usage: rrrArxToHTML -a data.arx
[ -d form.def ]
[ -t targetdir ]
[ -l index.html ]
[ -fse { windows-1252 | utf-8 | cp850 } ]
[ -e { windows-1252 | utf-8 } ]
[ -f "formname" ]
[ -style "css-file-url" ]
[ -glf "id1,id2,id3" | ALL ]
[ -vui { "viewname" | "viewid" | DB } ]
[ -hide "id1,id2,id3" | ALL ]
[ -show { "id1,id2,id3" | ALL } ]
[ -sort { TAB | YX | XY | ID | NAME | DBNAME | ARX } ]
[ -suppressnull ] [ -showid ] [ -showdbname ]
[ -maxrows n ] [ -attptr ] [ -chunk nnn ]
[ -silent ]
rrrArxToHTML -ver
rrrArxToHTML -help
This tool will convert an ARX-file to HTML-file(s) readable by humans.
-a specifies the export ARX report file from ARUser.
-d specifies the definition file to make sure that enum values, encodings,
etc are rendered in the correct way
-t target directory will be used to put sub-directories where the details
of the records are stored including attachments. It will be created if
it does not exists.
-l is the name of the result list file containing all records in the ARX file.
If a target directory (-t) is specified, the default behaviour is to create
an index.html file there.
-fse can be used to specify the encoding of the file system. This defaults
to latin1, and is needed if you have non-ascii characters in attachment
-e is the output encoding of the html files as well as default input encoding
for older arx/def-files that are missing the char-set on the first line.
The default encoding is utf-8.
-f specify a form name if the arx-file contains multiple forms
-style will let you add a pointer to a stylesheet. For example "/rrr.css" or
-glf overrides the result-list-fields of the form. Both field ids, dbnames
and labels are supported.
-vui can specify something other than the default-admin-view to find field
names and field positions. The DB setting will use database names.
-hide will hide the fields specified. Both ids, dbnames and labels are
supported. Note that if a page is hidden, all fields on the page will
also be hidden. If ALL is specified, you must use -show to specify the
fields you want.
-show will show the fields specified. Both ids, dbnames and labels are
supported. If ALL is specified, hidden fields will be shown as well.
-sort lets you skip the default TAB-ORDER sorting of the fields
-suppressnull will remove fields/pages where the data is null. This makes for
a much cleaner layout.
-showid will add the field id to the field label in the details view
-showdbname will add the field dbname to the field label in the details view
if dbname != label
-maxrows can be used to speed up testing of the layout and resulting fileds,
and will stop processing after the specified number of records are reached
-attptr will point to the original attachments instead of copying them to the
target folder
-chunk 100 will split the index page into multiple pages with 100 items per
page. Note that this does not work if you have specified a list file (-l).
-silent will silence progress output during the execution
-ver prints version information
-help prints this detailed help
Example: rrrArxToHTML -a problem.arx -d problem.def -t problem
This will create a directory ./problem/ where an index.html file with
the result-list-fields will be present. A sub directory will be created
for each record with details and attachments if available.