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BMC Remedy AR System Message Number
ARERR 5322 Can not use Form nameOfForm as remote form because it does not contain fields referred by columns or cell fields in the overlaid form.

In an overlay of a list view, tree view, or cell-based table field, you cannot remove the columns or fields in a cell that exist in the overlaid form, but you can add columns or cell fields. The new columns or cell fields do not have to come from the same form that the columns or cell fields in the overlaid table came from (that is, you can specify a new remote form in the Tree/Table Property or Remote/Local Fields dialog box). But the new remote form must contain fields whose IDs match the field IDs of all the existing columns or cell fields in the overlaid table.

The new remote form that you specified does not contain fields whose IDs match the field IDs of all the existing columns or cell fields in the overlaid table. Specify a remote form that does contain the required IDs.