasetID. Select a different value for Company or DatasetID before saving. |
ARERR | 44869 | This model version you have selected has already been related to an existing contract ($1000000066$). Select a different one. |
ARERR | 44870 | Please select a company from the menu. |
ARERR | 44871 | This company does not have a valid date range specified. Please select another company or configure a time period for this company. |
ARERR | 44877 | Selected Client Type is invalid. Please choose a valid Client Type. |
ARERR | 44878 | The Summary, Impact, Urgency, Priority, Company, Incident Type fields and Customer information require an entry when submitting a new incident to $1000001807$ stage. |
ARERR | 44879 | The Summary, Impact, Urgency, Priority, Company, Service Type and Assignee fields require an entry when submitting a new incident to $1000001807$ stage. |
ARERR | 44880 | The Summary, Impact, Urgency, Priority, Status Reason, Company, Service Type, Assignee and Resolution fields require an entry when submitting a new incident to $1000001807$ stage. |
ARERR | 44881 | The Summary, Impact, Urgency, Priority, Status Reason, Company, Service Type, and Assignee fields require an entry when submitting an Incident in Pending status. |
ARERR | 44882 | The Resolution and Assignee fields require an entry. |
ARERR | 44883 | The Resolution, Status Reason and Assignee fields require an entry when moving this incident. |
ARERR | 44884 | The Assignee field requires an entry when moving this incident forward. |
ARERR | 44885 | Save this configuration before creating new Include Classes. |
ARERR | 44886 | There are no Support Groups or Support Group Aliases matching the search criteria. |
ARERR | 44888 | There were no People found with the Full Name of $260000006$. |
ARERR | 44889 | The Manager Information entered is not valid. Use the return function on the Manager's Name field to retrieve the Manager's Name and Login ID information. |
ARERR | 44890 | The Summary, Impact, and Urgency fields require an entry before you submit a new problem investigation. |
ARERR | 44891 | The Summary, Impact, Urgency, Problem Coordinator Assignee, and Problem Assignee fields require an entry before you submit a new problem investigation. |
ARERR | 44892 | The Problem Coordinator Assignee and Problem Assignee fields require an entry. |
ARERR | 44893 | The Status Reason and Product Tier 1 fields require an entry before you can move this problem investigation forward. |
ARERR | 44894 | The Status Reason, Problem Coordinator,and Problem Assignee fields require an entry before you can move this problem investigation forward. |
WARNING | 44896 | Select a Product Model Version Patch to associate to the File. |
ARERR | 44897 | The Location Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Region', 'Site Group' and 'Site' fields or the type ahead return function on the 'Site' field to select this information. |
ARERR | 44898 | The Company is not valid. Please select the Company from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 44899 | The Location Information is not valid. Please use the menu provided on the 'Region' field to select this information. |
ARERR | 44900 | The Location Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Region' and 'Site Group' fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 44901 | The Line Item with Part Number $262000003$ contains a Product Categorization that is not valid. You will be unable to use the Line Item from this Configuration. |
WARNING | 44902 | Select a Software Library Item to view. |
ARERR | 44903 | The CI Name is required to relate a Contract to a CI. Enter the CI Name and try again. |
ARERR | 44904 | The Depreciation Criteria entered already exists. Reselect the values and try again. |
ARERR | 44905 | The 'Company' field is required when the Tenancy Mode is set to 'Singe-Tenanacy' |
ARERR | 44906 | A valid company is required for 'Single-Tenancy' mode. |
ARERR | 44908 | An entry with the same Company and Application already exists. |
ARERR | 44909 | Please fill in the required fields: Company, Cost Category, Status and Cost Description. |
ARERR | 44911 | The Vendor Name and Vendor Contact fields require an entry when Assign To Vendor is set to yes. |
ARERR | 44912 | The Vendor Name and Vendor Contact fields require an entry when Assign To Vendor is set to yes. |
ARERR | 44913 | You enter all the required fields before you can save the Continuation Item. |
NOTE | 44914 | Selected items related |
ARERR | 44915 | Fill in the operational categorization. |
ARERR | 44916 | Fill in the change location information. |
ARERR | 44918 | Select value from Relationship Type menu |
ARERR | 44920 | Select record from table |
ARERR | 44927 | Please select an entry from the search table. |
ARERR | 44950 | No Command specified. |
WARNING | 44951 | There is a View Window already open. Please close the View Window and try again. |
NOTE | 44952 | Selected items related |
ARERR | 44955 | One of the values for adding effort hours and minutes are negative or both values are equal to zero. Reenter the hours and minutes. |
ARERR | 44956 | One of the values for adding effort hours and minutes are negative or both values are equal to zero. Reenter the hours and minutes. |
ARERR | 44957 | Reenter the hours and minutes. One of the values is negative, or both are zero. |
ARERR | 44958 | Reenter the hours and minutes. One of the values for effort-hours and minutes is either negative or both values are zero. |
WARNING | 44960 | Attachments cannot be added or modified for a locked record. |
WARNING | 44962 | Please select a CI from the table. |
ARERR | 44967 | Even numbered Selection Codes are a reserved BMC range. |
WARNING | 44968 | To also manage financial management chargebacks, this user needs Cost Manager permissions. |
ARERR | 44969 | You can only relate CIs which have been reconcliled to a broadcast. Please reconclie this CI, and then relate to the broadcast. |
ARERR | 44970 | This CI does not exist in the dataset selected ($301771000$). Please change your dataset, and retry. |
ARERR | 44971 | An Outage was not selected. Select an Outage from the table and click View again. |
ARERR | 44972 | The selected CI does not have impacted area information specified. |
ARERR | 44973 | The selected CI does not have Impacted Area information specified. |
NOTE | 44974 | Selected items related |
WARNING | 44975 | The Company Type "- System -" is a reserved for system use only. The Company Type field has been reset to its original value. If you were adding new Company Types you will need to reselect them from the menu. |
ARERR | 44976 | This change must be fully assigned before using the start, stop clock. Set support company, support organization, support group name and Change Coordinator. |
ARERR | 44977 | Modify All is not supported in sandbox mode. |
NOTE | 44978 | Record has been reconclied |
ARERR | 44979 | CI Must be reconciled before adding worklog entries. Please save and the CI will be reconclied. |
ARERR | 44986 | Please remove relationship to other cost centers prior to making this cost center obsolete. |
NOTE | 44987 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected for viewing. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 44988 | This cost center is being allocated to by another cost center. The Distribution Percentage must be specified. |
ARERR | 44989 | The combination of Company and Cost Center Code is a duplicate of an existing record. Please modify the cost center code to be unique, or edit the original record. |
NOTE | 44990 | Record(s) have been deleted. |
WARNING | 44991 | Please select a record from the table. |
ARERR | 44992 | Need to select Type of item that you will be searching on. |
ARERR | 44993 | Need to select either one of the Location fields. |
ARERR | 44994 | Need to select either one of the Category fields. |
ARERR | 44995 | Need to select either one of the Location fields. |
ARERR | 44996 | Need to select either one of the Location or Categorization fields. |
ARERR | 44997 | Need to select either one of the Category fields. |
ARERR | 44998 | Please select an entity before adding an activity. |
ARERR | 44999 | Your user permissions have been defined such that you can only view data for specific Companies. As such you are required to fill in the Company fieldin order to be able to see the CI record after it has been submitted. Please select a Company and re-apply. |
ARERR | 45000 | You cannot create new approval detail records from this form. |
ARERR | 45001 | You do not have global override capability for this entry. |
ARERR | 45002 | The Modify All operation is not available for this form. |
ARERR | 45003 | You do not have global override capability for this entry. |
ARERR | 45004 | You cannot search on this form. |
ARERR | 45005 | Please select a Person from the table and retry the operation. |
ARERR | 45006 | The selected group is your default Support Group and cannot be deleted. Please select a different authoring group to delete. |
ARERR | 45007 | Authoring Group not selected. Please select a group and press the "Delete" button. |
ARERR | 45009 | The Problem Management Module must be installed in order for this function to work. |
ARERR | 45010 | The Module that you have selected is not installed on this server. |
ARERR | 45011 | Records cannot be created or modifed to have the company "- Global -". Please choose another company. |
ARERR | 45012 | Select a Suite model/version to add the product to. |
WARNING | 45013 | You have not selected any data access rights for this user. This user will not have access to view any data. You can apply access rights in the Login/Access Details tab. |
ARERR | 45022 | Not a valid Application Name. Select value from menu options. |
ARERR | 45023 | You cannot use the Current Owner Assignment function on a new incident or while searching for an incident. Select a different type of group for assignment. |
NOTE | 45028 | Because you are not the problem coordinator of this request, this problem investigation submits into the review stage. |
ARERR | 45029 | No groups are found using automated routing. You must select a group manually. |
ARERR | 45030 | No groups were found using automated routing. You need to manually select a group. |
ARERR | 45031 | No Groups can be found using automated routing. You need to manually select a group. |
NOTE | 45032 | Please restart your AR System Server for your custom sort order to take effect. |
ARERR | 45033 | The Summary field is required before a task can be created. |
ARERR | 45034 | Enter a valid country. |
WARNING | 45037 | Only incidents in the resolved status can be set to closed. |
ARERR | 45040 | You have assigned the maximum number of permission groups to this person. Please remove permission groups that are not required before adding additional ones. |
ARERR | 45041 | Unable to assign Fixed license. All Fixed licenses ($1000000114$) for '$240001002$' have been assigned. |
ARERR | 45042 | Unable to assign a Floating license. There are no Floating licenses available for '$240001002$'. |
NOTE | 45043 | You have issued a fixed license for '$240001002$' ($1000000077$ of $1000000114$) |
ARERR | 45044 | You must be a member of the Purchasing User group to create a Purchase Requisition. Contact your Administrator to review your permissions. |
ARERR | 45075 | This Change Request has at least one open task or task group in a previous phase. You must Close all children tasks in previous phases before changingthe status. |
WARNING | 45076 | Sequence cannot be changed on Task or Task Group with Status "$10003035$". This change will be rolled back. |
ARERR | 45077 | The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index that has been defined for this form |
ARERR | 45079 | This flow template is being used in a Task Template or a Task Group Template. Remove it from the templates before deleting it. |
WARNING | 45080 | This template is currently in use by a task template or a task group template. Changing the status to Inactive or Potential will lead to unexpected behavior in tasks, groups that use it. |
WARNING | 45081 | This template is currently in use by a task template or a task group template. Changing the status to Inactive or Potential will lead to unexpected behavior in tasks and groups that use it. |
NOTE | 45082 | There were no item found that match the current Search Criteria. |
ARERR | 45083 | Search Criteria fields must be filled in order to perform a Search. |
ARERR | 45084 | The template has already been selected for this entry. |
ARERR | 45085 | Company is required in order to create new task. |
ARERR | 45086 | No templates available for this parent type. |
ARERR | 45087 | Parent Application Object Name, Summary, and Company are required for creating task. |
ARERR | 45088 | This parent has at least one open task or task group. Close all children task groups before changing the parent status to Closed. |
WARNING | 45089 | Sequence cannot be changed on Task or Task Group with Status "$10003035$". |
WARNING | 45090 | Sequence number cannot be NULL. |
ARERR | 45092 | Cannot change the status back to $1000000058$. |
ARERR | 45093 | This task (or group) must be activated (from the parent) before it can be changed to the status: $7$ $10003018$ |
ARERR | 45095 | Sequence cannot be changed on Task or Task Group with Status = $7$ |
ARERR | 45096 | Assigned status requires either a group or individual assignee. |
ARERR | 45097 | This task is already active and cannot be bypassed. |
ARERR | 45098 | Invalid Status Reason for a Task Status of $7$. |
ARERR | 45099 | Actual End Date must be greater than the Actual Start Date. |
ARERR | 45100 | Scheduled End Date must be greater than the Scheduled Start Date. |
ARERR | 45101 | Waiting status is for automatic tasks only. Use Pending for manual tasks. |
ARERR | 45102 | Task Name, Summary, and Company are required for creating relationship. |
ARERR | 45103 | Waiting status is for automatic tasks only. Use Pending for manual tasks. |
ARERR | 45104 | Task Group Template "$10007305$" contains Task Group Template "$1000000058$", adding this association could cause the loop at runtime. |
WARNING | 45105 | This form cannot be opened in new mode. |
ARERR | 45106 | This Task Group Template is associated to another Task Group or a Parent Template. Remove the associations before deleting this entry. |
WARNING | 45107 | This Task Group Template is associated to another Task Group or a Parent Template. Changing its status will lead to unexpected behavior in the associated Task Groups or Parents. |
WARNING | 45108 | This template is currently in use by a task template, a task group template, or a flow template. Changing the status to Inactive or Potential will leadto unexpected behavior in tasks, groups and flows that use it. |
ARERR | 45109 | This Task Template is associated to a Task Group or a Parent Template. Remove the associations before deleting this entry. |
WARNING | 45110 | This Task Template is associated to a Task Group or a Parent Template. Changing its status will lead to unexpected behavior in the associated Task Groups or Parents. |
WARNING | 45111 | This Task Template is associated to a Task Group or a Parent Template. Changing its status will lead to unexpected behavior in the associated Task Groups or Parents. |
ARERR | 45112 | This variable template is being used in a Task Template, a Task Group Template or a Flow Template. Remove it from the templates before deleting it. |
WARNING | 45113 | This template is currently in use by a task template, a task group template, or a flow template. Changing the status to Inactive or Potential will lead to unexpected behavior in tasks, groups and flows that use it. |
WARNING | 45114 | This template is currently in use by a task template, a task group template, or a flow template. Changing the status to Inactive or Potential will leadto unexpected behavior in tasks, groups and flows that use it. |
ARERR | 45115 | You need to go to Manage Inventory to move the CI out of Inventory. |
WARNING | 45116 | The cost you are adding ($250402242$) is a larger negative vaule than the amount available to allocate ($250402042$). |
ARERR | 45117 | The cost you are adding is a positive number, but the total amount is a negative number ($250402042$). You must specify a negative allocation amount. |
ARERR | 45118 | The cost you are adding is a negative number, but the total amount is a positive number ($250402042$). You must specify a positive allocation amount. |
ARERR | 45120 | Help has not been installed. For information about installing help, see the ITSM Installation Guide. |
ARERR | 45122 | 'Company' is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 45123 | Please save the cost center prior to modifying child cost percentages. |
NOTE | 45124 | Unable to find a Decision Tree for this customer. The Decision Tree Window will now close. |
WARNING | 45125 | Number of Units must be a positive number. |
NOTE | 45126 | The Configuration tab information is set to $301217400$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45127 | The contracts tab information is set to $301217200$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45128 | The Financials tab information is set to $301217700$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45129 | The outage tab information is set to $301217900$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45130 | The people tab information is set to $301217300$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45131 | The Returns tab information is set to $301218000$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45132 | The Schedules tab information is set to $301217800$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
NOTE | 45133 | The Configuration tab information is set to $301217400$ for all the classes that have the schema name $230000000$. |
ARERR | 45135 | Only members of the Problem Master, Problem User, or Problem Submitter permission groups can perform this action. Ask your administrator to review yourpermissions. |
ARERR | 45140 | Only one 'Approval Phase' for '$1000000001$' can be set to use the 'Parent-Child' 'Process Type' |
ARERR | 45144 | End Time must be greater than Activate Time. |
ARERR | 45145 | The Actual Start Date and Actual End Date are required when closing a task. Please provide the Actual Dates before proceeding. |
ARERR | 45146 | Enter Name, Summary and Company. |
ARERR | 45147 | The Assignment Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Assignee Organization' and 'Assignee Group' fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 45148 | The Location Information is not valid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 45149 | The Requester Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Organization' and 'Group Name' fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 45150 | The Requester For Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Organization' and 'Department' fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 45151 | Enter Name, Summary and Company. |
ARERR | 45152 | Enter Name and Company. |
ARERR | 45153 | Invalid search criteria. |
ARERR | 45154 | Enter the name of the person for whom you are acting as an alternate. |
ARERR | 45155 | Enter the name of the person for whom you are performing an override. If you are attempting to perform an override for all individuals, please use theglobal override option. |
ARERR | 45156 | Either you are not currently defined as an alternate for $13902$ or you must enter a Process to define which process you are working as an alternate forCheck the spelling of the name in the Alternate For field. If the value in the Alternate For field is correct, please contact your system administrator. |
ARERR | 45157 | You are not currently defined as an alternate for $13902$. Check the spelling of the name in the User field. If the value in the User field is correct, please contact your system administrator. |
ARERR | 45158 | The description field requies a value. |
ARERR | 45159 | You do not have override capability. |
ARERR | 45160 | You must enter a Process. |
ARERR | 45161 | Change Management Dashboard is not licensed for use. |
WARNING | 45162 | The owner request does not exist yet and cannot be opened. |
ARERR | 45163 | No Support Groups were found using Automated Routing. Please select a support group using the assignment menus. |
ARERR | 45169 | There is already an entry with name "$10007100$" for company "$1000000001$" with this locale "$160$". |
ARERR | 45171 | There is already an entry with name "$10007000$" for company "$1000000001$" with this locale "$160$". |
ARERR | 45172 | There is already an entry with name "$8$" for company "$1000000001$" with this locale "$160$". |
ARERR | 45176 | Please fill in all the required (bold) fields before pressing the add button. |
ARERR | 45177 | Process Name is required when the 'Covering' field is set to $301306800$. Please select a Process Name and try again. |
ARERR | 45178 | End Date must be greater than the Start Date. Please reselect the End Date and try again. |
ARERR | 45179 | You cannot select the current person as an alternate approver to themselves. Please select another person and try again. |
NOTE | 45180 | Client Type selected is not valid, please reselect. |
ARERR | 45181 | $13191$ is not a valid selection. |
ARERR | 45182 | Status field is required. Please enter a value in the status field. |
ARERR | 45184 | Select Record Type value first. |
ARERR | 45185 | Select Quick Actions value first. |
ARERR | 45186 | There are no active flows defined for this task group template. Define the expected runtime flow behavior or modify the task group template status to Potential or Inactive. |
NOTE | 45187 | Work Log Type selected is not valid, please reselect. |
ARERR | 45188 | The Summary, Impact, and Urgency fields require an entry before you can submit a new problem investigation. |
ARERR | 45189 | The Status Reason field requires an entry befory you can move this problem investigation forward. |
ARERR | 45192 | The specified cost center is invalid. |
ARERR | 45193 | The cost center code specified is invalid, please chose a cost center from the drop down menu. |
ARERR | 45194 | The selected Change Coordinator is invalid. Reselect the Change Coordinator using the menu, then reapply. |
ARERR | 45236 | You do not have permission to change this entry. |
NOTE | 45240 | The drill down capability for the Contract License Flashboard is not available. |
ARERR | 45248 | Please Fill in the following fields. Company, Work Info Module, Work Info type and Communication Type" |
ARERR | 45250 | The Organization Company and Location Company must be the same when creating mapping records for the Incident Management Module. Please ensure that these are the same and re-apply. |
NOTE | 45251 | No Configuration Items were found for the selected type $301189500$ |
ARERR | 45252 | Site, Country and City are required in order to create a Location. Please entry data within theses field and re-apply. |
ARERR | 45253 | The Site you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a new Site name and re-apply. |
NOTE | 45254 | Requester Contacted will be set to No when this record is saved |
NOTE | 45255 | Requester Contacted will be set to Yes when this record is saved |
ARERR | 45256 | Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Approve action. |
ARERR | 45257 | Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Hold action. |
ARERR | 45258 | Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Reject action. |
ARERR | 45259 | Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Reassign action. |
ARERR | 45260 | The Organization and Department you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a new Organization and Department and re-apply. |
ARERR | 45261 | The Support Organization, Support Group Name and Support Group Role are required to be filled in, in order to create a Support Group. Please fill in these fields and re-apply. |
ARERR | 45262 | The Support Group structure you are trying to create already exists. Please enter new Support Group information and re-apply. |
ARERR | 45263 | Only members of the Authoring Group defined on this template can modify this entry. |
WARNING | 45264 | You must be a member of the Infrastructure Change Master, Infrastructure Change Config or have a Support Group Admin Role to create a Change Template. |
ARERR | 45265 | The "Contact Location Admin" permission is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission to be added to your profile. |
ARERR | 45266 | The "Contact Organization Admin" permission is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission tobe added to your profile. |
ARERR | 45267 | One of the following four permissions; "Contact Organization Admin", "Contact Support Admin", "Contact People Admin" or "Contact People User" is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission to be added to your profile. |
ARERR | 45268 | You do not have access to print $301626700$ records. |
ARERR | 45269 | You do not have access to print $301626700$ records. |
ARERR | 45270 | You do not have access to print $301626700$ records. |
ARERR | 45271 | You do not have access to print $301626700$ records. |
ARERR | 45272 | You do not have access to print $301626700$ records. |
WARNING | 45273 | If you are changing the dataset names, you will also need to make sure that you have updated the BMC:Asset Management - Sandbox reconcliation rules to match the new dataset names. |
ARERR | 45274 | Production and Sandbox cannot be the same. |
WARNING | 45275 | For this setting to take affect, users must close their client and relogin to the application. |
ARERR | 45276 | Please fill in all the required fields and re-apply. |
NOTE | 45277 | The company has been successfully added. |
NOTE | 45278 | The organization and department have been successfully added. |
NOTE | 45280 | The site has been successfully added |
ARERR | 45281 | The incident number is required for this function to work. To generate an incident number, select a customer. |
ARERR | 45282 | CIs and CI Unavailability cannot be related to your current CI from here. Please go to your current CI to relate to the Broadcasted CI or CI Unavailability (where applicable). |
NOTE | 45283 | The support group has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 45284 | To create a task, a Problem Investigation ID is required. To generate one, press ENTER while in the Problem Investigation ID field. |
NOTE | 45285 | The assignment routing record has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 45286 | To create a task, you need a Known Error ID. To generate one, press ENTER while the cursor is in the Known Error ID field. |
ARERR | 45287 | To create a task, the Summary field requires an entry. |
NOTE | 45288 | The people record has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 45289 | The password entered did not match. The people record was not created. |
NOTE | 45290 | Permission has been applied, please log out and log back in. |
ARERR | 45292 | There are no associations defined for this Active task group template. Add some asociations or modify the task group template status to Potential or Inactive. |
WARNING | 45300 | An entry for the $10050$ form in AP:Form could not be found. Some functionality may not be available due to this error. Create an appropriate entry forthis form in AP:Form before proceeding. |
ARERR | 45301 | The field First Approver Field is required if the process type is ad-hoc or if the Allow Ad-hoc Next Approver? field is set to Anyone. |
ARERR | 45302 | Select a CI from the table to view with the Relationship Viewer |
ARERR | 45305 | This CI must be reconclied before adding any outage records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 45306 | This CI must be reconclied before relating people. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 45307 | The CI must be reconclied before you can relate schedules. Please run a manual reconciliation, or run the reconciliation engine. |
ARERR | 45308 | The CI must be reconclied before you can relate return reciepts. Please run a manual reconciliation, or run the reconciliation engine. |
ARERR | 45309 | This CI must be reconclied before relating contracts. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 45310 | This CI must be reconclied before relating contracts. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 45311 | This CI must be reconclied before adding any impact records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 45312 | This CI must be reconclied before adding any configurations. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine. |
ARERR | 45313 | You cannot view an association of type "Asset Maintenance" from Change. |
ARERR | 45314 | You cannot delete or modify an association of type "Asset Maintenance" |
ARERR | 45315 | You can only add work info entries after CI has been reconciled. Please manually reconclie this CI or run the reconcliation engine. |
NOTE | 45323 | $-14$ of $1000000140$ Configuration Items were successfully related to the current $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ) record. |
NOTE | 45324 | $-14$ or $1000000140$ Software Library Items were successfully related to the current record. |
NOTE | 45325 | $-14$ or $1000000140$ LDAP items were successfully related to the current record. |
WARNING | 45326 | Change Request $1000000182$ could not move to Completed until all lower dependent change requests have been completed. |
WARNING | 45327 | Change Request $1000000182$ could not move to Implementation In Progress until all lower dependent change requests have been completed. |
ARERR | 45328 | Assignee Group is required |
ARERR | 45329 | This cost center is part of an allocation and cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 45331 | Cannot delete this cost center, it is specified on one or more people records as an associated cost center. |
ARERR | 45349 | A process must be selected if the Covering field is set to Specific Process. |
ARERR | 45350 | You must be an AR System administrator or be a registered process administrator for all processes or for the specific process to which this record is tied. |
ARERR | 45351 | The $12210$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form. |
NOTE | 45352 | Your Request $1000000829$ has been submitted. |
ARERR | 45353 | The $21150$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form. |
ARERR | 45354 | The $21180$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form. |
ARERR | 45355 | The $21151$ holiday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Holidays form. |
ARERR | 45356 | The $12211$ holiday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Holidays form. |
NOTE | 45357 | The Selected SRD has been deleted - SRD Title: $302797200$ |
NOTE | 45358 | The Selected PDT has been deleted - PDT Title: $302806800$ |
ARERR | 45359 | You must be an AR System administrator or be a registered process administrator. |
NOTE | 45360 | SRD: $302861100$ - has been approved |
ARERR | 45361 | Please select a service request to view. |
ARERR | 45362 | Another record already exists with the same locale and status, please choose other values or update the original record directly. |
NOTE | 45363 | Your preferences have been saved. |
ARERR | 45364 | Name, Category, Company, Version Number and Locale must be unique. |
ARERR | 45365 | Specify only Navigation Tiers or SRD ID, not both. |
ARERR | 45372 | The work information you selected is from more than one Work Order. Reselect work information that is related to only one Work Order. |
ARERR | 45373 | Browse Visibility is a required field |
ARERR | 45374 | Description is a required field |
ARERR | 45375 | Description and Browse Visibility are a required fields |
ARERR | 45376 | To create work information, select a Work Order record first. |
ARERR | 45379 | Please select a service request to view. |
ARERR | 45380 | Please select a service request to view. |
ARERR | 45382 | No URL Specified for Service Request Definition, please contact your admin. |
ARERR | 45384 | This service request definition contains the process definition template with a difference type. Please select the process definition template with the same type. |
ARERR | 45385 | The entry for the locale $160$ already exists. |
ARERR | 45386 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Category 1* |
ARERR | 45387 | URL field not specified. |
ARERR | 45388 | You must belong to the 'Request Catalog Manager' permission group in order to submit a Service Request Definition. |
ARERR | 45389 | Only members of the 'Request Catalog Manager' permission group can query the Service Request Definition form. Ask your administrator to give you the proper access permissions. |
NOTE | 45390 | SRD: $302797200$ - has been rejected |
ARERR | 45391 | $300062100$ type template cannot be created from this form. Press the "Register" button to register the application template with Service Request Management. |
ARERR | 45392 | Cannot delete the active service request definition, ($7$, Online). |
ARERR | 45393 | Adding this Process Definition Template $301181100$ could cause the loop at runtime. |
ARERR | 45394 | There is already an entry with $300992400$ for $301640200$ for the $160$ locale. |
NOTE | 45395 | $-38$ requires a value, defaulting to $302882200$ |
ARERR | 45396 | The process on this entry cannot be changed. This entry is being used by the service request definition $1000000058$. All related service request defintions need to be offline before changing the process on this entry. |
ARERR | 45397 | The target data on this this application object template cannot be changed. This entry is being used by the service request definition $1000000058$. Allrelated service request defintions need to be offline before changing the target data on this entry. |
ARERR | 45399 | The entry with the type $300062100$ for $301289000$ already exist. |
ARERR | 45401 | This entry cannot have a related $1000000083$ with a different request type as "$1000000084$". All processes must have the same request type. |
ARERR | 45402 | This process definition template has reached the over limit of six nested level. |
ARERR | 45403 | This entry cannot have a related $1000000083$ with a different request type as "$1000000084$". All processes must have the same request type. |
ARERR | 45404 | This entry cannot have a related $1000000083$ with a different request type as "$1000000084$". All processes must have the same request type. |
ARERR | 45405 | The number of licenses required by the staging forms is greater than the number of available licenses. Choose Functions > License Compliance Check to verify. |
ARERR | 45406 | You must be the Approver or an AR System Administrator or a Process Administrator for all processes or for the current process to be able to Reassign. |
ARERR | 45407 | The process on this entry cannot be changed. This entry is being used by the service request definition $1000000066$. All related service request defintions need to be offline before changing the process on this entry. |
ARERR | 45409 | Person ID was not found. |
ARERR | 45410 | Select a form name. |
ARERR | 45411 | Both the "Search Name" and "Search Qualification" are required when adding a new search. |
ARERR | 45412 | Dataload Category must be selected in order to use delete functionality. |
ARERR | 45413 | Dataload Category must be selected in order to use delete functionality. |
ARERR | 45414 | The fields in 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper values. |
ARERR | 45415 | To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Company' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated. |
ARERR | 45417 | To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Login ID' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated. |
ARERR | 45418 | 'Login ID' in the 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper value. |
ARERR | 45419 | The data entered in the 'Search Criteria' and/or 'Target value' section are invalid. |
ARERR | 45422 | 'First Name' and 'Last Name' in the 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper data. 'Person ID' must also be supplied. |
ARERR | 45423 | The data entered in the 'Target value' section are invalid. |
ARERR | 45426 | Category Type and the first tier must be populated as well as any 'middle' tiers if a lower tier has been filled in for the 'Target value' section. |
ARERR | 45427 | The first tier must be populated as well as any 'middle' tiers if a lower tier has be filled in for the 'Target value' section. |
ARERR | 45428 | First tier must be populated as well as any 'middle' tiers if a lower tier has been filled in for the 'Target value' section. |
ARERR | 45429 | The data entered in the 'Target value' section are invalid. |
ARERR | 45433 | 'Product Name' and 'Manufacturer' in the 'Search Criteria' section, and 'Model/Version' must be filled in with proper data. |
ARERR | 45434 | To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Model/Version' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated. |
ARERR | 45435 | The fields in 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper values. |
ARERR | 45436 | To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Site' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated. |
ARERR | 45437 | Site Address information must be populated by choosing a valid Site using the menu on the 'Site' field in 'Search Criteria' section |
ARERR | 45438 | To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Country' and 'City' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated. |
ARERR | 45439 | The fields in 'Target value' and 'Search Criteria' section must be filled in with proper values. 'Support Company' and 'Support Organization' must be populated. |
ARERR | 45441 | Data Administration Type and Data Administration Action are required. |
ARERR | 45442 | Multi-Thread capability is not supported for this staging form. |
ARERR | 45443 | The Product Name/Alias cannot be found. |
ARERR | 45445 | The Product Name/Alias cannot be found. |
ARERR | 45446 | The new 'Country' value is invalid. |
ARERR | 45447 | The person selected does not exist in the People form. |
ARERR | 45448 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company' and/or 'Last Name' must contain a value in conjunction with the 'First Name' in order to perform a search. |
ARERR | 45449 | No "People" match could be found for the specified search fields. |
WARNING | 45450 | If you changed the From Form name, you should check the qualification and field values to make sure they are still valid with the new form. |
ARERR | 45451 | You must select a form to pull data from before selecting fields from that form. |
ARERR | 45452 | A rule must be attached to a process in order for it to be active. |
WARNING | 45453 | The set fields type is Query, but the From Form field is empty. If you do not have a form to pull data from then consider choosing Value as your set fields type. |
WARNING | 45454 | Changing the process name will require you to check your qualifications to make sure they are still valid. |
ARERR | 45455 | Cannot assist with fields from remote server. Please enter the field name or ID within single quotes. |
ARERR | 45456 | The $10000$ process is not defined. Rules must be connected to an existing process. |
WARNING | 45457 | The $10000$ process is defined for the $12740$ application. However, this application has not been configured to work with approval processes. |
WARNING | 45458 | You cannot define a Get Next Approver rule for ad-hoc processes. |
WARNING | 45459 | Login ID is missing for the registered user. An incident will be created but the request will not be created because Login ID is required. |
ARERR | 45460 | You cannot define Value set fields type for a Validate Approver rule. |
WARNING | 45461 | The value for Status selected is invalid. Now using previous valid selection. |
ARERR | 45462 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any one or any combination of the Search Criteria. When the $1000000211$is found, select the entry from the table, then press the "Relate with Unavailability" button. |
ARERR | 45463 | The relationship type is required in order to relate entries. Select a relationship type from the 'Relationship Type' field then press the "Relate withUnavailability" button. |
NOTE | 45464 | No Change Manager has been assigned to the request. Some of the processes could be affected. |
ARERR | 45465 | There are no Support Groups or Support Group Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45466 | The Company record you are trying to create already exists. Please either change the Company name or update the existing record. |
ARERR | 45467 | The Company record you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a different Company name if you want to create a new Company record. |
ARERR | 45468 | The Company record you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a different Company name if you want to create a new Company record. |
ARERR | 45469 | 'First Name' and 'Last Name' in the 'Target Value' section must be filled in with proper data by using the return function. Press the enter key on the 'First Name' or 'Last Name' field to choose a person. |
ARERR | 45470 | Email address is not available for this coordinator. Please notify the system administrator. |
ARERR | 45471 | Required fields (without a default) not specified . Please provide values for the fields: Category*, Answer Format*, Question Text*. |
ARERR | 45472 | You cannot update fields with the same values as the target values. The new values must be different from the target values. |
NOTE | 45473 | Support Company Name and Support Organization must be populated if Support Group has been filled in for the 'Target value' section. |
ARERR | 45474 | When filling in the fields in the 'Target Value' section, the corresponding fields in the 'New Value' section must also be filled in. |
ARERR | 45475 | The following fields are required: arimportcmd.exe Path* Data Management Install Path* |
ARERR | 45476 | The "Data Management Install Path" and "MS Excel Path" fields are required for the convert function. |
NOTE | 45477 | Import Complete |
ARERR | 45478 | When filling in the fields in the 'New Value' section, the corresponding fields in the 'Target value' section must also be filled in. |
ARERR | 45479 | The new $303199700$ already exist. You cannot update with a $303199700$ that already exist in the system. |
ARERR | 45480 | Please select a Console View before saving your Application Preferences. |
ARERR | 45481 | The "Dataload Category" is required for the convert function. |
ARERR | 45482 | The "Dataload Category" is required for the import function. |
ARERR | 45484 | The Dataload Category is required for the convert function. |
ARERR | 45485 | The Dataload Category is required for the import function. |
ARERR | 45487 | All of the selected requests are already related to the current $1000000641$ record. |
NOTE | 45488 | Company must be specified. |
NOTE | 45489 | You need to save this record first to create the display properties in other lcoales. |
ARERR | 45490 | Authentication failed. Please enter your valid AR System password. |
NOTE | 45491 | Navigational categories have not been defined in the selected locale. Please contact the SRMS Administrator. |
NOTE | 45492 | SRD Level has not been defined in the selected locale. Please contact the SRMS Administrator. |
NOTE | 45494 | SRD level is a required field. |
NOTE | 45495 | SRD level is a required field. |
NOTE | 45497 | You need to save this record first to create the display properties in other locales. |
NOTE | 45498 | Summary is a required field. |
NOTE | 45499 | Summary is a required field. |
NOTE | 45500 | A Sandbox Job run has been initiated. |
NOTE | 45501 | A BULK Sandbox Job run has been initiated. |
NOTE | 45502 | A People Syncronization has been initiated. Manually enable the escalation named CTM:PPL:SyncInitiated using Developer Studio. Once enabled click the <Refresh Counts> button to ensure the number of unreconciled people are decreasing. Then, manually disable the escalation just enabled. |
NOTE | 45503 | An Asset to Dependency Syncronization has been initiated. Manually enable the escalation named ASI:AEO:AssetPeopleSyncInitiated using Developer Studio.Once enabled click the <Refresh Counts> button to ensure the number of Dependency records are increasing. Then, manually disable the escalation just enabled. |
NOTE | 45504 | End User Displayed Name is a required field. |
NOTE | 45505 | End User Displayed Name is a required field. |
ARERR | 45506 | Max Survey Questions of $302975100$ has been exceeded. |
ARERR | 45508 | Data Wizard does not allow the changing your own login ID. |
ARERR | 45509 | To perform an 'Update' action, the 'First Name' and 'Last Name' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated. |
ARERR | 45510 | The Manufacturer specified is not a valid Manufacturing Company. Please ensure the company entered is valid and has the correct Company Type attribute. |
ARERR | 45511 | The 'Manufacturer' in the 'New' value section is not a valid manufacturer. |
NOTE | 45514 | Change Timing will be automatically set to Expedited since Requested Date is before Earliest Start Date. |
ARERR | 45516 | No Risk Factor questions available. Check with your change configuration administrator |
ARERR | 45517 | This function is only available on the User Tool. |
NOTE | 45518 | There is currently no Count/Update in progress. |
NOTE | 45519 | There is currently no Validation/Promotion in progress. |
ARERR | 45522 | Re-Run action has been cancelled. |
ARERR | 45523 | Perform action has been cancelled. |
ARERR | 45525 | The new categorization tiers you are trying to update to already exist. You cannot update with the categorization tiers that already exist in the system. If applicable, specify additional categorization tiers. |
ARERR | 45526 | You do not have permission to submit non-default values for License Type or Full Text License Type. |
ARERR | 45527 | You do not have permission to change the License Type or Full Text License values. |
ARERR | 45528 | You are not allowed to alter a user's login ID. |
ARERR | 45529 | You do not have the correct permission to alter another person's password. |
ARERR | 45530 | You must have one of the following permissions to create a person with a login ID: 'Contact Organization Admin', 'Contact Support Admin'. |
ARERR | 45533 | You must associate a service item to this incident. |
ARERR | 45534 | You must associate a configuration item to this incident. |
WARNING | 45538 | This change request has been updated since it was opened and will be refreshed. |
ARERR | 45539 | Please ensure the Cost Center information is filled in. |
NOTE | 45540 | Please select a Release record to be able to view it. |
NOTE | 45541 | You must select a Change Request or an Activity record to view it. |
NOTE | 45543 | You must select a Task record to be able to view it |
NOTE | 45544 | Please select a Change Request or Activity record from the table first. |
WARNING | 45545 | You can not clear this field. |
ARERR | 45546 | Rule Set Doesn't exist |
ARERR | 45547 | Rule doesn't exist |
ARERR | 45548 | Duplicate Name |
ARERR | 45549 | Rule Set Type doesn't exist |
ARERR | 45551 | Missing Start Loop Rule ID |
ARERR | 45552 | ID <$303535700$> is already in use |
ARERR | 45553 | Please ensure the License Type information is filled in. |
ARERR | 45554 | Please ensure the manufacturer information is filled in. |
ARERR | 45555 | Please ensure the new Certificate ID and Summary is filled in. |
ARERR | 45556 | Please answer all Compliance questions before continuing. |
ARERR | 45557 | Please answer all Connection questions before continuing. |
ARERR | 45558 | Cannot change sequence number as this is already the lowest possible number. |
ARERR | 45559 | Certificate Sequence Number cannot be zero, negative, or blank. |
ARERR | 45560 | The Certificate Sequence number you have chosen already exists in this group. Please select a different Sequence number. |
NOTE | 45561 | The Certificate $303567400$ has been created. |
ARERR | 45563 | RunTag Name cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 45564 | A existing incident is required for this function to work. |
ARERR | 45565 | An existing incident is required for this function to work. |
ARERR | 45566 | The customer information is required for this function to work. |
NOTE | 45567 | The customer information is required for this function to work. |
ARERR | 45568 | Please select at least one support group. |
ARERR | 45569 | You must specify the Scheduled Start and End dates in order to run Collision Detection. |
ARERR | 45570 | There are no change requests in the release manifest. You must add at least one change requests to the release manifest before running Collision Detection. |
ARERR | 45571 | A 7.0 version of ITSM application is detected on your system. Currently, Data Wizard does not support running on a system with ITSM 7.0 application and 7.5 application. Upgrade the 7.0 application to 7.5 application to run Data Wizard. |
7 | 45572 | $303634700$ |
7 | 45573 | $303634700$ |
7 | 45574 | $303634700$ |
7 | 45575 | $303634700$ |
7 | 45576 | $303634700$ |
7 | 45577 | $303634700$ |
7 | 45578 | $303634700$ |
ARERR | 45581 | You can only create License Certificates through a Software Contract. This form will now close. |
NOTE | 45582 | The Certificate has been unrelated to the group. |
NOTE | 45583 | The selected Certificates have been removed from the group. |
ARERR | 45584 | No support groups or support group aliases match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45585 | The Manufacturer specified does not exist in the Company Form. |
NOTE | 45586 | This Master Certificate is no longer valid as it has less than 2 Child Certificates. This Master Certificate will now be removed and the current Certificate window will be closed. |
ARERR | 45587 | You cannot use the sequencing buttons on multiple entries. |
ARERR | 45588 | The License Type or Product Categorization of this certificate has changed. Please save this certificate first before initiating grouping. |
WARNING | 45589 | The Master Group in which this certificate formerly referred to is no longer valid as it has less than 2 child certificates. The Master Group will now be deleted. |
ARERR | 45590 | The Purchase Order ID and Part Number entered are invalid. Please check and re-enter these values. |
WARNING | 45591 | The Notification date you entered is later than the Expiration date. Enter a Notification date that is earlier than the Expiration date. |
WARNING | 45592 | The Notification Date you entered is before the current date and time. |
ARERR | 45593 | Please answer all Connection Questions before continuing. |
ARERR | 45594 | Please answer all Compliance Questions before continuing |
ARERR | 45595 | A certificate cannot be created when the status of the contract is in $7$ Status |
NOTE | 45596 | No Ungrouped Certificates with the matching Product Dictionary Entry were found. |
ARERR | 45597 | Please select a License Job and a Reconcilation Job to relate. |
NOTE | 45598 | The current certificate will be added to the selected group when completed. |
NOTE | 45599 | A new group will be created for the selected and current certificates. |
ARERR | 45600 | You cannot create new signature line records from this form. |
ARERR | 45601 | The Modify All operation is not available from this form. |
ARERR | 45602 | You do not have access to the $-5$ form. |
ARERR | 45603 | You cannot directly modify this form. You must modify signature entries through the join between the detail form and the signature form. |
WARNING | 45604 | The Notification Date you entered is before the current date and time. |
ARERR | 45605 | The Expiration Date must be later than the Effective Date for this Certificate. Please re-enter these dates and try again. |
ARERR | 45606 | Enter the Owner Contact or Owner Group to notify on $240001015$ when this certificate expires. |
ARERR | 45607 | The Expiration Date you entered is in the past. Please re-enter this date and try again. |
WARNING | 45608 | The Notification date you entered is later than the Expiration date. |
ARERR | 45611 | Associate at least one CI to Change Request with Relationship Type other than Impacts and try again. |
ARERR | 45613 | Location Company is required before you can run the Impact Simulator. |
ARERR | 45614 | Please select a run from the run history table. |
ARERR | 45615 | You need to have Infrastructure Change Master, Infrastructure Change User, or Infrastructure Change Submit permission to create a change request. Checkwith the Administrator to see if you have the right permissions. |
ARERR | 45616 | You are not a registered user of BMC Remedy Change Management application. |
NOTE | 45620 | Update completed successfully. |
ARERR | 45621 | The Application selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Application from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45622 | The Role selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Role from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45623 | The Company selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Company from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45624 | '$303577100$' role already deployed to ' $303654000$ ' company. |
ARERR | 45625 | Another role '$1000000066$' is already deployed to ' $303654000$ ' company, please remove this role before deploying '$303577100$' role to ' $303654000$ ' company. |
ARERR | 45626 | The Application selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Application from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45627 | The Role selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Role from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45628 | The People information is invalid. Use the menu for the Company,Support Group, Organization and People to select this information. |
ARERR | 45629 | The Company selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Company from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45630 | The People information is invalid. Use the menu for the Company,Support Group, Organization and People to select this information. |
NOTE | 45631 | '$303585600$' role already deployed to '$303586600$'. |
ARERR | 45632 | Another role '$1000000066$' is already deployed to '$303586600$', please remove this role before deploying '$303585600$' role to '$303586600$' . |
ARERR | 45633 | The Application selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Application from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45634 | The Role selected is not a valid selection. Please select a Role from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45635 | The Company selected is not a valid Company which can deploy with $303577000$ to. Please reselect a Company from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45636 | Either the Company, Organization or Support Group selected is not a valid selection. Please select from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45637 | '$303577000$' role already deployed to ' $303653900$ ', '$303654100$' , '$303654200$' . |
ARERR | 45638 | Another role '$1000000066$' is already depoyed to ' $303654200$ ' support group, please remove this role before deploying '$303577100$' role to ' $303654200$ ' support group. |
ARERR | 45639 | The login ID you provided does not belong to one of the companies authorized to deploy this role. |
ARERR | 45640 | The Company specified is not a valid company in the system. Please select a company from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45641 | The Role specified is not a valid Role defined in the system. Please select a Role from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45642 | The Application specified is not a valid Application defined in the system. Please select a Application from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45643 | The selected company "$303654000$" already mapped to Role "$30357700$" under "$303648600$". |
ARERR | 45644 | The Form specified is not a valid Form in the system. Please select a Form from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45645 | The Role specified is not a valid Role defined in the system. Please select a Role from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45646 | The Application specified is not a valid Application defined in the system. Please select a Application from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45647 | The combination of Application Name, Role and Form Name already exists in the system. |
ARERR | 45648 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Summary* |
ARERR | 45649 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Location Company* |
ARERR | 45650 | Please enter in a full or part of a Service name in the Service field to search. |
ARERR | 45651 | Run Tag doesn't exists |
ARERR | 45652 | No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter another Service name. |
ARERR | 45653 | Please enter in a full or part of a Service name in the Service field to search. |
ARERR | 45654 | The Service CI selected is not a valid selection, please select from the menu. |
ARERR | 45655 | The CI selected is not a valid selection, please re-select from the search dialog by hitting enter on the field. |
NOTE | 45656 | You must remove a Service CI directly from the Service field on the Incident Request form. To remove the relationship, highlight the Service CI field and then press Delete. |
NOTE | 45657 | You must remove a Service CI relationship directly from the Service CI field on the Problem Investigation form. To remove the relationship, highlight the Service CI field and then press Delete. |
NOTE | 45658 | You must remove a Service CI relationship directly from the Service CI field on the Known Error form. To remove the relationship, highlight the ServiceCI field and then press Delete. |
ARERR | 45659 | Please select an entry from the CIs Not Related table. |
ARERR | 45660 | You can only have one entry in this form. Please use "Show Settings" button to retrieve the setting. |
ARERR | 45661 | Please fill in all the fields. |
ARERR | 45662 | You are not allow to remove the selected relationship since it is the Service CI of the Infrastructure Change. |
ARERR | 45663 | The question selected has already been mapped. Please select another question |
ARERR | 45664 | Please select at least one day and the schedule time when you want to run the Job. |
WARNING | 45665 | You must be a member of the Release Master or a Release User permission group to create a Release record. Ask your administrator to review your permissions. |
WARNING | 45666 | You must be a member of the Activity User permission group to create an Activity record. |
ARERR | 45667 | Required fields can't be left empty. |
ARERR | 45668 | Please ensure the new Certificate ID and Summary is filled in. |
WARNING | 45669 | You have assigned this ticket to a company for which you do not have access permissions. You can no longer view or modify the ticket. To clear the form, click Refresh. Please ignore the AR Server message ARERR [302] Entry does not exist in database. |
ARERR | 45670 | Please select a CI from the menu provided or search for a CI by pressing the CI search button. |
ARERR | 45671 | Please select a CI from the menu provided or search for a CI by pressing the CI search button. |
ARERR | 45672 | Please select a CI from the menu provided or search for a CI by pressing the CI search button. |
ARERR | 45673 | Please select a CI from the menu provided or search for a CI by pressing the CI search button. |
NOTE | 45674 | You must remove a CI directly from the CI field on the Incident Request form. To remove the relationship, highlight the CI field and then press Delete. |
NOTE | 45675 | You must remove a CI relationship directly from the CI field on the Problem Investigation form. To remove the relationship, highlight the CI field and then press Delete. |
NOTE | 45676 | You must remove a CI relationship directly from the CI field on the Known Error form. To remove the relationship, highlight the CI field and then pressDelete. |
ARERR | 45677 | The selected login ID cannot be added, you have reached the maximum allowed number of approvers. |
ARERR | 45678 | The ID provided for this certificate already exists in another certificate. Please re-enter a new certificate name. |
ARERR | 45679 | The ID provided for this certificate already exists in another certificate. Please re-enter. |
ARERR | 45680 | You must select a sequence before creating a distributable field. |
ARERR | 45681 | Please select a question to delete. |
ARERR | 45683 | Please Select an action to delete. |
NOTE | 45684 | There may be other actions referencing the current action being deleted. Please check that there are no references to the selected action. |
ARERR | 45688 | This Configuration Item has already been related to a certificate. Please remove the relationship to that certificate before proceeding. |
NOTE | 45689 | $230000008$ is related to certificate: $300707700$. |
ARERR | 45690 | To view relationship entry, you must first select it from the table, then click view button |
ARERR | 45691 | To modify relationship entry, you must first select it from the table, then click modify button. |
ARERR | 45692 | Select the relationship entry you want to Remove by selecting it from the Relationship table, then clicking Remove |
ARERR | 45693 | Select the relationship entry you want to View by selecting it from the Relationship table, then clicking View |
WARNING | 45694 | This $1000000211$ ($1000000206$) is already related to the task. |
ARERR | 45696 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current Release Template record. |
ARERR | 45697 | The combination of Application Name, Form Name, View Name and Role already exists in the system. |
ARERR | 45699 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45700 | Enter the template name before you save the template. |
ARERR | 45701 | Enter data in the Location Company field before you save the template. |
ARERR | 45702 | Enter the status before you save the template. |
ARERR | 45703 | No company alias could be found. Change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 45704 | You can only select assignee groups for which at least one user is defined as the infrastructure change manager or assignee. Select a group form the menus provided. |
NOTE | 45705 | The Activity Template has been saved. |
ARERR | 45706 | This $1000000211$ ID can not be Used as there is no entry corresponding to $1000000204$ |
ARERR | 45707 | This $1000000205$ ID can not be Used as there is no entry corresponding to $1000000205$ |
ARERR | 45708 | Please fill in all the required fields, inlcuding Application Name, Form Name, View Name and Role. |
ARERR | 45709 | The template is currently in the "$301918600$" state. The template must be Enabled to select it. |
ARERR | 45710 | CI does not exist in database : $1000000101$ , $1000000204$ |
ARERR | 45711 | Please Select a Start Loop Value. |
ARERR | 45712 | The selected release coordinator is invalid. Reselect the release coordinator using the menu provided, then reapply. If no release coordinator is available using the menu, notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 45713 | There are no start loops created for the end loop to match with. Please create a start loop before creating an end loop. |
ARERR | 45714 | Company, Job Name, Job Status, Job Type and DataSet Name are required fields. |
ARERR | 45715 | No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter another Service name. |
NOTE | 45716 | The collision states for the identified collisions have been saved. |
ARERR | 45717 | Required field (without a default) not specified : RootRequestID*/Lookup Keyword* |
ARERR | 45718 | DataImport.bat not found |
NOTE | 45719 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 45720 | There are no Companies that begin with or have an alias name that begins with "$1000000082$". Re-type the name of the Requested By Company or select the Requested By Company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45721 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number', or 'First Name' must contain a value in order to perform a search. Entera value in any one of these fields and press <ENTER> again. |
ARERR | 45722 | The Work Order ID is required to create new task. Press ENTER while the cursor is in the Work Order ID field to generate an ID, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 45723 | Requested By 'Last Name' is a required field. Please specify a value for Requested By 'Last Name'. |
ARERR | 45724 | The change location company is required to create a new task. Select the company name from the menu. |
ARERR | 45725 | To view the details for an Work Info entry, highlight the corresponding entry in the Work Info History table and press the View button. |
WARNING | 45726 | This form cannot be opened in new mode. |
ARERR | 45727 | No "People" match could be found for a Last Name of " $1000000018$ " and First Name of " $1000000019$ " and Phone Number with the numbers " $1000000056$ " " |
WARNING | 45728 | Sequence cannot be changed on Task or Task Group with Status "$10003035$". This change will be rolled back. |
ARERR | 45729 | The 'Work Log Type', 'View Access', 'Locked' and 'Description' fields are required in order to Add a Work Log Entry. [Choose a Work Log Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description and press the [Add] button again.] |
NOTE | 45730 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 45731 | Select the notification rule you want to modify from the table. |
ARERR | 45732 | An activity template has already been selected for this entry. |
NOTE | 45733 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000082$". Re-type the name of the Requested By Company or select the Requested By Company name using the menu provided. |
WARNING | 45734 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number', must contain a value in conjunction with the 'First Name' in order to perform a search. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press <ENTER> again. |
ARERR | 45735 | No company alias could be found, please change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 45736 | Requested By 'First Name' is a required field. Please specify a value for Requested by 'First Name'. |
ARERR | 45737 | No company alias could be found, please change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 45739 | The selected Requester is not valid. Use the Return function on the Last Name or Phone Number fields to retrieve the Requester's information. |
ARERR | 45740 | The Actual End Date must come after the Actual Start Date. Please correct the Actual dates on the Dates tab. |
ARERR | 45741 | You must provide the Actual Start Date and Actual End Date when completing or closing an activity. |
ARERR | 45742 | Status transition not allowed from: "$301608900$" to: "$7$" |
ARERR | 45743 | This Activity has at least one open task or task group. Close all children tasks before setting Change Status to Completed or Closed. |
ARERR | 45745 | Please click on Refresh button & complete all Activities related to this Milestone |
ARERR | 45746 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
WARNING | 45747 | The Scheduled End Date specified on the Dates tab is before last Scheduled End Date in the manifest. The Scheduled End Date will be set to latest Scheduled End Date from the manifest. |
ARERR | 45749 | The release location information is invalid. Use the menu on the Region field to select this information. |
ARERR | 45750 | The Modify All operation is not available for this form. |
ARERR | 45751 | You cannot change this item to $13191$ status. |
ARERR | 45752 | You cannot search on this form. |
ARERR | 45753 | This option is not available unless both an Application and a Request number are defined. |
ARERR | 45754 | Both an Application and a Request must be specified in order to show details for the entry. |
ARERR | 45755 | This record already exists. Verify or reselect your field entries, then try again. |
ARERR | 45756 | The selected release coordinator support group is not valid. Reselect the release coordinator's group using the menu or use the Assignment buttons, then reapply. |
ARERR | 45757 | The Deployment End Date must come after the Deployment Start Date. Please correct the Deployment dates on the Dates tab. |
ARERR | 45758 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current Release record. |
ARERR | 45759 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 45760 | This record already exists. Check, then reselect your field entries. |
ARERR | 45762 | No Release Coordinator group could be found. Manually select a group from the menus. If no group with an individual in the functional role of Release Coordinator is defined, notify your System Administrator. |
ARERR | 45763 | The release location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region and Site Group fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 45764 | The Actual End Date must come after the Actual Start Date. Please correct the Actual dates on the Dates tab. |
ARERR | 45765 | The selected Requester is not valid. Use the Return function on the Last Name or Phone Number fields to retrieve the Requester's information. |
ARERR | 45766 | This $1000000211$ ID can not be Used as there is no entry corresponding to $1000000204$ |
ARERR | 45767 | This $1000000205$ ID can not be Used as there is no entry corresponding to $1000000205$ |
ARERR | 45768 | Risk Level must be specified. |
ARERR | 45769 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 45770 | Then Next button cannot be used when the table is cleared using the table's right-click properties or if no search criteria is entered. Enter the required search criteria, then click Search. |
NOTE | 45771 | Record modified. |
NOTE | 45772 | The phase you are trying to add for this locale already exists for this company. |
ARERR | 45773 | You must specify the Request Type that you want to create and relate to this release. |
NOTE | 45774 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 45775 | You must first generate the release before you can broadcast it. |
NOTE | 45776 | The release: $1000000986$ is associated to the $301467700$ - $1000000206$. |
ARERR | 45777 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 45778 | The selected CI does not have Impact/Urgency information specified. |
ARERR | 45779 | Enter the status before you save the template. |
ARERR | 45780 | Select the type of request to relate to this release template entry from the menu on the Request Type field, then click Search. |
ARERR | 45781 | A record with Phase = "$303535400$" and Locale = "$160$" already exists for this company. Please select the existing record from the table and press "Modify" to modify the record. |
ARERR | 45782 | Enter both an application and a request number. |
ARERR | 45783 | This $1000000211$ is already related to a $301467700$ record. Please select a different $1000000211$ record. |
ARERR | 45784 | The Business Hour Selection is set to Use Assignee Hours. The Support Group Name or Release Coordinator fields must be filled in. |
ARERR | 45785 | You must specify the Request Type that you want to search for and relate to this release. |
NOTE | 45786 | You must submit a release request before adding costs. |
ARERR | 45787 | Select the notification rule you want to modify from the table. |
ARERR | 45788 | You must specify the Request Type that you want to search for and relate to this release. |
WARNING | 45790 | You cannot relate a release to itself. Select another release. |
ARERR | 45791 | This CI Unavailability Entry is Cross Referenced to another Release $1000000066$ $1000000067$ . This CI Unavailability can only be Broadcasted from itsCross Referenced Release. |
ARERR | 45792 | You are not allow to remove the selected relationship since it is the Service CI of the Release. |
ARERR | 45793 | The business hour selection is set to use assignee hours. However, there is no workday tag in the Business Time Workday form for this Release Coordinator or Support Group. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 45794 | No company alias could be found; change the data then search again. |
WARNING | 45795 | No data may be submitted into this form directly, the form will be opened in a Query mode. |
ARERR | 45796 | The Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields are required before you add a work info entry. [Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description and press the [Add] button again.] |
ARERR | 45797 | Please specify the phase. |
NOTE | 45798 | Advanced Search is not available for the current form. |
WARNING | 45799 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
WARNING | 45800 | $1000003660$ of $1000003665$ releases were related successfully to $301467700$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). (See the list, below, for duplicates) ($1000003661$). |
ARERR | 45801 | All of the selected releases were duplicates and not related to $301467700$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). (See the list, below, for Duplicates) ($1000003661$). |
ARERR | 45802 | You must specify the Request Type that you want to create and relate to this release. |
ARERR | 45803 | There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 45804 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 45805 | Enter data in the Location Company field before you save the template. |
NOTE | 45806 | The Release Template has been saved. |
ARERR | 45807 | You must enter at least one search criterium to search for releases. |
NOTE | 45808 | The release $1000000986$ is now related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$. |
ARERR | 45809 | There are no products or product aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45810 | A release template has already been selected for this entry. |
ARERR | 45811 | You do not have permission to broadcast the current release. |
ARERR | 45812 | To search using the first name, you must also complete at least one of the following fields: Company, Last Name, or Phone Number. Type a value in any one of these fields, then click Search. |
ARERR | 45813 | Please select Service |
NOTE | 45814 | Record deleted. |
ARERR | 45815 | You must provide a release summary to get related relationships. Type an accurate summary, then click Execute. |
ARERR | 45816 | The Change ID is required for this function to work. You can generate an Change ID by entering a summary. |
ARERR | 45817 | No company alias could be found. Change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 45818 | There are no people records with the last name of: """$1000000018$""", first name of: """$1000000019$""" and a phone number containing the numbers: """$1000000056$""". """ |
ARERR | 45819 | The business hour selection is set to use assignee hours. However, there is no holiday tag in the Business Time Segment form for the Support Group or Release Coordinator. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 45820 | You must provide a release summary to get related relationships. Type an accurate summary, then click Execute. |
ARERR | 45821 | You must provide the release number to get related relationships. Press ENTER while the cursor is in the Release ID field to generate the release number, then click Execute. |
ARERR | 45822 | You must enter at least one search criterium to search for releases. |
NOTE | 45823 | Record deleted. |
ARERR | 45824 | You must fill in at least one of the following fields to search by impacted areas: Company, Organization, Department, Region, Site Group, Site. |
ARERR | 45825 | There are no sites or site aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45826 | The Release ID is required for this function. |
NOTE | 45827 | Record added. |
ARERR | 45828 | You must provide scheduled dates when a release is moved past the $303502200$ |
ARERR | 45829 | Please specify the Requester First Name, Last Name and Company. |
ARERR | 45830 | You must provide the release number to get related relationships. Press ENTER while the cursor is in the Release ID field to generate the release number, then click Execute. |
ARERR | 45831 | To view the details for a work information entry, select the corresponding entry from the work information table, then click View. |
ARERR | 45832 | You must specify the Reqeust Type that you want to search for and relate to this Release Template record. |
ARERR | 45833 | Please specify Phase. |
ARERR | 45834 | Please specify Milestone, Request Type, Status to Check For and Action. |
WARNING | 45835 | You must be a member of the Release Master, Release Config, or have a Release Coordinator Role to create a Release Template. |
ARERR | 45836 | Select the relationship entry you want to modify by selecting it from the Relationship table, then clicking Modify. |
ARERR | 45837 | The Infrastructure Change is currently active and the Impact and Urgency may not be changed. |
ARERR | 45838 | The authoring group does not exist within the system. Select the authoring group from then menu, then try again. |
ARERR | 45839 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $301467700$ record. |
ARERR | 45840 | The company, support organization, and support group are required to add a group. |
ARERR | 45841 | Please select Status |
ARERR | 45842 | Enter the template name before you save the template. |
ARERR | 45843 | Please specify the phase. |
ARERR | 45844 | Do not use the Previous button after manually clearing the table (by using the right-click properties of the table) or when there is no search criteriaentered. Enter the required search criteria, then click Search. |
ARERR | 45845 | To Remove a relationship entry, you must first select it from the table, then click Remove Button. |
ARERR | 45846 | The template is currently in the "$301918600$" state. The template must be Enabled to select it. |
ARERR | 45848 | Chose the relationship entry you want to modify by selecting it from the Relationship table, then clicking Execute. |
NOTE | 45849 | The selected releases have been related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). |
ARERR | 45850 | Your ID does not have permission to broadcast the current release. Your ID must have the functional role of Broadcast Submitter. |
ARERR | 45851 | To relate an entry to: $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any combination of the search criteria. When the $1000000211$ is found, select the corresponding entry in the table, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 45852 | An unavailability broadcast has already been created from this Configuration Item. Select another item to broadcast or modify the existing broadcast. |
WARNING | 45853 | You do not have permission to move to the Milestone of "$303502200$". |
ARERR | 45854 | A record with Phase = "$303535400$" and Locale = "$160$" already exists for this company. |
ARERR | 45855 | Enter data in the Template Authoring Information field before you save the template. |
ARERR | 45857 | Choose a valid item in the table before selecting. |
ARERR | 45858 | The business hour selection is set to use assignee hours. However, there is no holiday tag in the Business Time Holiday form for this Release Coordinator or Support Group. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 45859 | To delete a relationship entry, you must first select it from the Relationship table, then click Remove. |
ARERR | 45860 | A work information entry is required for releases with a risk level of "$1000000180$". |
ARERR | 45861 | An unavailability broadcast can only be created from an existing Release. Save this Release, then reopen it in a Modify window to broadcast this unavailability. |
ARERR | 45862 | Select a record from the table that you would like to delete. |
NOTE | 45863 | There were no releases found that match the current search criteria. |
ARERR | 45864 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45865 | The business hour selection is set to use assignee hours. However, there is no workday tag in the Business Time Segment form for the Support Group or Release Coordinator. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 45867 | Please select a reconciliation job from the table. |
ARERR | 45868 | Please select a schedule from the table. |
NOTE | 45869 | The specified exit criteria has been added/modified. |
ARERR | 45870 | The combination of Application Name and Role is not valid. Please select a Application and Role from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45871 | Please fill in all the required informations including Application Name, Role, and Company. |
NOTE | 45872 | Milestone phase has been added/modified. |
NOTE | 45875 | You don't have permission to see this customer's detail. |
ARERR | 45876 | Please select a schedule from the table. |
ARERR | 45878 | Please select a record from the table that you want to unrelate. |
ARERR | 45879 | The name you have chosen already exists for this license type. Please specify another name. |
ARERR | 45880 | You must be a member of the Infrastructure Change Master, Infrastructure Change Config, or Infrastructure Change Manager permission group to modify a Change Template. |
ARERR | 45881 | Use Copy Release navigational option to copy an existing release. |
NOTE | 45882 | This action can take several minutes to process. |
ARERR | 45883 | The following fields must contain information for the release; to be copied: Description, Impact, Urgency. |
ARERR | 45884 | There are no support groups or support group aliases that match the search criteria and that include members in the functional role of change manager. |
ARERR | 45885 | You must save the record first before adding new notification rules. |
ARERR | 45886 | There are certificates in executed status related to this License Type. Please change the status of the certificates before disabling the License Type. |
ARERR | 45887 | The combination of Company and Job Name has already been used. Please specify another, unique combination. |
ARERR | 45888 | You must select a Company before you can specify a Phase. |
ARERR | 45889 | You must specify a Phase before relating a task or task group. |
ARERR | 45890 | Please specifiy a Phase. |
ARERR | 45891 | The Phase and Locale specified already exist. |
NOTE | 45892 | Record added. |
ARERR | 45893 | Select a record from the table that you want to modify. |
ARERR | 45894 | Select a record from the table that you want to delete. |
ARERR | 45895 | You cannot choose "Self Service". Please select another Reported Source. |
WARNING | 45896 | A status of $1000003146$ is not a valid status for task activation on the $301286300$ form. |
ARERR | 45897 | Please select an Application Name. |
ARERR | 45898 | Please select a Form. |
ARERR | 45899 | Please select an Application Name. |
ARERR | 45900 | The existing product tier $200000003$ -> $1000000089$ -> $1000000090$ could potentially cause duplication error during the update. Please manually delete this product tier before proceeding with this update. |
ARERR | 45901 | The existing product tier $200000003$ ->$200000004$-> $1000000090$ could potentially cause duplication error during the update. Please manually delete this product tier before proceeding with this update. |
ARERR | 45902 | The new categorization tiers you are trying to update to already exist. You cannot update with the categorization tiers that already exist in the system. |
ARERR | 45903 | The existing product name ($240001002$) and manufacturer ($1000000090$) could potentially cause duplication error during the update. You cannot update to a product name and manufacturer that already exist in the system. |
ARERR | 45904 | The new product name ($303229700$) and manufacturer ($303229800$) specified already exists. You cannot update with the product name and manufacturer that already exist in the system. |
WARNING | 45905 | The Expiration Date has been set to a date later than the current while the certificate is in "$7$" Status. Please reset the status of the certificate to "Draft" or "Executed" or remove the expiration date. |
ARERR | 45906 | You cannot set the status to $7$ as there are existing templates and/or tasks that use this Phase. |
ARERR | 45907 | You cannot delete this record as there are existing templates and/or tasks that use this Phase. |
ARERR | 45909 | You must specify a company before relating task templates and/or task group templates. |
ARERR | 45910 | The Incident Owner fields cannot be cleared out. Please select an owner company, owner organization, and owner group. |
ARERR | 45911 | The Company specified is not a valid company in the system. Please select a company from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 45912 | The Contact for this certificate does not belong in the Support Group entered. Please try again. |
ARERR | 45913 | Template Category Tier 1 field cannot be empty. Please fill in Template Category Tier 1. |
NOTE | 45914 | A new password has been issued for $1000000853$. The new password is effective immediately. |
WARNING | 45915 | You are creating new phase data for company "$1000000001$". Any change templates and change requests for company "$1000000001$" that are currently usingthe "- Global -" phase data will be unusable. |
NOTE | 45916 | The Current and Selected certificates have been added to the group. |
ARERR | 45917 | In order to apply a template to an incident, please enter a template name and press "Enter" on Template field to select a template. |
ARERR | 45920 | The selected cost entry cannot be removed from this Contract. If this cost entry is related to a certificate, you will need to go to the certificate toremove this cost. |
ARERR | 45921 | Costing report requires Administrator permission. |
ARERR | 45922 | This $1000000211$ ($1000000206$) is already related to the Release. |
ARERR | 45923 | Please specify values between 1 and 5 |
ARERR | 45924 | There is no Support Group that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45925 | Please fill in at least one of the following field: Last Name, Company, Full Name, or Functional Role field in order to perform a search. |
ARERR | 45926 | Before you search for an Problem Coordinator, use the Clear button beside the Problem Coordinator field to clear the Assignment information. |
ARERR | 45927 | There is no Release Coordinator that matches the search criteria. |
ARERR | 45928 | The Problem Coordinator search did not find an Assignee. Either the Problem Coordinator is currently unavailable for assignment or there are no ProblemCoordinator with a Full Name of "$1000000838$". |
ARERR | 45929 | Target Date cannot be empty when Status is not at Draft stage. |
ARERR | 45930 | The Change ID is required for this function to work. You can generate a Change ID by submitting Summary for this Change |
ARERR | 45931 | Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Summary fields are required to add a Work Info entry. |
ARERR | 45932 | Problem Coordinator Assignee is required in Problem Resolution stage. |
ARERR | 45933 | Problem Coordinator cannot be empty when moving status to Completed. |
ARERR | 45934 | The template cannot be found. Please verify the information on the Template field and try again |
ARERR | 45935 | No existing work info can be viewed. |
ARERR | 45936 | Please select a Service data on table. |
ARERR | 45937 | Please select a Service data on table. |
ARERR | 45938 | In order to apply a template to Release request, please enter a template name and press "Enter" on Template field to select a template. |
ARERR | 45939 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Business Justification* |
ARERR | 45940 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Target Date* |
ARERR | 45941 | A solution entry can only be created from an exisitng Change. |
ARERR | 45942 | You must associate a service item to this problem. |
ARERR | 45944 | Please select valid 'Customer Company'. |
ARERR | 45945 | Please select valid 'Organization'. |
ARERR | 45946 | Please select valid 'Department'. |
ARERR | 45947 | Please select 'Customer Company' before providing 'Department' and 'Organization'. |
ARERR | 45948 | You must associate a service item to this known error. |
ARERR | 45949 | You must associate a configuration item to this problem. |
ARERR | 45950 | You cannot specify the same name for both the Alternate and For fields. |
ARERR | 45951 | You must be the For user ($2$), a registered process administrator for all processes or for the specific process to which this record is tied, or an AR System administrator. |
ARERR | 45952 | The Start Date ($12601$) is later than the End Date ($12602$). |
ARERR | 45953 | A process must be selected if the Covering field is set to Specific Process. |
ARERR | 45954 | You cannot set or change the For user unless you are a Process Administrator for all process or for the process this record is associated to or an AR System Administrator. |
ARERR | 45955 | The Cost Center, Description and License Type fields are required when a Software Contract ID has been selected for a License Certificate. |
ARERR | 45956 | Duplicate Question Tag. The Question Tag must be unique across Compliance Questions. |
WARNING | 45957 | Please enter a date value greater than 01/01/2000 |
WARNING | 45958 | End date should be greater than Start date |
ARERR | 45959 | You must have the permission group of "Incident Config" to submit or modify records for "$500007803$" |
ARERR | 45960 | You must have the permission group of "Release Config" to submit or modify records for "$500007803$" |
ARERR | 45961 | You must have the permission group of "Problem Config" to submit or modify records for "$500007803$" |
ARERR | 45962 | You must have the permission group of "Infrastructure Change Config" to submit or modify records for "$500007803$" |
WARNING | 45963 | Login ID is missing for the registered user. An incident will be saved but the request will not be updated because Login ID is required. |
ARERR | 45964 | You must first select a Contract. |
ARERR | 45965 | You must first select a License Certificate. |
ARERR | 45966 | Problem Auto Close Completed (in Days) field value cannot be less than 1 or greater than 5000 |
ARERR | 45967 | Known Error Auto Close Corrected (in Days) field value cannot be less than 1 or greater than 5000 |
ARERR | 45968 | The current order is tied to a Software Contract and is not allowed to be returned. |
ARERR | 45971 | The 'Maximum Range', 'Minimum Range', 'Alert Threshold' and 'Warning Threshold' fields are required. |
WARNING | 45972 | Select an If Multiple Approvers value for this process. |
NOTE | 45973 | Please select an ROI link from Left Navigation Bar. |
ARERR | 45974 | You must associate a service to this incident. |
ARERR | 45975 | 'Email Address' must contain a value in order to search for a contact. Enter the complete Email Address or partial leading Email Address of the individual and press the <Enter> key. |
ARERR | 45976 | 'Corporate ID' must contain a value in order to search. Enter the complete Corporate ID or partial leading Corporate ID and press the <Enter> key. |
WARNING | 45977 | This release has been updated since it was opened and will be refreshed. |
ARERR | 45980 | Partial Receive is not allowed on creation of a License Certificate. Please make sure the Received Quantity equals the Required Quantity. |
ARERR | 45982 | You cannot modify this type of contract type. |
ARERR | 45983 | You cannot delete this type of contract type. |
NOTE | 45984 | $300580400$ already exist, please enter a new contract type |
NOTE | 45985 | The new contract type $300580400$ has been added. |
NOTE | 45986 | Contract Type $300580400$ has been modified. |
ARERR | 45987 | You cannot modify a contract type with existing data already created |
ARERR | 45988 | You need to select an existing Contract Type. |
NOTE | 45989 | Contract Type $300580400$ has been removed |
ARERR | 45990 | You cannot delete a contract type with existing data already created |
ARERR | 45991 | You need to enter a new Contract Type. |
ARERR | 45992 | Parallel processes are not allowed for Form $301086200$. |
ARERR | 45993 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Summary* |
ARERR | 45994 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Target Date* |
ARERR | 45995 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Support Organization* |
ARERR | 45996 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Support Group Name* |
ARERR | 45997 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Business Justification* |
ARERR | 45998 | Required field (without a default) not specified : Support Company* |
ARERR | 45999 | Please enter a contract type and a locale. |
ARERR | 46050 | You cannot search on this form. |
ARERR | 46103 | You cannot change the status of this record to $7$. |
ARERR | 46104 | You cannot change the status of this record to $7$. |
ARERR | 46105 | You cannot change the status of this record to $7$. |
ARERR | 46200 | No such process ($10000$) is defined. |
ARERR | 46250 | You must be an AR System administrator or a registered Process administrator for all processes or for the specific process to which this record is tied. |
ARERR | 46251 | No such process ($10000$) is defined. |
ARERR | 46252 | The Additional Field has an illegal value. Correct the value and resubmit the notification. |
ARERR | 46253 | There is a missing join between the Process form and the Approval Details-Signature Line join. |
ARERR | 46350 | You must select either a Form or a Process. |
ARERR | 46351 | You must specify both an Old and a New name for the rename operation. |
ARERR | 46353 | Length of Lookup Keyword field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46354 | Length of Notification Name field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46355 | Length of Process field cannot be greater than 80 characters. |
ARERR | 46356 | Length of Name field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46357 | Length of Role Name field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46358 | Length of Rule Name field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46359 | Length of To New Name field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46360 | You are required to use AR System User tool 5.0 or greater in order to open this form. |
ARERR | 46361 | Length of Object/Name field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46362 | Length of Restaurant field cannot be greater than 80 characters |
ARERR | 46363 | This request is closed. You cannot change the Company, Restaurant, Number of Attendees, or Status. |
NOTE | 46364 | This signature has been cancelled. |
ARERR | 46366 | You must enter one or more names in the New Approver field, separated by semicolons if there are more than one. |
NOTE | 46367 | $536870915$ has been added successfully as an Approver for this request. |
ARERR | 46400 | You cannot submit data to this form. |
ARERR | 46401 | Search operation not allowed on this form |
ARERR | 46402 | You cannot open the $-5$ form unless you are a registered and active Process Administrator with Full Admin authority or an AR System Administrator. |
ARERR | 46403 | Please provide valid values for fields "After Interval", "Unit" and "Change State" in Signature Escalation(Low) !!! |
ARERR | 46404 | Please provide valid values for fields "After Interval", "Unit" and "Change State" in Signature Escalation(Normal) !!! |
ARERR | 46405 | Please provide valid values for fields "After Interval", "Unit" and "Change State" in Signature Escalation(Urgent) !!! |
WARNING | 46408 | Cancelling the action, because the justification required by the current process was not provided. |
NOTE | 46409 | Please enter appropriate rejection justification. |
ARERR | 46410 | Response can not be NULL. Please provide Response for status to be 'Completed'. |
ARERR | 46411 | This action is not allowed on the selected requests, because the related process is inactive. |
ARERR | 46414 | Values for required fields are not specified. |
ARERR | 46416 | $13229$ |
ARERR | 46417 | $13229$ |
ARERR | 46418 | $13229$ |
ARERR | 46419 | $13229$ |
ARERR | 46420 | $13229$ |
ARERR | 46421 | $13229$ |
ARERR | 46550 | Check the Open Times and Close Times. Both corresponding values must be entered or both must be empty. |
ARERR | 46551 | Invalid work time. Open Time has to be earlier than Close Time for any workday. |
NOTE | 47000 | BMC Software hereby grants licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable License in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the AR System Product Family Software Licensing Agreement. |
NOTE | 47001 | This operation (FTS Re-Index) could take a very long time. |
ARERR | 47002 | Please enter a valid SCC Provider Name. |
ARERR | 47003 | Please enter a valid SCC Project Name. |
ARERR | 47004 | Roles are not valid values for Client-Side Logging Group. Please enter a valid Group Name for Client-Side Logging Group field. |
WARNING | 47006 | There are not enough rows in the table (Allowable Selected Currencies) to display all entries. |
ARERR | 48000 | Please select a Work Info to print |
ARERR | 48001 | At least one of the rating must be filled in. |
ARERR | 48002 | No company alias could be found, please change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 48003 | No company alias could be found, please change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 48004 | No company alias could be found, please change the data and search again. |
ARERR | 48005 | You can not make it inactive if this is reqiured. |
ARERR | 48006 | Select the Registry Name first. |
ARERR | 48007 | OLE only works on Windows, with Microsoft Word installed |
ARERR | 48008 | Please provide values for Item Label, Item value, and Sorting Order. |
WARNING | 48009 | This form is just a place holder for the Solution Database Table in the console. You cannot create entries here. |
NOTE | 48010 | Supressing does not allow you to create a request |
NOTE | 48011 | A request will be generated for each incident you submit |
NOTE | 48012 | Question Templates have been created. |
ARERR | 48013 | A SRM Application Setting already exists. Modify the existing entry. |
ARERR | 48014 | You can not set Allow Unknown User to Yes if the Tenancy Mode option is Multi-Tenancy or blank. Set Allow Unknown User option to No. |
ARERR | 48015 | You must include a Login for the Allow Unknown User option. Enter a valid Login in the Login field. |
ARERR | 48016 | Provide a value greater than 1 day for Auto-close Days |
ARERR | 48017 | Provide a value for Last Surveyed Days |
ARERR | 48018 | This form is just a place holder for the Solution Database Table in the console. You cannot create entries here. |
ARERR | 48019 | You already have the question with the locale $160$ |
ARERR | 48020 | There is already a target data entry for this field mapping. |
ARERR | 48021 | A survey already exist for $1000000001$ and $301438012$. Please choose another one. |
ARERR | 48022 | At least one of the rating must be filled in. |
NOTE | 48023 | The console view settings have been saved as default view. |
ARERR | 48026 | Please select a service request to view. |
NOTE | 48027 | The search did not match a valid Request Id. |
ARERR | 48029 | Please select a service request to print. |
NOTE | 48030 | Please select a service request to cancel. |
NOTE | 48031 | Please select a service request to reopen. |
ARERR | 48033 | The Company field is required. Please enter a value, and then click the Save button. |
ARERR | 48034 | The Summary field is required. Please enter or select a value, and then click the Save button. |
ARERR | 48035 | The Urgency field is required. Please select a value, and then click the Save button. |
NOTE | 48036 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$301442500$". Re-type the name of the Company or select the Companyname using the menu provided. |
NOTE | 48037 | Your request has been submitted and will be marked Resolved. |
ARERR | 48038 | Please select a solution from the knowledge entry from the table. |
ARERR | 48039 | Either Phone Number or Email are required. Please fill in one or both fields. |
NOTE | 48041 | The Summary Definition search did not match any keyword. |
ARERR | 48044 | Incident Management is not installed on the server. Please select a different value for "Request Type" |
ARERR | 48045 | Change Management is not installed on the server. Please select a different value for "Request Type" |
NOTE | 48046 | A service request will be generated for each change you submit. |
NOTE | 48047 | Service request will not be created for each new change you submit. |
WARNING | 48049 | Single-tenancy mode does not restrict creation nor usage of other companies and their users. Please refer to Configuration Guide for further details onhow to manage user data for enforcement of single-tenancy mode. |
ARERR | 48050 | The categorization values are invalid for Company, $1000000001$ and Change request type. Select different values or fix them in Operational Catalog. For the selected categories and Company, the Change module, "Change" should be enabled. |
ARERR | 48051 | The Type and Title fields need to be filled in. |
ARERR | 48052 | The Location fields must be filled in for this type. |
ARERR | 48053 | There is already an existing Entity with the same matching attributes. Please use a different set of attributes. |
ARERR | 48054 | There is already an existing Entity with the same matching attributes. Please use a different set of attributes. |
ARERR | 48055 | Please fill in the Title field. |
ARERR | 48056 | Need to selet an Entity first. |
WARNING | 48057 | Please select a Time Segment from the table above. |
WARNING | 48058 | Please select a Time Segment from the table above. |
ARERR | 48059 | The Type and Title fields need to be filled in. |
ARERR | 48060 | The Location fields must be filled in for this type. |
ARERR | 48061 | There is already an existing Entity with the same matching attributes. Please use a different set of attributes. |
ARERR | 48062 | There is already an existing Entity with the same matching attributes. Please use a different set of attributes. |
ARERR | 48063 | Please select an Entity before adding a Schedule Activity. |
ARERR | 48064 | Please select the Type. |
WARNING | 48065 | Please select an entry from the table. |
WARNING | 48066 | Please select an entry from the table. |
ARERR | 48067 | Please select the Type. |
ARERR | 48068 | Please first select an Activity from the table. |
NOTE | 48069 | Activities have been related. |
WARNING | 48070 | The Available Start, Duration, and Units field must be filled in first. |
ARERR | 48071 | Fill in the Available Start+ field. |
ARERR | 48072 | Select at least one Global Time Segment or Unavailable time. |
ARERR | 48073 | No available time could be found within the given search range. |
ARERR | 48074 | Select at least one Global Time Segment or Unavailable time. |
ARERR | 48075 | No available time could be found within the given search range. |
ARERR | 48076 | Fill in the schedule start and end dates, and the time. |
ARERR | 48077 | Fill in the scheduled start and end dates. |
ARERR | 48078 | Select at least one CI from the table. |
ARERR | 48079 | Fill in the start and end search date range. |
ARERR | 48080 | Fill in the duration. |
ARERR | 48081 | The Business Hour Selection is set to Use Coordinator Hours. The Change Coordinator Group or Change Coordinator fields must be filled in. |
ARERR | 48082 | The business hour selection is set to use Coordinator hours. However, there is no holiday tag in the Business Time Segment form for the Change Coordinator group or Change Coordinator. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48083 | The business hour selection is set to use Coordinator hours. However, there is no workday tag in the Business Time Segment form for the Change Coordinator group or Change Coordinator. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48084 | The holiday time segment tag: $1000000001$ does not exist in the Business Time Segment form. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48085 | The workday time segment tag: $1000000001$ does not exist in the Business Time Segment form. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48086 | The Business Hour Selection is set to Use Coordinator Hours. The Change Coordinator Group or Change Coordinator fields must be filled in. |
ARERR | 48088 | The business hour selection is set to use Coordinator hours. However, there is no workday tag in the Business Time Workday form for this Change Coordinator or Change Coordinator group. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48089 | The business hour tag: $1000000001$, does not exist in the Business Time Holiday form. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48090 | The business hour tag: $1000000001$, does not exist in the Business Time Workday form. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48091 | The Business Hour Selection is set to Use Coordinator Hours. There is no Holiday tag in the Business Time Segment form for the given Change Coordinator Group or Change Coordinator. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48092 | The Business Hour Selection is set to Use Coordinator Hours. There is no Workday tag in the Business Time Segment form for the given Change Coordinator Group or Change Coordinator. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48093 | The business hour tag: $1000000001$, does not exist in the Business Time Segment form. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48094 | The workday time segment tag: $1000000001$ does not exist in the Business Time Segment form. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48095 | The business hour selection is set to use Coordinator hours. However, there is no holiday tag in the Business Holiday form for this Change Coordinator or Change Coordinator group. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48096 | The business hour tag: $1000000001$, does not exist in the Business Time Holiday form. Notify your administrator. |
WARNING | 48097 | The Business hour tag: $1000000001$, does not exist in the Business Time Workday form. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 48098 | Could not find an available Time Segment. |
WARNING | 48099 | There is an existing Global Time Segment that spans the entire date range of your scheduled Change Request. Check your change request scheduled Start and End dates. |
ARERR | 48100 | There is an existing Global Time Segment that spans the entire date range of your scheduled Change Request. Change your change request scheduled Start and End dates. |
WARNING | 48101 | The Business Hour Selection is set to Use Coordinator Hours. The Change Coordinator Group or Change Coordinator fields must be filled in. |
WARNING | 48102 | The business hour selection is set to use Coordinator hours. However, there is no workday tag in the Business Time Workday form for this Change Coordinator or Change Coordinator group. Notify your administrator. |
NOTE | 48103 | There are no existing Related Records. |
ARERR | 48104 | To create a Derived Risk Factors template, you need to select a company first. |
ARERR | 48105 | Select a template entry to delete. |
ARERR | 48106 | You must select a derived factor before you can view its details. |
ARERR | 48107 | Provide a value for Risk Factor |
ARERR | 48108 | You must provide a response to question: $301484500$. |
ARERR | 48109 | Provide a value for Display Sequence |
ARERR | 48110 | To create a question template, select a company first. |
ARERR | 48111 | Select a template entry to delete. |
ARERR | 48112 | You must select a question before you can view its details. |
ARERR | 48114 | You must provide an answer to question: $301484500$. |
ARERR | 48116 | You must provide a response to question: $301484500$. |
ARERR | 48117 | You must provide a response to question: $301484500$. |
ARERR | 48118 | You must provide a response to question: $301484500$. |
ARERR | 48119 | Provide values for Menu Label, Risk Value and Menu Sequence |
WARNING | 48120 | There is no HTML code to display. |
ARERR | 48121 | Use Copy Change navigational option to copy an existing change. |
ARERR | 48122 | A change template has already been selected for this entry. |
ARERR | 48123 | A Company for this change location must be specified. |
ARERR | 48124 | No change templates are available for this change request. |
ARERR | 48125 | There are no outage records owned by this change. |
ARERR | 48128 | Select a Location Company first |
ARERR | 48129 | Provide a 1-5 rating for this change request in the Performance Rating field |
ARERR | 48130 | Provide a value for auto-close days |
ARERR | 48131 | Specify relationship type. |
ARERR | 48132 | Select a change template from the table. |
NOTE | 48133 | Select a change template from the table. |
ARERR | 48134 | Make sure you select an entry from the table field and all required fields are filled-in. |
ARERR | 48136 | You must create at least one Answer Choice |
ARERR | 48137 | Actual Start Date and Actual End Date need to be specified when the status is "$7$" |
ARERR | 48138 | Specify a value in the Performance Rating field |
NOTE | 48140 | The system has computed a new value for Risk Level. To use this computed value, clear the value in the Risk Level field and press Save. |
ARERR | 48141 | You must provide a value for Auto-close Days. |
ARERR | 48142 | App Registry Name, Command, Status and Name are required fields. |
ARERR | 48143 | Command, Parameter, Type, Data Type, Description and Status are required fields. |
ARERR | 48144 | Command, Direction, Operation Type, Description and Status are required fields. |
ARERR | 48145 | CMS Host must be specified in order to perform a CMS update. |
ARERR | 48146 | DM Host must be specified in order to perform a DM update. |
ARERR | 48147 | The email address is missing "@". |
WARNING | 48148 | Incorrect format used for phone number. Please use the following dialog to enter your phone number. |
NOTE | 48149 | Your request is being generated. Please click the refresh button to retrieve the Request ID. |
ARERR | 48150 | Start/End Date Cannot Be Empty |
ARERR | 48151 | Incomplete / Part Qualification entered for Field 1. |
ARERR | 48152 | Incomplete / Part Qualification entered for Field 2. |
ARERR | 48153 | Incomplete / Part Qualification entered for Field 3. |
ARERR | 48154 | Incomplete / Part Qualification entered for Field 4. |
ARERR | 48155 | Incomplete / Part Qualification entered for Field 5. |
NOTE | 48156 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected for viewing. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48157 | Summary definition with same summary and company already exists. Enter a different summary text. |
NOTE | 48158 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected for viewing. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48159 | The Resolution field requires an entry. |
NOTE | 48160 | Select the EndPoint to associate to the ComputerSystem before you can associate it to the $230000014$. |
NOTE | 48161 | $301779500$ |
NOTE | 48162 | The CI $301277800$ has been associated to the contract $1000000206$ |
ARERR | 48163 | You need to select a CI before you click the View button. |
ARERR | 48166 | Please select the relationship entry you wish to modify by highlighting it from the Relationship table and press the Execute button again. |
ARERR | 48167 | Please select the relationship entry you wish to modify by highlighting it from the Relationship table and press the Execute button again. |
NOTE | 48168 | $300768600$ |
NOTE | 48169 | Please select an asset record to unrelate from the table. |
NOTE | 48170 | Set the global dataset before you proceed. |
NOTE | 48171 | The CI you are trying to view is not in the dataset you have selected. |
NOTE | 48172 | Set the global dataset before you proceed. |
NOTE | 48173 | The CI you are trying to view is not in the dataset you have selected. |
NOTE | 48174 | No related CI to modify. |
NOTE | 48175 | Automated assignment routing has not been configured. Select another method of assignment. |
NOTE | 48176 | No related CI to view. |
ARERR | 48177 | You must select a CI before clicking View. |
ARERR | 48178 | Enter the Scheduled Start and End Dates. |
NOTE | 48179 | You must enter a valid Notification Contact to view the details. |
NOTE | 48180 | The Notification Contact entered is not valid. Select a valid Notification Contact from the menu. |
ARERR | 48181 | The CI for the current dataset does not exist. |
ARERR | 48182 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you want to view. Change your dataset, then try again. |
ARERR | 48183 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you have selected. Change your dataset, then try again. |
NOTE | 48184 | The selected CI does not have Categorization information specified. |
NOTE | 48185 | Set the global dataset before you proceed. |
NOTE | 48186 | The CI you are trying to view is not in the dataset you have selected. |
ARERR | 48187 | Select a CI from the table to view. |
ARERR | 48188 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected to view. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48189 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected to view. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48190 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48191 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected to view. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48192 | The selected CI does not exist in the dataset you selected. Change the dataset. |
ARERR | 48194 | The company field requires an entry. |
ARERR | 48195 | Select a Company in the Contract Managed By section using the associate field menu. |
ARERR | 48196 | Your Login does not exist in the People form. Please contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 48197 | The Infrastructure Change ID is required to create new task. Press ENTER while the cursor is in the Infrastructure Change ID field to generate an ID,then click Relate. |
ARERR | 48198 | The change location company is required to create a new task. Select the nompany name from the menu. |
ARERR | 48199 | Please choose an CI Type before saving. |
ARERR | 48200 | Your Login does not exist in the People form. Please contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 48201 | The Category fields must be filled in for this type. |
NOTE | 48202 | Data Import Completed. |
NOTE | 48203 | The import may take a few minutes up to several hours. Another message will be displayed once the import is complete. Press OK to begin Import. |
WARNING | 48204 | MidTier configuration not set in application settings or default web path. Please contact your adiministrator. |
ARERR | 48205 | The Responded field is set but the Response field is not filled in. Please fill in a Response. |
ARERR | 48206 | The Response field needs to be filled in, in order to notify the Submitter. |
ARERR | 48207 | You do not have permission to create broadcast. You must have a Functional Role of "Broadcast Submitter". |
ARERR | 48208 | You do not have permission to delete broadcast. You must have a Functional Role of "Broadcast Submitter". |
ARERR | 48209 | You do not have permission to delete the selected broadcast. |
ARERR | 48210 | Record is system data - deletion not allowed. |
ARERR | 48211 | Please select Service Milestone |
ARERR | 48212 | Please select Date Milestone |
ARERR | 48213 | Please select a Job from the table. |
ARERR | 48214 | Please select a Job from the table. |
ARERR | 48215 | Please Delete the run history before deleting the Job. |
ARERR | 48216 | The selected Activity assignee group is not valid. Reselect the assignee group using the menu, then reapply. |
ARERR | 48217 | The selected assignee is invalid. Reselect the assignee using the menu provided, then reapply. |
ARERR | 48218 | Deployment Date cannot be modified. |
ARERR | 48219 | Please select Service |
ARERR | 48220 | Please select Scheduled Start Date. |
ARERR | 48221 | Negative values are not allowed. |
ARERR | 48224 | Maximum Levels is required and must be in the range 1 to 10. |
NOTE | 48225 | Choose an item to delete. |
ARERR | 48226 | The Coordinator Group field require an entry before you can move this problem investigation forward. |
NOTE | 48227 | The orignal assignee for this incident is no longer available. The Assignee field has been cleared. |
WARNING | 48228 | Only members of the Incident Master, Incident User, Incident Submitter and Incident Viewer groups may access the Incident form. |
WARNING | 48229 | Only members of the Problem Master, Problem User, Problem Submitter and Problem Viewer groups can access the Problem Investigation, Known Error, and Solution Database forms. |
WARNING | 48231 | The current line item is a Software type and there is either no Software Contract or License Certificate is specified for it. |
ARERR | 48232 | Form: AST:ConfigUsageProvider has not been configured. "You need to have the Usage provider correctly setup to access the usage information. Please check with your Administrator." |
ARERR | 48233 | Form: AST:ConfigUsageProvider has not been configured properly. "You need to have the Software Usage provider correctly setup to access the usage information. Please check with your Administrator. " |
ARERR | 48234 | Customer information in the Requested For section is invalid. Press ENTER after type in Last Name. |
ARERR | 48235 | Partial Receive is not allowed on creation of a License Certificate. Please make sure the Received Quantity equals the Required Quantity. |
ARERR | 48237 | Please enter all the required fields like Company, Start Date and End Date. |
ARERR | 48238 | Please answer all Compliance questions before continuing. |
ARERR | 48239 | Please answer all Connection questions before continuing. |
ARERR | 48240 | System processes cannot be updated/modified. |
NOTE | 48241 | Before defining the process flow, the current record needs to be saved. Please save the record and click the create button. |
ARERR | 48242 | Please provide values for Next Stage and Next Status. |
NOTE | 48243 | The current status flow record has already been defined. This status flow cannot be saved. |
NOTE | 48244 | This is an invalid status flow. Unable to save this status flow record. |
ARERR | 48245 | This metric is only available when Asset Management is installed on the server. Please select a different value for "Outage Input" |
ARERR | 48246 | There are open tasks that exist for this problem. Please close these tasks before closing this problem. |
ARERR | 48247 | The number of licenses required by the staging form is greater than the number of available licenses. Click License Compliance Check to verify. |
NOTE | 48248 | Validate is completed |
NOTE | 48249 | Promote is completed |
ARERR | 48250 | $301385500$ |
ARERR | 48251 | There are no records to validate. |
ARERR | 48252 | No records to promote. Either all records are already promoted or the error flag is set to Yes in one or more of the records. |
NOTE | 48253 | The Release ID is required for this function to work. You can generate a Release ID by submitting Summary for this Release. |
ARERR | 48254 | The customer cannot be found, please verify the customer information and try again. |
ARERR | 48255 | The contact cannot be found, please verify the contact information and try again. |
ARERR | 48256 | All of the selected infrastructure changes were duplicates and not related to $301467700$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). (See the list, below, for Duplicates) ($1000003661$). |
WARNING | 48257 | $1000003660$ of $1000003665$ infrastructure changes were related successfully to $301467700$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). (See the list, below, for duplicates) ($1000003661$). |
ARERR | 48258 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $301467700$ record. |
NOTE | 48259 | The selected changes have been related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). |
NOTE | 48260 | The change $1000000986$ is now related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$. |
NOTE | 48261 | The change: $1000000986$ is associated to the $301467700$ - $1000000206$. |
ARERR | 48262 | The search could not find an Change Manager, because either: the manager is unavailable for assignment, or there are no managers with a login ID of "$1000000403$". |
ARERR | 48263 | The Actual Start Date and Actual End Date values cannot be modified when Status is Closed. |
ARERR | 48264 | The selected License Certificate already has an existing Purchase Line Item. |
ARERR | 48265 | No Individual or Group found. |
WARNING | 48266 | Please select an approval chain to delete. |
WARNING | 48267 | Please select an approval chain to modify |
WARNING | 48268 | Only members of the Release Master, Release User and Release Viewer groups may access the Release form. |
WARNING | 48269 | Only members of the Infrastructure Change Master, Infrastructure Change User, Infrastructure Change Submitter and Infrastructure Change Viewer groups may access the Infrastructure Change form. |
WARNING | 48270 | Notify your administrator if you require access. |
WARNING | 48271 | You need to select Company, Manufacturer and Product Name in order to view Software Usage. |
ARERR | 48272 | Required information is missing/invalid. Please be sure to specify valid values for the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Service Type, Status, Impact, Urgency, Description and Reported Source. |
ARERR | 48273 | If Send Notification and Create Decommission Change is selected, you also need to have Change Template and Change Requester. Please select one from thecorresponding menu. |
NOTE | 48275 | Click View Task Date button and select the task. |
ARERR | 48276 | The original incident ($1000000875$) is attempting to update the related duplicates. Please refresh the incident and try your updates again later. |
NOTE | 48277 | Based on the amount of software usage data found it could take several seconds to display the data. |
NOTE | 48279 | The Infrastructure Change Template has been deleted. |
NOTE | 48280 | The Release Template has been deleted. |
WARNING | 48281 | The Default Decommission Schedule for $1000000251$ is now set to $300290000$ . The previous Default Decommission schedule will no longer be Default. |
ARERR | 48282 | This process is associated with Change or Change Template.This process cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 48283 | There are open changes associated with this process. The Process Flow can not be modified. |
ARERR | 48284 | A problem coordinator must be assigned for a problem. Please assign a problem coordinator using the search function on the Problem Coordinator Assignee field or use the menu on the Problem Coordinator assignment fields to find a valid Assignee. |
ARERR | 48285 | Cost Type cannot be NULL. |
ARERR | 48286 | The flashboard '$304050700$' already exists for the company '$1000000001$'. |
ARERR | 48287 | The 'Copy to New' function has been disabled for this form. Unable to create a copy. |
NOTE | 48288 | Cannot add any more status transitions to the current process as there is already a status transition that sets the status to "Closed". If you wantto make changes to this process then please delete the transition which sets status to "Closed". |
NOTE | 48289 | A required status flow transition from "Cancelled" to "Draft" will be added automatically. |
ARERR | 48290 | Unable to delete the status flow starting from $301540900$ as approval configuration is in effect. Source status values for approval:$304052000$ Target status values for approval:$304052200$ $--1$ |
ARERR | 48291 | This is a required status transition and it cannot be deleted. |
WARNING | 48292 | Since the transition to Closed has been removed, the status will be reset to Proposed. |
ARERR | 48293 | Unable to set the status to $7$ as a required transition to Closed is missing from the status flow. |
ARERR | 48294 | This process flow is associated with either an open change request or a change template. This record cannot be modified. |
ARERR | 48295 | Either the Company, Organization or Support Group selected is not a valid selection. Please select from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 48296 | Please select a row in the table and then click delete. |
ARERR | 48297 | The chosen company has no existing Approval Process Definition records created for Standard Change Process. Template Approval Process Definition recordsfor Standard Change Process have been created for $1000000001$, which you may now change as required. |
ARERR | 48299 | The selected target stage $301532800$ is not available for the Change Process Flow used in this Change Request. |
ARERR | 48300 | Select contract record to generate report |
ARERR | 48301 | Please select Notification Contact from the corresponding menu. |
ARERR | 48302 | This Change Request has at least one open task or task group. Cannot perform back operation at this stage. |
NOTE | 48303 | The only available process from which you can copy the status flow is $301325300$. The status flow from this process will now be copied into the currentprocess. |
ARERR | 48304 | The Change Requester field under General tab is required |
ARERR | 48305 | To add a Permission to update, please select a Permission and a License Type from the menus. |
ARERR | 48306 | The selected Permission has already been added. |
ARERR | 48307 | The selected Support Group has already been added. |
ARERR | 48308 | To add a Support Group to update, please select a Support Group from the menu. |
ARERR | 48309 | The selected functional role for this support group has already been added. |
ARERR | 48310 | To add a Functional Role to update, please select a Support Group and a Functional Role from the menus. |
ARERR | 48311 | You are not allowed to cancel a selected job that has already been processed. |
ARERR | 48312 | 'Problem Reported On' cannot be a future date/time. |
ARERR | 48313 | Company is required if Organization Information or Location Information is filled in. Please select a Company. |
ARERR | 48314 | Site is required when Region or Site Group is filled. Please select a value for Site. |
ARERR | 48315 | You must apply a template or select Organization Information, Location Information, Support Group, Functional Role, or Permission in order to update People. |
ARERR | 48316 | You must select at least one record from the result table to perform update. |
ARERR | 48317 | Job Name is required. Please enter a value for Job Name. |
ARERR | 48318 | The Company entered does not exist in the Company Form. Please select a valid Company using its related menu. |
ARERR | 48319 | The Company and Organization combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company and Organization combination using their respective related menus. |
ARERR | 48320 | The Company, Organization and Department combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company, Organization and Department combination using their respective related menus. |
ARERR | 48322 | You can only select up to 100 people at a time to update. Please reselect up to 100 people. |
ARERR | 48323 | Cannot update people records using a template where Company, Site or Client Type fields are empty and where the Client Type is a Home-Based Employee. Please select a valid template. |
ARERR | 48328 | Please select a proper Support Group. |
ARERR | 48329 | Please select a proper Functional Role. |
ARERR | 48330 | To search for Support Group Functional Role, both Support Group and Functional Role need values. |
ARERR | 48331 | Please select a proper Permission. |
ARERR | 48332 | The Company and Site combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company and Site combination using their respective related menus. |
ARERR | 48333 | There is already an entry with template name "$1000001437$". |
ARERR | 48334 | The Company, Site and Region combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company, Site and Region combination using their respective related menus. |
ARERR | 48335 | The Company, Site and Site Group combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company, Site and Site Group combination using their respective related menus. |
ARERR | 48336 | Please enter in a full or part of an Assigned Group name to search. |
ARERR | 48337 | Please enter a full or part of a Problem Coordinator to search. |
ARERR | 48339 | The Requestor Support Organization entry is not valid. Please select from the menu attached. |
ARERR | 48340 | The Requestor Support Group entry is not valid. Please select from the menu attached. |
NOTE | 48341 | In order to use the BMC Analytics for BSM application you must have this application licensed and configured. Please refer to the BMC Analytics for BSMdocumentation for instructions on licensing and configuration. |
ARERR | 48345 | You are not logged in as an Administrator and the selected template includes AR System permissions. Please selected a valid template. Only Administrators are permitted to add, modify and delete the following AR System permissions (Administrator, Browser, Customize and Sub Administrator). |
ARERR | 48346 | Negative "Time Spent" adjustment is invalid. |
NOTE | 48347 | The Problem Investigation ID is required for this function to work. To generate the Problem Investigation ID, enter a summary. |
ARERR | 48348 | The Known Error ID is required for this function to work. To generate a Known Error ID, entry a summary. |
WARNING | 48349 | Make the actual start date later than the infrastructure submit date. Only latent changes can have actual start dates that come after the infrastructurechange submit date. |
ARERR | 48351 | Cannot add Purchase Line Item of Status $7$ to Purchase Requisition having Status $300505700$ |
ARERR | 48352 | Required Qty has to be greater than zero. |
ARERR | 48353 | Part Number, Description, Asset Class ID, PR Instance ID and Required Quantity are required. |
ARERR | 48354 | The date to receive must be equal to or greater than the date required. |
ARERR | 48355 | The Date Required value cannot be greater than Purchase Requisition's Date and must be equal to or greater than the current date. |
WARNING | 48357 | Unit Price cannot be NULL. |
ARERR | 48358 | Product Categorization Tier 1, 2, 3, Product Name, Model/Version, Manufacturer are required for a Software CI Type. |
ARERR | 48359 | Partial Receive is not allowed on creation of a License Certificate. Please make sure the Received Quantity equals the Required Quantity. |
ARERR | 48360 | Cannot specify Total Received Quantity, Date Ordered and Receiving Date. |
ARERR | 48361 | Please specify Date Ordered and if Purchase Line Item is taxable then tax rate is mandetory. |
ARERR | 48362 | Total Received Quantity cannot be greater than or equal to Required Quantity and Unit Price must be greater than 0. |
ARERR | 48363 | For Received Purchase Line Item Total Received Quantity must be equal to Required Quantity. |
ARERR | 48364 | Cannot have Total Reveived Quantity for Cancelled Purchase Line Item. |
ARERR | 48365 | The entered Status value is not permitted. |
ARERR | 48366 | Enter a valid Asset Class ID. |
ARERR | 48367 | Enter Date Required, Requested For, Requested By, Description, Justification and Ship To Address data. |
ARERR | 48368 | Please enter a valid Requested By Company. |
ARERR | 48369 | Please enter a valid Requested For Company. |
ARERR | 48370 | Please enter valid Requested By Person ID or Requested By Full Name |
ARERR | 48371 | Please enter Requested For Person ID or Requested For Full Name |
ARERR | 48372 | Please enter a valid Requested For Full Name |
ARERR | 48373 | Please enter a valid Requested By Full Name. |
ARERR | 48374 | Please enter a valid Cost Center. |
ARERR | 48375 | Requested For Company is invalid, examine the value in the related Purchase Requisition. |
ARERR | 48376 | Specified combination of Product Categorization Tier1, Product Categorization Tier2, Product Categorization Tier3, Product Name and Manufacturer is invalid. |
ARERR | 48377 | The License Certificate is either related to an existing Purchase Line Item or invalid. |
ARERR | 48378 | Please enter valid Cost Center |
ARERR | 48379 | Please enter a valid Software Contract ID. |
ARERR | 48380 | Enter either a Software Contract ID or Certificate ID. |
ARERR | 48381 | The Cost Center, Description, Purchase Type and License Type fields are required when a Software Contract ID has been selected for a License Certificate. |
ARERR | 48382 | The Assigned Group fields are not valid. |
ARERR | 48383 | Please enter a valid License Type. |
ARERR | 48385 | Please enter a valid Change Template ID |
WARNING | 48386 | The current line item is a Software type and there is either no Software Contract or License Certificate is specified for it. |
NOTE | 48388 | The People relationship for $1000000641$ has been associated. |
NOTE | 48389 | The selected relationship for $304178600$ has been removed. |
NOTE | 48390 | $1000000067$ Has been created |
NOTE | 48391 | The relationship for $301467700$ has been associated. |
ARERR | 48394 | Please ensure the Number of licenses purchased is less than Number upgradable. |
WARNING | 48396 | Purchase Line Item goes to Pending Pricing as either Supplier or Unit Price value is missing. Please do provide values for Supplier & Unit Price. |
ARERR | 48397 | This release cannot be cancelled as some activities or changes associated with this release are still open. Please close or cancel them in order to cancel this release. |
ARERR | 48398 | "Purchase Requisition" Approval Mapping is not supported in this version. |
NOTE | 48399 | All selected Configuration Items have been related. |
NOTE | 48400 | All Selected People Relationships have been associated. |
NOTE | 48401 | All selected Entitlement relationships have been removed. |
ARERR | 48403 | Please specify Source Instance ID,Work Info Type,Summary,Locked,View Access,Status,Submit Date & Submitter as these are required fields to create Work Log entry. |
7 | 48404 | $303657400$ |
ARERR | 48405 | Either the Requester is invalid or the Requester does not belong to the Support Organization and Support Group. Please select the Requester by using the return functionality. |
ARERR | 48406 | The combination for the calculation type of constant already exists. Please check your values. |
ARERR | 48407 | Software Manufacturer and Processor Type are required for Constant type of entires. |
ARERR | 48408 | Software Manufacturer, Processor Type and Model are required for Multiplier type of entires. |
ARERR | 48409 | Invalid Action specified. Please do specify CREATEPR or CREATEPLI as Action. |
ARERR | 48412 | Status change to $7$ is not allowed. |
ARERR | 48414 | ID values such as InstanceID, Requisition ID, Order ID, PR Instance ID and PO Instance ID cannot be modified. |
ARERR | 48415 | Field update is not allowed for $7$ |
ARERR | 48416 | Field update is not allowed for $7$ |
ARERR | 48417 | This status change is not allowed directly on the purchase requisition. |
ARERR | 48418 | Some fields cannot be modified when the purchase requisition has this status. |
ARERR | 48420 | Cannot change field values for Purchase Line Item which is part of Purchase Requisition of Status Approved and above. |
ARERR | 48421 | You do not have access to modify Incident records with your current permission access of Incident Viewer or Incident Submitter. |
ARERR | 48422 | You do not have access to modify Known Error records with your current permission access of Problem Viewer or Problem Submitter. |
ARERR | 48423 | You do not have access to modify Problem records with your current permission access of Problem Viewer or Problem Submitter. |
ARERR | 48424 | Please complete all the open Activity and Change Requests related to this Release. |
ARERR | 48425 | Software CI cannot be partially Received. Please make sure Required Qty is equal to Total Received Qty. |
ARERR | 48426 | Partial Receive for Software CI is not allowed. |
ARERR | 48427 | Please fill valid values for Supplier and Unit Price to create Purchase Line Item of status $7$. |
ARERR | 48428 | No existing work info can be viewed. |
ARERR | 48429 | No existing work info can be viewed. |
ARERR | 48430 | The information entered to Support Group Association is incorrect. Use the menu to select the correct Company, Support Organization and Support Group. |
ARERR | 48431 | The selected company is not valid, please re-select a company from the menu |
ARERR | 48433 | Cannot change Unit Price of Purchase Line Item of Status $7$. |
ARERR | 48434 | Your ID does not have sufficient permissions to view the incident. To obtain details about the request, contact the Service Desk. |
WARNING | 48436 | The Purchase Date must be earlier than the Expiration Date. |
ARERR | 48438 | No Change Coordinator has been assigned. Manually select a Coordinator from the menu. |
ARERR | 48439 | No Change Manager has been assigned. Manually select a Manager from the menu. |
WARNING | 48440 | The Filter By menu may not be cleared, please only select valid search filters |
ARERR | 48441 | This configuration will be approved when the related change request has completed. |
ARERR | 48442 | The selected cost center code is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost center code. |
ARERR | 48443 | Please Select the Phase Name first from the Phase Menu. |
ARERR | 48444 | Your ID does not have sufficient permissions to view the Change. To obtain details about the request, contact the Service Desk. |
ARERR | 48445 | The selected cost center code is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost center code. |
ARERR | 48446 | The selected cost center code is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost center code. |
ARERR | 48447 | The selected cost center code is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost center code. |
ARERR | 48448 | The selected cost center code is not available for the chosen company, please select another cost center code. |
ARERR | 48449 | The first three tiers of the Product Categorization are required fields. |
ARERR | 48450 | The first three tiers of the Product Categorization are required fields. |
NOTE | 48451 | Your request to relate Impacted CIs to Change has been submitted successfully. You can refresh the Relationship table to check the progress. |
ARERR | 48452 | Submission of Impacted CI association details failed. |
WARNING | 48453 | Make the actual end date later than the infrastructure submit date. Only latent changes can have actual end dates that come after the infrastructure change submit date. |
NOTE | 48454 | Impacted CI association is in progress. Processed - $304260100$ of $304260090$ impacted CIs. |
WARNING | 48455 | This field requires that a selection is made |
NOTE | 48456 | CI Type must have a value and will be reset to the default value. |
ARERR | 48457 | Please select an entry in the certificate table |
ARERR | 48459 | You can only select Duplicate of when associating an Incident to another Incident. Please select another relationship type. |
ARERR | 48460 | Request submission to abort Impacted CI association process has been failed. |
ARERR | 48461 | No change coordinator group could be found. Manually select a group from the menus. If no group with an individual in the functional role of infrastructure change coordinator is defined, notify your System Administrator. |
NOTE | 48462 | Association of $304260090$ Impacted CIs is completed successfully. |
ARERR | 48463 | An error occurred during '$304262470$' process. You may retry the impact analysis. Error details: $304257530$ |
NOTE | 48464 | All the other locales were changed accordingly. |
ARERR | 48465 | Date is out of allowed range of 01/01/1970 - 01/19/2038 (GMT) for Windows client. : $304265550$ : Holiday (MM/DD/YYYY)* |
ARERR | 48466 | You do not belong to the Assigned Group for the Incident $1000000161$. The selected Incidents above $1000000161$ have been updated but the selected Incidents below $1000000161$ have not. Please unselect $1000000161$ and run again. |
ARERR | 48470 | For a new request when Sandbox is Enabled the status cannot be initially set to In Inventory, please select a different status. |
ARERR | 48471 | You need to go to Manage Inventory to move the CI out of Inventory. |
NOTE | 48472 | Your request to abort Impacted CI association process will start in a while. Please wait. |
WARNING | 48487 | This operation cannot be completed since the change request status has been updated. |
ARERR | 49000 | Password cannot be empty or same as User Name, it should be from $133$ to 30 characters in length. |
ARERR | 49001 | Please include an upper case, a lower case and a special character in the password. |
ARERR | 49002 | Confirmed password does not match the new password. Please try again. |
ARERR | 49003 | Old password incorrect. Please try again. |
ARERR | 49077 | A survey with the same name ($302838900$) already exists for the company $1000000001$. Please choose a different name. |
ARERR | 49100 | A question with the same sequence already exists. Please choose another sequence. |
ARERR | 49200 | Sequence range must be between 1 and 10. |
ARERR | 49300 | You need to fill out the required fields. |
ARERR | 49400 | A license type name already exists for the selected Company. Please choose another license type name. |
NOTE | 49500 | Cannot set status to offline. There are currently licenses being executed with the matching license type. Please select another status. |
ARERR | 49600 | A Selected Value must be chosen. Please select a value. |
ARERR | 49700 | Please enter a Company and License Type before managing the license locales. |
ARERR | 49800 | The set and value fields are required. Please fill out the two required fields. |
ARERR | 49900 | The select field is required. Please fill out the required field. |
ARERR | 50000 | An expression is required to create the action. Please create an expression. |
ARERR | 50002 | No rows selected. |
NOTE | 50003 | LASTCOUNT - $-14$ $-37$ $-36$ |
ARERR | 50004 | Duplicate Names at the same sequence are not allowed |
ARERR | 50005 | No modifications done. |
ARERR | 50007 | Invalid Name |
ARERR | 50008 | Invalid Name |
ARERR | 50009 | Invalid Sequence. Minimum Valid Sequnce=$11075$ Maximum Valid Sequence=$11130$ |
ARERR | 50010 | Invalid Sequence. Minimum Valid Sequnce=$11075$ Maximum Valid Sequence=$11130$ |
NOTE | 50011 | $11067$ has already been acted upon. So $11067$ can not be deleted. |
ARERR | 50015 | No row selected. |
ARERR | 50016 | The Selected Enttitlement Group can not be deleted until all users have been removed from this Entitlement Group. |
ARERR | 50018 | Please first remove all the Entitlement Associations that use this People Entitlement Rule |
ARERR | 50020 | Please Select a Entitlement Group from the above table. |
NOTE | 50030 | The Service Request Definition (SRD) Entitlement Definition has been saved. |
NOTE | 50031 | The People Entitlement Definition has been saved. |
NOTE | 50033 | $1000000077$ record(s) on the CTM:People form that will match this Advanced Qual. |
NOTE | 50035 | $1000000077$ record(s) on the SRD form that will match this Advanced Qual. |
NOTE | 50050 | A new Entitlement Definition has been created. |
NOTE | 50051 | The existing Entitlement Definition has been modified. |
ARERR | 50055 | The selected Person already belongs to this Entitlement Group. |
ARERR | 50066 | Please select a valid SRD Level from the menu. |
ARERR | 50100 | A question requires a mapping. Please create a mapping for each question. |
ARERR | 50110 | The SRD Qualification for Entitlement Definition requires a value in, 'Category of SRD', 'SRD Level', 'Advanced Qualification' or 'Specific SRD'. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press <Save> again. |
WARNING | 50200 | There may be actions related to this question. Please check all actions after deleting this question. |
ARERR | 50201 | This Company's Survey Questions are used in a SRD. Please Remove the Question from the SRD before you can Delete. |
ARERR | 50400 | A question and mapping are required. Please select a question from the table and an attribute from the CMDB mapping fields. |
NOTE | 50500 | Please enter the approver name. |
ARERR | 50600 | No question is selected to manage. Please select a question. |
ARERR | 50700 | There is no license selected to delete. Please select a license. |
ARERR | 50800 | There are certificates related to the selected license type. The selected license type cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 50900 | There is no license type selected. Please select a license type. |
ARERR | 51000 | There are no fields selected to update. Please add field/value pairs to the update table. |
ARERR | 51100 | Please Select a question with a specific locale to delete. |
ARERR | 61000 | Please select a Data Exchange from the above table. |
ARERR | 71822 | A Work Order Template has already been selected for this entry. |
ARERR | 80020 | Create failed. Predecessor to successor pair already exists. |
ARERR | 85698 | The import command line did not get created correctly. Close the Import/Export Console and try again. |
ARERR | 85901 | You must provide a valid path and the name of the file. |
ARERR | 88000 | Please select a Data Exchange from the above table. |
5 | 99999 | DEBUG: Reached IF of RE:Group:CompareAction:DeleteCompareAction |
ARERR | 100000 | "Schedule Time is required for a Job Schedule" |
ARERR | 100001 | "Schedule Day is required for a Job Schedule" |
ARERR | 100002 | "Status is required for a Qualification Group". |
ARERR | 100003 | "Qualification is required for a Qualification Group". |
ARERR | 100004 | "Namespace is required for a Qualification Group". |
ARERR | 100005 | "Name is required for a Qualification Group". |
ARERR | 100006 | "Class Name is required for a Qualification Group". |
ARERR | 100007 | "Please specify values for all required fields." |
ARERR | 100008 | Class Name must be specified to use Advanced Qualification feature. |
ARERR | 100009 | "Weight is required for a Precedence". |
ARERR | 100010 | "Status is required for a Precedence". |
ARERR | 100011 | "Namespace is required for a Precedence". |
ARERR | 100012 | "Defer on Null is required for a Precedence". |
ARERR | 100013 | "Combine List is required for a Precedence". |
ARERR | 100014 | "Execution Side is required for a Workflow Execution Rule" |
ARERR | 100015 | "Attribute Name is required for a Precedence". |
ARERR | 100016 | "Please specify values for all required fields." |
ARERR | 100018 | "You cannot start a Job that is already running." |
ARERR | 100019 | "Please select a Job from the table." |
ARERR | 100020 | Job Status must be specified for a Job. |
ARERR | 100021 | Job Name must be specified for a Job. |
ARERR | 100022 | Job Continuous mode must be specified for a Job. |
ARERR | 100023 | "You cannot start an Inactive Job" |
ARERR | 100024 | "You cannot cancel a Job that is not running." |
ARERR | 100025 | "Please select a Job from the table." |
ARERR | 100026 | "Please choose an Activity Type". |
ARERR | 100027 | "Please specify values for all required fields." |
ARERR | 100028 | "Please give values to all required fields." |
ARERR | 100029 | "Please give values to all required fields." |
ARERR | 100030 | "Matching Qualification is required for an Identity Rule". |
ARERR | 100031 | "Namespace is required for an Identity Rule". |
ARERR | 100032 | "Findin Dataset is required for an Identity Rule". |
ARERR | 100033 | "Execution Order is required for an Identity Rule". |
ARERR | 100034 | "Class Name is required for an Identity Rule". |
ARERR | 100035 | "Please specify values for all required fields." |
ARERR | 100036 | Namespace must be specified before adding qualifications. |
ARERR | 100037 | 'Weight' not specified. |
ARERR | 100038 | "You have to choose a class." |
ARERR | 100039 | Namespace must be specified before adding precedences. |
ARERR | 100040 | Group Name, Namespace and Class Name must be specified. |
ARERR | 100041 | Group Name and Namespace must be specified. |
ARERR | 100042 | "Please give values to all required fields." |
ARERR | 100043 | Precedence Explicit cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 100044 | Combine List? cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 100045 | Defer on Null? cannot be empty. |
ARERR | 100046 | Namespace and Class must be specified before adding identify rules. |
ARERR | 100047 | Group Name, Group Type and Namespace must be specified. |
ARERR | 100048 | Dataset Name, Dataset ID, DatasetType, and Accessibility must be specified for a Dataset. |
ARERR | 100050 | "Class Name is required for a Comparison Rule" |
ARERR | 100051 | "Attribute is required for a Comparison Rule" |
ARERR | 100052 | "Please give values to all required fields." |
ARERR | 100053 | "A Qualification Group has already been specified for this Dataset in this activity." |
ARERR | 100054 | "This activity already has a Precedence Group specified for the choosen Dataset." |
ARERR | 100055 | "This combination of Dataset and Group is already specified for this activity." |
ARERR | 100056 | "Activity Instance Id and Activity Type are required fields." |
ARERR | 100057 | Please enter values for Dataset and New Dataset Name. |
ARERR | 100058 | "Please enter values for Dataset and New Dataset Name." |
ARERR | 100059 | Selected Master Dataset is not among the ones selected for this activity |
ARERR | 100060 | Master Dataset cannot be the same as the Auto Dataset |
ARERR | 100061 | Selected Auto Dataset is not among the ones selected for this activity |
ARERR | 100062 | Master Dataset must be specified if AutoDataset is specified for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100063 | "If you specify a value for Auto Dataset, then you have to specify value for Master Dataset as well." |
ARERR | 100064 | Please enter a value for Next Job Name. |
ARERR | 100065 | "Please enter a value for Next Dataset Name." |
ARERR | 100066 | Please enter values for Dataset1 and Dataset2. |
ARERR | 100067 | "Please enter values for Dataset1 and Dataset2." |
ARERR | 100068 | "Please enter all required fields." |
ARERR | 100069 | Activity Type must be specified for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100070 | Activity Status must be specified for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100071 | Activity Sequence must be specified for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100072 | On Error Continue cannot be empty for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100073 | Namespace must be specified for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100074 | Activity Name must be specified for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100075 | Force Attribute Merge cannot be empty for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100076 | Explicit Flag cannot be empty for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100077 | Skip Auto-Identify of Master cannot be empty for an Activity. |
ARERR | 100078 | Algorithm cannot be empty for an Activity |
ARERR | 100079 | "Pick a valid Class Name" |
ARERR | 100080 | "Please choose a Namespace and Class Name" |
ARERR | 100081 | "Please choose a Namespace." |
ARERR | 100082 | "Please choose instances that belong to two different Datasets." |
ARERR | 100083 | "Please choose instances that belong to two different Datasets." |
ARERR | 100084 | You must provide an Activity Name before selecting Namespaces. |
NOTE | 100085 | You must provide a Group Name before selecting Namespaces. |
ARERR | 100086 | The value(s) for the Dataset ID, Dataset Name is not unique. |
ARERR | 100087 | "Dataset is required for an Merge Precedence Set". |
ARERR | 100088 | "Merge Precedence Set is required for an Merge Precedence Set". |
ARERR | 100089 | "Order is required for an Merge Precedence Set". |
ARERR | 100090 | Name must be specified. |
ARERR | 100091 | You must specify a Dataset MRG Precedence value for Merge Activities |
ARERR | 100092 | You must specify a Dataset MRG Precedence value for Merge Activities |
ARERR | 100093 | Namespace must be specified before adding identify rules. |
ARERR | 100094 | Job Name must be specified for a Job. |
ARERR | 100095 | Dataset Name must be specified for a Job. |
ARERR | 100096 | Group Type must be specified. |
ARERR | 100097 | Please enter value for Target Dataset |
ARERR | 100098 | "Please give values to all required fields." |
ARERR | 100099 | "Please give values to all required fields." |
ARERR | 105001 | Specify values for the required fields: Product Categorization Tier 1, Product Categorization Tier 2, Product Categorization Tier 3, Product Name, Manufacturer, Suite Definition, Origin, Status-PDC, and Product Type. |
ARERR | 105002 | Please do enter the Mandatory fields 'Product Model/Version', 'Requires Contract' and 'Model/Version State'. |
ARERR | 105003 | Specify a value for the required field: Patch Last Build ID. |
ARERR | 105004 | The Signature ID $420000012$ you specified does not exist. |
ARERR | 105005 | The Company $1000000001$ you specified does not exist. |
NOTE | 105006 | A Product with a Product Catalog Key of $420000006$ has been created. |
ARERR | 105007 | The combination of Approved Flag and Blacklisted Flag values you specified is invalid. |
NOTE | 105008 | Record saved successfully. |
NOTE | 105010 | The Patch and Company association has been created. |
NOTE | 105011 | The Version and Company association has been created. |
ARERR | 105013 | Select a Company value. |
NOTE | 105014 | The associated Versions for the product $240001002$ and company $1000000001$ are also set with Hide = $420000019$. |
NOTE | 105015 | The associated Versions for the product $240001002$ and company $1000000001$ are also set with Blacklisted = $420000112$. |
NOTE | 105016 | The associated Versions for the product $240001002$ and company $1000000001$ are also set with Approved = $420000109$. |
ARERR | 105021 | Specify values for the required fields: ProductKey and SignatureId. |
ARERR | 105022 | Specify values for the required fields: Logical Data Group, Version, and Attachment. |
ARERR | 105023 | Select the Product or Model Version to delete |
ARERR | 105024 | Select the Product, Model Version, or Patch to delete. |
NOTE | 105025 | Select a Product Catalog View. |
ARERR | 105026 | The combination of Selection Type, Selection Code, and Locale values already exists. Please select different values for these fields. |
ARERR | 105027 | You have not selected any product. Select the product for which you want to perform the action and click Perform. |
ARERR | 105028 | You have not selected any version. Select the version for which you want to perform the action and click Perform. |
ARERR | 105029 | You have selected multiple products. Select only one product and click View. |
ARERR | 105030 | You have not selected any product. Select the product for which you want to view the details and click View. |
ARERR | 105031 | You have selected multiple versions. Select only one version and click View. |
ARERR | 105032 | You have not selected any version. Select the version for which you want to view the details and click View. |
ARERR | 105033 | You have not selected any Action. Select the action from Select Action drop down and then click Perform. |
ARERR | 105034 | Specify values for the required Version status flags. |
ARERR | 105035 | Specify values for the required Patch status flags. |
ARERR | 105036 | Specify a value for the required field Product Type. |
NOTE | 105037 | The Signature $420000012$ has been saved. |
ARERR | 105038 | This Model/Version already exists. Please verify the following field values and try again: Product Model/Version, Operating System, Platform, VersionMajor, Version Minor, Version Maintenance and Version Build. |
ARERR | 105039 | This record already exists for company $1000000001$. Please verify or reselect your field entries and try again |
ARERR | 105040 | The combination of SignatureID, Logical Data Group, and Version you specified already exists. Please select different values for these fields. |
NOTE | 105041 | Also setting Normalized flag = $420000110$ for the associated versions of product $240001002$ and company $1000000001$. |
NOTE | 105042 | Setting Life cycle status flag = $420000138$ for the associated versions of product $240001002$ and company $1000000001$. |
NOTE | 105043 | Also setting Managed flag = $420000111$ for the associated versions of product $240001002$ and company $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 105044 | The signature $420000012$ is associated with the Product Key $301316700$. You must delete the corresponding product association from Signature Product Association before you delete the signature. |
ARERR | 105045 | Duplicate File entries for same product and version not allowed |
ARERR | 105046 | You need to be a part of Atrium Foundation Admin group to create a product entry. |
NOTE | 105050 | Product $420000518$ has been created as Alias of Existing Product $420000573$ successfully. |
NOTE | 105051 | Manufacturer $420000519$ has been created as Alias of Existing Manufacturer $420000574$ successfully. |
NOTE | 105054 | Manufacturer $420000517$ has been successfully added as Alias of $240001003$ to Normalization Alias form |
NOTE | 105055 | Product $420000516$ has been successfully added as Alias of $240001002$ to Normalization Alias form |
NOTE | 105056 | The product $240001002$ has been successfully updated. |
NOTE | 105057 | Alias $420000616$ of manufacturer $420000619$ has been successfully created |
NOTE | 105058 | Alias $420000616$ of product $420000618$ has been successfully created. |
ARERR | 105059 | AliasName is required field |
ARERR | 105061 | Product having status "Enabled" cannot be deleted. Only Offline products can be deleted |
ARERR | 105062 | Offline product cannot be made Alias of another product. |
ARERR | 105063 | An entry with the product name does not exists. Please create an alias of existing product. |
ARERR | 105064 | An entry with the manufacturer name does not exists. Please enter a different manufacturer name. |
NOTE | 105065 | Alias $420000616$ successfully updated |
ARERR | 105070 | User $420000656$ does not have permissions for company $301389298$ |
ARERR | 105072 | Cannot create alias of same product name $420000618$. |
ARERR | 105073 | Cannot create alias of same manufacturer name $420000619$. |
ARERR | 105075 | Cannot associate same alias to multiple products. |
ARERR | 105076 | Cannot associate same alias to multiple manufacturers. |
ARERR | 105080 | Product type $420000649$ of "$420000518$" does not match Product Type $420000553$ of selected product "$420000548$" |
ARERR | 105081 | User $420000656$ does not have permissions for company $420000202$ |
NOTE | 105083 | Discovered product - $420000518$ will be made an alias of product - $420000548$ . |
NOTE | 105084 | Discovered manufacturer $420000519$ will be made an alias of manufacturer - $420000549$ . |
ARERR | 110010 | Please select the Person entry to delete in the People table, then click on the [Delete] button again. |
ARERR | 110015 | Please select a People Relationship entry in the table above and an Relationship Action, from the menu provided, to perform on the selected entry. Thenclick on the [Execute] button again. |
NOTE | 110025 | $10007399$ has been made an Associate Member of the Support Group. |
WARNING | 120064 | You cannot create a Weak Reference with that Cardinality |
WARNING | 120065 | You must provide ID Values for a Custom Selection |
ARERR | 125000 | Invalid field ID. Field ID is too large. |
ARERR | 125002 | Please specify Data Type. |
ARERR | 125003 | Please specify Data Type. |
ARERR | 125004 | Please specify Data Type. |
ARERR | 125005 | Please specify Data Type. |
ARERR | 125006 | 'Namespace' and 'Class Name' must be entered before you can add/search attributes. |
ARERR | 125007 | There is already an existing class with class name '$490001100$' in the namespace '$400109900$'. Please specifiy a different class name. |
ARERR | 125008 | Invalid superclass. Class '$400103900$' is a final class and cannot be used as a superclass. |
ARERR | 125009 | Namespace and Class Name are required fields. Please fill in a value before saving. |
ARERR | 125010 | Class 1, Class 2, Role 1, Role 2 and Cardinality are required fields for relationship classes. Please fill in these values before saving. |
ARERR | 125011 | Please fill in the Class Type field. |
NOTE | 125012 | This attribute is already part of the Index. |
NOTE | 125013 | Please enter the Index Name first. |
ARERR | 125014 | There is already an index by the name of: $400111200$. Please use a different name. |
ARERR | 125016 | Duplicate Field ID '$400004800$' for attribute '$400009700$'. |
ARERR | 125017 | Data Type and Attribute Name must be specified. |
ARERR | 125018 | Invalid Field ID for attribute '$400009700$'. Field IDs below 100 are reserved for Core fields. |
ARERR | 125019 | Invalid Default Value for selection field. |
ARERR | 125020 | There is already an existing class with class name '$490001100$' in the namespace '$400109900$'. Please specify a different class name. |
ARERR | 125021 | This is an invalid combination of the Abstract and Final field. |
ARERR | 125028 | Please select an Attribute from Class 1 and Class 2. |
ARERR | 125029 | Invalid data type mismatch. You can only map Attributes with the same data type. |
NOTE | 125030 | Attribute '$400009700$' has been saved. |
ARERR | 125031 | An attribute with that name already exists |
NOTE | 125032 | Select a Relationship to be deleted. |
ARERR | 125033 | Spaces are not allowed in the Attribute Name Field. |
ARERR | 125034 | Spaces are not allowed in the Class Name Field. |
ARERR | 125035 | Spaces are not allowed in the Superclass Field. |
NOTE | 125036 | The following instance has been successfully created: Instance Name: $200000020$ Class Form: $-5$ |
ARERR | 125037 | Default value is out of range |
ARERR | 125038 | Default value must be selected from Default Value Menu values for $400104700$ fields |
ARERR | 140001 | A report already exists with this name. Specify a different name in the Name field. |
ARERR | 140002 | Specify a new report name. |
ARERR | 140003 | If you close the report designer now, your changes will not be saved. Do you wish to continue? |
ARERR | 140004 | Select a report type. |
ARERR | 140005 | You did not specify a form. In the Form field, select the form to use for the report. |
ARERR | 140006 | You did not specify a report name. In the Name field, specify a report name. |
ARERR | 140007 | Form does not exist. |
ARERR | 140008 | To access the AR System Report Console, you must use a browser. For browser login information, contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 140009 | To access the AR System Report Console, you must use BMC Remedy Mid Tier 7.6.00 or later. The current mid tier version is midTierVersion. |
ARERR | 140010 | The report name is too long. Enter a report name of 128 characters or fewer. |
ARERR | 150000 | The Change Management user needs to have the following permission: AR Administrator, General Access, Unrestricted Access and Change Master. |
ARERR | 150001 | The Incident Management user needs to have the following permission: AR Administrator, General Access, Unrestricted Access and Incident Master. |
ARERR | 150002 | The Login specified for the Remedy Incident Management AR Login is invalid. |
ARERR | 150003 | The Login specified for the Remedy Change Management AR Login is invalid. |
NOTE | 150006 | This is working. |
NOTE | 150007 | Survey has been selected for current Service Request Definition. |
ARERR | 150008 | Select an application first. |
NOTE | 150009 | The selected template has been registered. |
ARERR | 150011 | Select a question to change the sequence. |
ARERR | 150012 | Cannot move down because this is the end of the sequence. |
ARERR | 150013 | Select a question to change the sequence. |
ARERR | 150014 | Cannot move up because this is the starting point of the sequence. |
ARERR | 150015 | Please enter something to search for people. |
ARERR | 150016 | There is no person with the name specified. |
ARERR | 150017 | Please enter something to search for people. |
ARERR | 150018 | There is no person with the name specified. |
NOTE | 150019 | DO NOT TRANSLATE - Feature in progress - Need to work on it. |
ARERR | 150020 | The end date cannot be earlier than the start date. |
ARERR | 150021 | The end date cannot be earlier than the current date. |
ARERR | 150022 | Please set the 'Request Type' to "Standard SRD" to select a PDT. |
NOTE | 150024 | Please select the company first. |
ARERR | 150026 | System Status cannot be set to "Active" until SRD has been Deployed. |
ARERR | 150028 | To search using the first name, you must also complete at least one of the following fields: Company, Last Name. Type a value in any one of these fields, then click Search. |
ARERR | 150029 | There are no people records with the last name of: "$1000000018$" and first name of: "$1000000019$". |
ARERR | 150030 | Title, Description and Navigation Category 1 are required fields. |
ARERR | 150031 | Title, Description and Tier 1 are required fields. |
NOTE | 150032 | Please select a record from the table field to be deleted. |
NOTE | 150055 | Service Request Details have been modified. |
ARERR | 150056 | Template View Form not found for $301289000$ on CAI Registry. |
NOTE | 150058 | Survey Question Configuration has been saved. |
WARNING | 150059 | There are no Survey Questions assigned Globally to to this specific Company. |
NOTE | 150061 | The Survey has been removed from the Service Request Definition. |
ARERR | 150062 | Please set the 'Request Type'. |
NOTE | 150063 | Survey Question Configuration has been saved. |
NOTE | 150064 | Survey Question Configuration has been saved. |
NOTE | 150065 | Settings have been saved. |
ARERR | 150066 | Unable to add additionl approvers as no approval process has been enabled in the Approval Process Configuration form. Please contact your administrator. |
NOTE | 150067 | Request has been Re-opened. |
NOTE | 150068 | This Request has been Closed. |
WARNING | 150069 | You need to select or create a question. |
NOTE | 150071 | Your draft Request $1000000829$ has been saved. |
WARNING | 150072 | You need to select a question to remove. |
WARNING | 150073 | You need to select a question to map to a target. |
WARNING | 150074 | You need to select a Map Target To. |
ARERR | 150075 | You need to select a field to map to a target. |
ARERR | 150076 | Please select process type. |
NOTE | 150078 | No Survey is available for this Company. |
ARERR | 150079 | Company, Entitlement Group Name and Entitlement Group Decription are required when creating or modifying an Entitlement Group. |
NOTE | 150081 | Please select the Audit Log from existing records |
ARERR | 150087 | Please specify the Effective Start Date and Effective End Date (optional). |
ARERR | 150089 | The request cannot be submitted or modified from status $1000000129$ to $7$ status. |
ARERR | 150090 | You cannot set the end date past of start date. |
ARERR | 150091 | You cannot set past date as the end date. |
ARERR | 150092 | The Service Request Definition cannot be submitted or modified from a status of '$304253170$' to a status of '$7$'. |
ARERR | 150093 | This is not a valid status reason for this status value. |
ARERR | 150094 | A process template needs to be defined for this service request definition before setting the status to $7$. |
ARERR | 150095 | SRD cannot be set online if it does not fall within the Effective Start/End dates. |
ARERR | 150096 | Requested For Login is not found. Service Request is not created. |
ARERR | 150097 | Customer information must be provided if the customer is to be a required approver. |
ARERR | 150098 | Catalog Manager information must be provided if the catalog manager is to be a required approver. |
ARERR | 150099 | Request Coordinator information must be provided if the requrest coordinator is to be a required approver. |
ARERR | 150102 | When setting the Business Process Sandbox Dataset, you will also need to set the appropriate Reconciliation Job Name that is setup for the selected dataset. |
ARERR | 150104 | The passwords that you entered do not match. Please re-enter the passwords. |
NOTE | 150107 | Request has been Re-opened. |
ARERR | 150108 | You must save the Service Request Definition before adding additional approvers. |
WARNING | 150109 | Logged in user not recognized. Contact your Service Request Management administrator. Now closing Request Entry. |
ARERR | 150110 | Select the available target data to add before you click the Add button |
ARERR | 150111 | Select the associated target data to remove before you click the Remove button |
NOTE | 150112 | $302881900$ updated |
NOTE | 150113 | $-38$ requires a value, defaulting to $302831300$ |
NOTE | 150114 | $-38$ requires a value, defaulting to $302966300$ |
NOTE | 150115 | $-38$ requires a value, defaulting to $302868700$ |
NOTE | 150116 | $-38$ requires a value, defaulting to $302897600$ |
NOTE | 150118 | This field requires a value, defaulting to $302897700$ |
ARERR | 150119 | Cannot delete Internal Service Request Definition. |
ARERR | 150120 | Cannot change the Status, Process, or Request Type of Internal Service Request Definition. |
ARERR | 150121 | Select a data target before setting the Mapping Target Details. |
ARERR | 150122 | This service request definition is referenced by an active service request and cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 150123 | This SRD already exists. Please select a new Title, Company, Locale, Level or Version Number. |
ARERR | 150124 | There are required target data that are not mapped for the service request definition for the locale $1000000058$. Please select the Mapping button beside the Process Template field and define a value for the required target data. |
ARERR | 150125 | This process template defintion is being used in the Service Request Definition $1000000133$ $1000001136$. |
ARERR | 150127 | This Level is already related to - Global - Company. |
ARERR | 150128 | Please select a company. |
ARERR | 150129 | This Level is already related to - Global - Company. |
ARERR | 150130 | This Level is already related to another Company. |
WARNING | 150131 | Please select a Company Association to remove. |
ARERR | 150132 | You cannot change the request status to completed, as there may be application instances still open. |
ARERR | 150133 | Template Name not specified. |
ARERR | 150134 | Type $300062100$ cannot have $301453000$ company. Select another Company or Type. |
ARERR | 150135 | Select an application template. |
ARERR | 150136 | This custom template record already exists. Please verify or reselect your field entries and try again. |
NOTE | 150137 | Thank you for submitting your suggestion! |
ARERR | 150140 | You cannot enter a Date Required that is earlier than the current Date. Enter a valid Date in the Date Required field. |
ARERR | 150141 | You must create Service Requests via the Service Requester Console. |
WARNING | 150143 | You must be a registered user to access the Requester Console. Please contact your Administrator to register for the Requester Application. |
ARERR | 150144 | Users are not permitted to delete Service Request records. |
ARERR | 150145 | You must be a registered user to submit entries to the Service Request form. Please provide valid Company, Login ID, and Person ID data to submit a request. |
ARERR | 150147 | You cannot modify the Operational Catalog Offering Title data. Re-enter the previous data in the Title field. |
ARERR | 150148 | The Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields are required before you add a work info entry. [Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description and press the [Add] button again.] |
ARERR | 150149 | Only Administrators are permitted to import data. |
NOTE | 150150 | The selected People Entitlement Definition record has been Removed. |
NOTE | 150151 | The selected SRD Entitlement Deffinition record has been Removed. |
NOTE | 150152 | The CACHE of Entitlement records has been cleared. Users must log out, then log into the Service Request Console to access any new Entitlement information in the updated cache. |
NOTE | 150153 | The Selected User has been removed from the Entitlement Group. |
NOTE | 150154 | The Selected Enttitlement Group has been deleted.. |
NOTE | 150155 | The selected On Behalf Of Definition record has been Removed. |
ARERR | 150156 | Please first Remove the all the Entitlement Associations that use this SRD Entitlement Rule. |
ARERR | 150157 | Please select an SRD first, before pressing the 'View' button. |
ARERR | 150158 | Please select a valid SRD from the menu. |
ARERR | 150159 | Please select a valid Company from the menu. |
ARERR | 150160 | Please select a valid AR Username via the Add button. |
ARERR | 150161 | Please select a valid Entitlement Group from the menu. |
ARERR | 150162 | Please select a valid Region from the menu. |
ARERR | 150163 | Please select a valid Site Group from the menu. |
ARERR | 150164 | Please select a valid Site from the menu. |
ARERR | 150165 | You need to first select a suggestion from the table to modify and then click the Save Changes button. |
ARERR | 150167 | Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Summary fields are required to add a Work Info entry. |
ARERR | 150168 | This Work Order has at least one open task or task group. Close all children tasks before setting Change Status to Completed or Closed. |
NOTE | 150169 | The Selected SRD has been deleted - SRD Title: $302861100$ |
NOTE | 150170 | SRD: $302797200$ - has been approved |
NOTE | 150171 | SRD: $302861100$ - has been rejected |
ARERR | 150172 | The Work Order ID is required to create new task. Press ENTER while the cursor is in the Work Order ID field to generate an ID, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 150173 | Please answer at least one question and provide a rating the before you Close the Request. |
ARERR | 150174 | To search using the first name, you must also complete at least one of the following fields: Last Name. Type a value in any one of these fields, then click Search. |
ARERR | 150175 | Survey Name, must be entered. Survey Question Configuration has not been saved. |
ARERR | 150176 | Company, must be entered. Survey Question Configuration has not been saved. |
ARERR | 150177 | You cannot ignore a required target data. |
ARERR | 150178 | Please supply a default value. |
ARERR | 150179 | Please select a service request field. |
WARNING | 150180 | All of your search words appear in the list of words to be excluded when searching. The search will return results based on your search category only. |
ARERR | 150181 | A prefix is required when importing using the "Import all definitions as new (rename all by adding a prefix to name)" option. |
ARERR | 150182 | The "Path to arimportcmd.exe*" field is a required field which lists the directory containing the arimportcmd.exe executable. |
ARERR | 150183 | The "Import Path and File Name*" field is a required field. It lists the fully qualified file which contains the data to be imported. |
ARERR | 150184 | The "Import Log*" field is a required field. It lists the fully qualified file which will be used to log the arimportcmd.exe execution. |
ARERR | 150185 | The password provided does not match the current user. Please provide the password of the user currently logged into this session. |
ARERR | 150186 | Prefix must be 20 characters or less. Value has been truncated. Verify the setting and run the import again. |
NOTE | 150187 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000003299$". Re-type the name of the Requested For Company or select the Requested For Company name using the menu provided. |
NOTE | 150188 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000003299$". Re-type the name of the Requested For Company or select the Requested For Company name using the menu provided. |
NOTE | 150189 | No "People" match could be found for a Last Name of " $1000003298$ " and First Name of " $1000003297$ " and Phone Number with the numbers " $1000003306$ " " |
WARNING | 150190 | The mapping has not been saved. Redo the mapping and click the Apply button to save the changes. |
ARERR | 150191 | The changes on the process editor has not been saved. Please press the "Save" button to save your changes. |
NOTE | 150192 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 150193 | Custom Template does not apply to the service request definition with a Request Type "$301438012$" Please remove the Custom Template or change the Request Type. |
ARERR | 150195 | You need to select a Business Service from the table before clicking the select button. |
ARERR | 150204 | Service cart name cannot be empty |
NOTE | 150205 | Please select a service request to remove. |
ARERR | 150206 | Service cart name cannot be empty |
ARERR | 150208 | The cart is not ready to be submitted. Some of the requests in the cart need your attention. |
ARERR | 150209 | You have another cart that contains this name. Please select another name. |
NOTE | 150210 | You are defining mappings for advanced interface forms. "Questions" is not a valid option. |
ARERR | 150212 | This level has already been defined. Please try again. |
ARERR | 150215 | The Work Order ID is required for this function to work. |
ARERR | 150216 | Select the type of request to relate to this work order entry from the menu on the Request Type field, then click Search. |
ARERR | 150219 | The Relationship Type field requires a value to relate entries. Select a relationship type from the Relationship Type field, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 150220 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any one or any combination of the search criteria. When the $1000000211$ is found, select the entry from the table, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 150221 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $1000000641$ record. |
ARERR | 150222 | None of the selected work orders could be related. $1000000058$ |
NOTE | 150223 | The work order $1000000986$ is related to the $1000000641$ $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ). |
NOTE | 150224 | The selected work orders have been related to the $1000000641$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). |
WARNING | 150225 | $1000003660$ of $1000003665$ work orders have been successfully related. $1000000058$ |
ARERR | 150226 | To search using the First Name you must also complete at least one of the following fields: Contact Company, Last Name, Phone Number. Enter a value in any one of these fields, then press ENTER. |
ARERR | 150227 | You can't use the Next button if the table was manually cleared or there is no search criteria entered. Renter the search criteria, then click Search. |
ARERR | 150228 | No people that match the search criteria are entered in the Contact Company, Last Name, First Name, and Phone Number fields. |
ARERR | 150229 | You can't use the Previous button if the table was manually cleared or if no search criteria was entered . Re-enter the desired search criteria, then click Search. |
NOTE | 150230 | There were no work orders found that match the current Search criteria. |
ARERR | 150231 | To perform a search, at least one of the Search Criteria fields must contain an entry. |
ARERR | 150232 | To perform a search, at least one of the Search Criteria fields must contain an entry. |
ARERR | 150233 | Select the entry to delete in the Relationship table, then click Remove. |
ARERR | 150236 | You must select a Requested For user for Requested For Type of "User" |
ARERR | 150237 | You must select a Requested For support group for a Requested For Type of "Group" |
ARERR | 150238 | You must select a Requested For company for Requested For Type of "Company" |
ARERR | 150239 | The "From Status" must be different from the "To Status" |
ARERR | 150240 | You must select a requester support group for a Requester Rule Type of "Group" |
ARERR | 150241 | You must select a requestor for a Requester Rule Type of "User" |
WARNING | 150242 | You must select a user to act on behalf of |
ARERR | 150250 | Select Form Name value first |
ARERR | 150251 | Select Form Name value first |
ARERR | 150252 | Select Form Name value first |
ARERR | 150253 | Menu Label and Menu Value fields are required |
ARERR | 150254 | Select company first |
ARERR | 150255 | Please choose process name from Process Name field. |
ARERR | 150256 | Please insert approval chain name. |
ARERR | 150257 | Please choose a Form Name. |
ARERR | 150258 | Please choose a Company. |
ARERR | 150259 | Please insert a Selection Criteria |
ARERR | 150260 | Please select a Status. |
ARERR | 150262 | Name is a required field |
ARERR | 150263 | Status is a required field |
ARERR | 150264 | There are no records to delete. |
ARERR | 150265 | Please select a record to delete. |
ARERR | 150268 | There are no templates to delete. |
ARERR | 150269 | Please choose a template from the table to delete. |
ARERR | 150270 | Please select a Rule first, before pressing the 'View' button. |
ARERR | 150271 | Please select a Group first, before pressing the 'View' button. |
ARERR | 150274 | Select a Service Request Definition to edit |
ARERR | 150275 | All required fields must be completed before progressing to the next page |
ARERR | 150276 | Select Form Name value first |
ARERR | 150277 | Select a Field Value Pair to Edit. |
ARERR | 150278 | Select only one default |
ARERR | 150279 | Question Text is required |
ARERR | 150280 | Question Format is required |
ARERR | 150281 | This category cannot be renamed. There are Service Request Definitions that use this category |
ARERR | 150283 | The SRD qualification for entitlement is exists. Please change Name. |
ARERR | 150284 | The variable you are mapping is a required variable and cannot be set to NULL. |
ARERR | 150285 | Please Select at least one Supporting Data/s |
ARERR | 150286 | Please Select at least one SRD/s |
ARERR | 150287 | Please Select at least one PDT/s |
ARERR | 150288 | Please Enter a file name |
ARERR | 150289 | $300082100$ cannot be run more than once in an Approval Chain. This process is not added to the Approval Chain. |
ARERR | 150290 | You must choose a Form Name before you can edit the Selection Criteria. |
ARERR | 150291 | Displayed Value and Store Value are both required fields |
ARERR | 150292 | Displayed Value and Store Value are both required fields |
ARERR | 150293 | Displayed Value and Store Value are both required fields |
ARERR | 150295 | No Survey was marked for view. |
ARERR | 150296 | Required Field should not be NULL |
WARNING | 150297 | You are not entitled to request the Service Request you are attempting to view. Please contact your SRM administrator for assistance (SRD $303900900$). |
ARERR | 150298 | Please enter the appropriate values for all required fields (Mid Tier Path, Server, and View) |
ARERR | 150299 | Select a Form Name first |
ARERR | 150301 | A contact record is required for this function to work. To select a contact profile enter a value in Contact field. |
ARERR | 150302 | A prefix is required when importing using the "Import only new definitions (skip duplicates)" option. |
ARERR | 150303 | You have not provided the name of the company you want to apply the definitions to. |
ARERR | 150304 | $303957800$ is required |
ARERR | 150305 | $303957900$ is required |
ARERR | 150306 | $303957700$ is required |
ARERR | 150307 | $303958000$ is required |
NOTE | 150308 | This Requestable Service has been successfully submitted for approval. |
ARERR | 150309 | No People Qualification has been selected. Make a selection from the menu on the Title field and press <Save> again. |
ARERR | 150310 | No mapping has been specified for the SR Field option. |
ARERR | 150311 | No mapping has been specified for the Question option. |
ARERR | 150312 | Select the category that applies to the Requestable Service before progressing to the next page |
NOTE | 150313 | To add an Entitlement rule, you must first save the Requestable Service. |
ARERR | 150314 | All required information for the "Description - Details", "Description - Category", "Fulfillment Process - Process" and "Approvers" sections must be completed before saving the Requestable Service. |
ARERR | 150315 | Add a Displayed Value and Store Value record to save |
ARERR | 150316 | A default value is required for Hidden questions |
ARERR | 150317 | Configuration of condition "$301325300$" is incomplete. You must add supporting questions to the condition. |
ARERR | 150318 | $302882800$ already exists at this category level. |
ARERR | 150319 | You must choose a Company before you can edit the Selection Criteria. |
ARERR | 150320 | This AOT already exists. Please select a new Company, Name or Locale. |
ARERR | 150321 | Select the fulfilment process that applies to the Requestable Service before progressing to the next page |
ARERR | 150322 | The maximum value for the range must be greater than the minimum value. |
ARERR | 150323 | The default value for the range must fall between the minimum and maximum values. |
ARERR | 150324 | Minimum and maximum values must be specified. |
ARERR | 150325 | If the Approval Type is set to "Person" or "Group", the 'Approver' or 'Support Group' field must also be completed |
ARERR | 150326 | If the Approval Type is set to "Manager", the maximum number of approval levels should be set to a value between 1 and 5. |
ARERR | 150327 | For Company Based Rules, the Company field is required. |
ARERR | 150328 | You cannot modify a request while it is deployed and online. To modify an online request, turn it offline first. |
ARERR | 150329 | Labels have already been defined for the locale '$160$' |
ARERR | 150330 | This question is used in a variable mapping. You must remove the question from the mapping before deleting the question. |
ARERR | 150331 | This question has conditions. You must remove the conditions before deleting the question. |
ARERR | 150332 | This question has sub-questions. Please delete the sub-questions before deleting this question. |
ARERR | 150333 | This conditon has sub-questions. Please delete the sub-questions before deleting this condition. |
NOTE | 150334 | Please enter the variable name. |
ARERR | 150335 | There is already a variable related to the current PDT with the specified name. |
ARERR | 150336 | Cannot modify the locale of the null locale entry. |
ARERR | 150337 | There is already a category defined with the same name and locale for category level 1. |
ARERR | 150338 | There are Service Request Definition using this category. Cannot delete this category. |
ARERR | 150339 | Please unrelate the task templates, in order to change the company. |
ARERR | 150340 | The service request you have selected is deployed and online. Online service requests cannot be modified. Please contact your Request Catalog Manager,so that the service request can be taken offline. Once you have completed your changes, the Request Catalog Manager will need to turn it online again. |
ARERR | 150341 | The subcategories for this category should be deleted before this category can be deleted. |
ARERR | 150342 | You must specify a condition qualification. |
ARERR | 150343 | You cannot modify a request while it is waiting for approval. |
ARERR | 150344 | Select the rule type (Company or Group), before saving. |
ARERR | 150345 | Import/Export utility is not supported on the web. Please use AR User tool to run the utility. This window will be closed. |
ARERR | 150346 | Copy To New not available |
ARERR | 150347 | The qualification provided has exceeded the limit for the number of characters allowed. Update the qualification so that it does not exceed 255 characters. The following characters exceed the limit: $1000000058$ |
ARERR | 150348 | You cannot modify a cancelled suggestion. |
ARERR | 150351 | Cannot delete a null locale entry where other locales are present. Please delete the other locales first. |
WARNING | 150352 | You do not have access to the Service Requests form. |
ARERR | 150353 | Only members of the Work Order Master groups may access the Work Order form. Notify your administrator if you require access. |
WARNING | 150354 | Please select an On Behalf Of Rule to modify |
ARERR | 150356 | No mapping has been specified for the SR Field option. |
ARERR | 150357 | No mapping has been specified for the Question option. |
ARERR | 150358 | Please select a Service CI from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 150359 | The Service CI selected is not a valid selection, please select from the menu. |
ARERR | 150360 | You are not allow to remove the selected relationship since it is the Service CI of the Work Order. |
NOTE | 150361 | Service request will not be created for each new work order you submit. |
NOTE | 150362 | A service request will be generated for each work order you submit. |
WARNING | 150364 | Your permission were updated. The form should be refreshed. |
ARERR | 150365 | No mapping has been specified for the Text option. |
ARERR | 150366 | The SR Field you are mapping is required and cannot be set to NULL. |
NOTE | 150367 | The cart has been updated with your request $1000000829$. |
NOTE | 150368 | Your request $1000000829$ has been saved as draft. |
NOTE | 150369 | Your cart $303493000$ has been submitted. |
NOTE | 150370 | Your request $1000000829$ has been submitted. |
ARERR | 150371 | The specified Display Value and/or Stored Value already exist for this question. |
ARERR | 150372 | The specified Display Value and/or Stored Value already exist for this question. |
ARERR | 150373 | Displayed Value and Store Value are both required fields. |
ARERR | 150374 | Displayed Value and Store Value are both required fields. |
ARERR | 150375 | Displayed Value and Store Value are both required fields. |
NOTE | 150377 | Your request $1000000829$ has been canceled. |
ARERR | 150378 | The qualification is invalid. Please fix the qualification. |
ARERR | 150379 | Please enter in a full or part of an Assigned Group name to search. |
ARERR | 150380 | Select the Support Company before adding the Support Group Name |
ARERR | 150382 | Max Survey Questions of $302975100$ has been exceeded. |
ARERR | 150383 | Cannot delete a null locale entry where other locales are present. Please delete the other locales first. |
NOTE | 150384 | [ERROR] $300928500$ Migration Failure - $-42$ $-43$ $-44$ |
ARERR | 150385 | Wrong action: $301311700$ OBO ID input: $1000000059$ |
ARERR | 150386 | Validation of the OBO User requires a value in the 'OBO Login ID' field |
ARERR | 150389 | Cannot delete a null locale entry when non null locale disp properties exist. Delete the non locale entries first. |
ARERR | 150390 | Cannot delete a null locale entry where other locales are present. Please delete the other locales first. |
ARERR | 150391 | Cannot delete a null locale entry when non null locale disp properties exist. Delete the non locale entries first. |
ARERR | 150392 | This SRD already exists for this locale. Please select a new Locale. |
NOTE | 150393 | The cart is empty. Please add service requests to the cart before submitting it. |
NOTE | 150395 | Approval migrations have been completed. |
NOTE | 150396 | Please select a variable to be modified from the table. |
NOTE | 150397 | Please select a variable to be deleted from the table. |
NOTE | 150398 | The Current Locale Value and the New Locale cannot be the same. |
NOTE | 150399 | Please select a process from the table. |
NOTE | 150400 | Please enter the condition. |
WARNING | 150402 | The condition is invalid. Please fix the condition. |
NOTE | 150403 | Variable Name, Target Data and Direction are required fields. |
NOTE | 150404 | Please select a record in the table field to be modified. |
NOTE | 150405 | Please select a record in the table field to be modified. |
ARERR | 150406 | Please enter the Category 1 information. |
ARERR | 150407 | Please enter the Category 2 information. |
ARERR | 150408 | Please enter the Category 3 information. |
NOTE | 150409 | Please provide information for all the fields in bold to submit the request. |
NOTE | 150411 | Your Request $1000000829$ has been added to the cart. |
NOTE | 150412 | Your Request $1000000829$ has been updated. |
NOTE | 150413 | Please provide information for all the fields in bold to submit the request. |
NOTE | 150414 | Please provide information for all the fields in bold to submit the request. |
7 | 150415 | $303945100$ |
7 | 150418 | $304069900$ |
WARNING | 150419 | You can not clear this field. |
7 | 150420 | $304069900$ |
NOTE | 150421 | There are no Support Group Name match your inpout. Type your support group name or select from the associated menu. |
NOTE | 150422 | Your Request $1000000829$ has been added to the cart. |
NOTE | 150423 | Your Request $1000000829$ has been added to the cart. |
NOTE | 150424 | Your Request $1000000829$ has been updated. |
NOTE | 150425 | Please provide information for all the fields in bold to submit the request. |
ARERR | 150430 | You cannot delete an internal Process Definition Template. |
ARERR | 150431 | You cannot delete an internal Application Object Template. |
ARERR | 150432 | The qualification $304247320$ is invalid. Verify the qualification and make sure the syntax is correct. |
ARERR | 150433 | Please enter a package name. |
ARERR | 150434 | Please choose a Company. |
ARERR | 150435 | Please enter a package group. |
ARERR | 150436 | Please enter the work log note were you see <Type your work info in here> |
ARERR | 150437 | In order to add work info , you should have a work order ID. |
ARERR | 150438 | In order to add a work info, you need to select a Service Request |
ARERR | 150440 | You have to select a value for Locked and View Access fields |
ARERR | 150441 | Please enter a valid catalog manager name. Use menu attached to the Name field to select a valid catalog manager for the selected company. |
7 | 150442 | <h3>Definition of Transactional and Delivery Offering Types</h3> <p>Offering Type is a type of service for a service request definition (SRD). The options are Delivery and Transactional.</p> <p>A Delivery service is a service that enables the service offering to which the service belongs. The Deliveryservice must be completed before other services from the service offering can be provided. Each service offering can have only one Delivery service among the services.</p> <p>A Transactional service is a service that can be provided through the service offering. To be available, the transactional service depends on the Delivery service to be completed.</p> |
ARERR | 150443 | There is another package with the same name, for the specified company. Please choose a different name for this package. |
ARERR | 150444 | You do not have permissions to modify this work order. |
7 | 150446 | $304069900$ |
ARERR | 150447 | You must enter a price. |
ARERR | 150448 | You must add at least one package. |
ARERR | 150449 | You must select a navigational category. |
ARERR | 150450 | Cannot modify a People Entitlement Definition as no instance id was supplied. |
ARERR | 150451 | Cannot modify an SRD Entitlement Definition as no instance id was supplied. |
ARERR | 150452 | Select the type of record to relate to this Work Order entry from the menu on the Record Type field, then click Create. |
ARERR | 150453 | A solution entry can only be created from an existing work order. |
ARERR | 150456 | Cannot delete an Entitlement Rule as no instance id was supplied |
ARERR | 150457 | Cannot delete a PED as no instance id was supplied |
ARERR | 150458 | Cannot delete an SRDED as no instance id was supplied |
ARERR | 150460 | To perfom a search, one of the Search Criteria fields must contain an entry. |
ARERR | 150461 | The search did not find a support group because you are currently unavailable for assignment, or you are not related to a support group. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 150462 | No groups were found using automated routing. Manually select a group. |
ARERR | 150464 | You must specify a Start Date. |
ARERR | 150465 | The specified Category 2 does not belong to Category 1 hierarchy |
ARERR | 150466 | The specified Category 3 does not belong to Category 2 hierarchy |
ARERR | 150468 | It is not possible to modify an Entitlement Rule directly. Instead, you must delete the rule and create a new one. |
ARERR | 150469 | This PED is set to be changed to type 'Company', but no Company information has been supplied. |
ARERR | 150470 | This PED is set to be changed to type 'Advanced Qualification', but no qualification has been supplied. |
ARERR | 150471 | This PED is set to be changed to type 'AR Username', but no user id has been supplied. |
ARERR | 150472 | This PED is set to be changed to type 'Location', but no region information has been supplied. |
ARERR | 150473 | This PED is set to be changed to type 'Entitlement Group', but no group id has been supplied. |
ARERR | 150474 | The qualification $304257870$ is invalid. Verify the qualification and make sure the syntax is correct. |
NOTE | 150475 | You need to save this record first, to be able to proceed with this action. |
ARERR | 150476 | Please Set the SRD Approval Flag |
ARERR | 150477 | Please set the Override Approval Settings Flag to pass the SRD Approval Values. |
ARERR | 150478 | Enter the work log 'Note' |
ARERR | 150479 | The RO Dataset ID and RO Recon ID must be provided to delete/offline/online a SRD. |
ARERR | 150480 | The PED cannot be deleted, because it is currently being used in at least one Entitlement Rule. |
ARERR | 150481 | The SRDED cannot be deleted, because it is currently being used in at least one Entitlement Rule. |
ARERR | 150482 | You must select a Type. |
ARERR | 150483 | Insufficient Navigational Categoires data was supplied. Please contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 150484 | Title is a Required Field. |
ARERR | 150485 | Description is a Required Field. |
WARNING | 150487 | Login ID is missing for the registered user. A change will be created but the request will not be created because Login ID is required. |
ARERR | 150488 | No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name. |
ARERR | 150492 | Cannot delete a null locale entry when non null locale disp properties exist. Delete the non locale entries first. |
ARERR | 150493 | The Find Process Defaults section requires that at least Title, Description, or both are selected. |
ARERR | 150494 | The Find Service Requests Defaults section requires that at least Title, Description, or both are selected. |
ARERR | 150495 | At least one of the check boxes "Title" and "Description" should be selected before performing a search. |
ARERR | 150496 | The Request Manager Group fields are invalid. Use the menus for the Support Company, Support Organization, Support Group Name, and Request Manager fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 150497 | The Request Assignee Group fields are invalid. Use the menus for the Support Company, Support Organization, Support Group Name, and Request Assignee fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 150499 | To modify a Service Request Definition, either the SRD Instance Id or the Requestable Offering Instance Id must be provided. |
ARERR | 150500 | The SRD Instance Id provided is invalid |
ARERR | 150501 | The RO Instance Id provided is invalid |
WARNING | 150502 | Exception occur while retrieving USM data. |
ARERR | 170013 | The articles you have selected are assigned to more than one assigned group. Reselect the articles that are assigned to one group. |
NOTE | 170014 | Article $302298471$ is related to Article $302300750$. |
ARERR | 170018 | Article $302300750$ is already related to Article $302300723$ with the "$302300739$" relationship type. |
NOTE | 170019 | The "$302300739$" relationship of Article $302300750$ with Article $302300723$ is incomplete and will be repaired. |
NOTE | 170020 | Select the knowledge article that you want to relate to $302300750$. |
ARERR | 170021 | You have changed the search criteria since your last search. Before you continue, click the Search button to refresh the search results in the Articlespane. |
NOTE | 170022 | The "$302300790$" relationship to Article $302300795$ was deleted. |
ARERR | 170023 | Select the relationship to delete. |
ARERR | 170025 | Enter a valid Assignee ID value. |
ARERR | 170026 | Enter a valid Owner ID value. |
ARERR | 170028 | BMC Remedy Knowledge Management does not support the Relationship Type "$302300739$". Contact your System Aadministrator for further assistance. |
NOTE | 170029 | The relevancy of this article has been updated. |
NOTE | 170030 | The relevancy of this article cannot be updated because existing relevancy information is not accessible. Contact your administrator for further assistance. |
ARERR | 170031 | Relevancy for the current knowledge article cannot be updated because a newer draft version exists that cannot be accessed. Contact your administrator for further assistance. |
NOTE | 170032 | No results match the current search criteria. To perform a new search, change the search criteria and click the Search button. |
ARERR | 170035 | ""$302300499$"" is not a supported language. Select a language from the list. |
ARERR | 170036 | The "Created Date To" value cannot be earlier than the "Created Date From" value. |
ARERR | 170037 | The "Modified Date To" value cannot be earlier than the "Modified Date From" value. |
ARERR | 170039 | The Owner must have either the Knowledge User or Knowledge Admin role. |
ARERR | 170040 | You must enter the Company value. |
ARERR | 170041 | No content fields have been selected for indexing. |
ARERR | 170042 | You must enter the required fields. |
ARERR | 170043 | This File System Path has already been registered. |
ARERR | 170044 | This source name is already in use. |
ARERR | 170045 | This form has already been registered. |
ARERR | 170046 | You must select a mapping type. |
ARERR | 170047 | You must choose a knowledge base item. |
ARERR | 170048 | You must choose a source type. |
ARERR | 170049 | User does not belong to any support group. |
7 | 170050 | Current article status is $302300566$. |
ARERR | 170051 | Invalid Assignee user name. User is not in the People form or you do not have permission to the user's information. |
ARERR | 170052 | Current Assignee Group field is empty. Select the Support Group name manually or use Auto Assign. |
7 | 170054 | $302300027$ |
ARERR | 170055 | Invalid Owner user name. User is not in the People form or you do not have permission to the user's information. |
NOTE | 170057 | The cancellation request has been recalled from the Approval server. |
NOTE | 170058 | This article has been assigned to you. |
ARERR | 170060 | Current Assignee User is missing. Select a user manually. |
NOTE | 170061 | A draft version of this article already exists and will be opened for edit. |
NOTE | 170062 | A new draft version was created. |
ARERR | 170063 | Select an update request. |
ARERR | 170064 | The article is in review status. You must be in the Article's Assignee Support Group. |
ARERR | 170065 | This article is in review. You must be in the article's Assignee Support Group to modify or assign. |
ARERR | 170066 | A newer version of this article exists. You must cancel the new version before you can cancel or retire this article. |
ARERR | 170067 | Knowlege Submitter and Knowledge Viewer cannot modify articles. |
ARERR | 170068 | $-1$ is not a member of any support group. |
ARERR | 170069 | No existing update requests can be viewed. |
WARNING | 170070 | No groups were found using automated routing. Article owner's details used. You can manually select a group. |
NOTE | 170071 | The article has been saved. |
NOTE | 170072 | A draft version of this article already exists. |
ARERR | 170073 | The Owner Group/Assignee fields are invalid. Use the menus for the Owner Group and Owner fields to select this information. |
NOTE | 170075 | Article Owner Group=$302300542$. ArticleOwnerName=$302300541$. |
ARERR | 170076 | Invalid Article Owner parameter. Both Article Owner Group and Article Owner Name/Login ID should contain value or be empty. |
ARERR | 170077 | Invalid Author Name/ Author ID |
NOTE | 170078 | Unable to assign article owner group. Article Author has no support groups and the source list form does not have a default support group. |
ARERR | 170079 | The Assigned Group/Assignee fields are invalid. Use the menus for the Assigned Group and Assignee fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 170080 | Failed to email article.Recipient is empty. |
ARERR | 170081 | Owner user doesn't have Knowledge User/Admin permissions. |
ARERR | 170082 | Failed to email article. No URL can be built. Both Default Web Path and Email Notifications Web Path are missing from AR System Administration Console. For more information, contact your BMC Remedy AR System Administrator. |
ARERR | 170083 | The article's assignee must have Knowledge Admin or Knowledge User privileges. Select an assignee with appropriate privileges and save the article. |
ARERR | 170084 | You must select an article before creating an update request. |
NOTE | 170085 | The article has been deleted. |
ARERR | 170086 | Select an article from the Knowledge table. |
ARERR | 170087 | User must be a member of a support group. |
ARERR | 170088 | Select an update request. |
ARERR | 170089 | You must choose an Update Request Type from the list, and enter information in the Summary and Request Details fields, to add an Update Request. |
ARERR | 170090 | You must enter an Article ID for this function to work. You can generate an Article ID by selecting a contact for the article. |
ARERR | 170091 | must enter values in the Update Request Type, Summary, and Request Details fields to add an update request. |
NOTE | 170093 | Select a record from the "My Watch List Rules" table. |
ARERR | 170094 | You must enter a value in the Company field. |
ARERR | 170096 | You must select feedback for viewing. |
NOTE | 170098 | Select a record from the My Group Watch List Rules table. |
ARERR | 170099 | When adding a Watch Rule, you must enter a Support Group value. |
NOTE | 170101 | The article was added successfully to the Watch List. |
ARERR | 170103 | You have not entered a rating for this feedback. Enter a rating and resubmit. |
ARERR | 170105 | You cannot modify or delet a protected entry. |
ARERR | 170106 | Only registered knowledge sources can be modified. |
NOTE | 170107 | Assignment operation is allowed only for Knowlege User that associate to support group or for knowledge Admin. |
WARNING | 170108 | You can not clear this field. |
NOTE | 170109 | Only Knowledge Admin users can view all articles. |
ARERR | 170110 | You must select at least one source. |
ARERR | 170112 | Required fields are missing. |
ARERR | 170113 | Template is already registered. |
ARERR | 170115 | The incident number is required for this function to work. To generate an incident number, select a customer. |
NOTE | 170116 | BMC Remedy Knowledge Management is unable to validate the application's name. Contact your System Administrator for additional assistance. |
ARERR | 170117 | Provide a comment in the New Comment field. |
ARERR | 170118 | Help has not been installed. For information about installing help, see the BMC Remedy Knowledge Management Installation Guide. |
ARERR | 170119 | This Knowledge Source has been changed by another user and is currently being updated. You cannot send an update request until the first update has completed. Clicking Finish will override the other user's changes. |
ARERR | 170120 | A file system Knowledge Source has been changed by another user and is currently being updated. You cannot send an update request for any file system Knowledge Source until the first update has completed. Clicking Finish may override the other user's changes. |
ARERR | 170121 | A file system Knowledge Source has been changed by another user and is currently being updated. You cannot send an update request for any file system Knowledge Source until the first update has been completed. |
NOTE | 170122 | Last Review Date updated. Set Next Review Date manually and save the article. |
ARERR | 170123 | You can't associate an article with an empty title to another entity. |
NOTE | 170125 | The relevancy of this article has been updated. The Article is now related to $3006004$ $3006002$ |
ARERR | 170126 | The article is in $302300500$ process. Only the article assignee or a Knowledge Admin user can recall an article from its approval process. To try again to recall the article, first click "Assign To Me" and then "Save". |
ARERR | 170127 | In the Days field, the specified value must be from 1 to 100. This field can also be blank if you specified a value in one of the other indexing interval fields. |
ARERR | 170128 | In the Hours field, the specified value must be from 1 to 23. This field can also be blank if you specified a value in one of the other indexing interval fields. |
ARERR | 170129 | In the Minutes field, the specified value must be from 1 to 59. This field can also be blank if you specified a value in one of the other indexing interval fields. |
ARERR | 170130 | Start Date must be earlier or equal to the End Date. |
ARERR | 170131 | The specified form is not recognized by the system. |
ARERR | 170132 | Display Only forms cannot be registered. |
ARERR | 170133 | View forms cannot be registered. |
ARERR | 170134 | The form $302300904$ must contain a character field with ID 179 (GUID) and the field's entry mode property must be set to optional or required. |
ARERR | 170135 | You must enter the required fields in the General Fields tab. |
NOTE | 170136 | This knowledge article must be converted before it is supported for use. Contact your System Administrator for further assistance. |
WARNING | 170137 | No record exists for GUID $302300014$. |
ARERR | 170138 | You must be a member of the Knowledge Config group to define approvers for BMC Remedy Knowledge Management. Contact your System Administrator for further assistance. |
ARERR | 170139 | You must select one of the following content field types: Attachment, Character Field, Diary Field, or Table Field (even though Table Field is display only). |
ARERR | 170140 | Display only fields cannot be registered. |
ARERR | 170141 | Audit forms cannot be registered. |
ARERR | 170142 | Title field must be set to public permission. |
NOTE | 170143 | Verify that Character Field, Diary Field, or Attachment is selected, and the Entry Mode property is Optional or Required. |
ARERR | 170144 | Verify that Character Field is selected and set the Entry Mode property to Optional or Required. |
ARERR | 170145 | Verify that Character Field is selected, the Entry Mode property is Optional or Required, and the Permission property is Public. |
ARERR | 170150 | You do not have access permission to this source or this source is not available. Contact your Knowledge Admin for more information. |
ARERR | 170151 | You must enter the Company value in the Organization & Categorization tab. |
WARNING | 170152 | Only members of the Knowledge Admin,Knowledge User, Knowledge Submitter and Knowledge Viewer roles may access the Knowlege Article form. Notify your administrator if you require access. |
ARERR | 170153 | Visibility Group cannot be mapped to an AR Role. Select a different AR Group. |
ARERR | 170154 | The selected Display ID has a field ID 179. Display ID cannot be 179. Select another Display ID. |
NOTE | 170155 | Visibility Groups saved. |
NOTE | 170156 | Conversion is in progress. To start a new one, wait until the converstion is completed. |
NOTE | 170157 | Visibility groups were not defined for this article. |
ARERR | 170158 | Only members of the Knowledge Admin, Knowledge User, Knowledge Submitter and Knowledge Viewer roles may access the Knowledge Management Console. Notifyyour administrator if you require access. |
ARERR | 170159 | The selected field has a field ID 179. This field ID cannot be 179. Select another field. |
WARNING | 170160 | This operation is not available with BMC Remedy User Tool. Contact your BMC Remedy system administrator for more information. |
ARERR | 170161 | A file system Knowledge Source has been changed by another user and is currently being synchronized. You cannot modify any file system Knowledge Sourceuntil the first synchronization has been completed. |
ARERR | 190000 | Atrium Impact Simulator component is not installed. Please have the administrator install the Atrium Impact Simulator component. |
ARERR | 190001 | Unable to start simulation. The Atrium Impact Simulator Cell is not available. Please contact an administrator or try again later. |
ARERR | 190002 | Unable to start simulation. There are no Atrium Impact Simulator cells configured in AIS:GlobalPreferences. Please notify an administrator. |
ARERR | 400019 | Signature attachment is missing. |
ARERR | 473107 | You have not selected any valid relationships to copy, please select one or more records and click on the <Select> button. |
ARERR | 496055 | The person you are attempting to make a "Used By" association with has not been properly reconciled at this time. Please wait until the next scheduled reconciliation time or speak with your system administrator. |
ARERR | 500450 | The "Requested For User" $1000000338$ is not entitle to request this service. |
ARERR | 502010 | The Company Rule needs to stay with the Status = 'Enabled' because there are SRD's using surveys for company $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 506601 | The parent Release record associated with this activity has not been submitted. Please submit the associated Release record before attempting to update this activity |
ARERR | 506602 | This task (or group) must be activated (from the parent) before it can be changed to the status: $7$ $10003018$. Please ensure the parent record has been submitted and retry the operation. |
ARERR | 1000010 | You must select a Person from the People table in order to view the selected Person profile. |
ARERR | 1000011 | You must select a Site from the Site Relationship table in order to modify the selected Site. |
ARERR | 1000100 | Continuous Job already exists |
ARERR | 1001010 | You cannot delete the "- Global -" Company record as it is a system value required throughout the application. |
ARERR | 1001015 | You cannot modify the "- Global -" Company record as it is an Application Specific entry required through out the application. |
ARERR | 1001306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1020011 | There are no Countries that begin with "$1000000002$". Re-type the name of the Country or select the Country name from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1021306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1030011 | There are no Countries that begin with "$1000000002$". Re-type the name of the Country or select the Country name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1031306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1040011 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Re-type the name of the City or select the City name from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1041091 | State/Province entries exist for the selected Country. Please select a valid State/Province and save the entry. |
ARERR | 1041306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1051100 | The record cannot be modified when it is System Locked. |
ARERR | 1051400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1060001 | Both the Organization and Department are required fields. |
ARERR | 1060002 | Both the Organization and Department are required fields. |
ARERR | 1060003 | An entry already exists for this Organization and Department. |
ARERR | 1060005 | You have defined an Organization/Department that already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 1060090 | You cannot create a record using this form. To add a new "People Organization", please use the CTM:Company form. |
ARERR | 1060105 | You do not have the proper permissions to perform this action. |
ARERR | 1070005 | Notification preferences cannot be set until after the people ticket has been submitted. |
ARERR | 1070008 | The following fields must be set prior to relating a person to a Support Group(s), First Name, Last Name, Support Staff must be set to "Yes" and RemedyID must be set with the Remedy Login ID of the person. |
ARERR | 1070010 | The specified Company is invalid. Please select a value from the Company menu. |
ARERR | 1070011 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000001$". Re-type the name of the Company or select the Company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1070016 | An attribute of type "Travel Profile" has already been created. This attribute type may only be created once. Please search for the current "Travel Profile" record for this person to make your modifications. |
ARERR | 1070018 | An attribute of type "IT Skills" has already been created. This attribute type may only be created once. Please search for the current "IT Skills" record for this person to make your modifications. |
ARERR | 1070020 | An attribute of type "HR Attendance Management" has already been created. This attribute type may only be created once. Please search for the current"HR Attendance Management" record for this person to make your modifications. |
ARERR | 1070022 | An attribute of type "Benefit Information" has already been created. This attribute type may only be created once. Please search for the current "Benefit Information" record for this person to make your modifications. |
ARERR | 1070024 | An attribute of type "Education" has already been created. This attribute type may only be created once. Please search for the current "Education" record for this person to make your modifications. |
ARERR | 1070025 | You do not have permission to access '$301700200$' attributes for this person. |
ARERR | 1070030 | First and Last Name are required fields. Please fill in these fields and re-apply. |
ARERR | 1070040 | The Client Type is required. Please enter the Client Type and re-apply. |
ARERR | 1070050 | The 'First Name' and 'Last Name' are both required in order to relate a People profile to a configuration item. Please provide the 'First Name', 'Last Name' and 'Middle Initial' (if applicable) and click on the [Search] button again. |
ARERR | 1070055 | The Company is required. Please enter the missing information and re-apply. |
ARERR | 1070056 | A Department entry can not be submitted without an Organization entry first. Please select a valid Organization followed by a valid Department using their respective menus. |
WARNING | 1070080 | You must have permissions of 'Contact Organization Admin', 'Contact Support Admin' or 'Contact People Admin' in order to create a record. |
ARERR | 1070095 | Please select the Relationship entry you wish to modify by highlighting it from the Relationship table and press the [Modify] button again. |
ARERR | 1070100 | Notification parameters can be created when submitting a person record. After saving the people record, it can be modified and the notification preferences can be added. |
ARERR | 1070105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1070113 | The password entered did not match. The changes were not saved. |
ARERR | 1070115 | The Login ID '$4$' is already in use, please choose another Login ID. |
ARERR | 1070140 | This function can only be performed on a people record with the Support Staff set to 'No' and with an existing Login ID. |
ARERR | 1070180 | This function can only be performed on a people record with the Support Staff set to 'Yes'. |
ARERR | 1070206 | The following Home Address fields are required for home-based employees: Street, City, State/Province, Country and Zip/Postal Code. Click on the [HomeAddress] button to display the Address Details dialog, which will enable you to enter this information. Please ensure that all of the required fields are completed before saving this record. |
ARERR | 1070240 | Please make the neccessary changes to the open tickets found before continuing this operation. |
ARERR | 1071032 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1071034 | The combination of 'Company' "$1000000001$" and 'Corporate ID' "$1000000054$" already exists for the People Profile with the 'Person ID' of "$1000000058$". You will not be able to save this Profile until this combination is unique. |
ARERR | 1071040 | The 'Login ID' field and at least one relationship to a Support Group are required when the 'Support Staff' field is set to "Yes". Please set the users Login ID and relate them to at least one Support Group and re-apply. |
ARERR | 1071051 | You must belong to a Support Group in order to be designated as a Support Staff member. You can relate this individual to a Support Group by pressing the Update button located under the Support Groups Relationship tab. |
ARERR | 1071081 | Pager Parameters ($1000000989$) are required for the selected Pager Service Provider ($1000000906$). |
ARERR | 1071101 | The Site chosen either does not exist in the Site Form or the information was not selected using the menu or return function provided on this field. Please select a Site using either one of these functions. |
ARERR | 1071111 | The Company entered does not exist in the Company Form. Please select a valid Company using its related menu. |
ARERR | 1071113 | The Company and Organization combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company and Organization combination using their respective related menus. |
ARERR | 1071115 | The Company, Organization and Department combination entered does not exist. Please select a valid Company, Organization and Department combination using their respective related menus. |
NOTE | 1071295 | This operation has completed successfully! |
ARERR | 1071491 | The Remedy Login ID ($1000000058$) selected is already in use. Please use another value. |
ARERR | 1071495 | The Login ID can only be deleted by members of the Contact Organization Admin or Contact Support Admin groups. Please contact the application Administrator for assistance. |
NOTE | 1071504 | Your password has been successfully changed. You will receive a warning message saying that there is an invalid password for an existing user and then the User tool will close. When you re-open the User Tool please login with your new password. |
ARERR | 1071770 | The Profile Status must be 'Delete' in order to delete a People Record. Please change the Profile Status to 'Delete' and save the record before proceeding with the delete action. |
ARERR | 1080011 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Re-type the name of the City or select the City name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1081306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1100090 | You must have the permissions of 'Contact Organization Admin' to create a support group, please contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 1100100 | Only users of the permission group 'Contact Organization Admin' may add new support groups. |
ARERR | 1101105 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1101111 | There must be at least two shifts defined within the application if you wish to enable shifts for this group. [You will need to delete the current shift entry, if this group does not have more than one shift.] |
ARERR | 1101116 | At least one "Enabled" On-Call Generic Pager or Individual record must be created in order to set this group to On-Call. |
ARERR | 1111005 | Only one site group can be related with a site, please use the modify button if you wish to relate a different site group to this site. |
NOTE | 1120011 | There are no Countries that begin with "$1000000002$". Re-type the name of the Country or select the Country name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1130011 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Enter another value or select the City name from the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1141080 | Operational Categorization Tier 2 is a required field when defining a Operational Categorization Tier 3. |
ARERR | 1141306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1170004 | Please select an item from the attribute table. |
ARERR | 1170006 | You do not have permission to "Delete" a '$301700200$' attribute for this person. |
ARERR | 1170049 | Please select an item from the attribute table. |
ARERR | 1170051 | You do not have permission to Modify '$301700200$' type attributes for this person. |
NOTE | 1190100 | You must fill in at least one of the Site Search Criteria fields in order to perform a search. |
ARERR | 1210011 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Re-type the name of the City or select the City name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1220010 | To view the details for a Work Info entry, highlight an entry from the Work Info table and press the View button again. |
ARERR | 1220011 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000001$". Re-type the name of the Company or select the Company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1220015 | There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 1220100 | You must first save the Configuration Item before you can broadcast it. |
ARERR | 1220101 | The Configuration Item ID is required in order to associate a CI to a $z1D Request Type01$. Press the <ENTER> key while in the Configuration Item ID field to generate an ID, then click on [Search] again. |
ARERR | 1220103 | The Product Name or CI Name is required in order to associate a CI to a $z1D Request Type01$. Please specify the Product Name or CI Name, save the record, then click on [Search] again. |
ARERR | 1220105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1231306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
NOTE | 1231800 | The selected categorization has been successfully related to $1000000001$. |
NOTE | 1240101 | There are no entires in the Operational Catalog with a value of '$1000000063$'. Please try another selection. |
ARERR | 1250002 | You currently have a functional role for the support group $302016600$. You must delete all functional roles before deleting the support group relationship. |
ARERR | 1250004 | You are currently related to shifts within the support group $302016600$. You must delete all shift relationships before deleting the support group relationship. |
ARERR | 1250008 | You must belong to a least one 'Enabled' Support Group. If you are attempting to add a new Support Group Relationship and delete the current one, please add the person to the new Support Group first and then delete the current Support Group Relationship. |
ARERR | 1250009 | Either the Role '$1000000172$' can't be found in the SYS:Menu Item table, or no system value has been assigned to it, please reselect using the menus.If this error message still appears, please contact your administrator. |
ARERR | 1250015 | The Support Group Functional Role you are attempting to add already exists. |
ARERR | 1250016 | The following fields are required for adding a support group: Company, Support Organization, Support Group, Relationship Role |
ARERR | 1250035 | The Support Group/Shift Relationship you are attempting to add already exists. |
NOTE | 1250050 | Note: Because the 'Availability' field is set to "No" on $1000000017$'s Person Profile, the Support Group Relationship has been created with 'Availability' set to "No". This entry will NOT be set to "Yes" when the 'Availability' field on the Person Profile is set back to "Yes". This is a manual process. |
ARERR | 1260098 | 'Status' is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 1260099 | 'Status' is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 1260100 | A " - Global -" relationship has been designated for this operational categorization. No further relationships are required. |
ARERR | 1260110 | Operational Categorization Tier 1 is a required field. Please select a valid Operational Categorization Tier 1 before saving the record. |
ARERR | 1260116 | The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index that has been defined for this form. |
ARERR | 1260147 | The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index that has been defined for this form. |
NOTE | 1260150 | The operational category has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 1290005 | To search using vendor first name, you must also complete at least one of the following fields: Vendor Company, Vendor Last Name, Vendor Phone Number. Enter a value in any one of these fields, then press ENTER. |
ARERR | 1290006 | You do not have permission to create a Broadcast. You must have a Functional Role of "Broadcast Submitter". |
ARERR | 1290007 | You do not have permission to create a Broadcast. |
ARERR | 1290010 | Select another Assigned Group before you search for another assignee. |
ARERR | 1290011 | The incident was reopened. To see which of the incident requests opened it, view the relationship. |
ARERR | 1290012 | There are no companies that begin with, or that have an alias name that begins with, """$1000000082$""". Retype the company name or select the companyname using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1290015 | There are no Support Groups or Support Group Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1290020 | No people match the search criteria entered in the Company, Last Name, First Name, and Phone Number fields. |
ARERR | 1290021 | There are no people related to a CI with an asset tag of, """$1000000109$""". |
NOTE | 1290025 | The maximum weight of $1000000175$ has been reached. The Priority Weight cannot be increased further. |
ARERR | 1290050 | Select the entry to view in the Tasks and Task Groups table, then click View |
ARERR | 1290090 | To view an assignment problem script, a valid assigned group must be selected. |
ARERR | 1290100 | At least one of the following fields: Contact Company, Last Name, Phone Number, must contain a value in conjunction with the First Name to perform a search. Enter a value in any one of these fields, then click Search. |
ARERR | 1290101 | The search failed to find your default support group, because you are not currently associated with a support group. Notify your group administrator. |
WARNING | 1290102 | To generate an incident, you must manually select a contact. This is because, you do not have a support entry in the CTM:People form. The contact information is not populated and the incident number is not generated. |
NOTE | 1290105 | The current assigned group is currently the owner of this incident. |
ARERR | 1290110 | There were no Groups found using Automated Routing. You will need to manually select a group. Automated Routing is selected based on the following criteria; 1) Contact Information, 2) Incident Location, 3) Operational Categorization, 4) Product Categorization and/or Product and 5) Service Type. |
ARERR | 1290111 | Your default support group has no favorite groups defined. Notify your administrator. |
NOTE | 1290116 | The incident template is applied. |
NOTE | 1290119 | The categorization is applied. |
NOTE | 1290120 | When performing a Modify All function, do not use the Clear All fields option located under the Edit menu on the User Tool Menu Bar. If you need to Clear All fields, close the Modify All Window, then reopen it. |
ARERR | 1290125 | Your default support group relationship entry, currently set to support group """$1000000067$""" , is marked unavailable. To use this function, you needto mark the support group available to use this function. |
NOTE | 1290129 | The summary and details are applied. |
ARERR | 1290130 | The incident number is required for this function to work. To generate an incident number, select a contact. |
ARERR | 1290135 | An incident summary is required before you can copy related relationships. Type an accurate summary, then click Search. |
NOTE | 1290141 | The script is applied. |
NOTE | 1290151 | The solution entry is applied. |
NOTE | 1290160 | The contact's profile status is currently """$1000000118$""". |
NOTE | 1290161 | The known error is applied. |
ARERR | 1290180 | The incident number is required for this function to work. You can generate an incident number by selecting a contact for this incident. |
NOTE | 1290201 | The Effort Time clock is used to measure Effort Time for the current assignee. The clock cannot be used unless the assignee field contains an entry fromthe menu. |
ARERR | 1290202 | The incident is not saved. |
WARNING | 1290500 | You must be a Support Staff member with either the 'Incident Master', 'Incident User' or 'Incident Submitter' permission group in order to Submit an Incident. Notify your administrator if you require access. |
WARNING | 1290501 | You must belong to either the Incident Master or Incident User permission groups and you must be a Support Staff member to perform a Modify All action. |
WARNING | 1290900 | You performed a Contact Search function while in Search Mode. If you want to create a New Incident, copy this information into a New Incident Window using the Copy To New function. From the toolbar menu, choose Edit > Copy to New or press Ctrl + T. |
ARERR | 1291006 | You cannot modify incident """$1000000161$""", because it is a duplicate of incident "$1000000875$". Modifications must be made to the original incident. |
ARERR | 1291007 | This incident was reassigned by another user while you were modifying it. You cannot save your current changes. To apply your changes, reopen this incident in a Modify window. |
ARERR | 1291010 | The Owner fields (Owner Support Company, Owner Support Organization and Owner Group) always require an entry after submission. Specify the owner using the menus. |
ARERR | 1291018 | You do not have the authority to modify incident, """$1000000161$""". You must be a member or an associate member of either the owner group ($1000000066$) or the assigned group ($1000000068$). |
ARERR | 1291020 | You do not have permission to modify incident """$1000000161$""". You must be a member of owner group, $1000000066$ with the functional role of either support group manager or support group lead. |
ARERR | 1291022 | You do not have authority to modify the ownership for incident """$1000000161$""". To modify the ownership fields, you must be a member of the owner group, $1000000066$. |
ARERR | 1291027 | You cannot submit this request because you do not have access to information for either $1000000082$ or $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 1291028 | You cannot submit this request because you do not have access to information for $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 1291037 | The resolution product categorization information is invalid for the specified company, "$1000000001$". Use the menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291039 | The incident location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291041 | The incident location information is invalid. Use the menu on the Region field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291043 | The incident location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region and Site Group fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291045 | The operational categorization information is invalid for the specified company, "$1000000001$". Use the menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291047 | The product categorization information is not valid for the specified company, """$1000000001$""". Use the menus provided for these fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291049 | The Assigned Group fields are not valid. Use the menus provided for the Support Company, Support Organization and Assigned Group or the type ahead return function on the Assigned Group field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291051 | The assigned group fields are invalid. Use the menus for the Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group and Assigned Group Shift fields or the type ahead return function on the Assigned Group field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291053 | The Assigned Group fields are not valid. Use the menus provided for the Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group and Assignee or the type ahead return function on the Assigned Group or Assignee fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291055 | The Assigned Group fields are not valid. Use the menus provided for the Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group and Assignee or the type ahead return function on the Assigned Group or Assignee fields to select this info. |
ARERR | 1291057 | The Owner Group fields are invalid. Use the menus with the Owner Support Company, Owner Support Organization, and Owner Group fields or the type ahead return function on the Owner Group field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291059 | The Owner Group fields are invalid. Use the menus with the Owner Support Company, Owner Support Organization, Owner Group, and Owner fields or the type ahead return function on the Owner Group field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291060 | The responded date cannot be set to a date/time that is earlier than the reported date. |
ARERR | 1291061 | Select the contact by using the Return functions or by clicking Search. |
ARERR | 1291063 | The Resolution Categorization Information is invalid for the specified company, """$1000000001$""". Use the menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291065 | The cause information is invalid for the specified company, "$1000000001$". Use the menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291067 | The Vendor Group fields are invalid. Use the menus with the Vendor Company, Vendor Organization, and Vendor Group fields or the type ahead return function on the Vendor Group field to select this information. |
NOTE | 1291071 | This incident was made a duplicate of incident """$1000000875$""" after you retrieved it. The status was set to """$7$""" with the status reason set to, """$1000000881$""". |
NOTE | 1291072 | This incident was made a duplicate of incident """$1000000875$""" after you retrieved it. The status is set to """$7$""". The Service, Product and Resolution fields are set to the original incident's values. |
NOTE | 1291073 | This incident was made a duplicate of incident """"$1000000875$"""" after you retrieved it. The Service and Product Categorization fields were set to the original incident's values. |
NOTE | 1291074 | This incident was made a Duplicate of Incident """$1000000875$""" after you retrieved it. The status and status reason fields were reset and the Service, Product, and Resolution fields were set to the original incident's values. |
ARERR | 1291081 | This incident is a duplicate of incident """$1000000875$""". The status of this incident cannot be changed to """$7$""", because the original incident's status is """$1000000836$""". To work on this incident, delete its duplicate association. |
NOTE | 1291082 | This incident is a duplicate of incident """$1000000875$""". It's in the"""$1000000150$""" state, because the original incident's status is """$1000000836$""". To work on this incident, delete it's duplicate relationship or work on the original. |
NOTE | 1291100 | The incident cannot be submitted in the "$7$" state unless you are the assignee. The status will be set to assigned. |
ARERR | 1291105 | The incident can't be set to the New or Assigned states. Because you are the Assignee, the Status must be manually set to In Progress , to work on the incident now, or to Pending - with a status reason - if you intend to work on it later. |
ARERR | 1291115 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
NOTE | 1291121 | The incident cannot be moved into the "$7$" state, because the assignment has changed. The status will be set to assigned. |
ARERR | 1291205 | The Assignee field must contain a value. Choose an assignee from the associated field menu, then save the Incident. |
ARERR | 1291213 | The incident location information is invalid. Use the menu on the Region field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1291220 | The Status Reason field requires a value when the status is either pending or resolved. Select the status reason from the menu. |
ARERR | 1291221 | The resolution or resolution category field is required when the status is either resolved or closed. |
ARERR | 1291315 | The reported to vendor date and time cannot come after the current system date and time. Correct the date and time, then save the incident again. |
ARERR | 1291320 | The reported to vendor date and time is required when a vendor group is selected for assignment. Provide the date and time, then save the record. |
ARERR | 1291325 | The vendor responded date cannot come before the reported to vendor date. Correct the date and time, then save the record again. |
ARERR | 1291330 | The vendor resolved date cannot be prior to the vendor responded date. Correct the date and time, then save the record. |
WARNING | 1291404 | You do not have the permission to modify the Reported Date fields These fields will be reset to their original value. |
ARERR | 1291408 | The reported date cannot be set to a date or time that comes before the last resolved date. |
ARERR | 1291409 | The last resolved date cannot be set to a date or time that is earlier than the reported date. |
ARERR | 1291510 | The ownership for this incident can not be established. Select an owner group manually from the menus located on the Assignment tab. |
ARERR | 1300005 | 'Last Name' must contain a value in order to search for a contact. Enter the complete Last Name or partial leading Last Name of the individual and press the <Enter> key. |
ARERR | 1300010 | The Relationship Type is required in order to Relate entries. Select an relationship type from the 'Choose an Relationship Type' menu then click on the[Relate] button. |
ARERR | 1300011 | To search on the first name, you must also complete the last name. Type a last name, then press ENTER again. |
ARERR | 1300012 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000001$". Re-type the name of the Company or select the Company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1300013 | There are no People that match the search criteria entered. |
ARERR | 1300050 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$ record, first search for the Person using the fields provided. When the Person is found select the entry from thetable, then press the [Relate] button. |
ARERR | 1300100 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company','Full Name', 'Phone Number', or 'First Name' in conjunction with 'Last Name' must contain a value in order to perform a search. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press the Search button again. |
ARERR | 1300101 | This $1000000211$ record is already related to the current $1000000641$ record. |
ARERR | 1300105 | To search on the first name, you must also complete the last name. Type a last name, then press the Search button again. |
NOTE | 1300126 | $301389438$ $301389297$ $301389437$ has been related to the $1000000641$ ( $1000000206$ ) |
ARERR | 1311031 | The combination of Message Tag "$1000000135$" and Locale "$160$" already exist. If you are creating a new locale for a shared Message Tag, please enter a different Locale. |
ARERR | 1311400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1321100 | The 'From Status' and 'To Status' must be different. If the intent is to prevent the creation of records with the 'To Status' then leave the 'From Status' blank. |
ARERR | 1321400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1330011 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Re-type the name of the City or select the City name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1330105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1340105 | The 'Work Info Type', 'View Access', 'Locked' and 'Description' fields are required in order to Add a Work Info Entry. [Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description and press the [Add] button again.] |
NOTE | 1340130 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 1340131 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 1351306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1351350 | When defining a Product within the Product Catalog, both the 'Product Name' and 'Manufacturer' are required fields. Please enter the missing field and re-save the transaction. |
ARERR | 1351402 | The current product is already related to "- Global -". You must remove the Product Company Relationship before this 'Admin Action' can be performed. |
ARERR | 1351701 | An entry with this Product Categorization and blank Product Name already exists. Please enter a Product Name and Manufacturer or enter a different categorization. |
ARERR | 1351706 | An entry with the product categorization, product name and product manufacturer specified already exists. Please enter a different product name or different product manufacturer. |
ARERR | 1360100 | The 'Product Model/Version State' and 'Requires Contract' Fields are required. |
ARERR | 1390100 | You must select an assignment entry when the assignee exists. You can only update the effort duration for an assignment entry when you are the assignee. |
ARERR | 1390105 | The assignee already exists in the Assignment Log for the selected assigned group. |
ARERR | 1431306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
NOTE | 1431800 | The selected categorization has been successfully related to $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 1440005 | To delete a relationship entry, you must first select it from the Relationship table, then click Delete. |
ARERR | 1440006 | Your ID does not have permission to broadcast the current change. Your ID must have the functional role of broadcast submitter. |
ARERR | 1440007 | You do not have permission to broadcast the current change. |
ARERR | 1440010 | Click Clear beside the Change Coordinator field to clear assignment information, then use the field to search for a Change Coordinator. |
ARERR | 1440015 | There are no support groups or support group aliases that match the search criteria and that include members in the functional role of Change Manager orChange Coordinator. |
ARERR | 1440037 | Both the impact and urgency fields must contain information. Specify values for both of these fields before saving the request. |
ARERR | 1440038 | The following requester fields require information: First Name, Last Name, Company, Support Group, and Organization. |
ARERR | 1440039 | There are no impacted areas currently attached to this change request. Enter a value on the Impacted Area tab before saving the request. |
ARERR | 1440040 | A change reason is required for changes with a risk level of "$1000000180$". |
ARERR | 1440045 | An attachment is required for changes with a risk level of "$1000000180$". |
ARERR | 1440060 | The Summary field requires information for all infrastructure changes. |
ARERR | 1440090 | The Infrastructure Change is currently active and the Impact and Urgency may not be changed. |
ARERR | 1440095 | To search on the first name, you must also complete the last name. Type a last name, then press ENTER again. |
NOTE | 1440100 | No actual end date exists for the task selected, no date will be chosen. |
ARERR | 1440101 | The search failed to find your Default Support Group because your ID currently is not related to any Support Groups. Have your group administrator create a Support Group relationship. |
ARERR | 1440103 | The selected default group contains no members assigned the Infrastructure Change Manager or Infratructure Change Coordinator Role. Select a differentgroup for the Infrastructure Change Coordinator. |
ARERR | 1440104 | You must provide scheduled dates when a change is moved past the Planning In Progress state. |
ARERR | 1440105 | No change manager group could be found. Manually select a group from the menus. If no group with an individual in the functional role of infrastructurechange manager is defined, notify your System Administrator. |
ARERR | 1440110 | Your default support group relationship entry, currently set to Support Group "$1000000067$", is marked unavailable. Change this to available before executing this function. |
ARERR | 1440111 | No Favorite Groups have been defined for your Default Support Group. Favorite Groups may be created by your Support Group Admin from the CTM:Support Group Form. |
ARERR | 1440112 | The search failed to find a support group because, either your ID is currently unavailable for assignment or it has not not been assigned the functionalrole of infrastruture change manager or Coordinator. Use another method to assign the change request. |
NOTE | 1440120 | No companies begin with, or have an alias name that begins with, "$1000003299$". Retype the customer company name or select the customer company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 1440121 | Automated routing chose the support company, organization, group structure of: $1000000058$/$1000000066$/$1000000067$. This is either missing an infrastructure change manager or none are available. Select from the menus, then notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 1440125 | Assignment chose the support company, organization, group: $1000000058$/$1000000066$/$1000000067$. This group does not have an infrastructure change manager. Ask your administrator to fix the support group assignment or to add a manager to this group. |
ARERR | 1440127 | Automated assignment chose the following support company, organization, and group: $1000000066$/$1000000067$/$1000000068$. No infrastructure change managers or Coordinators are in this group. Notify your administrator to correct this. |
ARERR | 1440130 | You must provide the change request number to get related relationships. Press ENTER while the cursor is in the Infrastructure Change ID field to generate the change request number, then click Execute Relationship Action. |
NOTE | 1440135 | Related Infrastructure Change Requests with a 'Dependent' relationship type will be converted to 'Related To' relationships. |
ARERR | 1440198 | To specify ad hoc approvers the infrastructure change must first be submitted. |
ARERR | 1440201 | Either you are not related to a support group, or your default support group is offline. Have your group administrator verify your default support groupentry status. |
ARERR | 1440202 | The Infrastructure Change has not been saved. |
ARERR | 1440205 | No Change Implementer Groups were found using Automated Routing. Select a group from the menus provided. Note: Automated Routing for assignment is basedon the following criteria; 1) Requester Company, 2) Change Location, 3) Operational Categorization and 4) Product Categorization and/or Product. |
ARERR | 1440206 | There are currently no support groups related to the CI ($301332700$). |
ARERR | 1440211 | Your Default Support Group has not defined any Favorite Groups. Favorite Groups may be created by your Support Group Admin from the CTM:Support Group Form. |
NOTE | 1440220 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000001$". Re-type the name of the Requested For Company or select the Requested For Company name using the menu provided. |
NOTE | 1440315 | A CI Unavailability Entry already exists for this CI. If you choose to Create New or Relate to Current Request the Unavailability will be Cross Referenced or Related To the Change Task $2000000612$ respectively because the Configuration Item selected is currently related to the Change Task. |
ARERR | 1440400 | An unavailability broadcast can only be created from an existing change. Save this change, then reopen it in a Modify window to broadcast this unavailability. |
ARERR | 1440410 | This CI Unavailability Entry is Cross Referenced to another Change $1000000066$ $1000000067$ . This CI Unavailability can only be Broadcasted from itsCross Referenced Change. |
ARERR | 1440415 | An unavailability broadcast has already been created from this Configuration Item. Select another item to broadcast or modify the existing broadcast. |
ARERR | 1440853 | No change manager group could be found. Manually select a group from the menus. If no group with an individual in the functional role of infrastructure change manager is defined, notify your System Administrator. |
ARERR | 1441104 | The Actual End Date must come after the Actual Start Date. Please correct the Actual dates on the Dates tab. |
ARERR | 1441115 | You do not have permission to change the status of this infrastructure change. |
ARERR | 1441119 | You must select a valid Status Reason when a change is in Planning In Progress Status. |
ARERR | 1441120 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$304097700$". |
ARERR | 1441122 | The Infrastructure Change cannot be moved to a completed state, because there are open non-discretionary change tasks. You must complete the change tasks before you can complete the change. |
NOTE | 1441131 | While you were editing the change another user updated the status. Any changes you made to the Status field might be lost. Close this window, then reopen the request and reapply any necessary changes. |
ARERR | 1441133 | This infrastructure change request is already recorded as latent, and cannot be changed. Reset the timing to latent. |
ARERR | 1441134 | This infrastructure change request is already in progress and cannot be a latent change. Select another change timing or cancel the request and reenter it as a latent change. |
ARERR | 1441137 | This Change is designated as an expedited change, because the requested start date is before the earliest start date. When expedited, a timing reason is required. Select a valid value from the Timing Reason menu. |
ARERR | 1441138 | The scheduled start time comes before the earliest start time or the requested start time. Correct the data before proceeding. |
ARERR | 1441139 | The requested end time cannot be earlier than the requested start time. |
ARERR | 1441142 | The selected change manager support group is not valid. Reselect the change managers group using the menu or use the Assignment buttons, then reapply. |
ARERR | 1441146 | The selected change manager is invalid. Reselect the change manager using the menu provided, then reapply. If no change manager is available using the menu, notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 1441151 | The selected Change Requestor's Support Group is invalid. Reselect the group using the filed menu. |
ARERR | 1441156 | The selected Change Requester is not valid. Use the Return function on the Last Name, First Name, or Phone Number fields to retrieve the Requester's information. |
ARERR | 1441171 | The selected Change Coordinator's Support Group is invalid. Reselect the Change Coordinator group using the field menu. |
ARERR | 1441176 | The selected Change Coordinator is invalid. Reselect the Change Coordinator using the menu, then reapply. |
ARERR | 1441181 | The selected change implementer support group is invalid. Reselect the change implementer group using the menu or the assignment buttons, then reapply. |
ARERR | 1441186 | The selected change Implementer is invalid. Reselect the change implementer by using the menu, then reapply. |
ARERR | 1441190 | A change request can only be submitted with the complete status if it is a latent change. Correct the change timing or the change status before proceeding. |
ARERR | 1441192 | The status of this infrastructure change can only be changed from pending to the previous status. Set the status to $1000001722$ before proceeding. |
ARERR | 1441205 | The Infrastructure Change fields (Impact, Urgency, Change Type, Class) cannot be modified when the Change is underway. |
ARERR | 1441211 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1441216 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region and Site Group fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 1441219 | The operational categorization information is invalid for the specified company, """$1000000001$""". Use the menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1441221 | The product categorization information is not valid for the specified company, """$1000000001$""". Use the menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1441246 | The earliest start date will be changed to $1000000358$. Modify the requested start date or set the change to expedited and specify the timing reason. |
ARERR | 1450090 | The default model version may not be deleted. |
ARERR | 1450098 | The 'Status' field is required for this operation. |
ARERR | 1450099 | 'Status' is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 1450100 | The Product entry selected on the Product Category tab is a Product Categorization entry without a Product Name. A Product Alias can only be created onindividual Products (i.e. entries defined down to the Product Name). |
ARERR | 1450101 | There is already an "UNKNOWN / NONE" model/version, please remove it before creating any other model/versions for this product. |
ARERR | 1450102 | A Model/Version for this product is required for Model/Version Utilization, please create a Model/Version under the Model/Version Tab. |
ARERR | 1450110 | The CI Type and Product Categorization fields are required. If a lower Tier within the Product Categorization is not required for this submission, enter the value "- None -" (please note a space should separate the dashes from the text, and the case should be as displayed). |
ARERR | 1450114 | This is not a valid Manufacturer, please select from the menu box. |
ARERR | 1450119 | The entry that you are trying to save already exists on the database. Please verify the product name, manufacturer, and categorization and try again. |
NOTE | 1450120 | The product $240001002$ has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 1450122 | "Company" and "State" fields are required, please try again. |
ARERR | 1450127 | This record already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 1450131 | There is already a Global relationship with "$1000000668$", Model/ Version "$1000000812$". |
NOTE | 1450136 | "- Global -" is selected, all other companies' individual relationships to this Product Model/Version would be erased. |
NOTE | 1450140 | The product $1000000668$ has been successfully related with $1000000001$. |
NOTE | 1450150 | The manufacturer $1000000129$ has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 1470095 | The company requires an entry before you can add an impacted area entry. The Region, Site, Organization, and Department fields are optional. |
ARERR | 1490100 | To add an impacted area entry, the Company field requires an entry. The Region, Site Group, Site, Organization, Department fields are optional. |
WARNING | 1541310 | The selected scheduled dates fall outside of the scheduled dates for Change: $10000006$. The Scheduled Dates for the Change are: Start - $1000000284$ End - $1000000640$ Specify dates within this range. |
ARERR | 1541315 | The Scheduled Dates that you have selected fall outside of the Scheduled Dates for the Change $10000006$. The Scheduled Dates for the Change are: Start - $1000000284$ End - $1000000640$ You must choose dates within this range. |
ARERR | 1561400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1571400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1580100 | 'Status' is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 1580110 | The Request Type ID field is required. Please select a valid item from the Request Type or Form Name menus before proceeding. |
ARERR | 1581400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1600100 | The Product Alias is required. |
ARERR | 1600106 | This product alias already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 1610101 | There is no such Product Name of Product Alias, please check again or select it from the menu. |
ARERR | 1630006 | You do not have permission to broadcast the current problem. You must have the functional role of Broadcast Submitter. |
ARERR | 1630007 | You do not have permission to broadcast the current problem. |
ARERR | 1630010 | Before you search for an Assignee, use the Clear button beside the Assignee field to clear the Assignment information. |
ARERR | 1630015 | No support groups or support group aliases match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 1630025 | The maximum weight of $1000000175$ is reached. The priority weight cannot be increased further. |
ARERR | 1630095 | Select the relationship entry you want to modify by selecting it from the relationship table, then clicking Modify. |
ARERR | 1630100 | To view details for this entry, select a CI unavailability entry from the table. To view details for a CI Unavailability entry, the Problem Investigation ID must also exist on the Problem Investigation form . |
ARERR | 1630101 | To associate a problem with a $301467700$, a problem ID is required. To generate one, place the cursor is in the Problem ID field, press ENTER, then click Create. |
ARERR | 1630105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 1630110 | The selected CI does not have Impact Urgency information specified. |
ARERR | 1630111 | Your default support group has no favorite groups defined. |
ARERR | 1630115 | No company alias could be found. |
ARERR | 1630120 | Your default support group relationship entry, currently set to support group """$1000000067$""", is marked unavailable. To use this function, you mustmark your default support group relationship available. |
ARERR | 1630130 | You need the Problem Investigation ID to get related relationships. To generate one, press ENTER while the cursor is in the Problem Investigation ID field, then click Execute Relationship Action. |
ARERR | 1630135 | You need the problem investigation summary to copy related relationships. Enter the summary, then click Execute Relationship Action. |
ARERR | 1630140 | A location company for the problem investigation is required. |
ARERR | 1630145 | A vendor name and contact are required when the problem investigation is assigned to a vendor. |
ARERR | 1630150 | The impact, urgency, and priority fields require a value for a problem investigation. |
ARERR | 1630155 | All assignee information is required when completing a problem investigation as a known error. |
NOTE | 1630210 | The selected CI has no product categorization information specified. |
ARERR | 1631135 | You do not currently have permission to modify a problem investigation request. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 1631145 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
NOTE | 1631146 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 1631155 | A Problem Investigation cannot be modified after it is closed. |
ARERR | 1631165 | The problem investigation assignee does not have permission to change the problem coordinator assignment. |
ARERR | 1631170 | A status reason is required for the $7$ status. Use the menu to select an appropriate status reason. |
ARERR | 1631176 | The problem coordinator assignee is required for a problem investigation. Enter this information to continue. |
ARERR | 1631177 | The problem coordinator assignee is required for a problem investigation. Enter this information to continue. |
ARERR | 1631178 | The Assigned Group is required when the status is set to "$7$". |
ARERR | 1631179 | You must provide an assigned group and an assignee when the status is set to "$7$". Use the menus to select the support company, support organization, and to find a valid assigned group and assignee. |
ARERR | 1631180 | You must provide an assigned group and an assignee when the status is set to "$7$". Use the menus to select the support company, support organization, and to find a valid assigned group and assignee. |
ARERR | 1631201 | The Problem Investigation Location Information is not valid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1631206 | The Incident Location Information is not valid. Use the menu on the Region field to select this information. |
ARERR | 1631211 | The Problem Investigation Location Information is not valid. Use the menus on the Region and Site Group fields to select this information. |
ARERR | 1631225 | The Operational Categorization Information is not valid for the specified Company """$1000000001$""". Use the field menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1631235 | The Product Categorization Information is not valid for the specified Company """$1000000001$""". Use the field menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1631245 | The specified Assigned Group structure is invalid or the specified Assigned Group has no Assignees. Use the search function on the Assigned Group field or use the menus on the Support Company, Organization and Group fields to find a valid group. |
ARERR | 1631255 | The specified Assignee is invalid. Use the search function on the Assignee field or use the menu structure on Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group and Assignee fields to find a valid Assignee. |
ARERR | 1631265 | The specified Problem Coordinator is not correct. Use the search function on the Problem Coordinator Assignee field or use the menu structure on the Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group, and Assignee fields to find a valid Assignee. |
ARERR | 1631275 | The root cause information is not valid for the specified Company """$1000000001$""". Use the field menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 1640100 | To delete an impacted area entry, select an entry from the Impacted Area table, then click Delete. |
ARERR | 1641400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 1660001 | Then 'Next' button may not be used when the table has been manually cleared (using the right click properties of the table) . Please enter the desiredsearch criteria, and press the 'Search' button to perform a new search. |
ARERR | 1660010 | The Relationship Type is required in order to relate entries. Select an relationship type from the 'Relationship Type' field then press the Relate button. |
ARERR | 1660015 | There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1660020 | You cannot relate a Configuration Item to itself. Please select another Configuration Item. |
ARERR | 1660050 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any one or any combination of the Search Criteria. When the $1000000211$is found select the entry from the table, then press the Relate button. |
ARERR | 1660055 | You cannot relate to this CI Unavailability Entry; it is currently marked with a record status of "$301282100$". The uavailability entry is currently being created by another form or by another form where the entry wasn't saved. |
ARERR | 1660096 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $301467700$ record. |
ARERR | 1660100 | At least one of the Search Criteria fields must be filled in order to perform a Search. |
NOTE | 1660101 | There were no Scheduled Unavailability entries found that match the current Search Criteria. |
ARERR | 1660105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 1660121 | The Configuration Item has been related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ). |
NOTE | 1660155 | The Configuration Item $301279500$ is automatically related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ). |
NOTE | 1660200 | Contract $1000005761$ which is attached to the related CI will expire on $1000005767$. |
WARNING | 1660210 | $1000003660$ of $1000003665$ Configuration Items were successfully related to the current $301467700$ record. The duplicates are listed below ($1000003341$) |
ARERR | 1660215 | All selected Configuration Items are already related to the current $301467700$ record. |
NOTE | 1660220 | Contract $1000005766$ which is attached to the related CI expired on $1000005768$. |
NOTE | 1660230 | A Cost entry has been entered into each Configuration Item that was successfully related. |
NOTE | 1660235 | All selected Configuration Items have been related to the $301467700$ $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ). |
NOTE | 1660240 | Contract $1000005761$ which is attached to the related CI will expire on $1000005767$. Contract $1000005766$ which is attached to the related CI expired on $1000005768$. |
NOTE | 1660242 | Contracts $1000005761$ which are attached to the related CI will expire on $1000005767$ respectively. Contracts $1000005766$ which are attached to therelated CI expired on $1000005767$ respectively. |
NOTE | 1660244 | Contract $1000005761$ which is attached to the related CI will expire on $1000005767$. Contracts $1000005766$ which are attached to the related CI expired on $1000005767$ respectively. |
NOTE | 1660246 | Contracts $1000005761$ which are attached to the related CI will expire on $1000005767$ respectively. Contract $1000005766$ which is attached to the related CI expired on $1000005768$. |
ARERR | 1670010 | To search for an assignee, use the Clear button beside the Assignee field to clear out the assignment information. |
ARERR | 1670012 | No companies begin with or have an alias name that begins with """$1000000001$""". Retype the name or select it from the menu. |
ARERR | 1670015 | There are no Support Groups or Support Group aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1670100 | You exceeded the maximum 255 characters permitted for solution keywords, enter a keyword that is only $1000000077$ characters long or remove other unused keywords. |
ARERR | 1670101 | No work information is related to this solution. |
ARERR | 1670105 | No groups are found using automated routing. You need to manually select a group. |
ARERR | 1670110 | The search did not find an Assignee. Either the assignee is unavailable for assignment or there are no assignees with a Login ID of """$1000000218$""". |
ARERR | 1670111 | Your default support group has no favorite groups defined. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 1670116 | The solution alias you are trying to create exists already. |
ARERR | 1671115 | As the Solution Assignee of this knowledge entry you do not have permission to change the Status from Draft to """$1000003561$""". |
ARERR | 1671116 | As the Assignee of this solution entry you do not have permission to change the Status from Under Review to """$1000003561$""". |
ARERR | 1671220 | The Status Reason field is required when the Status is either Reviewed or Rejected. Set the Status Reason using the menu. |
WARNING | 1671280 | There are no Keywords entered for this solution entry. This entry will not be included in Keyword searches. |
ARERR | 1690091 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number', or 'First Name' must contain a value in order to perform a search. Entera value in any one of these fields and press <ENTER> again. |
ARERR | 1690095 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number', must contain a value in conjunction with the 'First Name' in order to perform a search. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press <ENTER> again. |
NOTE | 1690110 | No "People" match could be found for a Last Name of " $1000000018$ " and First Name of " $1000000019$ " and Phone Number with the numbers " $1000000056$ " " |
ARERR | 1690210 | No "People" match could be found for a Login of "$1000000337$" and Company of "$1000000001$" . Enter valid Login data for "$1000000001$" . |
WARNING | 1690211 | Login of "$301446300$" for Change Management is invalid. It must be a valid People entry, with AR Administrator, Change Master, General Access and Unrestricted Access permissions for Requester Console to create Change tickets successfully. |
ARERR | 1691185 | You cannot modify the Service Request Summary data. Re-enter the previous data in the Summary field. |
ARERR | 1691199 | Status Reason is required when the Status is set to Pending. Please select an option from the Status Reason menu. |
ARERR | 1691285 | Please enter First Name and Last Name for the Requested For Individual. |
ARERR | 1730010 | You must select a People Profile entry in the table above to add to this Support Group. Use the Search Criteria fields to search for a People Profile entry. |
ARERR | 1730015 | Both the Relationship Role and the Assignment Availability fields are required before you can add this person the Support Group. Fill in these fields and press the Add button again. |
NOTE | 1730100 | The selected People have been added to the Support Group. |
ARERR | 1730105 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number' must contain a value in order to perform a search. Enter a value in any ofthese fields and click on the [Search] button again. |
ARERR | 1730108 | The specified Person is not available. Please select another person. |
ARERR | 1740100 | An impact area must have at least one of the following organizational objects: company, region, site, organization, or department. |
ARERR | 1760015 | There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1760100 | The Return Function on the 'Site' field will not work when the 'Company' field is set to "$1000000001$". Please select a Site using the menu provided onthe 'Site' field. |
ARERR | 1760105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1760115 | The support group, "$301265400$", has no infrastructure change managers or change coordinators defined; or they are unavailable. Select another group orask the system administrator to add this group for change manager assignment. |
ARERR | 1761101 | This Assignment Mapping entry already exists for the specified 'Event' field, Assignment, Organization, Location, Operational Categorization and Product Categorization fields. |
ARERR | 1870015 | A Support Group must have more than one shift defined if you wish to enable shifts for this group. [Please add another shift or delete the current shift entry to continue.] |
ARERR | 1901093 | Please select a Service CI from the menu provided or search for a Service CI by pressing the CI search button. |
ARERR | 1901097 | The CI selected is not a valid selection, please re-select from the search dialog by hitting enter on the field. |
WARNING | 1920015 | $1000003660$ of $1000003665$ incidents have been successfully related. $1000000058$ |
ARERR | 1920100 | The 'Description' field and at least one of the 'Attachment' or 'URL' fields are required in order to Modify an Attachment Entry. [Add from 1 to 3 Attachments or URLs, enter a brief Description and press the [Modify] button again. |
ARERR | 1920101 | The 'Description' field and at least one of the 'Attachment' or 'URL' fields are required in order to Modify an Attachment Entry. [Add from 1 to 3 Attachments or URLs, enter a brief Description and press the [Modify] button again. |
ARERR | 1921010 | The 'Description' field and at least one of the 'Attachment' or 'URL' fields are required in order to Modify an Attachment Entry. [Add from 1 to 3 Attachments or URLs, enter a brief Description and press the [Modify] button again. |
ARERR | 1930001 | The current incident, """$1000000204$"""", was modified by another user while you were trying to relate it. You must close the Incident Relationship Search dialog box, the reselect the current incident in a Modify window to continue. |
ARERR | 1930002 | You cannot relate other incidents to the current incident because it is closed. You must be a member of the incident master permission group to performthis action. |
ARERR | 1930010 | Use the Clear button below the Assignee field to clear out all assignment information to search for an assignee. |
ARERR | 1930015 | No support groups or support group aliases match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1930030 | The current incident is marked as a duplicate of another incident. You cannot relate other incidents directly to this incident. All relationships mustbe made to the original incident. |
ARERR | 1930035 | The current incident is marked as an original incident. You cannot relate an original incident as a """$1000000208$""" to another incident. |
ARERR | 1930100 | To search using the First Name you must also complete at least one of the following fields: Contact Company, Last Name, Phone Number. Enter a value in any one of these fields, then press ENTER. |
NOTE | 1930101 | There were no incidents found that match the current Search criteria. |
ARERR | 1930105 | There are no sites or site aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 1930110 | The assignee search did not find an assignee for one of the following reasons; either the assignee is currently unavailable for assignment or there areno assignees with a login ID of """$1000000218$""". |
NOTE | 1930120 | Incident $536870917$ is related to CI ( $1000000207$ ). |
ARERR | 1950105 | The Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields are required before you add a work info entry. [Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description and press the [Add] button again.] |
NOTE | 1950130 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 1950131 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 2020100 | Select a Change or a Task to which the unavailability will be related. |
ARERR | 2100105 | The support group selected is invalid, correct the entry, then resubmit. |
ARERR | 2100110 | Group Rules are not currently enabled. Select Company Rules instead. |
ARERR | 2100200 | Select the notification rule you want to modify from the table. |
ARERR | 2101100 | The Support Company, Support Organization, Support Group Name, and Support Group ID are required for a Group Rule Type. |
ARERR | 2150005 | Use the menu to select an Assignee. The return function on Assignee field is only available when the Assignment is set from field is set to Manual. |
ARERR | 2150006 | You do not have permission to broadcast the current unavailability. You must have a Functional Role of Broadcast Submitter. |
ARERR | 2150007 | You do not have permission to broadcast the current unavailability. |
ARERR | 2150010 | Use the Clear button adjacent to the Assignee field to clear out all Assignment information before searching for an Assignee. The return function on theAssignee field uses the Remedy Login ID to search for Assignees. |
ARERR | 2150015 | There are no Support Groups or Support Group Aliases matching the search criteria. |
NOTE | 2150020 | This Unavailability Entry is not Cross Referenced to any request. Assignment cannot be set using the Cross Referenced request. |
ARERR | 2150095 | Select the Relationship entry you need to modify by selecting it from the Relationship table and click Modify again. |
NOTE | 2150100 | You must generate the CI Unavailability before broadcasting it. |
NOTE | 2150102 | The Configuration Item for this Unavailability Entry does not have a default Unavailability Assignment Group. Assignment cannot be set using the defaultConfiguration Item Unavailability Assignment. |
ARERR | 2150110 | The Assignee search failed to find an Assignee for one of the following reasons: 1) The Assignee is currently unavailable for assignment or 2) There areno Assignees with a Remedy Login ID of "$1000000218$". The Assignee search function uses the Remedy Login ID of an Assignee to perform the search. Besure to use the Login ID and not the Full Name of the Assignee. |
NOTE | 2150121 | The Cross Referenced Request $1000000470$ has not been submitted, so its Assignment cannot be retrieved by the system. The system automatically sets theUnavailability Assignment to the Cross Referenced Request after the Cross Referenced Request is submitted and the Assignment method is set to Cross Referenced Request. |
ARERR | 2151025 | You do not have permission to modify CI Unavailability entry "$1$". You must be a Member or an Associate Member of the Assigned Group "$1000000217$". |
ARERR | 2151026 | You do not have permission to modify CI Unavailability entry "$1$". The Unavailability Assignment Status is set to "$1000002752$". Only a user with Asset Admin or Asset User permissions can update this CI Unavailability entry. |
ARERR | 2151036 | The Assignment fields: Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group and Assignment is set from are required. Select the Assignment using the Assignment is set from selection method. |
ARERR | 2151038 | The Priority field is required. To set the Priority field simply select a valid Unavailability Class and Unavailability Type using the menus provided. |
ARERR | 2151045 | The Assigned Group fields are not valid. Use the menus provided for the Support Company, Support Organization and Assigned Group or the type ahead return function on the Assigned Group field to select this information. |
ARERR | 2151060 | The Scheduled Start Date is required when the Scheduled End Date is filled in. Enter the Scheduled Start Date. |
ARERR | 2151061 | The Scheduled Start Date must be set to a date prior to the Scheduled End Date. Correct the Date fields. |
ARERR | 2151065 | The Actual Start Date is required when the Actual End Date is filled in. Enter the Actual Start Date. |
ARERR | 2151066 | The Actual Start Date must be set to a date prior to the Actual End Date. Correct the Date fields. |
ARERR | 2151070 | Both the Schedules Start and End Dates are required when the Unavailability Type is set to "$1000000090$". |
ARERR | 2151075 | A CI Unavailability Entry Actual Start and End Dates cannot be blanked out when the unavailability had been "Restored". However, these dates can be modified. |
ARERR | 2151080 | Either Scheduled Start Date or Actual Start Date must contain an entry for all Unavailability entries. Fill in one of these dates. |
ARERR | 2151125 | The Assignment Status can only be set to "$1000002752$" when the Unavailability Status is Restored. The Unavailability Status is automatically set to Restored when both the Actual Start and End Dates are entered. |
ARERR | 2201400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 2210010 | A timezone has not been selected. Select a timezone before saving. |
ARERR | 2221005 | The Holidays field must contain a value. |
ARERR | 2290035 | You must have a group permission of Contact Organization Admin, Contact Support Admin or be a Request Manager to add an approver lookup. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 2290040 | You must have a group permission of Contact Organization Admin, Contact Support Admin or be a Infrastructure Change Manager to add an approver lookup.Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 2290045 | The Approval Indicator is required. Please enter the Approval Indicator and press the Add button again. |
ARERR | 2290050 | The Approval Phase is required. Please select one or many approval phases from the table. |
ARERR | 2290090 | You do not currently have permission to create $1000000722$ approval mappings. You must be a member of the Contact Organization Admin or Contact Support Admin permission groups or you must be a $1000000722$ Master or have the Role of $1000000722$ manager. |
ARERR | 2290092 | You do not currently have permission to create $1000000722$ approval mappings. You must have the permission group of Purchasing User. |
ARERR | 2290095 | No User can be found with a Last name beginning with '$1000000367$'. Please enter another value try your search again. |
ARERR | 2290100 | Please select a valid entry to "Mark Available". |
NOTE | 2290105 | No Configuration Items were found that begin with '$1000003247$'. |
NOTE | 2290115 | The Timing, Timing Reason and Change Type fields may have been determined based on the Approval Phase selected. In that case, you will not be able to clear these fields. |
ARERR | 2290120 | You must have a group permission of Contact Organization Admin, Contact Support Admin, Infrastructure Change Manager, Release Master, Release Config oryou must be a Change Manager or Request Manager to add an approver lookup. Please see your administrator. |
ARERR | 2290150 | You do not currently have permission to create $1000000722$ approval mappings. You must be a member of the Contact Organization Admin or Contact Support Admin permission groups or you must be a $1000000722$ manager. |
ARERR | 2291100 | An Approval Phase is required when mapping an Infrastructure Change Approver. |
ARERR | 2291111 | The criteria you have specified is a duplicate, please change your approval mapping criteria. |
ARERR | 2291117 | Please selected a valid approver |
ARERR | 2291118 | Please select a valid Approver Support Group using the menus provided. |
ARERR | 2291119 | Please select a valid Inherent Group and/or Functional Role using the menus provided. |
ARERR | 2291130 | You do not currently have permission to create $1000000722$ approval mappings. You must be a member of the Contact Organization Admin, Contact Support Admin or $1000000722$ Master permission groups, or you must be a $1000000722$ manager. |
ARERR | 2291135 | Please select the proper Mapping attribute. |
ARERR | 2340001 | Then Next button cannot be used when the table cleared cleared using the table's right-click properties or if no search criteria is entered. Enter the required search criteria, then click Search. |
ARERR | 2340010 | The relationship type is required to relate entries. Select a relationship type from the Relationship Type field, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 2340015 | There are no support groups or support group aliases that match the search criteria. |
WARNING | 2340020 | You cannot relate an infrastructure change to itself. Select another infrastructure change. |
ARERR | 2340050 | To relate an entry to: $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any combination of the search criteria. When the $1000000211$ is found, select the corresponding entry in the table, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 2340090 | You must fill in at least one of the following fields to search by impacted areas: Company, Organization, Department, Region, Site Group, Site. |
ARERR | 2340100 | Choose a valid item in the table before selecting. |
NOTE | 2340101 | There were no infrastructure changes found that match the current search criteria. |
ARERR | 2340105 | There are no sites or site aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 2340110 | No Coordinators were found. The Coordinator is currently unavailable or no Coordinators have a login ID of "$1000003231$". The Change Coordinator searchuses the Coordinator's login ID to run the search. Make sure to use the login ID, not the Coordinator's full name. |
ARERR | 2350100 | The Vendor Name and Status are required. |
ARERR | 2350105 | The Price field is required. |
ARERR | 2350111 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Re-type the name of the City or select the City name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 2350116 | This distributor already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 2351201 | The 'Vendor Name' (manufacturer) does not match a defined Company name. |
ARERR | 2391306 | As a member of the "$1000000172$" group for this record, you do not have permission to submit or modify the currency status from "$1000000066$" to "$7$". |
ARERR | 2431005 | The selected site group has already been associated with this site. |
NOTE | 2450015 | There are no Support Groups or Support Group Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 2450100 | At least one of the Search Criteria fields must be filled in order to perform a Search. |
ARERR | 2491306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 2500095 | Please ensure that all Support Company fields are filled in by selecting from the menus. |
ARERR | 2500100 | Please ensure that all required fields are completed (all fields with a bold field label). |
ARERR | 2500102 | Please ensure that all fields have been selected before choosing to modify the notification event. |
ARERR | 2500110 | This notification event has already been defined. Please modify the data and try again. |
WARNING | 2500115 | No Internet E-Mail address is specified for this user record .The Notify Mechanism is set to use this blank Email address, which may cause problems withnotifications. Please enter an Internet Email address on the people form or change the Notify Mechanism. |
WARNING | 2500117 | No Internet E-Mail address is specified for this user record .The Notify Mechanism is set to use this blank Email address, which may cause problems withnotifications. Please enter an Internet Email address on the people form or change the Notify Mechanism. |
ARERR | 2501055 | Only Administrators are permitted to create or modify System Notification Events. |
ARERR | 2501400 | Records in the NTE forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 2550010 | Please select the Relationship entry you wish to delete by highlighting it from the Relationship table and press the [Delete] button again. |
ARERR | 2550100 | The following fields are required for a Script: Script Type, Description, Script, Status, Company, Organization and Authoring Group. |
ARERR | 2550105 | You must select the copy field for the script to be copied. |
ARERR | 2590100 | You cannot create a new Generic Category/Product/Operational Relationship using this form. Please use the Generic Catalog Setup form. |
ARERR | 2590101 | This record already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 2591306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 2600000 | Only Administrators are permitted to open a form in the "Default Administrator View". Please make sure that you do not have an incorrect setting in the"Default Form View" found in the "Tools -> Options -> Advanced" tab of the User Tool |
NOTE | 2600050 | Allow Unknown Users and Default Request ID Text are required fields. Enter appropriated for these fields. |
ARERR | 2600100 | Submits and Searches are not permitted on this form. |
ARERR | 2601400 | SRM Application Setting record can not be deleted. To change the application setting, update the existing record. |
ARERR | 2631306 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
NOTE | 2631800 | The selected categorization has been successfully related to $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 2640105 | To add a Work Info entry, the Work Info type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields must contain an entry. Choose a work info type from the menu,select the view access and secure log, enter a brief description, then click Add. |
NOTE | 2640130 | The work info fields are updated. |
NOTE | 2640131 | The work info fields are updated. |
ARERR | 2670100 | Please choose a valid reason before selecting. |
ARERR | 2670103 | This record already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 2670105 | You cannot create a new Company/Module Relationship using this form. Please use the Generic Catalog Setup form. |
ARERR | 2720100 | A " - Global -" relationship has been designated for this operational categorization. No further relationships are required. |
ARERR | 2720104 | The Product Name/Alias "$240001002$" cannot be found, please select the Product Name using the Menu Provided. |
ARERR | 2720106 | 'Status' is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 2720107 | The Generic Categorization Tier 1 is a required field for this operation. |
ARERR | 2720109 | The Category Type is required for this operation. |
ARERR | 2720137 | This company/module relationship already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 2720147 | This catalog entry already exists, please try again. |
ARERR | 2720151 | The specified Operational Categorization is not valid. Please select the values from the corresponding menus. |
ARERR | 2720152 | The 'Operational Categorization Tier 2' field must be populated if a selection has been made for the 'Operational Categorization Tier 3' field. |
ARERR | 2720156 | The Product information selected is not valid. Please use the menu to re-select the product. |
ARERR | 2720157 | The 'Product Name' field must be populated if a selection has been made for the 'Manufacturer' field. |
ARERR | 2720158 | The 'Product Categorization Tier 2' and 'Product Categorization Tier 3' fields must be populated if a selection has been made for the 'Product Name' field. |
NOTE | 2720165 | The generic catalog has been successfully added. |
ARERR | 2720170 | Please select a Product Model/Version from the menu. |
ARERR | 2720190 | Please select a valid Prdouct and Model/Version. |
ARERR | 2810010 | Relationship Level is required in order to define what level you are selecting the organization. |
ARERR | 2810100 | At least one of the Search Criteria fields must be filled in order to perform a Search. |
NOTE | 2830100 | The password reset has been cancelled. |
ARERR | 2830101 | The Login ID could not be found, please try again. |
ARERR | 2830105 | The password could not be confirmed. Please try again |
NOTE | 2830151 | A new password has been issued for $1000000853$. The new password is effective immediately. |
ARERR | 2830152 | The password could not be confirmed. Please try again. |
ARERR | 2850002 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using one, or any combination, of the search criteria. When the $1000000211$ isfound, select the entry from the table, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 2850010 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $1000000641$ record. |
NOTE | 2850015 | The problem investigation $1000000986$ is related to the $1000000641$ $1000000204$ ($1000000206$). |
ARERR | 2850020 | You cannot associate a problem investigation with itself. |
ARERR | 2850100 | To perfom a search, one of the Search Criteria fields must contain an entry. |
NOTE | 2850110 | No problem investigation requests were found. |
ARERR | 2860015 | No products or product aliases match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 2860100 | The two Company fields are required to create a mapping entry. Please complete the mapping request and re-apply. |
ARERR | 2860105 | No sites or site aliases match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 2860159 | Your current choices already exist as the Default Mapping for this solution entry. Please modfiy your selections as required to save this entry or close this dialog and delete your original entry. |
NOTE | 2860160 | Your current choices already exist as an Additional Mapping for this solution entry. Please modfiy your selections as required to save this entry. |
NOTE | 2860161 | The mapping has been saved successfully. |
ARERR | 2860210 | The selected Group Event Mapping is already related to the solution entry. |
ARERR | 2861101 | This Group Mapping entry already exists for the specified 'Event' field, Assignment, Organization, Location, Operational Categorization and Product Categorization fields. |
ARERR | 2870010 | The following fields are required: Status, On-Call Paging Type, and Paging Times. |
ARERR | 2870050 | To set up Generic Paging, you must select a 'Pager Service Provider'. |
ARERR | 2870056 | Pager Parameters ($1000000989$) are required for the selected Pager Service Provider ($1000000906$). |
ARERR | 2870060 | To set up Individual Paging you must specify the 'Login ID'. *The Automated Paging System configuration specified in the individual's Person record will be used for paging. |
NOTE | 2870105 | This Pager Service Provider has not been configured with a web link. |
ARERR | 2871050 | Please submit On-Call records through the Support Group form. |
ARERR | 2871081 | Pager Parameters ($1000000989$) are required for the selected Pager Service Provider ($1000000906$). |
ARERR | 2911110 | Please enter a search Criteria. |
ARERR | 2980005 | This known error is created directly from the related problem investigation and cannot be deleted. |
ARERR | 2980010 | To view the details of a Work Info entry, select the entry in the Work Info table, then click Details. |
ARERR | 2980012 | No companies begin with or have an alias name that begins with """$1000000001$""". Retype the company name or select the name using the menu. |
ARERR | 2980015 | No products or product aliases match the search criteria. |
NOTE | 2980025 | The maximum weight of $1000000175$ is reached. The priority weight cannot be increased further. |
NOTE | 2980050 | You can only add a new model or version to the product catalog from the Remedy User tool. |
ARERR | 2980095 | Highlight the relationship entry you want to modify in the Relationship table, then click Modify. |
WARNING | 2980100 | You must have Problem Master, Problem User, or Problem Submitter permissions to create a known error. |
ARERR | 2980101 | To associate a known error to a $301467700$, the known error ID is required. To generate one, press ENTER with the cursor in the Known Error ID field. |
ARERR | 2980105 | No Groups are found using Automated Routing. You must manually select a group. |
NOTE | 2980110 | No Impact Urgency information is specified for the selected CI. |
ARERR | 2980111 | Your default support group does not have a favorite group defined. |
ARERR | 2980130 | To copy related relationships, the Known Error ID field must contain an entry. To generate the Known Error ID, press ENTER while the cursor is in the Known Error ID field, then click Execute Relationship Action. |
ARERR | 2980135 | To copy related relationships, the known error summary requires an entry.Type the known error summary, then execute the relationship action. |
ARERR | 2980150 | The Impact, Urgency, and Priority fields must contain a value. |
ARERR | 2980155 | The Notes field must contain a value. |
NOTE | 2980210 | No product categorization information is specified for the selected CI. |
NOTE | 2980900 | This known error was automatically created and related to problem investigation ($1000000232$). |
ARERR | 2981050 | The Problem Coordinator Assigned group is required information. Select a Problem Coordinator group, or select either a Known Error Location or a Company before saving. |
ARERR | 2981135 | You do not currently have permission to submit or modify a Known Error request. Notify your administrator. |
ARERR | 2981145 | You do not have permission to move to the status of "$7$". |
ARERR | 2981225 | The operational categorization information is not valid for the specified Company """$1000000001$""". Use the field menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 2981235 | The product categorization information is not valid for the specified Company """$1000000001$""". Use the field menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 2981237 | The product categorization information is not valid. Use the field menus to select this information. |
ARERR | 2981245 | The assigned group structure selected in not correct or the assigned group selected has no assignees. Use the search function on the assigned group field or use the menus on the Support Company, Organization and Group fields to find a valid group. |
ARERR | 2981255 | The assignee selected is not correct. Use the search function on the assignee field or use the menu structure on the Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group, and Assignee fields to find a valid Assignee. |
ARERR | 2981265 | The Problem Coordinator Assignee selected is not correct. Use the search function on the Problem Coordinator Assignee field or use the menu structure on Support Company, Support Organization, Assigned Group and Assignee fields to find a valid Assignee. |
ARERR | 3060105 | To add a Work Info entry, the Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields must contain entries. Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description, then click Add. |
NOTE | 3060130 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 3060131 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 3080010 | The Broadcast Message is missing and is required for relationships. |
ARERR | 3080011 | The Broadcast Message and/or Broadcast Subject are missing and are required for associations. |
ARERR | 3080020 | You do not have permission to delete the selected broadcast. |
ARERR | 3080050 | Support Company, Support Organization, and Support Group must be filled in to send notification. |
ARERR | 3080100 | Company, Broadcast Start Date, Subject, and Message fields are required for manual email. |
NOTE | 3080101 | In order to Link the Current Request $1000000204$ to this '$1000000211$' Broadcast, you must first relate the Current Request to the $1000000211$ $1000000205$. |
ARERR | 3081020 | The Broadcast End Date must be greater than the Broadcast Start Date. |
ARERR | 3180010 | To search on the 'First Name' you must also complete at least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number'. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press the <Enter> key again. |
ARERR | 3180011 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000001$". Re-type the name of the Company or select the Company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 3180013 | There are no People that match the search criteria entered in the 'Company', 'Last Name', 'First Name' and 'Phone Number' fields. |
ARERR | 3180015 | Voice Paging is currently unsupported. |
ARERR | 3180056 | Pager Parameters ($1000000989$) are required for the selected Pager Service Provider ($1000000906$). |
ARERR | 3180060 | Please enter a pager message before sending the page. |
ARERR | 3180066 | You must enter only numeric values in the Numeric Pager Message field. |
ARERR | 3180071 | The message length ($1000000077$) entered exceeds the maximum limit of 128. |
NOTE | 3180100 | This Pager Service Provider has not been configured with a web link. |
ARERR | 3180105 | To search on the 'First Name' you must also complete at least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number'. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press the <Enter> key again. |
NOTE | 3180110 | Page has been sent. |
ARERR | 3201010 | The retention period must be at least 1 day, please correct this value to continue. |
ARERR | 3201400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 3291400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 3411400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 3420015 | There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 3580010 | Please enter a holiday date and select a Time Zone from the menu. |
ARERR | 3581101 | The Business Holiday Date you have entered already exists. |
ARERR | 3620015 | There is no Host Name that matches the search criteria. |
ARERR | 3620050 | The 'Hostname', 'Login Type' and 'Login ID' fields are required to be filled in. |
ARERR | 3630100 | You must enter a number for either days or hours. |
ARERR | 3631400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 3640100 | The Description and at least one attachment is required. |
ARERR | 3750012 | There are no Countries that begin with "$1000000002$". Re-type the name of the Country or select the Country name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 3750091 | A "Global" cost already exists for the product, model/version ( $240001002$, $240001005$) |
ARERR | 3750105 | This product cost record already exists ($240001002$,$240001005$,$1000000396$,$1000000002$ $1000000003$ $1000000004$ ), please try again. |
ARERR | 3750106 | The Distributor and Price fields are required. |
NOTE | 3750110 | "$240001002$", Model/Version "$240001005$", has been related a price of $1000003987.1$ with $1000000001$. |
ARERR | 3750112 | There are no Cities that begin with "$1000000004$". Re-type the name of the City or select the City name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 3751101 | This record already exists ( Based on Product, Model/Version, Company, Vendor, Country, City and State ). Please re-enter criteria. |
ARERR | 3800010 | To search on the 'First Name' you must also complete at least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number'. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press the <Enter> key again. |
ARERR | 3800011 | There are no Companies that begin with or that have an alias name that begins with "$1000000001$". Re-type the name of the Company or select the Company name using the menu provided. |
ARERR | 3800013 | There are no People that match the search criteria entered in the 'Company', 'Last Name', 'First Name' and 'Phone Number' fields. |
ARERR | 3800100 | At least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number', 'First Name' as well as one or more of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number' must contain a value in order to perform a search. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press the Search button again. |
ARERR | 3800105 | To search on the 'First Name' you must also complete at least one of the following fields: 'Company', 'Last Name', 'Phone Number'. Enter a value in any one of these fields and press the <Enter> key again. |
ARERR | 3810100 | An alias is required. |
ARERR | 3810115 | This solution alias already exists. |
ARERR | 3970010 | To relate entries, you must complete the Relationship Type field. Select a relationship type from the Relationship Type field, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 3970020 | You cannot relate a known error to itself. Select another known error. |
ARERR | 3970050 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, search for the $1000000211$ using one, or a combination of, search criteria. When the $1000000211$ is found, select the entry from the table, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 3970100 | To perform a search, one of the Search Criteria fields must contain a value. |
ARERR | 3970102 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $1000000641$ record. |
ARERR | 4000051 | The authoring group does not exist within the system, select the authoring group from then menu. |
ARERR | 4000056 | You can only select authoring groups for which you are defined as the support group admin. Select a group from the menus. |
ARERR | 4000060 | Enter the template category tiers, template name, template status, status, summary, and template authoring information before saving the template. |
WARNING | 4000070 | By selecting the global company, no other companies are necessary, they will be removed automatically. |
ARERR | 4000100 | Choose the relationship entry to modify by selecting it from the relationship table, then clicking Modify. |
NOTE | 4000101 | The Incident Template has been saved. |
NOTE | 4000102 | The Incident Template has been saved. |
ARERR | 4001210 | When a template is set to public, complete the fields on the authored customer tab. |
ARERR | 4001215 | At least one of the product categorizations require an entry when selecting automatic CI relationships. |
ARERR | 4100105 | To add a Work Info entry, the Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields require a value. |
NOTE | 4100130 | The Work Info fields are updated. |
NOTE | 4100131 | The Work Info fields are updated. |
ARERR | 4200010 | To delete an Impacted Area entry, select an entry from the Impacted Area table and click Delete again. |
ARERR | 4200100 | The Company field must contain a value before you can add an Impacted Area entry. The Region, Site Group, Site, Organization and Department fields are optional. |
ARERR | 4230105 | The 'Work Info Type', 'View Access', 'Locked' and 'Summary' fields are required in order to Add a Work Info Entry. [Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select the View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Description and press the [Add] button again.] |
NOTE | 4230130 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 4230131 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 4260090 | Please select a License Type from the menu. |
ARERR | 4270100 | Only Administrators can delete this group. |
ARERR | 4270106 | The permission group you wish to add or modify has not been licensed. Please contact your system administrator to correct this problem. |
ARERR | 4270120 | Please select the Permission Group to add or modify from the menu, or press <Enter> while in the Permission Group field. |
ARERR | 4271100 | Only Administrators are permitted to add, modify and delete the following AR System permissions (Administrator, Browser, Customize and Sub Administrator). |
ARERR | 4280100 | The Request Type Action, Description, Status, and Relationship Type fields are required. |
ARERR | 4281400 | Records in the SYS forms can only be removed from the "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 4360100 | Please select a valid Schema Name before selecting a fieldName. |
ARERR | 4360150 | Please use the menu on fieldName to select a valid fieldName. |
ARERR | 4360300 | You must select a Sort Order Type before applying a custom sort order. |
ARERR | 4360305 | You must fill in a value for sortOrder (Oracle) to apply your custom sort order. |
NOTE | 4360355 | Custom Sort Order has been applied. |
ARERR | 4360400 | You must select a Sort Order Type in order for the Modify All function to work. |
ARERR | 4361201 | The fieldId "$1000001601$" does not exist. Please input a valid fieldId. |
ARERR | 4361500 | The status must be set to "Delete" before deleting a Schema Sort record. Please set the status to "Delete" and save the record before deleting. |
ARERR | 4450100 | Please select the Permission Group you wish to add using the menu or pressing enter on the field. |
ARERR | 4490025 | You are currently not related to any Support Groups. Please contact your Support Group Administrator to create a Support Group relationship. |
ARERR | 4490035 | You are currently not related to any Support Groups. Please contact your Support Group Administrator to create a Support Group relationship. |
ARERR | 4490100 | You do not have access to the Work Order Page. Please see your administrator |
ARERR | 4660105 | The 'Work Info Type', 'View Access', 'Locked' and 'Summary' fields are required in order to Add a Work Info Entry. [Choose a Work Info Type from the menu provided, select View Access and Secure Log, enter a brief Summary and press the [Save] button again.] |
NOTE | 4660130 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
NOTE | 4660131 | Work Info fields have been updated. |
ARERR | 4730190 | The value for one of the above fields (highlighted in red) are missing or invalid. Please select the the values from the corresponding menus to continue. |
WARNING | 4730400 | $1000001160$ of $1000003665$ selected tickets were successfully related. |
ARERR | 4900050 | The Time Mgmt Type, Year and Status Reason are required. Please select from the menus and re-apply. |
ARERR | 4990106 | The selected impacted area already exists for the infrastructure change. Choose another impacted area. |
ARERR | 4990108 | The selected impacted area already exists for the Incident, choose another impacted area. |
NOTE | 4990990 | The Impacted Area ( $1000000612$ $1000000613$ $1000000614$ $1000000615$ $1000000616$ $1000000617$) has been copied. |
ARERR | 5021000 | Please fill in all fields. |
NOTE | 5021003 | Modified settings. |
WARNING | 5060001 | The data within this form is system data. Modification of this data is not recommended as it is used in conjunction with workflow that grants User permissions and licenses. |
ARERR | 5090005 | You cannot relate other incidents to the current incident, because it is closed. You must be a member of the incident master permission group for thisfunction. |
ARERR | 5090010 | Use the Clear button below the Assignee field to clear out all assignment information before you search for an assignee. |
ARERR | 5090015 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any one of, or any combination of, the search criteria. When the $1000000211$ is found, select the entry from the table, then click Relate. |
WARNING | 5090020 | You cannot relate an incident to itself. Select another incident. |
ARERR | 5090050 | To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any one of, or any combination of, the search criteria. When the $1000000211$ is found, select the entry from the table, then click Relate. |
ARERR | 5090090 | To perform a search, at least one of the Search Criteria fields must contain an entry. |
ARERR | 5090101 | This $1000000212$ is already related to the current $1000000211$ record |
ARERR | 5090102 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current $1000000641$ record. |
ARERR | 5090105 | There are no sites or site aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 5090110 | The assignee search did not find an assignee for one of the following reasons; either the assignee is currently unavailable for assignment or there areno assignees with a login ID of """$301389929$""". |
NOTE | 5090120 | The incident $304076900$ is related to the $1000000641$ $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ). |
NOTE | 5090121 | The Incident $304076900$ is reopened and is related to the new $1000000641$ $1000000204$. |
ARERR | 5090155 | There were no Incident, Problem, Known Error or Solution entries found that match the current search criteria. |
ARERR | 5090220 | This $1000000211$ is already related to the current Incident record. |
NOTE | 5090300 | The solution entry $304076900$ is related to the $1000000641$ $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ). |
ARERR | 5120005 | Specify the assessment type, phase (where applicable), area, and cost amount before saving. |
ARERR | 5160010 | Please save this request before modifying the permission groups. |
ARERR | 5160050 | The User Access Level and Permission Group Action fields are required when User Access is set to "Yes". |
ARERR | 5170100 | Please select the Permission Group you wish to add using the menu or pressing enter on the field. |
ARERR | 5200051 | Both Category and Type are required for any Wallet item. |
ARERR | 5220010 | The Coordinator and effort classification fields are required when adding someone to the effort log. Select this information from the menus provided before proceeding. |
ARERR | 5220015 | No support groups or support group aliases match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 5220100 | You must select an effort entry when the Coordinator exists. Only update the effort duration of an effort entry for which you are the Coordinator or theparent infrastucture change manager. |
ARERR | 5220102 | You must be the Coordinator to delete this effort log. To delete another"s effort log entries, you must have one of these permissions: Change Manager, Change Coordinator or Change Implementer; or have Infrastructure Change Master permissions. |
ARERR | 5220105 | This Coordinator already exists in the effort log of the selected assigned group, assessment type, phase and area. |
ARERR | 5220110 | The search found nothing. Either your ID is currently unavailable for assignment or you are not related to a support group. If this is the case, have your group administrator create a support group relationship for your ID. |
ARERR | 5230090 | The subject and message fields are required when sending a message. |
ARERR | 5230094 | The Subject may only be 128 characters, please correct and send again. |
ARERR | 5230096 | The Message may only be 255 characters, please correct and send again. |
ARERR | 5250015 | There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 5250051 | The authoring group does not exist within the system. Select the authoring group from then menu, then try again. |
ARERR | 5250058 | You can only select Coordinator groups for which at least one user is defined as the infrastructure change manager or Coordinator. Select a group form the menus provided. |
ARERR | 5250060 | Enter the template name before you save the template. |
ARERR | 5250061 | Enter the status before you save the template. |
ARERR | 5250063 | Enter data in the Template Authoring Information field before you save the template. |
ARERR | 5250064 | Enter data in the Location Company field before you save the template. |
NOTE | 5250101 | The Infrastructure Change Template has been saved. |
ARERR | 5250105 | There are no Sites or Site Aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 5270010 | The company, support organization, and support group are required to add a group. |
ARERR | 5280010 | The template is currently in the "$301918600$" state. The template must be Enabled to select it. |
ARERR | 5300015 | There are no support groups or support group aliases that match the search criteria. |
ARERR | 5300100 | Entires in the Assignee and Effort Classification fields are required when adding someone to the Effort log. Select this information from the menus. |
ARERR | 5300102 | To delete an Effort log, you must be the assingee. To delete Effort log entries belonging to other users, you must be the problem coordinator or the problem assignee, or have problem master permissions. |
ARERR | 5300105 | This assignee exists already in the Effort log of the selected assigned group, assesment type, phase, and area. |
NOTE | 5300110 | The Effort log entry was modified. |
ARERR | 5310050 | Please select a Benefit Status form the menu. |
ARERR | 5330010 | To add a group, the Company, Support Organization and Support Group fields must contain an entry. |
ARERR | 5350010 | To be selected, the template status must be Enabled. The template status is currently """$302112400$""". |
ARERR | 5540051 | The description field is limited to $1000000114$ characters, please shorten the description and try again. |
ARERR | 5570102 | '$301594600$' already exists as an relationship type between $1000002414$ and $1000002413$. Please select a different relationship type. |
ARERR | 5570205 | The Relationship Type of "$301594500$" cannot be modified. You may only modify its description. |
ARERR | 5570207 | '$301594600$' already exists as an relationship type between $1000002414$ and $1000001077$. Please select a different relationship type. |
WARNING | 5600001 | No data may be submitted into this form directly, the form will be opened in a Query mode. |
ARERR | 5601065 | The Service CI selected is not a valid selection, please select from the menu. |
ARERR | 5601075 | The CI selected is not a valid selection, please re-select from the search dialog by hitting enter on the field. |
ARERR | 5601100 | Data may not be imported into this form. |
ARERR | 5880100 | Select the relationship entry you want to modify by selecting it from the Relationship table, then clicking Modify. |
ARERR | 5910100 | All fields are required. |
ARERR | 5910110 | You may not relate the task '$1000000970$' to itself. |
ARERR | 6110105 | To add a Work Info entry, the Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Description fields need an entry. Choose the Work Info type from the menu; selectthe View Access and Secure Log; enter a brief Description; then click Add. |
NOTE | 6110130 | The Work Info fields are updated. |
NOTE | 6110131 | The Work Info fields are updated. |
WARNING | 6120110 | Make sure an open problem or incident references the new change. |
ARERR | 6120210 | The following fields must contain information for the change to be copied: Description, Change Type, Change Timing, Impact, Urgency. |
NOTE | 6120220 | This action can take several minutes to process. |
ARERR | 6391031 | The combination of Notification Message Tag "$1000003667$", and Locale "$160$" already exists. Please use different values. |
ARERR | 6391400 | Records can only be deleted if the record was saved in a "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 6401031 | The combination of Selection Type, Module Name, Notification Event, Form Name, and Menu Value 1 already exist. Please select different values. |
ARERR | 6401191 | The form name "$1000000203$" does not exist. Please select a valid form using the 'Form Name' menu. |
ARERR | 6401201 | The form you have selected for 'Select Fields From' "$1000000203$" does not exist. Please select a valid form using the 'Select Fields From' menu. |
ARERR | 6401400 | Records can only be deleted if the record was saved in a "Delete" status. |
ARERR | 6481405 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 6481415 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 6481425 | The infrastructure change location information is invalid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information. |
ARERR | 6490090 | Please select a License Type from the menu. |
ARERR | 6490095 | Please ensure that all Support Company fields are selected from the menus. |
ARERR | 6490098 | The Site chosen either does not exist in the Site Form or the information was not selected using the menu or return function provided on this field. Please select a Site using either one of these functions. |
ARERR | 6490099 | The Template Name is required. |
ARERR | 6490100 | The Support Group you are attempting to add already exists. |
ARERR | 6490106 | The Support Staff must be set to "Yes" in order to select a Template with Support Groups or User Notifications. |
ARERR | 6490107 | You do not have Permission to select a Template with Related Support Groups, Notifications or Permission Groups. |
ARERR | 6490108 | You must enter the Login ID, First Name and Last Name in order to select a Template with Support Groups. |
ARERR | 6490109 | You must enter a Login ID when selecting a Template with Child Records. |
ARERR | 6490110 | Please ensure that all required notification fields (in bold) are completed. |
ARERR | 6490115 | The Login ID '$4$' already in use, please choose another Login ID. |
NOTE | 6490120 | The Person Template has been saved. |
ARERR | 7960101 | Profile '$1000000744$' already exist. |
NOTE | 8071100 | The service entitlement method you selected is enablee only if the system is configured to user service entitlement. |
ARERR | 8140051 | This authoring group is not in the system. Select the authoring group from the menu. |
ARERR | 8140056 | You can only select authoring groups for which you are defined as the Support Group Admin. Select groups from the menus. |
ARERR | 8140060 | Enter the Temaplate Name, Template Status, Status, Description, and Template Authoring Information before saving the template. |
ARERR | 8140100 | Use the Request Type field menu to select the type of request you want to relate this Problem Template to, then click Search. |
NOTE | 8140101 | The problem template is saved. |
ARERR | 8150010 | The Company, Support Organization, and Support Group fields require an entry before you can add a group. |
ARERR | 8160010 | The template is currently in a $z2TF Template Status$ state. The template must be enabled to select it. |
ARERR | 8160100 | A contact company, last name, first name, support group name, and support organization must be defined before selecting a template. |
ARERR | 8160101 | To auto create a problem investigation, the following fields must be defined. PBM Template ID = $1000005604$ Status=$7$ Impact=$1000000163$ Urgency=$1000000162$ Location Company=$301389375$ Investigation Driver=$1000000798$ Support Company Pblm Mgr=$1000000834$ Support Organization Pblm Mgr=$1000000835$ Assigned Group Pblm Mgr=$1000000837$ |
WARNING | 8270110 | System Message: Incident and Request Management are the only enabled Work Info Modules. Please select either Incident or Request Management. |
ARERR | 8310100 | The form list is empty. Select a form from the menu. |
ARERR | 8330100 | There is no contact record for the selected incident. |
ARERR | 8330105 | You do not have permission to delete broadcast. You must have a Functional Role of "Broadcast Submitter". |
ARERR | 8330110 | You do not have permission to create broadcast. You must have a Functional Role of "Broadcast Submitter". |
ARERR | 8410100 | To create work information, select a change record first. |
ARERR | 8410160 | You do not have permission to delete the selected broadcast. |
ARERR | 14401001 | This infrastructure change is defined as latent, therefore all dates must be in the past. In this case, the actual start date is in the future. |
NOTE | 38001000 | Email has been sent. |
ARERR | 38001001 | The 'Internet E-mail', 'Email Subject Line' and the 'Email Message Body' fields are required in order to send an Email. |
ARERR | 50905010 | At least one module must be selected. |
ARERR | 50905020 | At least one module must be selected. |
ARERR | 50905030 | At least one module must be selected. |
ARERR | 50905040 | At least one module must be selected. |
ARERR | 50910010 | Select at least one module. |
WARNING | 50910970 | No secondary indexed field selected. This search maybe performance intensive. |
ARERR | 50911090 | Each module used in the search criteria must have their corresponding status fields selected. |
ARERR | 82713120 | System Message: You must fill in all fields. |
ARERR | 83300100 | The incidents you have selected are assigned to more than one assigned group. Reselect the incidents that are assigned to one group. |
ARERR | 84101100 | The work information you selected is from more than one infrastructure change. Reselect work information that is related to only one infrastructure change. |
NOTE | 1000000908 | Your estimated resolution date comes after the SLA target resolution date. |
ARERR | 1000000909 | Select the work info entry you want to modify by selecting it from the Work Info table, then clicking Details. |
ARERR | 2147483647 | The Client Sensitivity and VIP fields are required. Please enter the required information and re-apply. |