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BMC Remedy AR System Message Number
ARERR 9940 Time-out during plug-in call -- the request has been accepted by the plug-in server, but the plugin has not yet responded.

The plug-in did not respond to a call within the time period specified in the AR System server configuration file (ar.conf on UNIX; ar.cfg on Windows). To determine the cause of the error, check the AR System server's API log (by default, arapi.log). To avoid such errors in the future:

* Increase the plug-in time-out settings in the AR System server configuration file:

Filter-Api-Timeout -- Specifies the time in which AR filter plug-in servers must respond to a call before an error is returned. The default is 40 seconds, but it can be as long as 300 seconds (5 minutes).

Server-Plugin-Default-Timeout -- Specifies the time in which ARDBC plug-in servers must respond to a call before an error is returned. The default is 60 seconds, but it can be as long as 600 seconds (10 minutes).

For more information, see the Configuration Guide, 'ar.conf (ar.cfg),' page 352.

* Make sure the AR System server has a sufficient number of server threads. The default number is often inadequate. For example, some plug-ins loop back to the server twice during a call, requiring two server threads for one call. The threads also must often support concurrent plug-in calls. In addition, if you increase the plug-in call time-out settings, the length of time a server thread is held for a plug-in call might increase. To increase the number of threads dedicated to plug-ins, use the Plugin-ARDBC-Threads, Plugin-AREA-Threads, and Plugin-Filter-API-Threads options in the AR System server configuration file (see the Configuration Guide).

* Do not run the AR System server in development cache mode (Cache-Mode: 1). In this mode, calls are often blocked for long periods of time. See the Configuration Guide, 'Configuring a server's cache mode,' page 166.